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Information on site fidelity and ranging patterns of wild animals is critical to understand how they use their environment and guide conservation and management strategies. Delphinids show a wide variety of site fidelity and ranging patterns. Between September 2013 and October 2015, we used boat‐based surveys, photographic identification, biopsy sampling, clustering analysis, and geographic information systems to determine the site‐fidelity patterns and representative ranges of southern Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops cf. australis) inhabiting the inner area of Coffin Bay, a highly productive inverse estuary located within Thorny Passage Marine Park, South Australia. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) of individuals’ site‐fidelity index and sighting rates indicated that the majority of dolphins within the inner area of Coffin Bay are “regular residents” (n = 125), followed by “occasional residents” (n = 28), and “occasional visitors” (n = 26). The low standard distance deviation indicated that resident dolphins remained close to their main center of use (range = 0.7–4.7 km, X ± SD = 2.3 ± 0.9 km). Representative ranges of resident dolphins were small (range = 3.9–33.5 km2, X ± SD = 15.2 ± 6.8 km2), with no significant differences between males and females (Kruskal–Wallis, χ2 = 0.426, = .808). The representative range of 56% of the resident dolphins was restricted to a particular bay within the study area. The strong site fidelity and restricted ranging patterns among individuals could be linked to the high population density of this species in the inner area of Coffin Bay, coupled with differences in social structure and feeding habits. Our results emphasize the importance of productive habitats as a major factor driving site fidelity and restricted movement patterns in highly mobile marine mammals and the high conservation value of the inner area of Coffin Bay for southern Australian bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   
The importance of seamounts as foraging hotspots for cetaceans depends on interactions between ocean flow and topographical features that concentrate prey. However, the oceanographic processes driving these aggregations are still unclear. Here, we analyzed two months of passive acoustic recordings from two remote seamounts in the Northeast Atlantic, Atlantis and Irving, in relation to regional oceanography and estimates of prey biomass. Delphinids and sperm whales were detected in both seamounts with higher foraging activity at night, indicating feeding on diel migrating prey. There were more detections of delphinids and sperm whales at Atlantis than at Irving. These two seamounts lie in different oceanographic settings created by the Azores Current that separates colder and less saline water masses in the north (Atlantis seamount) from warmer and more saline waters in the south (Irving seamount). Irving seamount is only affected by transient features like eddies that enhance productivity for short time periods. These conditions translate into more productive waters at Atlantis seamount than at Irving, as shown by predicted prey biomasses that ultimately attract top predators. Comparative studies such as this one can help to explain the main drivers of presence of top predators at seamounts.  相似文献   
The present study represents the first reported boat-based photographic identification study of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) off the Wild Coast of southeast South Africa. This area is known for the annual sardine run, which attracts apex predators to the region during the austral winter. Dedicated photo-identification surveys were conducted along this coast at three different study sites in February, June, and November of each year from 2014 to 2016. During 47 surveys, 136 bottlenose dolphin groups were encountered, an estimated 4,474 dolphins observed, and 2,149 individuals were identified. Although most individuals (N = 1,770, 82.4%) were only observed once, some were resighted 2–7 times (N = 379, 17.6%), with an average of 305 days (range: 88–705 days) between resightings. The majority of bottlenose dolphins were resighted within the same study site (N = 192), indicating some degree of residency. However, 65 individuals were observed at two different study sites, indicating individual movements along the coast. Our findings contrast earlier suggestions that bottlenose dolphins only use the Wild Coast during the sardine run, as we found large number of animals year-round with some level of site fidelity. This highlights the importance of the Wild Coast to bottlenose dolphins and provides further information on their status off southeastern South Africa.  相似文献   
A negative relationship between cetacean body size and tonal sound minimum and maximum frequencies has been demonstrated in several studies using standard statistical approaches where species are considered independent data points. Such studies, however, fail to account for known dependencies among related species—shared similarity due to common ancestry. Here we test these hypotheses by generating the most complete species level cetacean phylogeny to date, which we then use to reconstruct the evolutionary history of body size and standard tonal sounds parameters (minimum, maximum, and center frequency). Our results show that when phylogenetic relationships are considered the correlation between body size (length or mass) and minimum frequency is corroborated with approximately 27% of the variation in tonal sound frequency being explained by body size compared to 86% to 93% explained when phylogenetic relationships are not considered. Central frequency also correlates with body size in toothed whales, but for other tonal sound frequency parameters, including maximum frequency, this hypothesized correlation disappears. Therefore, constraints imposed by body size seem to have played a role in the evolution of minimum frequency but alternative hypotheses are required to explain variation in maximum frequency.  相似文献   
Individual identification plays a major role in our understanding of the biology, ecology and behavior in cetaceans. Being able to tell individuals apart can provide invaluable insight into basic biological and scientific questions, but is also highly relevant to science‐based conservation. Given the importance of individual identification, it appears vital to improve existing identification methods and find new ones. Here, we present a novel identification method of using facial information, with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) as a case study. In dolphins, dorsal fins are typically used for identification, but not all individuals or species are sufficiently marked. We show that facial features in bottlenose dolphins are long‐term and consistent across the left and right sides, and may enable calves (which tend to have unmarked fins) to be re‐identified after weaning, thus increasing cross‐generational knowledge. This novel method can complement dorsal fin identification by helping document mark changes over time and reduce false negative or positive errors. It also shows that current identification methods can still be improved. With increasing prevalence of digital photography and computer‐aided matching, it may become more viable to use ‘unconventional’ means of identification. We encourage other researchers to explore their photographic records for similar discoveries.  相似文献   
Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has rapidly become a useful tool to study the ecology of wild animal populations, especially for elusive, wide‐ranging predators like marine mammals. The development of projectile biopsy techniques resulted in the collection of thousands of cetacean tissue samples that were archived in a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution for long‐term, multidecadal preservation. Here we examine the influence of DMSO preservation on carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) values by comparing a set of paired delphinid skin samples stored frozen without preservative and in DMSO for up to 22 yr. Treatment of paired frozen and DMSO‐preserved skin in a 2:1 chloroform:methanol solution yielded similar δ13C and δ15N values, revealing that DMSO and lipid contamination have similar isotopic effects on skin, and that these effects can be removed using routine lipid‐extraction methods. Further, amino acid concentrations in DMSO‐preserved and frozen skin tissue were similar, providing independent evidence of minimal protein alteration due to preservation. Access to a rich archive of skin samples preserved in DMSO will expand our ability to examine temporal and spatial variability in the isotope values of cetaceans, which will aid our understanding of how their ecology has been influenced by historical changes in environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Passive acoustic monitoring of dolphins is limited by our ability to classify calls to species. Significant overlap in call characteristics among many species, combined with a wide range of call types and acoustic behavior, makes classification of calls to species challenging. Here, we introduce BANTER, a compound acoustic classification method for dolphins that utilizes information from all call types produced by dolphins rather than a single call type, as has been typical for acoustic classifiers. Output from the passive acoustic monitoring software, PAMGuard, was used to create independent classifiers for whistles, echolocation clicks, and burst pulses, which were then merged into a final, compound classifier for each species. Classifiers for five species found in the California Current ecosystem were trained and tested using 153 single‐species acoustic events recorded during a 4.5 mo combined visual and acoustic shipboard cetacean survey off the west coast of the United States. Correct classification scores for individual species ranged from 71% to 92%, with an overall correct classification score of 84% for all five species. The conceptual framework of this approach easily lends itself to other species and study areas as well as to noncetacean taxa.  相似文献   
The identification of species and population boundaries is important in both evolutionary and conservation biology. In recent years, new population genetic and computational methods for estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses in a quantitative manner have emerged. Using a Bayesian framework and a quantitative model‐testing approach, we evaluated the species status and genetic connectedness of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops spp.) populations off remote northwestern Australia, with a focus on pelagic ‘offshore’ dolphins subject to incidental capture in a trawl fishery. We analysed 71 dolphin samples from three sites beyond the 50 m depth contour (the inshore boundary of the fishery) and up to 170 km offshore, including incidentally caught and free‐ranging individuals associating with trawl vessels, and 273 dolphins sampled at 12 coastal sites inshore of the 50 m depth contour and within 10 km of the coast. Results from 19 nuclear microsatellite markers showed significant population structure between dolphins from within the fishery and coastal sites, but also among dolphins from coastal sites, identifying three coastal populations. Moreover, we found no current or historic gene flow into the offshore population in the region of the fishery, indicating a complete lack of recruitment from coastal sites. Mitochondrial DNA corroborated our findings of genetic isolation between dolphins from the offshore population and coastal sites. Most offshore individuals formed a monophyletic clade with common bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus), while all 273 individuals sampled coastally formed a well‐supported clade of Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (T. aduncus). By including a quantitative modelling approach, our study explicitly took evolutionary processes into account for informing the conservation and management of protected species. As such, it may serve as a template for other, similarly inaccessible study populations.  相似文献   
To determine whether the occurrence and duration of odontocete vocal events varied by depth or time of day in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, we analyzed acoustic data collected by five underwater recorders. These recorders were deployed in July 2008 at three depths: two in shallow (64–73 m), one in medium (236 m), and two in deep (~366 m) water. We found that habitat influenced the occurrence of odontocete vocalizations, with significantly greater daily vocal activity from delphinids on recorders in deeper waters and sperm whale clicks recorded only on the medium and deep recorders. These findings suggest that a greater diversity and occurrence of animals are located in waters beyond the shelf break in this area, a conclusion supported by visual surveys. We also found an increase in the occurrence of delphinid clicks at night on the shallow and deep recorders, likely reflecting nocturnal foraging activity, and a regular nocturnal occurrence of sperm whale clicks on the medium‐depth recorder located near the shelf break, suggesting that one or more sperm whales moved into that area to feed at night. These observations improve our understanding of the occurrence and behavior of odontocetes in this region of the U.S. Atlantic seaboard.  相似文献   
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