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New collections allow us to describe some new algae forming: a) centimetric, unorganized, masses (Toutinella bifurcata from the Middle Triassic of Provence); b) large, decimetric masses (Zarramanella menorica from the ‘Buntsandstein’ of Minorca, Balearic Islands) and c) interesting, plurispecific biocenosis, laminated and silicified, from the French Massif Central: Lower Stephanian of Saint-Étienne basin (with Hankerpella minima, Baltzerella stephaniense, Ponsinella undulata) and Lower Autunian of Bourbon-l'Archambault basin (Hanskerpella pustulata, Baltzerella stephaniense, Ponsinella multifrons, Sarfatigirella intricata). Other forms are badly preserved, one is possibly a Broutinella sp. and another may be a coccoid form of cyanobacteria or chlorophyceae. Silicified biocenoses macroscopically occur in the form of regular laminations, exhibiting vertical, planar joints (1–2 cm wide) and horizontal, planar joints, 5 mm to 3 cm thick, with various sedimentary infillings. These facies represent early and late silicifications of biological felts (mats), probably previously partly calcified and affected by desiccation cracks partly infilled before the silicification. There is no evidence for an early silicification of living filaments and trichomes. The silicification also affects other types of sediments (petites, sandstones, conglomerates, breccias) associated with the algal formations. Macroscopically, these laminated formations do not show domes or hemispheres; on the other hand, these features clearly appear under the microscope, and these formations are true stromatolites. The basins of Saint-Étienne and Bourbon-l'Archambault contain volcanic rocks; the siliceous series, very localized in the basins, represent an impregnation of various primary materials by silica of hydrothermal origin. The present study is voluntarily limited to the palaeontological and palaeoecological appearances; algal laminations formed in ephemeral pools and small lakes, under very particular conditions, ‘hydrothermal’ sensu lato, are still to be stated more precisely.


Des récoltes nouvelles permettent de décrire quelques algues nouvelles formant des amas centimétriques non organisés (Toutinella bifurcata du Trias moyen de Provence), de grosses masses décimétriques (Zarmmanella menorica du Buntsandstein de Minorque) et d'intéressantes biocrenoses plurispécifiques laminées et silicifiées du Massif central français: Stephanien inférieur de Saint-Étienne (à Hankerpella minima, Baltzerella stephaniense, Ponsinella undulata), Autunien inférieur du bassin de Bourbon-l'Archambault (Hanskerpella pustulata, Baltzerella stephaniense, Ponxinella multifrons, Sarfatigirella intricata). D'autres formes sont mal conservées, l'une serait attribuables à une ? Broutinella sp. et une autre à une coccoide (cyanobactéries ou chlorophycées). Les biocœnoses silicificées se présentent macroscopiquement sous forme de laminations régulières, accidentées de fentes planes verticales (1–2 cm de largeur) et de fentes planes horizontales (5 mm–3 cm de hauteur), à remplissages sédimentaires variés. Ces faciès correspondent à des silicifications précoces et tardives de feutres biologiques probablement en grande partie calcifiés précocement et affectés de fentes de dessiccation partiellement remplies avant la silicification. Aucun indice de silicification de filaments et de trichomes du vivant des organismes n'a pu être observé. La silicification affecte aussi d'autres sédiments (pélites, grès, conglomérats, brèches), associés aux anciennes formations algaires. Macrospiquement, ces formations laminées ne montrent pas de dômes ni d'hémisphères; en revanche ces structures apparaissent parfaitement au microscope, et ce sont de véritables stromatolites. Les bassins de Saint-Étienne el de Bourbon-l'Archambault contiennent des formations volcaniques; les formations siliceuses, qui sont très localisées dans les bassins, correspondent certainement à une imprégnation par de la silice d'origine hydrothermale de sédiments variés. La présente étude se limite volontairement à l'aspect paléontologique et paléoécologique; les laminations algaires se sont formées dans des bassins ou de petits lacs éphémères, dans des conditions très particulières, hydrothermales sensu lato, encore à préciser.  相似文献   
Hundreds samples of the charcoals and waterlogged woods excavated from three late Paleolithic sites (Suyanggae, Gunang-gul and Sorori) in the Jungwon Region in Korea were analyzed to reconstruct the vegetation and paleoclimate in the region. Analyzed charcoal samples from the Suyanggae site show that the climate was cold in the lower part and it became more warm and dry in the upper part. From the Gunang-gul site, only Picea spp. was identified, indicating cool climates. From the Sorori site, two species were found; Alnus spp. (95%) and Ulmus spp. (5%). No conifers were discovered. The species composition indicates that the climate condition of central Korean peninsula around 8,800 BP was little cooler and wetter condition.  相似文献   
The Candona clivosa-group, a new group of Candoninae - is erected on the base of the folded inner lamella observed on the postero-ventral border of the female valve. The elongated sub-triangular and rectangular valves of this group are described from the Miocene and Quaternary deposits of Europe. A folded inner lamella is also observed in 11 species of Candona from the Upper Miocene of the Turiec Basin of which 8 are new - Candona fatrica nov. sp., C. tatrica nov. sp., C. lacustris nov. sp., C. palustris nov. sp., C. stagnosa nov. sp., C. laterisimilis nov. sp., C. jiriceki nov. sp. and C. incurva nov. sp. They show a higher variability of the outline, calcification of the valves and width of the zone of concrescence. The extrinsic and intrinsic aspects of this morphological diversification in the Turiec Basin are discussed.  相似文献   
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