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Lavanchy  N.  Grably  S.  Garnier  A.  Rossi  A. 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1996,160(1):273-282
The role played by glycogenolysis in the ischemic heart has been recently put into question because it is suspected that a slowing down of this process could be beneficial for the tolerance of the myocardium to ischemia. The role of the intracellular effectors that control the rate of glycogenolysis has therefore regained interest. We aimed to understand the role played by those intracellular effectors which are directly related to the energy balance of the heart. To this end, we review some of the previously published data on this subject and we present new data obtained from P-31 and C-13 NMR spectroscopic measurement on isolated rat heart. Two conditions of ischemia were studied: 15 min global no-flow and 25 min low-flow ischemia. The hearts were isolated either from control animals or from rats pre-treated with isoproterenol (5 mg.kg–1 b.w. i.p.) 1 h before the perfusion in order to C-13 label glycogen stores. Our main results are as follows: (1) the biochemically determined glycogenolysis rate during the early phase of ischemia (up to 10–15 min) was larger in no-flow ischemia than in low-flow conditions for both groups, (2) direct measurement of the glycogenolysis rate, as determined by C-13 NMR, after labelling of the glycogen pool in the hearts from isoproterenol-treated rats, confirms the estimations from the biochemical data, (3) glycogenolysis was slower in the hearts from pre-treated animals than in control hearts for both conditions of ischemia, (4) the total activity of glycogen phosphorylase (a + b) increased, by 50%, after 5 min no-flow ischemia, whereas it decreased by 42% after the same time of low-flow ischemia. However, the ratio phosphorylase a/a + b was not altered, whatever the conditions, (5) the concentration of inorganic phosphate (Pi) increased sharply during the first minutes of ischemia, to values above 8–10 mM, under all conditions studied. The rate of increase was larger during no-flow ischemia than during low-flow ischemia. The concentration of Pi was thereafter higher in controls than in the hearts from isoproterenol-treated animals.The calculated cytosolic concentration of free 5 AMP increased sharply at the onset of ischemia, reaching in a few minutes values above 30 M in controls and significantly lower values, around 15 M, in the hearts from isoproterenol-treated rats. (6) The hearts from isoproterenol-treated rats displayed a reduced intracellular acidosis, when compared to controls, under both conditions of ischemia.We conclude that the intracellular effectors, mainly free AMP, play an essential role in the control of glycogenolysis via allosteric control of phosphorylase b activity. The alteration in the concentration of free Pi, the substrate of both forms of phosphorylase, can also be considered as determinant in the control of the rate of glycogenolysis.The attenuation of ischemia-induced intracellular acidosis in the hearts from isoproterenol-treated rats could be a consequence of a reduced glycogenolytic rate and is likely to be related to a better resumption of the mechanical function on reperfusion.  相似文献   
A mechanism for indirect allosteric action of charged effectors on substrate binding to a macromolecule is proposed. It is accounted for by electrostatic interaction among effectors in the solution, away from their receptors. The possibility of the mechanism proposed is tested in the allosteric action of univalent salt and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate on oxygen binding to hemoglobin. A model for electrostatic interaction between these two effectors in the solution and for their overall effect on oxygen binding is introduced. The 2,3-diphosphoglycerate binding constant to deoxygenated hemoglobin as a function of univalent salt concentration and the median ligand activity as a function of the concentration of univalent salt and 2,3-diphoshoglycerate are calculated and compared with experimental data. The obtained results indicate that electrostatic interaction in the solution may significantly contribute to indirect allosteric action of charged effectors. Partly presented at the “11th FEBS Meeting” in Copenhagen, August 1977  相似文献   
Beyond its role in cellular homeostasis, autophagy plays anti‐ and promicrobial roles in host–microbe interactions, both in animals and plants. One prominent role of antimicrobial autophagy is to degrade intracellular pathogens or microbial molecules, in a process termed xenophagy. Consequently, microbes evolved mechanisms to hijack or modulate autophagy to escape elimination. Although well‐described in animals, the extent to which xenophagy contributes to plant–bacteria interactions remains unknown. Here, we provide evidence that Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) suppresses host autophagy by utilizing type‐III effector XopL. XopL interacts with and degrades the autophagy component SH3P2 via its E3 ligase activity to promote infection. Intriguingly, XopL is targeted for degradation by defense‐related selective autophagy mediated by NBR1/Joka2, revealing a complex antagonistic interplay between XopL and the host autophagy machinery. Our results implicate plant antimicrobial autophagy in the depletion of a bacterial virulence factor and unravel an unprecedented pathogen strategy to counteract defense‐related autophagy in plant–bacteria interactions.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 and its derivatives cause disease in tomato, Arabidopsis and Nicotiana benthamiana. The primary virulence factors include a repertoire of 29 effector proteins injected into plant cells by the type III secretion system and the phytotoxin coronatine. The complete repertoire of effector genes and key coronatine biosynthesis genes have been progressively deleted and minimally reassembled to reconstitute basic pathogenic ability in N. benthamiana, and in Arabidopsis plants that have mutations in target genes that mimic effector actions. This approach and molecular studies of effector activities and plant immune system targets have highlighted a small subset of effectors that contribute to essential processes in pathogenesis. Most notably, HopM1 and AvrE1 redundantly promote an aqueous apoplastic environment, and AvrPtoB and AvrPto redundantly block early immune responses, two conditions that are sufficient for substantial bacterial growth in planta. In addition, disarmed DC3000 polymutants have been used to identify the individual effectors responsible for specific activities of the complete repertoire and to more effectively study effector domains, effector interplay and effector actions on host targets. Such work has revealed that AvrPtoB suppresses cell death elicitation in N. benthamiana that is triggered by another effector in the DC3000 repertoire, highlighting an important aspect of effector interplay in native repertoires. Disarmed DC3000 polymutants support the natural delivery of test effectors and infection readouts that more accurately reveal effector functions in key pathogenesis processes, and enable the identification of effectors with similar activities from a broad range of other pathogens that also defeat plants with cytoplasmic effectors.  相似文献   
周俭民 《植物学报》2021,56(5):513-515
近年,我国学者在水稻(Oryza sativa)广谱抗病机制、抗性与产量协调机制等方向的研究取得了一系列突破性进展。最近,何祖华和杨卫兵团队在水稻抗病性研究中再次取得突破,发现1个以钙感应蛋白ROD1和过氧化氢酶CatB为核心的信号轴,通过负调控水稻免疫反应,保证正常生长条件下维持低水平的免疫反应,促进水稻正常生长发育...  相似文献   
Sedentary plant-parasitic nematodes maintain a biotrophic relationship with their hosts over a period of several weeks and induce the differentiation of root cells into specialized feeding cells. Nematode effectors, which are synthesized in the esophageal glands and injected into the plant tissue through the syringe-like stylet, play a central role in these processes. Previous work on nematode effectors has shown that the apoplasm is targeted during invasion of the host while the cytoplasm is targeted during the induction and the maintenance of the feeding site. A large number of candidate effectors potentially secreted by the nematode into the plant tissues to promote infection have now been identified. This work has shown that the targeting and the role of effectors are more complex than previously thought. This review will not cover the prolific recent findings in nematode effector function but will instead focus on recent selected examples that illustrate the variety of plant cell compartments that effectors are addressed to in order reach their plant targets.  相似文献   
To facilitate infection, pathogens deploy a plethora of effectors to suppress basal host immunity induced by exogenous microbe-associated or endogenous damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). In this study, we have characterized family 17 glycosyl hydrolases of the tomato pathogen Cladosporium fulvum (CfGH17) and studied their role in infection. Heterologous expression of CfGH17-1 to 5 by potato virus X in different tomato cultivars showed that CfGH17-1 and CfGH17-5 enzymes induce cell death in Cf-0, Cf-1 and Cf-5 but not in Cf-Ecp3 tomato cultivars or tobacco. Moreover, CfGH17-1 orthologues from other phytopathogens, including Dothistroma septosporum and Mycosphaerella fijiensis, also trigger cell death in tomato. CfGH17-1 and CfGH17-5 are predicted to be β-1,3-glucanases and their enzymatic activity is required for the induction of cell death. CfGH17-1 hydrolyses laminarin, a linear 1,3-β-glucan with 1,6-β linkages. CfGH17-1 expression is down-regulated during the biotrophic phase of infection and up-regulated during the necrotrophic phase. Deletion of CfGH17-1 in C. fulvum did not reduce virulence on tomato, while constitutive expression of CfGH17-1 decreased virulence, suggesting that abundant presence of CfGH17-1 during biotrophic growth may release a DAMP that activates plant defence responses. Under natural conditions CfGH17-1 is suggested to play a role during saprophytic growth when the fungus thrives on dead host tissue, which is in line with its high levels of expression at late stages of infection when host tissues have become necrotic. We suggest that CfGH17-1 releases a DAMP from the host cell wall that is recognized by a yet unknown host plant receptor.  相似文献   
Plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat receptors (NLRs) act as intracellular sensors for pathogen-derived effector proteins and trigger an immune response, frequently resulting in the hypersensitive cell death response (HR) of the infected host cell. The wheat (Triticum aestivum) NLR Pm2 confers resistance against the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) if the isolate contains the specific RNase-like effector AvrPm2. We identified and isolated seven new Pm2 alleles (Pm2e–i) in the wheat D-genome ancestor Aegilops tauschii and two new natural AvrPm2 haplotypes from Bgt. Upon transient co-expression in Nicotiana benthamiana, we observed a variant-specific HR of the Pm2 variants Pm2a and Pm2i towards AvrPm2 or its homolog from the AvrPm2 effector family, BgtE-5843, respectively. Through the introduction of naturally occurring non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms and structure-guided mutations, we identified single amino acids in both the wheat NLR Pm2 and the fungal effector proteins AvrPm2 and BgtE-5843 responsible for the variant-specific HR of the Pm2 variants. Exchanging these amino acids led to a modified HR of the Pm2–AvrPm2 interaction and allowed the identification of the effector head epitope, a 20-amino-acid long unit of AvrPm2 involved in the HR. Swapping of the AvrPm2 head epitope to the non-HR-triggering AvrPm2 family member BgtE-5846 led to gain of a HR by Pm2a. Our study presents a molecular approach to identify crucial effector surface structures involved in the HR and demonstrates that natural and induced diversity in an immune receptor and its corresponding effectors can provide the basis for understanding and modifying NLR–effector specificity.  相似文献   
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