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We report DNA sequence variation in 861 bp of the mitochondrial cytochromeb gene from 10 species of the dasyurid marsupial subfamily Phascogalinae (including the New Guinean genusMurexia) and an outgroup planigale (Planigale ingrami). Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences indicate that (1) the subfamily consists of three major clades corresponding to (a)Phascogale, (b) AustralianAntechinus, and (c) New Guinean Antechinus andMurexia; (2) Antechinus habbema constitutes the earliest branch of the New Guinean clade; and (3); Antechinus melanurus and A. naso are sister species within the New Guinean clade. Among Australian antechnuses,A. stuartii andA. swainsonii are more closely related to each other than either is toA. flavipes, a result that is seemingly at odds with all previous systematic studies. Although resolution is limited, it appears thatAntechnius andMurexia species form a clade to the exclusion ofPhascogale. This relationship suggests that male semelparity is not a strong synapomorphy for Australian antechinuses and phascogales, despite its apparent physiological similarity in the two groups.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
Extreme climatic events, such as flooding rains, extended decadal droughts and heat waves have been identified increasingly as important regulators of natural populations. Climate models predict that global warming will drive changes in rainfall and increase the frequency and severity of extreme events. Consequently, to anticipate how organisms will respond we need to document how changes in extremes of temperature and rainfall compare to trends in the mean values of these variables and over what spatial scales the patterns are consistent. Using the longest historical weather records available for central Australia – 100 years – and quantile regression methods, we investigate if extreme climate events have changed at similar rates to median events, if annual rainfall has increased in variability, and if the frequency of large rainfall events has increased over this period. Specifically, we compared local (individual weather stations) and regional (Simpson Desert) spatial scales, and quantified trends in median (50th quantile) and extreme weather values (5th, 10th, 90th, and 95th quantiles). We found that median and extreme annual minimum and maximum temperatures have increased at both spatial scales over the past century. Rainfall changes have been inconsistent across the Simpson Desert; individual weather stations showed increases in annual rainfall, increased frequency of large rainfall events or more prolonged droughts, depending on the location. In contrast to our prediction, we found no evidence that intra‐annual rainfall had become more variable over time. Using long‐term live‐trapping records (22 years) of desert small mammals as a case study, we demonstrate that irruptive events are driven by extreme rainfalls (>95th quantile) and that increases in the magnitude and frequency of extreme rainfall events are likely to drive changes in the populations of these species through direct and indirect changes in predation pressure and wildfires.  相似文献   
Marsupials are born in an immature state, followed by prolonged nurturing of pouch young by maternal lactation. Spinal cord sections held in the collections at the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin were used to test the relationship between structural maturity of the spinal cord and the locomotor challenges that face young marsupials and monotremes. Analysis of variance indicated that body length is a much stronger determinant of variation in anatomical measures of spinal cord maturation than mammal type.  相似文献   
Histological analysis of an ontogenetic series of the dasyurid marsupial,Sminthopsis virginiae, from birt to 60 days old, was undertaken to assess the developmental homologies of the deciduous and successional teeth. This period covers the time from the initiation of all teeth as epithelial buds up until the time of early eruption of some teeth. In addition, two older specimens, aged 81 and 97 days, were examined to provide additional information on the state of differentiation of the unerupted third premolar. In the postcanine dentition, only a single tooth position, dP3, was characterized by the later development of a replacing successional tooth (P3), following developmental pathways identical to those in eutherian mammals. In contrast, the anterior dentition is characterized by the formation of rudimentary, nonerupting deciduous incisors and canines, and by the accelerated development of normal, erupting successional incisors and canines in both jaws. Comparison of relative developmental stages for each tooth position throughout its preeruptive ontogeny suggests thatheterochrony (both developmental acceleration and retardation) has played an important role in the evolutionary history of the dasyurid dentition. Differing aspects of this phenomenon are identified and discussed for the anterior dentition, the anterior two premolars, P3, and the lower molars. Further evidence is presented to corroborate the identification of the anterior two premolars in the adult as dP1 and dP2, based on the relative retardation of their initiation and their lack of successor tooth germs. This developmental heterochrony has probably occurred in all three-premolared marsupials.  相似文献   
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