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The conversion of 5-hydroxytryptamine to several potential metabolites was examined in the annelid earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris). 5-hydroxytryptamine and some related amines were found to be present in several tissues of the earthworm. Injection of 5-hydroxytryptamine into the body cavity of the earthworm resulted in the production of a -glutamyl conjugate of 5-hydroxytryptamine. Incubations of the anterior nerve cord of the earthworm resulted in the accumlation of considerable amounts of 5-hydroxytryptamine and -glutamyl 5-hydroxytryptamine in the incubation medium. The earthworm did not produce any N-acetyl 5-hydroxytryptamine and only very little 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid. Experiments involving the injection of radiolabeled 5-hydroxytryptamine or coninjection of radiolabeled glutamic acid with unlabeled 5-hydroxytryptamine into the earthworm resulted in the production of radiolabeled -glutamyl 5-hydroxytryptamine. This work demonstrates that the enzymatic conversion of 5-HT in the earthworm is markedly different from that of vertebrates and insects.  相似文献   
The coelomic cells of the earthworm consist of leukocytes, chlorogocytes, and coelomocytes, which play an important role in innate immunity reactions. To gain insight into the expression profiles of coelomic cells of the earthworm, Eisenia andrei, we analyzed 1151 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from the cDNA library of the coelomic cells. Among the 1151 ESTs analyzed, 493 ESTs (42.8%) showed a significant similarity to known genes and represented 164 unique genes, of which 93 ESTs were singletons and 71 ESTs manifested as two or more ESTs. From the 164 unique genes sequenced, we found 24 immune-related and cell defense genes. Furthermore, real-time PCR analysis showed that levels of lysenin-related proteins mRNA in coelomic cells of E. andrei were upregulated after the injection of Bacillus subtilis bacteria. This EST data-set would provide a valuable resource for future researches of earthworm immune system.  相似文献   
Bioinspired Segment Robot with Earthworm-like Plane Locomotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Science activities》2013,50(2):48-53
This article provides basic information on how a common species of earthworm, Eisenia fetida, can be used in the biology classroom as well as a discussion of how to establish and care for a vermicompost bin. We discuss ideas for inquiry activities with the organism and provide a sample-guided inquiry that demonstrates how a long-term, theme-based unit involving earthworms can address a wide variety of content from the National Science Education standards.  相似文献   
Declining arthropod communities have recently gained a lot of attention, with climate and land-use change among the most frequently discussed drivers. Here, we focus on a seemingly underrepresented driver of arthropod community decline: biological invasions. For approximately 12 000 years, earthworms have been absent from wide parts of northern North America, but they have been re-introduced with dramatic consequences. Most studies investigating earthworm-invasion impacts focus on the belowground world, resulting in limited knowledge on aboveground-community changes. We present observational data on earthworm, plant and aboveground arthropod communities in 60 plots, distributed across areas with increasing invasion status (low, medium and high) in a Canadian forest. We analysed how earthworm-invasion status and biomass impact aboveground arthropod community abundance, biomass and species richness, and how earthworm impacts cascade across trophic levels. We sampled approximately 13 000 arthropods, dominated by Hemiptera, Diptera, Araneae, Thysanoptera and Hymenoptera. Total arthropod abundance, biomass and species richness declined significantly from areas of low to those with high invasion status, with reductions of 61, 27 and 18%, respectively. Structural equation models suggest that earthworms directly and indirectly impact arthropods across trophic levels. We show that earthworm invasion can alter aboveground multi-trophic arthropod communities and suggest that belowground invasions might be underappreciated drivers of aboveground arthropod decline.  相似文献   
周波  唐晶磊  代金君  许欢  杨小雪  陈旭飞  张池  戴军 《生态学报》2015,35(19):6269-6279
城市污泥处理是一项世界性难题,污泥农业利用是其最简单有效的资源化利用方式之一,但污泥中较高的重金属含量限制了其实际推广应用,利用蚯蚓-超富集植物联合修复污泥重金属的方法已引起国内外研究者的关注。以新鲜城市脱水污泥为研究对象,接种赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)进行室内培养试验,系统研究蚯蚓作用下污泥重金属形态的变化,及其与污泥氧化还原条件、化学和微生物性质变化的关系,以期为蚯蚓-超富集植物联合修复技术在污泥重金属处理中的应用提供理论依据。结果表明,试验前期蚯蚓在污泥中能正常生长和存活,前20 d总生物量增加了52%。蚯蚓可以显著促进污泥中的Cu、Zn、Cd、Ni等重金属从残渣态和铁锰态等稳定形态向交换态和水溶态等有效形态转化。还可以显著降低污泥中还原性物质的含量,减缓p H值下降速度,降低总有机碳含量,促进铵态氮向硝态氮转化,减少污泥微生物的数量并增加其种群活性。蚯蚓作用下,污泥中重金属的活化程度与还原性物质的含量呈显著负相关,而与微生物种群的活性呈显著正相关(P0.05)。综上所述,蚯蚓可以促进污泥重金属的活化,并改善污泥的肥力条件,为修复植物在污泥中的正常生长和对重金属离子的快速吸收提供有利条件。  相似文献   
罗振国  张小云 《动物学报》2001,47(4):394-397
高亲和性神经营养因子受体Trk,广泛存在分布于哺乳神经组织,研究表明:随着动物进化程度的降低,亚型Trk受体的类型有所减少,在低等动物,关于环节动物(Annelida)Trk受体存在与否,分布如何尚未见报道,以我国环节动物门典型代表参环毛蚓(Pheretima aspergillum)为研究对象,运用免疫细胞化学染色技术,在光镜下观察TrkA,TrkB,TrkC和TrkE阳性细胞和纤维的形态与分布,发现Trk存在于参环毛蚓的神经系统和非神经组织,各亚型分布有所差异,TrkA阳性 经细胞存在于咽下神经节和肠神经系,阳性神经纤维存在于腹神经索和肠神经系,TrkB阳性细胞存在于非神经组织的肠上皮,TrkC阳性神经细胞存在于脑,咽下神经节和肠神经细胞,阳性神经纤维存在于围咽神经环,腹神经索和肠神经系,TrkE阳性神经细胞存在于脑,阳性神经纤维存在于咽下神经节和腹神经素,上述研究结果表明:Trk存在于进化程度较的环节动物,Trk在进化上具有悠久的历史,各亚型Trk受体的不同分布提示不同部位的神经细胞受不同神经营养因子的作用。  相似文献   
袁新田  朱玲  焦加国  刘满强  李辉信  胡锋 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5264-5271
通过室内培养试验,研究在施用玉米秸秆和接种蚯蚓后,土壤微生物生物量碳(SMBC),水提取碳(WEOC),碳水化合物(CHOC)和酚类物质(PEOC)等活性有机碳组分的动态变化。研究结果表明,在不施秸秆或表施秸秆的情况下,接种蚯蚓对四种活性有机碳组分含量都有一定的促进作用,且在表施秸秆的情况下达到显著水平,其SMBC、WEOC、CHOC和PEOC的含量与不接种蚯蚓相比,分别增加了33.50%、43.13%、68.21%和30.28%。接种蚯蚓在混施秸秆的处理中只有WEOC的含量增加,而SMBC和CHOC含量分别降低了11.04%和16.63%,PEOC的变化不明显。不论接种蚯蚓与否,秸秆的施用对4种组分都有显著的促进作用,其中秸秆混施处理的作用最显著。接种蚯蚓和秸秆施用都能提高土壤WEOC的质量(CHOC/PEOC的比值)。方差分析表明,蚯蚓、秸秆和时间对活性碳组分含量都有显著影响,并且因子间存在强烈的交互作用。土壤活性有机碳各组分除SMBC以外,WEOC、CHOC和PEOC的含量变化受秸秆因子的影响最大,方差解释比例v分别达到82.35%、62.53%和75.82%。试验结果也表现出较一致的随时间的波动性。相关性分析表明,所测定项目SMBC、WEOC、CHOC和PEOC之间有显著的相关性。  相似文献   
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