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The activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary axis is critical for the initiation and maintenance of reproductive cycles in pigs and is influenced by a number of factors, such as nutrition, metabolism and gonadal steroids. Kisspeptin is a neuropeptide that is expressed in discrete regions of the porcine hypothalamus and is positioned to mediate the action of many of these factors. The expression of kisspeptin in the pig hypothalamus does not appear to be regulated by gonadal steroids in the same way as other species. It is unclear if kisspeptin is mediating nutritional or metabolic effects on gonadotropin secretion in pigs as it takes large deficits in feed intake or BW to affect hypothalamic expression of the KISS1 gene in the porcine hypothalamus. There appears to be little genetic diversity in kisspeptin or its receptor that is useful for improving reproduction in swine. Both peripheral and central injection of kisspeptin strongly stimulates the secretion of gonadotropin hormones, LH and FSH, in gilts. Similarly, synthetic analogues have been developed and showed potential promise as tools to manage reproductive cycles in gilts and sows. Review of the literature nonetheless reveals that research on kisspeptin and its function in controlling reproduction in pigs has lagged that of other livestock species.  相似文献   
If endocrine active chemicals (EACs) adversely affect human development, then there must be evidence of effects in animal models at properly scaled levels of exposure during pertinent sensitive periods as derived from quantified exposures of the human fetus. Our recent studies attempt to address both effects and exposures. First Study: Dams were gavaged from Gestation Day (GD) 14 through weaning on Post-Natal Day (PND) 21 with either corn oil alone (unexposed controls) or Low DES (0.5?mg/kg BW); High DES (5.0?mg/kg BW); GEN (15?mg/kg BW); GEN + DES (GEN at 15?mg/kg BW and DES at 0.5?mg/kg BW). No treatments affected duration of gestation, litter size or birth anogenital distance / birth body weights ((bAGD/bBW) or ratios of bAGD/cube root of bBW of pups of either sex. The ratio of weaning AGD to weaning body weight (wAGD/wBW) differed significantly between the control group and each of the estrogenic treatments in both sexes with larger wAGD/wBW values associated with each of the estrogenic treatments. Males exposed to High DES and GEN alone exhibited earlier onset of puberty. Only females in the low DES group showed an earlier onset of puberty. At 50 to 70 days of age, the ratios of male reproductive organ weights/body weight were unaffected by estrogen treatment in all groups except high DES which increased testicle weight and decreased epididymis, seminal vesicle, and prostate weights. Initial vaginal cycle lengths were affected only in the high DES group. Thus low doses of DES and GEN at levels comparable to the upper range of human exposure affect some but not all markers of sexual development. Second Study: Amniotic fluid samples obtained at routine amniocentesis between 15 and 23 weeks of gestation were assayed by gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) analysis. The first group of amniotic fluid samples (n = 53) from 51 women were analysed for several xenobiotic EACs. Alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane, with a mean (± SD) concentration of 0.15 ± 0.06 (ng/ml), and p,p′-DDE, with a mean (± SD) concentration of 0.21 ± 0.18?ng/ ml, were detected in several specimens. Overall one in three amniotic fluid samples tested positive for at least one xenobiotic EAC. Another group of amniotic fluid samples (n = 62) from 56 women were analysed for phytoestrogenic EACs. The mean (± SD) concentration of daidzein and genistein in amniotic fluid were 1.14 ± 1.04 and 1.37 ± 1.00?ng/ml with maximum levels of 5.52 and 4.86?ng/ml, respectively. Overall, 26 and 34 of the samples had quantifiable levels of daidzein and genistein, respectively. Conclusions: One in three human fetuses were exposed to xenobiotic EACs and two of three human fetuses were exposed to phytoestrogenic EACs in utero. Our demonstrations that EACs have developmental effects in an animal model at levels of exposure that mimic those found in humans in North America during sensitive time-frames sustains concerns about potential adverse health effects of developmental exposures to EACs for the human fetus/neonate.  相似文献   
In lactating rats, food restriction potentiates the already high levels of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY). To investigate the role that high levels of NPY might play in the prolongation of lactational infertility that typically accompanies a food restricted lactation we investigated the effects of chronic central infusions of NPY in ad libitum-fed lactating females. First, we compared the effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion of NPY from Days 12-19 postpartum at a dose of 14.4 microg/day with a similar treatment in nonlactating females. In subsequent experiments we examined the effects of NPY infusions into the lateral ventricle at doses of 6 or 20 mug/day or unilaterally into the medial preoptic area at a dose of 1 microg/day from either Days 12-19 or 7-21 postpartum. Effects on food intake; female body weight; and, where appropriate, litter weight and length of lactational diestrus were compared between NPY and vehicle-treated females. As expected NPY infusion produced a robust increase in body weight and food intake in nonlactating females that was accompanied by a suppression of cyclicity. By contrast NPY treatment in lactating rats resulted in a marked decrease in litter growth and an earlier termination of lactational diestrus.  相似文献   
This paper continues a series of reports considering nitric oxide (NO) and its cyclic conversions in mammals. Numerous facts are summarized with the goal of developing a general concept that would allow the statement of the multiple effects of NO on various systems of living organisms in the form of a short and comprehensive law. The current state of biological aspects of NO research is analyzed in term of elucidation of possible role of these studies in the system of biological sciences. The general concept is based on a notion on cyclic conversions of NO and its metabolites. NO cycles in living organisms and nitrogen turnover in the biosphere and also the Bethe nitrogen–carbon cycle in star matter are considered. A hypothesis that the cyclic organization of processes in living organisms and the biosphere reflects the evolution of life is proposed: the development of physiological functions and metabolism are suggested to be closely related to space and evolution of the Earth as a planet of the Solar System.  相似文献   
In this article, we discuss molecular mechanisms involved in the evolution of amygdala kindling and the episodic loss of response to pharmacological treatments during tolerance development. These phenomena allow us to consider how similar principles (in different neurochemical systems) could account for illness progression, cyclicity, and drug tolerance in affective disorders. We describe the phenomenon of amygdala-kindled seizures episodically breaking through effective daily pharmacotherapy with carbamazepine and valproate, suggesting that these observations could reflect the balance of pathological vs compensatory illness-induced changes in gene expression. Under certain circumstances, amygdala-kindled animals that were initially drug responsive can develop highly individualized patterns of seizure breakthroughs progressing toward a complete loss of drug efficacy. This initial drug efficacy may reflect the combination of drug-related exogenous neurochemical mechanisms and illness-induced endogenous compensatory mechanisms. However, we postulate that when seizures are inhibited, the endogenous illness-induced adaptations dissipate (the “time-off seizure” effect), leading to the re-emergence of seizures, a re-induction of a new, but diminished, set of endogenous compensatory mechanisms, and a temporary period of renewed drug efficacy. As this pattern repeats, an intermittent or cyclic response to the anticonvulsant treatment emerges, leading toward complete drug tolerance. We also postulate that the cyclic pattern accelerates over time because of both the failure of robust illness-induced endogenous adaptations to emerge and the progression in pathophysiological mechanisms (mediated by long-lasting changes in gene expression and their downstream consequences) as a result of repeated occurrences of seizures. In this seizure model, this pattern can be inhibited and drug responsivity can be temporarily reinstated by several manipulations, including lowering illness drive (decreasing the stimulation current.), increasing drug dosage, switching to a new drug that does not show crosstolerance to the original medication, or temporarily discontinuing treatment, allowing the illness to re-emerge in an unmedicated animal. Each of these variables is discussed in relation to the potential relevance to the emergence, progression, and suppression of individual patterns of episodic cyclicity in the recurrent affective disorders. A variety of clinical studies are outlined that specifically test the hypotheses derived from this formulation. Data from animal studies suggest that illness cyclicity can develop from the relative ratio between primary pathological processes and secondary endogenous adaptations (assisted by exogenous medications). If this proposition is verified, it further suggests that illness cyclicity is inherent to the neurobiological processes of episode emergence and amelioration, and one does not need to postulate a separate defect in the biological clock. The formulation predicts that early and aggressive long-term interventions may be optimal in order to prevent illness emergence and progression and its associated accumulating neurobiological, vulnerability factors.  相似文献   
With many advantages, many ecological parameters of protozoan communities have been successfully used as a useful bioindicator for bioassessment of water quality in Chinese marine waters. However, as regard the response of the annual cyclicity of protozoan communities to seasonal environmental stress, a further investigation was needed. In this study, the cyclicity of annual variations in community patterns of biofilm-dwelling protozoa was studied based on an annual dataset. Samples were monthly collected, using glass slide method, at four stations, within a pollution gradient, in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea, northern China during a 1-year period. The cyclicity patterns of the microbiota represented a significant spatial variation among four stations. The low value of cyclicity coefficients occurred in heavily polluted area, while the high values were in less stressed areas. Correlation analysis showed that the cyclicity measure was significantly related to environmental variables ammonia, transparency and dissolved oxygen. Thus, it is suggested that the annual cyclicity of protozoan communities may be used as a potential bioindicator of bioassessment in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
  • 1 Among-population differences in pupal mass were studied in a geometrid, Epirrita autumnata. Some Epirrita autumnata populations regularly reach outbreak densities while others are never known to do so. Because adults do not feed, pupal mass of females correlates strongly with fecundity.
  • 2 Larvae were collected from twelve field sites. Ten of our sample populations originated within the outbreak range of the species and represented different phases of outbreaks. Two populations originated outside the outbreak range.
  • 3 Pupal mass of field-collected E. autumnata varied significantly among populations. The peak phase populations had the smallest pupae and the biggest were found in low density populations outside the outbreak range.
  • 4 Offspring of moths from each population were reared under identical conditions in two larval densities. Significant differences were not found in pupal mass among populations. That is, the inherent size, correlated with fecundity of moths, was not different between populations originating within and outside the outbreak range, nor among collections from different densities or phases of the outbreaks.
  • 5 Rearing density did not interact in a consistent way with population.
  • 6 As far as size and fecundity are concerned, the results do not support Chitty's hypothesis that differences in genetic composition of the population at low and high density phases generate cyclic fluctuations of population density.
  • 7 Because no hereditary or maternal differences were found in size and fecundity between E.autumnata originating within and outside the outbreak range, variation in reproductive capacity cannot explain why outbreaks occur only in some populations.
Zusammenfassung Der Zürichbergwald ist eine 350 ha große, bewaldete Kuppe auf 480–680 m ü.M. am Rande der Stadt Zürich. Hier untersuchten wir von 1989 bis 1995 die jahreszeitliche Gesangsaktivität der Singdrossel mit zwei verschiedenen Ansätzen. 1989 und 1991–1995 zählte JH an 123 Tagen auf zwei festgelegten Strecken von 6,1 und 7,1 km die Sänger jeweils in der Stunde der abendlichen Dämmerung. Im gleichen Gebiet zählte RS 1990 an 46 Tagen auf einer 6,7 km langen Strecke am Morgen in der Stunde nach Sonnenaufgang. Ebenfalls 1990 sammelte RS Daten zur Brutbiologie.Die Gesangsaktivität definierten wir mit der Anzahl singender Männchen pro km. Im Jahresverlauf zeigen die Kurven der Morgen- und der Abendaktivität keinen Unterschied. Die Kurve ist deutlich dreiphasig: Ein erster Gesangsschub vom Eintreffen der Vögel bis zum 5. April, danach eine gesangsarme Zwischenzeit bis zum 15. Mai, gefolgt von einem zweiten Gesangsschub, welcher bis zum 5. Juli dauern kann. Allenfalls ist der erste Gesangsschub (stark zeitverschoben) mit dem Beginn der Erstbruten korreliert; die von vielen Singvögel bekannte, markante Gesangsaktivität unmittelbar vor der Eiablage gibt es nicht. Der zweite Gesangsschub ist in der Stärke mit dem ersten vergleichbar. Allerdings liegt er eindeutig am Ende der Brutzeit und kann nicht mit einem Brutparameter (Partnerfindung, Paarbindung, Balz, Brut-Stimulation) in Zusammenhang stehen. Die Funktion dieser nachbrutzeitlichen Gesangsaktivität scheint zukunftsbezogen zu sein. In Frage kommt gehäuftes Singen der Väter vor den Jungen zum Erlernen des Gesangs und des Dialekts, oder/und eine Revier-Voranzeige für die nänchste Brutsaison durch die als philopatrisch bekannten Männchen.
Annual variation in singing activity of the Song Thrush(Turdus philomelos), with comments on high postbreeding song output
Summary This study was carried out at the Zürichbergwald, a forest east of Zurich (47°20N/08°30E). The study site is a wooded hill of 350 ha between 480 to 680 m asl, characterised by a BeechFagus silvatica forest with patches of SprucePicea abies on 25 % of its surface. The Zürichbergwald is a popular recreational area with moderate forestry exploitation. We did not differentiate acoustic registration from singing activity, and we considered the number of singing males per km to be a measure for singing activity. Two different approaches were applied: in 6 breeding seasons (1989 and 1991 to 1995) JH counted birds at sunset on a 6.1 or 7.1 km circuit (n=123). In 1990, the same was done by RS at dawn each morning on a zigzag track of 6.7 km (n=46). Also in 1990, RS sampled data on the breeding biology of the species.The annual cycle of morning and evening song activity was significantly correlated (Spearman's rank-test; p<0.001 comparing pentads, p=0.025 comparing half of months). Morning and evening revealed the same pattern: there was a first large peak of singing activity early in the year (earliest onset of singing 19 February 1989; latest 8 March 1993) until 5 April (phase I). A period of low song activity followed from 6 April to 15 May (phase II). The period from 16 May to (circa) 5 July was characterized by a second large peak (phase III). Each of the corresponding phases was comparable between morning and evening (Wilcoxon matching pairs; p>0.05). The analysis of evening data reveals that phase II differed from I and from III (p=0.05), but the last two did not differ significantly (Wilcoxon matching pairs; p>0.05).The day with the highest song activity fell in phase I twice (maximum 6.1 singing males/km, 2 April 1995) and 5 times in phase III (maximum 6.9 singing males/km, 23 May 1994).The date females first laid was determined for 53 out of 68 nests. The first brood started 25 March, the last 25 June 1990. Only 3 broods were initiated later than 5 June.The first peak of singing activity could be correlated with the (delayed) onset of breeding, but the second started at the end of the breeding season and persisted too long to be correlated with any breeding activity such as female attraction or stimulation, mate-guarding, etc. We postulate the high post-breeding song output to have several possible functions: Song instruction by father to offspring, or territory announcement for the next season.
A written survey assessed reproductive status of female Asian and African elephants in AZA/SSP facilities in 2008, and data were compared to surveys conducted in 2002 and 2005. Results showed that ovarian acyclicity rates across the surveys remained unchanged for Asian (13.3, 10.9 and 11.1%) and African (22.1, 31.2 and 30.5%) elephants, respectively (P > 0.05), but were higher overall for African compared to Asian elephants (P < 0.05). In 2008, the percentages of Asian and African elephants with irregular cycles (14.3 and 15.8%) and irregular + no cycles (25.4 and 46.4%) was similar to 2005 (7.6 and 11.8%; 18.5 and 43.0%), but were increased compared to 2002 (2.6 and 5.2%; 16.0 and 27.3%), respectively (P < 0.05). For both species, ovarian acyclicity increased with age (P < 0.05). Reproductive tract pathologies did not account for the majority of acyclicity, although rates were higher in noncycling females (P < 0.05). Bull presence was associated with increased cyclicity rates (P < 0.05) for Asian (92.5 vs. 58.3%) and African (64.9 vs. 57.8%) elephants compared to females at facilities with no male, respectively. Cyclicity rates were higher for Asian (86.8 vs. 65.2%) and African (67.9 vs. 56.7%) elephants managed in free compared to protected contact programs (P < 0.05), respectively. Geographical facility location had no effect on cyclicity (P > 0.05). In summary, incidence of ovarian cycle problems continues to predominantly affect African elephants. Although percentages of acyclicity did not increase between 2005 and 2008, 42.2% Asian and 30.2% African females were no longer being hormonally monitored; thus, reproductive cycle abnormalities could be worse than current data suggest.  相似文献   
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