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赵嘉诚  李海奎 《生态学报》2018,38(2):550-559
基于广东省第8次国家森林资源清查的固定样地调查数据和2016年典型抽样的死木调查数据,利用分树种、分腐朽程度的各个组分相兼容的生物量模型以及相对应的地上、地下部分含碳系数,对广东省森林死木碳库动态进行估算,分析死木种类、林分类型和龄组对死木碳库的影响,量化林分生长特性和自然灾害对死木碳库的贡献。结果表明:2007—2012年间广东省乔木林死木碳库新增碳储量5811.86 Pg,占同期乔木林活立木碳库的2.94%,其中枯倒木多于枯立木;阔叶混交林和马尾松林贡献了近70%的死木碳储量;马尾松、其他软阔、湿地松、阔叶混交林和其他硬阔的死木碳储量占同类森林总活立木碳储量的比例较大,均超过4.00%,桉树和杉木比例最小,均不足1.00%;从龄组看,发生在中龄林的死木碳储量占总死木碳储量比例最大,过熟林最小。与同龄组林分的现存碳储量相比,从幼龄林(2.03%)到过熟林(4.56%)基本呈上升趋势。全省新增死木库碳密度为(0.7612±3.3988)Mg/hm~2。竞争和衰老引起的枯死在林分中普遍存在,占发生死木林分面积的60%以上,但增加到死木碳库的储量不足总量的四分之一,而自然灾害只占发生死木林分面积的10%,对死木碳库的贡献却超过40%。到2016年,2007—2012年间增加到死木库的碳储量下降到785.57 Pg,减少约85%,枯倒木的腐朽程度重于枯立木,不同树种间腐朽程度不一,杉木腐朽程度最低。清林等人为经营活动和死木的腐朽是存量减少的主要原因。  相似文献   
Retention forestry, which retains a portion of the original stand at the time of harvesting to maintain continuity of structural and compositional diversity, has been originally developed to mitigate the impacts of clear‐cutting. Retention of habitat trees and deadwood has since become common practice also in continuous‐cover forests of Central Europe. While the use of retention in these forests is plausible, the evidence base for its application is lacking, trade‐offs have not been quantified, it is not clear what support it receives from forest owners and other stakeholders and how it is best integrated into forest management practices. The Research Training Group ConFoBi (Conservation of Forest Biodiversity in Multiple‐use Landscapes of Central Europe) focusses on the effectiveness of retention forestry, combining ecological studies on forest biodiversity with social and economic studies of biodiversity conservation across multiple spatial scales. The aim of ConFoBi is to assess whether and how structural retention measures are appropriate for the conservation of forest biodiversity in uneven‐aged and selectively harvested continuous‐cover forests of temperate Europe. The study design is based on a pool of 135 plots (1 ha) distributed along gradients of forest connectivity and structure. The main objectives are (a) to investigate the effects of structural elements and landscape context on multiple taxa, including different trophic and functional groups, to evaluate the effectiveness of retention practices for biodiversity conservation; (b) to analyze how forest biodiversity conservation is perceived and practiced, and what costs and benefits it creates; and (c) to identify how biodiversity conservation can be effectively integrated in multi‐functional forest management. ConFoBi will quantify retention levels required across the landscape, as well as the socio‐economic prerequisites for their implementation by forest owners and managers. ConFoBi's research results will provide an evidence base for integrating biodiversity conservation into forest management in temperate forests.  相似文献   
Most parasites and parasitoids are adapted to overcome defense mechanisms of their specific hosts and hence colonize a narrow range of host species. Accordingly, an increase in host functional or phylogenetic dissimilarity is expected to increase the species diversity of parasitoids. However, the local diversity of parasitoids may be driven by the accessibility and detectability of hosts, both increasing with increasing host abundance. Yet, the relative importance of these two mechanisms remains unclear. We parallelly reared communities of saproxylic beetle as potential hosts and associated parasitoid Hymenoptera from experimentally felled trees. The dissimilarity of beetle communities was inferred from distances in seven functional traits and from their evolutionary ancestry. We tested the effect of host abundance, species richness, functional, and phylogenetic dissimilarities on the abundance, species richness, and Shannon diversity of parasitoids. Our results showed an increase of abundance, species richness, and Shannon diversity of parasitoids with increasing beetle abundance. Additionally, abundance of parasitoids increased with increasing species richness of beetles. However, functional and phylogenetic dissimilarity showed no effect on the diversity of parasitoids. Our results suggest that the local diversity of parasitoids, of ephemeral and hidden resources like saproxylic beetles, is highest when resources are abundant and thereby detectable and accessible. Hence, in some cases, resources do not need to be diverse to promote parasitoid diversity.  相似文献   
The exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the atmosphere and a forest after disturbance by wind throw in the western Russian taiga was investigated between July and October 1998 using the eddy covariance technique. The research area was a regenerating forest (400 m × 1000 m), in which all trees of the preceding generation were uplifted during a storm in 1996. All deadwood had remained on site after the storm and had not been extracted for commercial purposes. Because of the heterogeneity of the terrain, several micrometeorological quality tests were applied. In addition to the eddy covariance measurements, carbon pools of decaying wood in a chronosequence of three different wind throw areas were analysed and the decay rate of coarse woody debris was derived. During daytime, the average CO2 uptake flux was ?3 µmol m?2s?1, whereas during night‐time characterised by a well‐mixed atmosphere the rates of release were typically about 6 µmol m?2s?1. Suppression of turbulent fluxes was only observed under conditions with very low friction velocity (u* ≤ 0.08 ms?1). On average, 164 mmol CO2 m?2d?1 was released from the wind throw to the atmosphere, giving a total of 14.9 mol CO2 m?2 (180 g CO2 m?2) released during the 3‐month study period. The chronosequence of dead woody debris on three different wind throw areas suggested exponential decay with a decay coefficient of ?0.04 yr?1. From the magnitude of the carbon pools and the decay rate, it is estimated that the decomposition of coarse woody debris accounted for about a third of the total ecosystem respiration at the measurement site. Hence, coarse woody debris had a long‐term influence on the net ecosystem exchange of this wind throw area. From the analysis performed in this work, a conclusion is drawn that it is necessary to include into flux networks the ecosystems that are subject to natural disturbances and that have been widely omitted into considerations of the global carbon budget. The half‐life time of about 17 years for deadwood in the wind throw suggests a fairly long storage of carbon in the ecosystem, and indicates a very different long‐term carbon budget for naturally disturbed vs. commercially managed forests.  相似文献   
To replace fossil fuel and thereby mitigate climate change, harvesting of wood such as stumps for bioenergy will likely increase. Coarse deadwood is an important resource for biodiversity and stumps comprise the main part of the coarse deadwood in managed forests. We provide the first integrated analysis of the long‐term climate and biodiversity impacts of a whole landscape. We simultaneously project climate and biodiversity impacts of harvesting stumps to substitute for fossil coal, assuming scenarios with different proportions of the landscape with stump harvest (10, 50, 80%) the coming 50 years. A life cycle approach was used to calculate future global temperature changes and future metapopulation changes in six epixylic lichens. Metapopulation dynamics were projected using colonization and extinction models based on times series data. Harvesting stumps from ≥50% of the clear‐cut forest land benefits climate with a net global temperature reduction >0.5·10?9 K ha?1 after 50 years if assuming substitution of fossil coal. For all scenarios, using stump bioenergy leads to immediate (within 1 year) reductions in temperature of 50% compared to using fossil coal, increasing to 70% reduction after 50 years. However, large‐scale stump harvest inflicted substantial metapopulation declines for five of six lichens. High stump harvest levels (≥50%) put common lichens at risk of becoming red‐listed following the IUCN criteria. The net temperature reduction (cooling effect) from substituting fossil coal with stumps harvested for bioenergy increased over time, while lichen metapopulations stabilized at lower equilibria after two to three decades. This indicates that trade‐offs between climate and metapopulations of commons species are transient, where climate benefits become more prevalent in the long term. As both objectives are important for meeting (inter‐)national climate and biodiversity targets, integrated analyses such as this should be encouraged and urged to guide policymaking about large‐scale implementation of stump harvest.  相似文献   
The present study examines the adaptive strategy used by wood‐boring beetles to compensate for the lack of nutrients in dead wood. The contents of nutritional elements in growing wood‐boring beetles (Stictoleptura rubra L. and Chalcophora mariana Dejean) are compared with the elemental composition of decaying dead wood (pine stumps), showing changes during the beetles' ontogenetic (i.e. larval) development. The stoichiometric ratios of C and other nutritional elements (N, P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu) are investigated to identify the most important nutrients for larval development. The degree of nutritional mismatch that is encountered by the beetle larvae changes dramatically over 3–4 years of simultaneous larval growth and wood decay. Excluding C, the relative contents of nutritional elements increase substantially in decaying wood, whereas the opposite tendency is found in larvae, most likely because of carbon deposition in fat. The elements limiting larval development because of their scarcity in dead wood are N, P, K, Na, Mg, Zn and Cu. Fungal activity (i.e. the transport of nutrients from the surrounding environment to decaying stumps) can explain the observed mitigation of the original mismatch, although prolongation of the larval development time is still necessary to compensate for the scarcity of some of the required elements in food.  相似文献   
The extensive spatial and temporal coverage of many citizen science datasets (CSD) makes them appealing for use in species distribution modeling and forecasting. However, a frequent limitation is the inability to validate results. Here, we aim to assess the reliability of CSD for forecasting species occurrence in response to national forest management projections (representing 160,366 km2) by comparison against forecasts from a model based on systematically collected colonization–extinction data. We fitted species distribution models using citizen science observations of an old‐forest indicator fungus Phellinus ferrugineofuscus. We applied five modeling approaches (generalized linear model, Poisson process model, Bayesian occupancy model, and two MaxEnt models). Models were used to forecast changes in occurrence in response to national forest management for 2020‐2110. Forecasts of species occurrence from models based on CSD were congruent with forecasts made using the colonization–extinction model based on systematically collected data, although different modeling methods indicated different levels of change. All models projected increased occurrence in set‐aside forest from 2020 to 2110: the projected increase varied between 125% and 195% among models based on CSD, in comparison with an increase of 129% according to the colonization–extinction model. All but one model based on CSD projected a decline in production forest, which varied between 11% and 49%, compared to a decline of 41% using the colonization–extinction model. All models thus highlighted the importance of protected old forest for P. ferrugineofuscus persistence. We conclude that models based on CSD can reproduce forecasts from models based on systematically collected colonization–extinction data and so lead to the same forest management conclusions. Our results show that the use of a suite of models allows CSD to be reliably applied to land management and conservation decision making, demonstrating that widely available CSD can be a valuable forecasting resource.  相似文献   
The species-energy hypothesis predicts increasing biodiversity with increasing energy in ecosystems. Proxies for energy availability are often grouped into ambient energy (i.e., solar radiation) and substrate energy (i.e., non-structural carbohydrates or nutritional content). The relative importance of substrate energy is thought to decrease with increasing trophic level from primary consumers to predators, with reciprocal effects of ambient energy. Yet, empirical tests are lacking. We compiled data on 332,557 deadwood-inhabiting beetles of 901 species reared from wood of 49 tree species across Europe. Using host-phylogeny-controlled models, we show that the relative importance of substrate energy versus ambient energy decreases with increasing trophic levels: the diversity of zoophagous and mycetophagous beetles was determined by ambient energy, while non-structural carbohydrate content in woody tissues determined that of xylophagous beetles. Our study thus overall supports the species-energy hypothesis and specifies that the relative importance of ambient temperature increases with increasing trophic level with opposite effects for substrate energy.  相似文献   


Do vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity differ between managed and structurally complex unmanaged stands? To what extent do species richness and beta‐diversity relate to forest structural attributes and heterogeneity?


Five national parks in central and southern Italy.


We sampled vascular plant species composition and forest structural attributes in eight unmanaged temperate mesic forest stands dominated or co‐dominated by beech, and in eight comparison stands managed as high forests with similar environmental features. We compared plant species richness, composition and beta‐diversity across pairs of stands (unmanaged vs managed) using GLMM s. Beta‐diversity was quantified both at the scale of each pair of stands using plot‐to‐plot dissimilarity matrices (species turnover), and across the whole data set, considering the distance in the multivariate species space of individual plots from their centroid within the same stand (compositional heterogeneity). We modelled the relationship between species diversity (richness and beta‐diversity) and forest structural heterogeneity and individual structural variables using GLMM s and multiple regression on distance matrices.


Species composition differed significantly between managed and unmanaged stands, but not richness and beta‐diversity. We found weak evidence that plant species richness increased with increasing levels of structural heterogeneity and canopy diversification. At the scale of individual stands, species turnover was explained by different variables in distinct stands, with variables related to deadwood quantity and quality being selected most often. We did not find support for the hypothesis that compositional heterogeneity varies as a function of forest structural characteristics at the scale of the whole data set.


Structurally complex unmanaged stands have a distinct herb layer species composition from that of mature stands in similar environmental conditions. Nevertheless, we did not find significantly higher levels of vascular plant species richness and beta‐diversity in unmanaged stands. Beta‐diversity was related to patterns of deadwood accumulation, while for species richness the evidence that it increases with increasing levels of canopy diversification was weak. These results suggest that emulating natural disturbance, and favouring deadwood accumulation and canopy diversification may benefit some, but not all, facets of plant species diversity in Apennine beech forests.
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