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Apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) catalyses uphill transport of bile acids using the electrochemical gradient of Na+ as the driving force. The crystal structures of two bacterial homologues ASBTNM and ASBTYf have previously been determined, with the former showing an inward-facing conformation, and the latter adopting an outward-facing conformation accomplished by the substitution of the critical Na+-binding residue glutamate-254 with an alanine residue. While the two crystal structures suggested an elevator-like movement to afford alternating access to the substrate binding site, the mechanistic role of Na+ and substrate in the conformational isomerization remains unclear. In this study, we utilized site-directed alkylation monitored by in-gel fluorescence (SDAF) to probe the solvent accessibility of the residues lining the substrate permeation pathway of ASBTNM under different Na+ and substrate conditions, and interpreted the conformational states inferred from the crystal structures. Unexpectedly, the crosslinking experiments demonstrated that ASBTNM is a monomer protein, unlike the other elevator-type transporters, usually forming a homodimer or a homotrimer. The conformational dynamics observed by the biochemical experiments were further validated using DEER measuring the distance between the spin-labelled pairs. Our results revealed that Na+ ions shift the conformational equilibrium of ASBTNM toward the inward-facing state thereby facilitating cytoplasmic uptake of substrate. The current findings provide a novel perspective on the conformational equilibrium of secondary active transporters.  相似文献   
The 231-residue capsid (CA) protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) spontaneously self-assembles into tubes with a hexagonal lattice that is believed to mimic the surface lattice of conical capsid cores within intact virions. We report the results of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements on HIV-1 CA tubes that provide new information regarding changes in molecular structure that accompany CA self-assembly, local dynamics within CA tubes, and possible mechanisms for the generation of lattice curvature. This information is contained in site-specific assignments of signals in two- and three-dimensional solid-state NMR spectra, conformation-dependent 15N and 13C NMR chemical shifts, detection of highly dynamic residues under solution NMR conditions, measurements of local variations in transverse spin relaxation rates of amide 1H nuclei, and quantitative measurements of site-specific 15N–15N dipole–dipole couplings. Our data show that most of the CA sequence is conformationally ordered and relatively rigid in tubular assemblies and that structures of the N-terminal domain (NTD) and the C-terminal domain (CTD) observed in solution are largely retained. However, specific segments, including the N-terminal β-hairpin, the cyclophilin A binding loop, the inter-domain linker, segments involved in intermolecular NTD–CTD interactions, and the C-terminal tail, have substantial static or dynamical disorder in tubular assemblies. Other segments, including the 310-helical segment in CTD, undergo clear conformational changes. Structural variations associated with curvature of the CA lattice appear to be localized in the inter-domain linker and intermolecular NTD–CTD interface, while structural variations within NTD hexamers, around local 3-fold symmetry axes, and in CTD–CTD dimerization interfaces are less significant.  相似文献   
The synthesis of laminarahexaose is described. NMR studies of several of the intermediates leading to the β-1,3-glucan show anomalously small coupling constants for some of the C-1 hydrogens. An X-ray structure for the protected hexasaccharide shows that the small coupling constants are due to some of the glucopyranose rings adopting a twist-boat conformation. The X-ray studies also explain other unexpected NMR observations.  相似文献   
Summary Phloridzin-insensitive, Na+-independentd-glucose uptake into isolated small intestinal epithelial cells was shown to be only partially inhibited by trypsin treatment (maximum 20%). In contrast, chymotrypsin almost completely abolished hexose transport. Basolateral membrane vesicles prepared from rat small intestine by a Percoll® gradient procedure showed almost identical susceptibility to treatment by these proteolytic enzymes, indicating that the vesicles are predominantly oriented outside-out. These vesicles with a known orientation were employed to investigate the kinetics of transport in both directions across the membrane. Uptake data (i.e. movement into the cell) showed aK t of 48mm and aV max of 1.14 nmol glucose/mg membrane protein/sec. Efflux data (exit from the cell) showed a lowerK t of 23mm and aV max of 0.20 nmol glucose/mg protein/sec.d-glucose uptake into these vesicles was found to be sodium independent and could be inhibited by cytochalasin B. TheK t for cytochalasin B as an inhibitor of glucose transport was 0.11 m and theK D for binding to the carrier was 0.08 m.d-glucose-sensitive binding of cytochalasin B to the membrane preparation was maximized withl- andd-glucose concentrations of 1.25m. Scatchard plots of the binding data indicated that these membranes have a binding site density of 8.3 pmol/mg membrane protein. These results indicate that the Na+-independent glucose transporter in the intestinal basolateral membrane is functionally and chemically asymmetric. There is an outward-facing chymotrypsin-sensitive site, and theK t for efflux from the cell is smaller than that for entry. These characteristics would tend to favor movement of glucose from the cell towards the bloodstream.  相似文献   
Benign prostatic hypertrophy and posterior urethral valves present at both extremes of the age spectrum. Both disease processes can obstruct the urinary stream and ultimately have pathophysiological effects on detrusor structure and function. The mechanisms regulating the structural reorganization of the detrusor to a mechanical outflow obstruction are not known. In an attempt to identify maturational differences in myocyte ultrastructure and consequent effects these might have in modifying the response of the detrusor to mechanical stimulus, we studied differences in dynamic nuclear-cytoskeletal interactions in detrusor tissue in an animal model. Using a drug which specifically severs actin, cytochalasin D (CD), as an intracellular mechanical stimulus, we measured changes in nuclear area and the rate of DNA synthesis in detrusor myocytes from young (2-3 week) and old (8-12 mon) guinea pigs. We found that there were age specific differences to intracellular mechanical stimuli in detrusor muscle. Nuclei of myocytes from young animals showed elastic recoil on severing the cell actin matrix and the tissue from young animals increased replicative DNA synthesis with an intracellular stimulus. In contrast, nuclear shape changes in myocytes from old animals suggested less elasticity, and there was no increase in DNA synthesis with disruption of the cell actin matrix. Anti-alpha-smooth muscle actin antibody and rhodamine phalloidin staining of actin in cytochalasin D treated primary explants of detrusor myocytes showed dose dependent disruption of the actin component of the cytoskeleton. These results suggest that there are fundamental modifications in detrusor myocyte ultrastructure with age. These maturational changes might result in differences in the pathophysiological and structural reorganization of the detrusor in response to outflow obstruction in infancy and adulthood. Furthermore, they suggest that 1) a tensile equilibrium exists between the myocyte nucleus and cytoskeleton; 2) there appears to be a decrease in myocyte nuclear elasticity with ageing; 3) release of nuclear template restrictions increases activity of DNA polymerase alpha in young, but not old, detrusor myocytes; and 4) mechanico-chemical signal transduction in detrusor myocytes may be mediated via the cytoskeleton. In addition, based on previous reports of actin within the nucleus, the results suggest that 1) nuclear actin may have a homeostatic structural role, maintaining the tensile equilibrium between nucleus and cytoskeleton, and 2) integrity of nuclear actin may function to maintain the spatial template restriction on DNA polymerase alpha activity.  相似文献   
Summary The potent fungal metabolite cytochalasin D (CD) and cationized ferritin (CF) are used in combination to test for negative charge distribution on blebs (knobs). Two established human epithelial cell lines, WISH and HeLa, that display blebs in various phases of the cell cycle or under certain culture conditions (37,46) are investigated. CD alone, applied at a low concentration (1.0 μg/ml) and for a short time period (3 min), causes blebs to appear as the prevalent surface feature. These are filled mainly with free ribosomes. Additionally, feltlike mats, presumed to be disorganized, compacted microfilaments, are formed directly beneath the cell membrane. These are especially evident in the cortical cytoplasm below the blebs or bleb clusters. CF (0.345 mg/ml), applied for a 5-min period after CD administration (1.0 μg/ml) for 3 min, appears along the surface of microvilli, at the base of blebs, and in vesicles beneath the bleb clusters. In some cases, microfilaments (6 nm in diameter) are closely related to the vesicles. CF does not preferentially bind to the apical cell membrane of blebs. Above areas of the subplasmalemmal microfilaments, CF membrane binding is apparent, even under circumstances where the filaments are disorganized by cytochalasin treatment. These results seem to show the following: (a) bleb membranes are different from the remainder of the cell and do exhibit a loss of negative charge and (b) surface charge may be dependent on the presence or structural integrity of membrane-related 6-nm microfilaments. The support of this research by a grant from the Baylor College of Dentistry and The Oklahoma College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery is gratefully acknowledged. The assistance of Dr. J. H. Martin, Department of Pathology, Baylor University Medical Center, is also greatly appreciated.  相似文献   
本文研究了蚕豆叶肉原生质体经透明质酸酶、核糖核酸酶、神经氨酸酶、碱性磷酸酶、胰蛋白酶、脂肪酶六种水解酶和SDS、Triton X-100、CTMAB三种表面活性剂以及秋水仙素、细胞松驰素B处理后的电融合过程。结果表明:胰蛋白酶处理后的原生质体融合率明显下降;碱性磷酸酶、脂肪酶以及核糖核酸酶、透明质酸酶、神经氨酸酶处理的原生质体电融合率均有不同程度的上升。Triton X-100和CTMAB促进原生质体的电融合,但较高浓度(0.01%)的SDS起抑制作用。秋水仙素和细胞松驰素B处理的原生质体其电融合率有较大幅度的增高。  相似文献   
Summary Sodium tetrathionate reacts with the glucose carrier of human erythrocytes at a rate which is greatly altered in the presence of competitive inhibitors of glucose transport. Inhibitors bound to the carrier on the outer surface of the membrane, either at the substrate site (maltose) or at the external inhibition site (phloretin and phlorizin), more than double the reaction rate. Inhibitors bound at the internal inhibition site (cytochalasin B and androstenedione), protect the system against tetrathionate. After treatment with tetrathionate, the maximum transport rate falls to less than one-third, and the properties of the binding sites are modified in unexpected ways. The affinity of externally bound inhibitors rises: phloretin is bound up to seven times more strongly and phlorizin and maltose twice as strongly. The affinity of cytochalasin B, bound at the internal inhibition site, falls to half while that of androstenedione is little changed. The affinity of external glucose falls slightly. Androstenedione prevents both the fall in transport activity and the increase in phloretin affinity produced by tetrathionate. An inhibitor of anion transport has no effect on the reaction. The observations support the following conclusions: (1) Tetrathionate produces its effects on the glucose transport system by reacting with the carrier on the outer surface of the membrane. (2) The carrier assumes distinct inward-facing and outward-facing conformations, and tetrathionate reacts with only the outward-facing form. (3) The thiol group with which tetrathionate is presumed to react is not present in either the substrate site or the internal or external inhibitor site. (4) In binding asymmetrically to the carrier, a reversible inhibitor shifts the carrier partition between inner and outer forms and thereby raises or lowers the rate of tetrathionate reaction with the system. (5) Reaction with tetrathionate converts the carrier to an altered state in which the conformation at all three binding sites is changed and the rate of carrier reorientation is reduced.  相似文献   
Blood was collected from newborn calves before and after their first milk intake after birth; extracts of plasma were assayed by radioimmunoassay for the presence of beta-casomorphin-7 immunoreactive materials. No beta-casomorphin immunoreactivity was found in samples collected before milk ingestion; however, in samples collected after milk ingestion a beta-casomorphin-7 immunoreactive material was detected. Chromatographic characterization showed that this material was not identical with beta-casomorphin-7 but might rather represent a precursor thereof. The material proved resistant to enzymatic attack during a 30-min incubation period at 37 degrees C in the plasma of newborn calves, whereas beta-casomorphin-7 was degraded under these conditions. A physiological significance of beta-casomorphin-7 eventually cleaved from such a precursor material at any site in the newborn mammal is suggested.  相似文献   
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