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准确理解和量化森林水源涵养功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙阁  张橹  王彦辉 《生态学报》2023,43(1):9-25
公认的森林水源涵养功能是指森林通过调节蒸散的组分和总量、保护和改善土壤结构、提高土壤入渗和削减地表径流、促进壤中流形成和地下水补充等水文过程而产生的消减河川洪水径流、增加枯水期径流、稳定水资源供给的利于经济社会发展的有益作用。但是,这种简单定义忽略了森林对总径流量的调节作用,因此会常常引出对森林水文效益的一些误解。研究认为,森林水源涵养服务功能或效益与森林水文调节作用关系密切但却是不同的概念。混淆二者的内涵是导致不能准确理解和合理评价森林水文影响的重要原因。森林水源涵养效益有很大时空差异,在量化和评价时需对比参照生态系统并考虑经济社会发展的水安全需求。量化森林水文调节作用方法的共同原则是赐除森林以外的其它因素影响,从而确定森林本身的水文影响。大面积森林恢复虽然对减少灾害性的中小洪水有积极作用,但各地的森林水源涵养功能并不一致,还会随时间而变,也时常存在不同水源涵养功能指标的矛盾。造林或再造林不一定会产生补充地下水、提高枯水期径流及增加年径流总量的效益。相反,不合理的造林与经营可能产生不利的水文影响。我们呼吁生态学和水文学研究机构及自然资源管理部门应尽快联合,统一定义森林水源涵养服务功能...  相似文献   
New experimental evidence from controlledglasshouse studies was used to testprevious empirical field observations aboutthe interactions of hydrological dynamicswith individual plant species in wetlandhabitats. Manipulation of water levels, andthe presence/ absence of competitorspecies, produced significant morphologicalresponses (e.g. resource allocation toabove- and below-ground structures; plantheight; leaf size; tiller production) inmature individuals of five freshwaterwetland plant species characteristic ofBritish northern poor-fen habitats. Theseresponses provide evidence for potentialadvantages in survival and ability tospread vegetatively. The data also providenew insight into factors controlling thedistribution of wetland plants alonggradients of water table level, in thepresence or absence of competing species.Although there were variations betweenspecies, the effects of competition were,in general, less than those attributable tohydrological regime.  相似文献   
刘梅  顾丹丹  李雅  刘少敏  刘文兆 《生态学报》2017,37(23):8128-8138
生态水文学在水文过程与生态过程的交叉地带开展研究,现已成为水文学与生态学最为活跃的前沿领域之一,而流域水热耦合过程及其对气候与下垫面变化的响应则是其中的一个重要热点研究方向。以SCIE数据库为数据源,借助Thomson Data Analyzer (TDA)、Ucinet和Netdraw等工具,对1992-2015年间关于流域水热耦合过程及其对气候与下垫面变化的响应的研究论文进行数据挖掘,分析表明:(1)近24年来,该领域的论文数量总体呈显著增长态势,依据文章数量、研究主题、机构合作特点等划分为3个阶段:低产出探索期、拓展推进期和高产出活跃期。(2)气候变化、径流、水量平衡、水文模拟、土地利用与覆盖变化等是研究的核心主题,遥感与GIS技术的应用在不断得到加强,人类活动的水文效应及其时程变化等的研究逐渐受到更多的关注。(3)澳大利亚和美国在该研究方向表现突出。中国发文量高,论文质量不断提升。(4)国际合作范围不断扩大。近十年来,中国科学院、清华大学等国内多家科教机构逐渐加强了与国外同行的合作关系,研究工作取得长足进展。  相似文献   
基于生态水文学原理的湖泊最小生态需水量计算   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
崔保山  赵翔  杨志峰 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1788-1795
近几十年来,由于人类活动的加剧以及全球气候的变化,湖泊普遍出现了萎缩、水位下降、水量锐减、湖水盐化、水质污染、富营养化、甚至干涸消亡等状况。确保湖泊生态系统必需的最小水量是解决可能出现的湖泊严重水资源和生态系统危机的区域问题之一。从生态水文学原理出发,对湖泊最小生态需水量的概念进行了探讨,并提出了计算最小生态需水量的3种方法:1曲线相关法;2功能法;3最低生态水位法。在最低生态水位法中,其方法有最低年平均水位法和年保证率设定法。一旦湖泊最小生态需水量得以确定,将为水资源管理部门的水资源合理配置和湖泊管理提供综合性、权威性及可操作性决策依据,为退化湖泊生态系统的恢复与重建提供科学基础。  相似文献   
刘雅莉  杜剑卿  李锋  高海宁  胡聃 《生态学报》2019,39(18):6794-6802
水是生态系统的基本非生物组成要素,土壤水分对生态系统结构和功能有重要影响。微地形改造被证明能有效涵养水源、防止水土流失,并被广泛应用在生态恢复工程中。然而,在微尺度下人造生态系统土壤水分的时空分异格局及其驱动机制仍不明确。选择北京奥林匹克森林公园一处集合了4种不同地形的草地作为研究对象,对表层(0—10 cm)和深层(10—25 cm)土壤水分开展了长期的研究工作。研究结果表明,不同地形上土壤水分的季节变化特征没有显著差异,土壤温度是影响土壤水分季节变化的主要因素。在植被覆盖均匀的条件下,微地形对土壤表层水分的空间分布格局有显著影响,除洼地和冲沟两种特殊地形外,坡度决定的生态水文过程是主要的驱动机制;土壤深层水分没有明显的空间分布格局。研究结果说明在微尺度下,微地形通过影响土壤水分的空间分布格局,可能会对生态系统结构和功能产生潜在影响,应当在景观改造和生态恢复相关研究和工程应用中给予更多的关注。  相似文献   
This study investigated the response of freshwater wetland vegetation to hydrological driving factors by assessing collective vegetation variables, traits of dominant plant populations and hydrological and hydrochemical variables, repeat-sampled within wetland sites across Scotland and northern England. Sampling was conducted at 55 permanent sample stations located along 11 independent transects. Eco-hydrological interactions were investigated using a regression-based modelling approach. Facets of the water-table dynamic (e.g., level of drawdown, level of fluctuation), along with vegetation abundance (e.g., biomass, stem density) and diversity (e.g., species richness) values, were used to build predictive models. Of the models predicting vegetation characteristics, the greatest predictive power was R 2 = 0.67 (p < 0.001) for a model predicting stem density (m−2). Conversely, vegetation variables proved useful for predicting characteristics of the water-table environment. In this instance, the greatest predictive power was R 2 = 0.79 (p < 0.001) for a model predicting minimum water table level (i.e. maximum level of drawdown). The models were tested using data collected during 2000 from repeat sites and independent sites. This approach might be successfully applied for the purposes of integrated eco-hydrological management and monitoring of freshwater wetland vegetation.  相似文献   
城市化对流域生态水文过程的影响研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郝璐  孙阁 《生态学报》2021,41(1):13-26
了解流域水文过程(水量和水质)是流域综合管理的基础。城市化引起的生态环境问题已成为目前和未来一段相当长的时期内人类社会面临的重大问题。然而,城市化(土地利用/覆被变化、新污染物产生)、水文(降水、入渗、蒸散、径流过程)和生态系统服务(产水服务、调节气候、土壤保持、初级生产力、维持生物多样性等)在不同时空尺度之间的相互作用还存在知识空白。从城市化对流域生态系统结构和功能的影响、城市化对地表能量平衡与水量平衡的影响、城市化对水质和水生生物的影响、以及城市土地利用/覆被变化的大气环境效应等多方面系统总结了城市化影响流域生态水文过程的研究进展。研究发现,城市"热岛"、"干岛"、暴雨径流引起的城市内涝、水污染等环境现象都与生态水文过程密切相关。强调现代城市规划需要遵循生态水文学规律,从全流域生态系统角度认识近年来新出现的不同尺度的城市环境效应。城市最佳管理措施应以流域为单元实施,以调节土地利用/覆被、保护湿地(包括自然与人工湿地)为手段,充分发挥自然生态系统调节功能(如植被蒸散和净化水质)。未来城市生态水文学应围绕"低影响开发"以及"基于自然的解决方案"等城市流域管理措施,在稳定城市小气候、缓解洪涝干旱等极端水文气象灾害风险以及减轻城市水污染等方面开展多尺度综合研究。  相似文献   
Ca- and Fe-rich seepage in wet dune slacks often sustains oligotrophic, species rich vegetation as a result of reduced P availability. While this effect has been attributed to pH buffering, we tested whether Ca- and Fe-rich seepage also immobilised P in calcareous soils with a strong pH buffer. Two oligotrophic species (Carex flacca and Schoenus nigricans) and two eutrophic species (Calamagrostis epigejos and Molinia caerulea) were planted in experimental sods. After 4 months supply with water of seepage or infiltration quality, with or without the addition of P, soil P fractions and a number of plant physiological responses were measured. A field validation was performed in a flow-through lake in calcareous dunes where the seepage flow had been restored recently. The readily available water soluble P fraction (Pw) was reduced by more than 80% by seepage, both in the greenhouse experiment and in the field, but the P Olsen-inorganic fraction was unaffected. All four test species had elevated N: P ratios in aboveground tissues when treated with seepage, indicating that seepage water had indeed reduced P availability to plants. Formation of dauciform roots by Carex flacca was diminished by P addition to less than 25% of treatments without P addition, indicating sensitivity to P availability, while seepage on average halved production of these root structures. Dauciform root formation by Schoenus nigricans was unaffected by the P addition and the hydrological treatment. Biomass of the test species in the experiment as well as vegetation biomass and relative abundance of oligotrophic species in the field were unrelated to seepage patterns, suggesting that compensatory mechanisms enabled the plants to sustain biomass production within the time frame of this experiment. In conclusion, Ca- and Fe-rich seepage can lower P availability in soils with a strong pH buffer. In the long term, this may create favourable conditions for species that have low P requirements or efficient P uptake. In the short term, however, existing vegetation seems to be resilient to changes in P supply.  相似文献   
三峡水库运行对长江荆南三口水文和生态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1990—2014年荆南三口五站实测原型日流量水文序列,采用Mann-Kendall法、累积距平法检验分析其水文特征与变化趋势,并应用生态水文变化指标体系和变化范围法评估分析了三峡水库运行对荆南三口河流33项生态水文指标变化的影响.结果表明:1990—2014年,三口年平均流量呈现显著减少趋势(P<0.05),减小率为19%,拐点年份出现在2003年,2003年前荆南三口年平均流量为1981.1 m3·s-1,2003年以后的年平均流量为1603.25m3·s-1,前后相差377.85 m3·s-1.1—4月的平均流量明显增加,偏离度分别为1.58、1.86、0.83、0.62 ;5月下旬至6月上旬明显增加;7、8月有较小程度的减少,偏离度分别为-0.12、-0.10;蓄水期(10月)显著减少,偏离度达-0.40.年极小值流量均有较高程度的改变,年极大值流量中仅1、3 d年均极大值流量有中等程度改变,其他年极大值流量改变程度低.低流量过程改变程度高,而高流量过程改变程度低.  相似文献   
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