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Aim This study aims to document the floristic changes that occurred in Iceland between 15 and 6 Ma and to establish the dispersal mechanisms for the plant taxa encountered. Using changing patterns of dispersal, two factors controlling floristic changes are tested. Possible factors are (1) climate change, and (2) the changing biogeography of Iceland over the time interval studied; that is, the presence or absence of a Miocene North Atlantic Land Bridge. Location The North Atlantic. Methods Species lists of fossil plants from Iceland in the time period 15 to 6 Ma were compiled using published data and new data. Closest living analogues were used to establish dispersal properties for the fossil taxa. Dispersal mechanisms of fossil plants were then used to reconstruct how Iceland was colonized during various periods. Results Miocene floras of Iceland (15–6 Ma) show relatively high floristic turnover from the oldest floras towards the youngest; and few taxa from the oldest floras persist in the younger floras. The frequencies of the various dispersal mechanisms seen in the 15‐Ma floras are quite different from those recorded in the 6‐Ma floras, and there is a gradual change in the prevailing mode of dispersal from short‐distance anemochory and dyschory to long‐distance anemochory. Two mechanisms can be used to explain changing floral composition: (1) climate change, and (2) the interaction between the dispersal mechanisms of plants and the increasing isolation of proto‐Iceland during the Miocene. Main conclusions Dispersal mechanisms can be used to extract palaeogeographic signals from fossil floras. The composition of floras and dispersal mechanisms indicate that Iceland was connected both to Greenland and to Europe in the early Middle Miocene, allowing transcontinental migration. The change in prevalence of dispersal modes from 15 to 6 Ma appears to reflect the break‐up of a land bridge and the increasing isolation of Iceland after 12 Ma. Concurrent gradual cooling and isolation caused changes in species composition. Specifically, the widening of the North Atlantic Ocean prevented taxa with limited dispersal capability from colonizing Iceland, while climate cooling led to the extinction of thermophilous taxa.  相似文献   
Treatment of a mixture of Cys(R)(O) and Cys(R) with an acid was found to generate cystine in fairly good yields, when suitable R, R, and an acid were selected. An unsymmetrical cystine peptide was prepared by treatment of a mixture of Z(OMe)-Cys(R) (0)-Ala-NH2 (R=Acm or MBzl) and Z(OMe)-Cys(MBzl)-Gly-OBzl with TFA or 1 M TFMSA/TFA.3 Oxytocin was obtained in an excellent yield by TFA treatment of the protected peptide containing Cys(Acm)(0) and Cys(MBzl). Thus, formation of the disulfide bond was found feasible at the position of Cys(R) (0).The following abbreviations are used Boc t-butyloxycarbonyl - Z(OMe) p-methoxybenzyloxycarbonyl - MBzl p-methoxybenzyl - Acm acetamidomethyl - Bzl benzyl - Ad l-adamantyl - tBu t-butyl - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - TFMSA trifluoromethanesulfonic acid - TMSOTf trimethylsilyl trifluoromethane sulfonate  相似文献   
Prolyl 4-hydroxylase, a key enzyme in collagen biosynthesis, catalyzes the conversion of selected prolyl residues to trans-hydroxyproline in nascent or completed pro-alpha chains of procollagen. The enzyme is a tetramer composed of two nonidentical subunits, designated alpha and beta. To compare the enzyme and its subunits from different sources, the chick embryo and human placental prolyl 4-hydroxylases were purified to homogeneity and their physicochemical and immunological properties were determined. Both enzymes were glycoproteins with estimated apparent molecular weights ranging between 400 and 600 kDa. Amino acid and carbohydrate analyses showed slight differences between the two holomeric enzymes, consistent with their deduced amino acid sequences from their respective cDNAs. Human placental prolyl 4-hydroxylase contained more tightly bound iron than the chick embryo enzyme. Immunodiffusion of the human placental enzyme with antibodies raised against the purified chick embryo prolyl 4-hydroxylase demonstrated partial identity, indicating different antigenic determinants in their tertiary structures. The enzymes could be separated by high-resolution capillary electrophoresis, indicating differential charge densities for the native chick embryo and human placental proteins. Electrophoretic studies revealed that the human prolyl 4-hydroxylase is a tetrameric enzyme containing two nonidentical subunits of about 64 and 62 kDa, in a ratio of approximately 1 to 2, designated alpha and beta, respectively. In contrast, the chick embryo alpha and beta subunit ratio was 1 to 1. Notably, the human alpha subunit was partially degraded when subjected to electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Analogously, when the chick embryo enzyme was subjected to limited proteolysis, selective degradation of the alpha subunit was observed. Finally, only the alpha subunit was bound to Concanavalin A demonstrating that the alpha subunits of prolyl 4-hydroxylase in both species were glycosylated. Using biochemical techniques, these results demonstrated that the 4-trans-hydroxy-L-proline residues in human placental collagens are synthesized by an enzyme whose primary structure and immunological properties differ from those of the previously well-characterized chick embryo enzyme, consistent with their recently deduced primary structures from cDNA sequences.  相似文献   
The -carboxyl groups of Glu-43() and Glu-22() of hemoglobin-S (HbS), two intermolecular contact residues of deoxy protein, are activated by carbodiimide atp H 6.0. The selectivity of the modification by the two nucleophiles, glycine ethyl ester (GEE) and glucosamine, is distinct. Influence ofN-hydroxysulfosuccinimide, a reagent that rescues carbodiimide-activated carboxyl (O-acyl isourea) as sulfo-NHS ester, on the overall selectivity and efficiency of the coupling of Glu-22() and Glu-43() with nucleophiles has been investigated. Sulfo-NHS increases the extent of coupling of nucleophiles to HbS. The rescuing efficiency of sulfo-NHS(increase in modification) with GEE and galactosamine as nucleophiles is 2.0 and 2.8, respectively. In the presence of sulfo-NHS, the extent of modification of a carboxyl group is a direct reflection of the extent to which it is activated (i.e., the protonation state of the carboxyl group). The modification reaction exhibits very high selectivity for Glu-43() with GEE and galactosamine (GA) in the presence of sulfo-NHS. From the studies of the kinetics of amidation of oxy-HbS at its Glu-43() (i.e., chemical reactivity) as a function of thepH in the region of 5.5–7.5, the apparentpKa of its -carboxyl group has been calculated to be 6.35. Deoxygenation of HbS, nearly doubles the chemical reactivity of Glu-43() of HbS atpH 7.0. It is suggested that the increased hydrophobicity of the microenvironment of Glu-43(), which occurs on deoxygenation of the protein, is reflected as the increased chemical reactivity of the -carboxyl group and could be one of the crucial preludes to the polymerization process.  相似文献   
Refinement of distance geometry (DG) structures of EETI-II (Heitz et al.: Biochemistry 28:2392-2398, 1989), a member of the squash family trypsin inhibitor, have been carried out by restrained molecular dynamics (RMD) in water. The resulting models show better side chain apolar/polar surface ratio and estimated solvation free energy than structures refined "in vacuo." The consistent lower values of residual NMR constraint violations, apolar/polar surface ratio, and solvation free energy for one of these refined structures allowed prediction of the 3D folding and disulfide connectivity of EETI-II. Except for the few first residues for which no NMR constraints were available, this computer model fully agreed with X-ray structures of CMTI-I (Bode et al.: FEBS Lett. 242:285-292, 1989) and EETI-II complexed with trypsin that appeared after the RMD simulation was completed. Restrained molecular dynamics in water is thus proved to be highly valuable for refinement of DG structures. Also, the successful use of apolar/polar surface ratio and of solvation free energy reinforce the analysis of Novotny et al. (Proteins 4:19-30, 1988) and shows that these criteria are useful indicators of correct versus misfolded models.  相似文献   
Human neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) is a member of the nerve growth factor (NGF) family of neurotrophic factors, and the recombinant protein is being developed as a therapeutic for neurodegenerative diseases. The final product purity and lot-to-lot variation are monitored routinely by peptide mapping. However, only the N-terminal region of NT-3 was susceptible to proteolysis under native conditions. Complete digestion required that the protein be chemically modified by reduction and S-alkylation prior to proteolysis. Complete proteolytic degradation of the protein was achieved simply by an intial denaturation of NT-3 in 6 M guanidinium chloride (pH 6) for 2 hr at 37°C, followed by a tenfold dilution with the digestion buffer (0.1 M Tris-HCl, 1 mM CaCl2 at pH 7.0) and immediate addition of chymotrypsin at 1% by weight. Direct comparison of the peptide map with an identical aliquot that had been reduced and alkylated also allowed the establishment of the cystine linkages present in NT-3: Cys14 to Cys79, Cys57 to Cys108, and Cys67 to Cys110. This disulfide structure is homologous to the NGF family of neurotrophic factors.  相似文献   
The formation of native disulfide bonds during in vitro protein folding can be limiting in obtaining biologically active proteins. Thus, optimization of redox conditions can be critical in maximizing the yield of renatured, recombinant proteins. We have employed a folding model, that of the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG- beta), to investigate in vitro oxidation conditions that facilitate the folding of this protein, and have compared the in vitro rates obtained with the rate of folding that has been observed in intact cells. Two steps in the folding pathway of hCG-beta were investigated: the rate-limiting events in the folding of this protein, and the assembly of hCG-beta with, hCG-alpha. The rates of these folding events were determined with and without protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) using two different types of redox reagents: cysteamine and its oxidized equivalent, cystamine, and reduced and oxidized glutathione. Rates of the rate-limiting folding events were twofold faster in cysteamine/cystamine redox buffers than in glutathione buffers in the absence of PDI. Optimal conditions for hCG-beta folding were attained in a 2 mM glutathione buffer, pH 7.4, that contained 1 mg/mL PDI and in 10muM cysteamine/cystamine, pH 8.7, without PDI. Under these conditions, the half-time of the ratelimiting folding event was 16 to 20 min and approached the rate observed in intact cells (4 to 5 min). Moreover, folding of the beta subunit under these conditions yields a functional protein, based on its ability to assemble with the alpha subunit. The rates of assembly of hCG-beta with hCG-alpha in the cysteamine/cystamine or glutathione/PDI redox buffers were comparable (t(1/2/sb> = 9 to 12 min)). These studies show that rates of folding and assembly events that involve disulfide bond formation can be optimized by a simple buffer system composed of cysteamine and cystamine. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
An NADH oxidase activity of animal and plant plasma membrane is described that is stimulated by hormones and growth factors. In plasma membranes of cancer cells and tissues, the activity appears to be constitutively activated and no longer hormone responsive. With drugs that inhibit the activity, cells are unable to grow although growth inhibition may be more related to a failure of the cells to enlarge than to a direct inhibition of mitosis. The hormone-stimulated activity in plasma membranes of plants and the constitutively activated NADH oxidase in tumor cell plasma membranes is inhibited by thiol reagents whereas the basal activity is not. These findings point to a thiol involvement in the action of the activated form of the oxidase. NADH oxidase oxidation by Golgi apparatus of rat liver is inhibited by brefeldin A plus GDP. Brefeldin A is a macrolide antibiotic inhibitor of membrane trafficking. A model is presented where the NADH oxidase functions as a thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase activity involved in the formation and breakage of disulfide bonds. The thiol-disulfide interchange is postulated as being associated with physical membrane displacement as encountered in cell enlargement or in vesicle budding. The model, although speculative, does provide a basis for further experimentation to probe a potential function for this enzyme system which, under certain conditions, exhibits a hormone- and growth factor-stimulated oxidation of NADH.  相似文献   
To assess the respective roles of local and long-range interactions during protein folding, the influence of the native disulfide bonds on the early formation of secondary structure was investigated using continuous-flow circular dichroism. Within the first 4 ms of folding, lysozyme with intact disulfide bonds already had a far-UV CD spectrum reflecting large amounts of secondary structure. Conversely, reduced lysozyme remained essentially unfolded at this early folding time. Thus, native disulfide bonds not only stabilize the cfinal conformation of lysozyme but also provide, in early folding intermediates, the necessary stabilization that favors the formation of secondary structure.  相似文献   
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