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Summary Juvenile hormone III content and ecdysteroid titer were analyzed for larval and pupal development of the stingless bee,Scaptotrigona postica depilis. Castespecific differences in juvenile hormone III content were detected at three developmental phases: at the transition from the fourth to the fifth larval stadium, in the spinning phase of the fifth larval stadium, and shortly after the imaginal moult. During the fifth larval stadium, juvenile hormone content closely reflects corpora allata activity. Juvenile hormone synthesis may thus be responsible for the elevated hormone titer in spinning-phase queen larvae, a phase of known sensitivity for induction of queen characters by exogenous juvenile hormone. For ecdysteroids, two phases of caste-specific differences were found: in the pre-pupal phase, and shortly after the imaginal moult. In both periods the titer in queens is distinctly higher compared to workers.Abbreviations Im imago 1 day after eclosion - L3, L4, L5 larval instars 3, 4, and 5 - L5F1, L5F2 substages of feeding phase in fifth larval instar - L5S1, L5S2, L5S3 substages of spinning phase in fifth larval instar - PP1, PP2 substages of prepupal phase - Pw white eyed pupa - Pp pink eyed pupa - Pr red eyed pupa - Pd dark eyed pupa - Pdl, Pdm, Pdd dark eyed pupa with progressive tanning of cuticle - RIA radioimmunoassay  相似文献   
Ecdysteroid levels were determined during the period of the adult reproductive cycle in the ovovivparous fleshfly Sarcophaga bullata. Low levels were found in males during the 10 days following eclosion while the entire adult female showed a significant peak of ecdysteroid activity at 190 h post eclosion (i.e. during embryogenesis). When the female reproductive tract was analyzed it was observed that the ovaries became vitellogenic a short time after a protein meal was offered at 96 h post eclosion: at 140 h, ecdysteroid activity was recorded in the developing oöcytes. The major peak of ecdysteroids during the reproductive cycle was found in developing embryos at 190 h. The significance of these releases of ecdysteroids is discussed in relation to major embryonic developmental events.  相似文献   
The levels of individual free and conjugated ecdysteroids and ecdysteroid acids, labeled from [14C]cholesterol, in five different age groups of male Manduca sexta during pupal-adult development were determined by HPLC. Eight free ecdysteroids, eight ecdysteroid phosphates, and two ecdysteroid acids were identified. Newly ecdysed pupae contained predominantly 3-epiecdysteroids in each of the free, conjugated, and acidic ecdysteroid fractions. The titer of each ecdysteroid fraction rose sharply by day 4, and this was particularly noteworthy with respect to free ecdysone and 3-epi-20-hydroxyecdysonoic acid. This stage demonstrated high degrees of ecdysone biosynthesis, oxidative catabolism, and phosphorylation. As development proceeded to day 16, total ecdysteroid titer remained constant; a decreasing free ecdysteroid titer was accompanieid by increasing titers of both conjugates and acids resulting from the metabolic processes of hydroxylation, oxidation, epimerization, and phosphorylation. The predominant metabolites throughout development were 3-epi-20-hydroxyecdysonoic acid and the phosphate conjugates of 3-epi-20-hydroxyecdysone and 3-epi-20,26-dihydroxyecdysone. The ultimate inactivation of the ecdysteroids of M. sexta during pupal-adult development is possibly mediated by two pairs of metabolically-linked processes, one leading to a 3-epiecdysteroid acid, and the other to 3-epiecdysteroid phosphates.  相似文献   
Sixteen withanolides isolated from Iochroma gesnerioides (Kunth) Miers (Solanaceae) have been assessed for their activities as ecdysteroid agonists and antagonists. None of the compounds showed any agonistic activity, but several showed significant antagonistic activity. With a 20-hydroxyecdysone concentration of 5 × 10–8 M, the ED50 values for 2,3-dihydro-3-methoxywithaferin A, 2,3-dihydro-3-methoxywithacnistine, 2,3-dihydro-3-methoxyiochromolide and 2,3-dihydro-3-hydroxywithacnistine are 3.5 × 10-5 M, 1 × 10–5 M, 5 × 10–6 M and 2.5 × 10–6 M, respectively.  相似文献   
Summary During postembryonic development of insects, molting cycles affect epidermal cells with alternate periods of proliferation and differentiation. Cells of the cell line established from imaginal discs of the Indian meal moth (IAL-PID2) differentiate under the action of the molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, in a manner that is meaningful in terms of the development of the tissue from which they were derived. In particular, the hormone caused an accumulation of the cells in the G2 phase of their cycle and induced the formation of epithelial-like aggregates and the synthesis of specific proteoglycans. Recent discovery of members of the insulin superfamily in insects and the role of growth factors played by this family of molecules in vertebrates led us to check for their potential effects on IAL-PID2 cell cycle regulation. On the one hand, our results showed that insulin was involved in partial resumption of the cell cycle after an arrest caused by serum deprivation, but that other growth factors present in fetal calf serum were needed for full completion of mitosis. On the other hand, the cytostatic effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone was reversible, and, prior exposure of the cells to the hormone allowed the cells to complete one cell cycle in serum-free medium. These results suggest that the production of autocrine growth factors induced by ecdysteroids could circumvent the absence of serum. This cell culture model provides potential for further study of interactions between ecdysteroids and growth factor homologs during differentiation of insect epidermal cells.  相似文献   
The process of digestion of captured feeds in a pitcher, an insect-trapping organ, ofNepenthes was studied. Changes in bacterial population, pH and NH4 + concentrations in pitcher juice were examined. Strong activities of both acid- and alkaline phosphatase, phosphoamidase, esterase C4 and esterase C8 were found in the pitcher juice. Optimum pH of proteases in the juice and those secreted from bacteria showed pH 3.0 and pH 8.0–9.0, respectively. Twenty six strains of bacteria were isolated from 4 pitchers: 10 strains were gram positive, 16 strains were gram negative (10 strains had casein hydrolase activity). A proton excretion was induced by NH4 + released from the added solutions, and accordingly, the pH of the solutions fell. As a simulation model of the digestion process of feeds in pitcher juice and polypeptone solution was added into the washed pitcher. A good correlation was found among the NH4 + concentration, pH and bacterial cell titer.  相似文献   
Ecdysteroid levels throughout ovarian development and in newly-laid eggs of S. gregaria have been determined. A simple method for the separation of free and conjugated ecdysteroids is described. Both free and polar conjugated ecdysteroids are present at the end of oögenesis and in newly-laid eggs, but the polar conjugated ecdysteroids always predominate; 95% of the total ecdysteroid in newly-laid eggs is in the conjugated form. Ecdysone, 2-deoxyecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone have been fully characterized from both the ‘free’ and ‘conjugated’ fractions. The presence of traces of 26-hydroxyecdysone in the ‘conjugate’ fraction was indicated by HPLC analyses. The levels of ecdysteroid released from the conjugates of newly-laid eggs were 35 μg/egg pod (44 μg/g wet weight) for ecdysone, 16 μg/egg pod (19.4 μg/g) for 2-deoxyecdysone and 5 μg/egg pod (6.1 μg/g) for 20-hydroxyecdysone. The level of free ecdysone found in newly-laid eggs was 2 μg/egg pod (2.6 μg/g).  相似文献   
Bombyx prothoracicostatic peptide (Bom-PTSP) is a brain neuropeptide that has recently been reported to have in vitro inhibitory activity to prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH)-stimulated ecdysteroid biosynthesis in the prothoracic gland of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. In the present report, Bom-PTSP has been shown to significantly decrease hemolymph ecdysteroid titer in the fifth instar larvae when Bom-PTSP was injected into the fifth instar day 8 silkworm larvae, resulting in significant delay in spinning behavior. This is the first evidence that Bom-PTSP inhibits in vivo ecdysteroidogenesis in the silkworm.  相似文献   
To study the contribution of T cell subsets in the pathogenesis of Murine hepatitis virus Type 3(MHV-3) induced chronic viral hepatitis in C3H/Hej mice,ninety C3H/Hej mice were chosen to individually receive 10 plaque forming units(PFU)of MHV-3 intraperitoneally.The changes of virus titer and pathology in liver tissue were examined by standard plaque assay and by the hematoxylin/eosin(HE) staining method from 2 days post MHV-3 infection.The ratios of T cell subsets including CD3 CD4 CD8-,CD3 CD4-CD8 ,CD3 CD4-CD8-,CD3 CD4 CD25 ,CD3 CD4 CD25-and CD3 CD4-CD25 T lymphocyte of total T lymphocytes in blood,spleen and liver were examined at 0,2,4,6,8,10,12,15,20,25,30,40 days post MHV-3 infection by flow cytosorting.We observed that the virus titer raised and showed persistent virus duplications and inflammatory changes in the livers of C3H/Hej mice from 2 days post MHV-3 infection.The double negative T cell(DN Treg cell) and CD4 CD25 T cell ratios increased significantly from 2 days post MHV-3 infection in C3H/Hej mice,and CD3 CD4 CD8-,CD3 CD4-CD8 ,CD3 CD4 CD25-and CD3 CD4-CD25 T cell ratios decreased accordingly.In conclusion,the changes of virus titer and pathology in the livers of C3H/Hej mice post MHV-3 suggest their contribution to viral persistence.Further characterizations of DN Treg cells are that infection indicates that MHV-3 could induce the chronic inflammation in livers of C3H/Hej mice.The increase of the DN Treg cell and CD4 CD25 T cell ratios in C3H/Hej mice post MHV-3 infection suggests that DN Treg cells and CD4 CD25 T cells may both have important suppressive immunomodulation functions in the development of chronic viral hepatitis and have important roles in the virus persistent infection.Further characterizations of DNT cell and CD4 CD25 T cell are under investigation.  相似文献   
根据高效培养鸡传染性法氏囊病毒(IBDV)时对病毒滴度检测的需要,本文针对BDV的VP4基因的保守序列设计并合成了一对引物,以所构建的重组质粒作为阳性标准品,建立了检测IBDV核酸载量的SYBR Green I荧光定量实时RT-PCR(qRT-PCR)方法,结果表明,其Ct值与标准品模板在4.03×1E1~1E9 拷贝/μL范围内呈良好的线性关系,对IBDV核酸的最低检出量为40拷贝/μL,灵敏度是常规RT-PCR检测方法的1000倍;该方法不与其它禽源病毒发生交叉反应,批内变异系数小于0.05%。应用本方法对DF-1细胞中IBDV的增殖滴度进行了测定,并与经典的TCID50测定方法进行了比较。结果显示两种方法测定的IBDV在微载体悬浮培养和方瓶静态培养条件下DF-1细胞上的增殖曲线都具有一定的平行关系,且qRT-PCR方法比TCID50方法更加快速和敏感,更适合于对IBDV增殖滴度的实时快速测定。  相似文献   
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