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In washed human platelets and in HL60 granulocytes phorbol myristate acetate (PMA, 1-2000nM) synergised with threshold concentrations of secretogogues to induce a sustained maximum secretory response. Likewise, superoxide production from HL60 cells maintained a maximal response at PMA concentrations between 30-300nM. At concentrations up to 10nM PMA also augmented calcium ionophore, A23187, stimulated histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells. However, in the mast cell PMA concentrations above 10nM reduced maximum histamine release in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   
The small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 display extensive sequence complementarity and co-exist in a single ribonucleoprotein particle. We have investigated intermolecular base-pairing between both RNAs by psoralen cross-linking, with emphasis on the native U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein complex. A mixture of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins U1 to U6 from HeLa cells, purified under non-denaturing conditions by immune affinity chromatography with antibodies specific for the trimethylguanosine cap of the small nuclear RNAs was treated with aminomethyltrioxsalen. A psoralen cross-linked U4/U6 RNA complex could be detected in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Following digestion of the cross-linked U4/U6 RNA complex with ribonuclease T1, two-dimensional diagonal electrophoresis in denaturing polyacrylamide gels was used to isolate cross-linked fragments. These fragments were analysed by chemical sequencing methods and their positions identified within RNAs U4 and U6. Two overlapping fragments of U4 RNA, spanning positions 52 to 65, were cross-linked to one fragment of U6 RNA (positions 51 to 59). These fragments show complementarity over a contiguous stretch of eight nucleotides. From these results, we conclude that in the native U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein particle, both RNAs are base-paired via these complementary regions. The small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 became cross-linked in the deproteinized U4/U6 RNA complex also, provided that small nuclear ribonucleoproteins were phenolized at 0 degree C. When the phenolization was performed at 65 degrees C, no cross-linking could be detected upon reincubation of the dissociated RNAs at lower temperature. These results indicate that proteins are not required to stabilize the mutual interactions between both RNAs, once they exist. They further suggest, however, that proteins may well be needed for exposing the complementary RNA regions for proper intermolecular base-pairing in the course of the assembly of the U4/U6 RNP complex from isolated RNAs. Our results are discussed also in terms of the different secondary structures that the small nuclear RNAs U4 and U6 may adopt in the U4/U6 ribonucleoprotein particle as opposed to the isolated RNAs.  相似文献   
A NMR and magnetic susceptibility study of the oxidized and reduced states of three different oligomers (forms) of a [4Fe-4S] ferredoxin protein from Desulphovibrio gigas, FdI, FdI′, and FdII was carried out. FdI and FdI′ are different trimers and FdII a tetramer of the same basic subunit. A probable assignment of the contact shifted resonances is indicated. Since the temperature dependences of the contact shifted resonances associated with each [4Fe-4S] are not all similar a delocalized model for the spin densities on the 4Fe does not apply. The exchange rate between oxidized and reduced states is slow on the NMR time scale. The three oligomers are not magnetically equivalent. Using the “three state hypothesis” terminology it is shown that FdIox is predominantly in the C2? state and changes upon reduction into the C3? state, while FdIIox is in the C? state and changes into the C2? state. FdI′ does not easily fit into this classification. This study shows a similarity of magnetic behaviour between FdI and bacterial ferredoxins (e.g. Bacillus polymyxa) and between FdII and HiPIP from Chromatium sp.. The influence of the quaternary structure on the stabilization of the different oxidation states of ferredoxins as well as on their redox potentials is discussed.  相似文献   
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells are dificient in the repair of damage induced by ultraviolet irradiation. Excision-repair-deficient XP cell strains have been classified into 7 distinct complementation groups, according to results of studies on cell fusion and UV irradiation. XP cells are not only abnormally sensitive to UV, but also to a variety of chemical carcinogens, including 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO). Complementation analysis with XP strains from 4 different complementation groups with respect to the repair of 4NQO-induced DNA damage revealed that the classification of the strains into complementation groups with respect to 4NQO-induced repair coincides with the classification based on the repair of UV damage.  相似文献   
Survival of the parasitic protozoan, Babesia bigemina, in blood cooled at widely different rates to ? 196°C. International Journal for Parasitology4: 169–172. The infectivity of Babesia bigemina in blood containing 2 m DMSO was tested in 99 cattle after the blood had been cooled to ? 196°C at eight rates ranging from 0·73–3070°C/min. Blood cooled at each rate was infective; 95 of the recipients became infected, the exceptions being four of the seven cattle inoculated with blood cooled at 3070° C/min. The infectivity of blood cooled at 39, 82 and 212°C/min was higher than that of blood cooled at slower or faster rates. Least depression of infectivity occurred at 82°C/min.  相似文献   
The periplasmic dissimilatory nitrate reductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus N22DNAR+ has been purified. It comprises a single type of polypeptide chain with subunit molecular weight 90,000 and does not contain heme. Chlorate is not an alternative substrate. A molybdenum cofactor, of the pterin type found in both nitrate reductases and molybdoenzymes from various sources, is present in nitrate reductase from R. capsulatus at an approximate stoichiometry of 1 molecule per polypeptide chain. This is the first report of the occurrence of the cofactor in a periplasmic enzyme. Trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase activity was fractionated by ion exchange chromatography of periplasmic proteins. The fractionated material was active towards dimethylsulphoxide, chlorate and methionine sulphoxide, but not nitrate. A catalytic polypeptide of molecular weight 46,000 was identified by staining for trimethylamine-N-oxide reductase activity after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. The same polypeptide also stained for dimethylsulphoxide reductase activity which indicates that trimethylamine-N-oxide and dimethylsulphoxide share a common reductase.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulphoxide - LDS lithium dodecyl sulphate - MVH reduced methylviologen - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - TMAO trimethylamine-N-oxide  相似文献   
The epoxide hydrase inhibitor 1,1,1-trichloroprophane-2,3-oxide (TCPO) was genetically active to cells of S. cerevisiae and conidia of N. crassa. This genetic activity could be eliminated or reduced to near spontaneous levels in the presence of the S-9 fraction of hamster liver homogenate. The addition of TCPO to an in vitro activation system containing aflatoxin B1 resulted in an increase in the genetic activity of aflatoxin B1, and this increase was dependent on the dose of TCPO. These results are discussed in relation to the possible metabolism of the promutagen aflatoxin B1.  相似文献   
In search of immunomodulatory constituents from the Eastern Nigeria mistletoe, Loranthus micranthus Linn, two new stigmastane steroids: stigmast-7,20 (21)-diene-3β-hydroxy-6-one (1) and 3β-hydroxy-stigmast-23-ene (2); three (two new and one known) lupeol-based triterpenoid esters: 7β,15α-dihydroxyl-lup-20(29)-ene-3β-palmitate (3), 7β,15α-dihydroxyl-lup-20(29)-ene-3β-stearate (4) and 7β,15α-dihydroxyl-lup-20(29)-ene-3β-eicosanoate (5) were isolated and characterized following bioactivity-guided fractionation. The new compounds, 1, 2, 4 and 5 at concentrations of 10, 25 and 100 μg/ml were subjected to cell proliferation and early activation marker (CD69) expression studies in C57Bl/6 mice splenocytes using flow cytometry techniques against Lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10 μg/ml) and Concanavalin A (ConA; 2 μg/ml) standards. The stigmastane steroids (1 and 2) at the highest concentration of 100 μg/ml showed statistically significantly (p < 0.05) stimulatory activity on the C57B1/6 splenocytes compared to the controls with values of 46 ± 0.76% and 43 ± 0.46% compared to 7.69 ± 0.41% recorded for the negative control. The novel lupeol esters, 4 and 5 at same concentration of 100 μg/ml exhibited lower stimulations of 30 ± 0.41% and 29 ± 0.17% respectively compared to the controls above. The CD69 expression assay at the above doses showed that all the compounds have minimal stimulation. The present study supports the observed immunomodulatory property of the Eastern Nigeria mistletoe and thus confirms the efficacy of this plant in mitigating against wide array of disease conditions orchestrated by immunodeficiency.  相似文献   
1. A comparative study has been made of the effects of the fusogens glycerol monooleate and dimethylsulphoxide on the polymorphic phase behaviour of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine by differential scanning calorimetry and 31P-NMR techniques. 2. Glycerol monooleate induces a reduction in the temperature, cooperativity and enthalpy of the gel to liquid-crystal transitions of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, whereas dimethylsulphoxide induces an increase in the temperature and enthalpy and a reduction in the cooperativity of the gel to liquid-crystal transitions for those same phospholipids. 3. Glycerol monooleate induces the formation of isotropic and hexagonal (HII) phases when mixed with either dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine or dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine. By contrast, in the presence of dimethylsulphoxide, those same phospholipids retain the lamellar configuration observed in the absence of fusogen. 4. These results are discussed in terms of the mechanisms of chemically induced cell fusion.  相似文献   
The antibiotic, aphidicolin, is a potent inhibitor of DNA polymerase α and consequently of de novo DNA synthesis in human cells. We report here that in γ-irradiated normal human cells, aphidicolin (at 5 μg/ml and less) had no significant effect on the rate of the rejoining of DNA single strand breaks or rate of removal of DNA lesions assayed as sites sensitive to incising activities present in crude protein extracts of Micrococcus luteus cells. γ-irradiated human ataxia telangiectasia cells are known to demonstrate enhanced cell killing and exhibit resistance to the inhibiting effects of radiation on DNA synthesis. Under conditions of minimal aphidicolin cytotoxicity but extensive inhibition of de novo DNA synthesis, the radiation responses of neither normal nor ataxia telangiectasia cells were significantly modified by aphidicolin. Firstly, we conclude that human DNA polymerase α is not primarily involved in the repair of the two classes of radiogenic DNA lesions examined. Secondly, the radiation hypersensitivity of ataxia telangiectasia cells cannot be explained on the basis of premature replication of damaged cellular DNA resulting from the resistance of de novo DNA synthesis to inhibition by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   
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