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In the sequence of superorders Rutiflorae-Santaliflorae-Araliiflorae-Asteriflorae an increase in the mean oxidation state for each series of Cn-polyacetylenes and an extension in the range of the carbon atoms of these polyacetylenes in the direction of smaller numbers are observed. These trends of polyacetylene evolution also seem to be operative at lower hierarchic levels in the family Asteraceae.  相似文献   
Very recentlySarcandra, which had long been known as the only vesselless genus in Chloranthaceae, was found by Carlquist to have vessels in root secondary xylem. The present study further shows on the basis of observations of the xylem ontogeny that vessels occur in stem metaxylem ofSarcandra glabra as well, thus offering additional evidence for the occurrence of vessels in the genus, virtually in all Chloranthaceae. Metaxylem elements of the stem are thicker than the other tracheary elements in general and have scalariform pittings at the end wall, and their ontogeny indicates that, as the surrounding cytoplasm disintegrates, pit membranes at the end wall disappear at least in some elements, resulting in a perforated end wall, i.e., vessel perforation. The present study further shows thatChloranthus spicatus, which is closely related toSarcandra, may have an incomplete perforation plate because of retaining membranes at places on the plate. An evolutionary state of the “vesselless” condition in Chloranthaceae is discussed.  相似文献   
Bourreria 《Flora》2004,199(5):409-423
Gynoecium and fruit ontogeny is studied in eight species of Bourreria (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). The internal architecture of the bicarpellate ovary results from the development of several secondary septs, i.e., apical, basal, and false septs. Flower and fruit morphology provide additional characters for phylogenetic analyses. Apomorphies of monophyletic Bourreria are the valvate calyx lobes, an extensive disc, and an additional sterile chamber in each endocarpid (i.e., fruit part). The development of transfer cells and endosperm haustoria confirm the systematic placement of Bourreria in the Primarily Woody Boraginales (i.e., Heliotropiaceae, Cordiaceae, and Ehretiaceae including Lennoaceae). However, the precise systematic position of Bourreria within Ehretiaceae cannot be resolved on the basis of the morphological data provided here.  相似文献   
李海宁  田先华  任毅 《西北植物学报》2006,26(12):2580-2582
报道了《秦岭植物志》遗漏的5种、2变种植物,它们分属于6科、7属,分别为:菊科的同花母菊、石竹科的须弥孩儿参和无毛漆姑草、禾本科的蒙古穗三毛(变种)、十字花科的毛葶苈、蓼科的狭叶圆穗蓼(变种)和败酱科的小花缬草。  相似文献   
Growth inhibition of plants suffering from Al toxicity is generally accompanied by impaired root development which can be quantitatively described by reduced specific root length (m g-1 dry root). In addition, the uptake of nutrients such as Mg and Ca is inhibited. Increased supply of either Mg or Ca can significantly diminish the negative effect of Al on root development and improve the Mg or Ca nutrition of the plants. The positive effect of Ca is well established but the effect of Mg has been observed in only a few plan species. Therefore, the effects of increasing Mg and Ca supply on Al toxicity in plants of seven monocots and eight dicots have been now examined in nutrient solution experiments. In general, Mg appears to be more effective than Ca in alleviating Al toxicity with the monocots, whereas the reverse is true for the dicots. Increased concentrations of Mg and Ca in solution seem to protect the plants against Al toxicity by improving the Mg or Ca nutrition and by alleviating the toxic effect of Al on root development.  相似文献   
Correlates of nuclear DNA content in angiosperms have been noted previously for a range of features, cellular to geographic. A new hypothesis, the correlation between nuclear DNA content and reproductive developmental features (after Cavalier-Smith, Journal of Cell Science 34, 247–268, 1978) is posed and tested here. Of three features tested (megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis, and endosperm development), megasporogenesis alone was shown to be correlated with nuclear DNA amount. The hypothesis was examined in 107 families of angiosperms using nonparametric statistics, and in 53 families of monocotyledons and outgroups using a phylogenetic test of association. A correlation was found between large genomes and successive microsporogenesis for all angiosperms, but not for monocots and dicots analyzed separately, thus underlining the importance of taking into account phylogenetic relationships in such studies. A correlation between cellular endosperm and large genomes in dicotyledons needs to be confirmed in a phylogenetic context. A tendency for deviations from monosporic megasporogenesis to occur in taxa that have a nuclear DNA content of over 9.0 pg/C was demonstrated using both phylogenetic and nonphylogenetic tests. It is hypothesized that cytoskeleton dynamics are affected in reproductive cells, enabling decoupling between nuclear and cytoplasmic cell cycles and leading to variation in reproductive development.  相似文献   
The phytochromes, a class of plant light‐sensing pigments, are a gene family with a long, complex evolutionary history. Angiosperms each have five or more phytochromes (designated A to E in Arabidopsis ) with distinct functions as light receptors and only moderate sequence identities for different types within a species. The long‐term challenge taken up here is to trace the origin and function of the various motifs within the angiosperm phytochromes through gymnosperm phytochromes (types N, O and P) and lower plant phytochromes, sometimes reaching even to bacterial progenitor molecules. Particularly intriguing are the findings of homology of a C‐terminal region of phytochromes with bacterial transmitter modules and of a large N‐terminal region with a protein encoded by a gene from the cyanobacterum Synechocystis . Phylogenetic analysis helps to answer general questions such as the times of divergence of mono‐ and dicotyledons, of groups of gymnosperms or of ferns. Phytochrome sequences suggest (1) that mono‐ and dicotyledons became separated 150‐200 million years earlier than indicated by the fossil record and (2) that Ginkgo and Cycas have been separated unexpectedly late from the lineage giving rise to the Pinidae. (3) The status of Psilotum as a close relative of the primeval vascular plants is not supported. Phytochrome gene sequences additionally reveal that (4) moss and fern phytochromes have erratically acquired C‐termini which, though kinase‐like, are different from the common ones and that (5) introns have been lost, gained or shifted in position from algae to angiosperms. Phytochromes promise to be a rich source of phylogenetic information into the future as more sequences and functional data emerge, not least from studies of lower plants.  相似文献   
Several anatomical characters in leaves were described, and their distribution determined, for 153 species ofPolygonum, mostly from herbarium specimens. Structures surveyed were epidermal (glandular and nonglandular trichomes, nodules, specialized parenchyma, stomatal apparatus) and internal (cavities, crystals, laticifer-like cells, nodules, subepidermal fibers). Cleared leaves were supplemented by resin-embedded sections and SEM preparations of selected species. No feature defines any taxonomic section, but some features occur only within one section. Laticifer-like cells, epidermal and internal nodules, resin cups, and unique epidermal and subepidermal cavities seem to be unknown elsewhere; other features (invaginated epidermal cells; enlarged crystal cells confined to paraveinal layer) are rare among angiosperms.  相似文献   
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