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Tree size, survival, and coppicing of micropropagated plantlets, macropropagated cuttings, and seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden were monitored through 57 months in a study in southern Florida to assess propagation options. Two plantlet lines developed by direct micropropagation and orchard open-pollinated seedlings from three ortets were compared in the main study. Rooted cuttings from up to four ramets of each of the three ortets and another ortet were examined in an adjacent supplemental study. Freezes at six and 16 months killed most initial and first-coppice stems to the ground. Most developmental differences in the main study were consistent from ages 2 to 57 months. Propagation by ortet interactions were observed beginning at 21 months, due to the poor performance of seedlings of one ortet after the second freeze. At 57 months, no differences in tree height, DBH, volume, or survival were detected between plantlet lines and between rooted cuttings and plantlets, but seedlings were inferior to plantlets and cuttings. Vegetative propagules had more uniform tree size at every age, with typically less than one-half the variability observed among seedlings. Even though plantlets and cuttings may be more expensive to produce, they have numerous advantages over seedlings for E. grandis plantation establishment in Florida.  相似文献   
Cuttings of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Marma) were treated with 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC). This treatment caused increased ethylene production and reduction of root formation. The effect of 0.1 mM ACC on the level of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the rooting zone and in the shoot apex was analyzed by gas chromatography-single ion monitoring mass spectrometry or by high pressure liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection (HPLC). Concentrations of indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) in the stem bases were also determined using HPLC. The ACC treatment had little effect on the IAA level in the base measured after 24 h, but caused a considerable decrease during the 3 following days. IAAsp increased in the base on days 1, 2 and 3 and then declined. The build up of IAAsp in the base was not affected by ACC during the first two days of the treatment, but later this conjugate decreased more rapidly than in controls. No effect of the ACC treatment was found on the level of IAA in the apex. IAA (1 µM) applied to the cuttings during 24 h reduced the number of roots formed. The possibility that IAA-induced ethylene is involved in this response was investigated.Our results support earlier evidence that the inhibitory effect of ethylene on rooting in pea cuttings is due to decreased IAA levels in the rooting zone. The inhibitory effect of applied IAA is obtained if the internal IAA level is maintained high during the first 24 h, whereas stimulation of rooting occurs if the internal IAA level remains high during an extended period of time. Our results do not support the suggestion that ethylene mediates the inhibitory effect of applied IAA.  相似文献   
对光叶楮扦插生根过程中吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)3种酶进行了动态跟踪分析。结果表明:IAAO活性在扦插初期逐渐上升,第10d上升到高峰,之后下降再上升,第30d达到新高峰,然后迅速下降;前25d POD活性变化规律与IAAO相似,但30d以后活性一直上升;PPO活性在扦插前期缓慢上升,第20d上升到了最高点,此后变化不大。还研究了IAAO、PPO、POD与不定根的发生和发展关系,认为光叶楮扦插生根可分为愈伤组织形成期、根诱导期和根的伸长期3个阶段,愈伤组织形成期3种酶活性都呈上升趋势,根诱导期IAAO和POD的活性达到高峰;而根伸长期IAAO和POD活性下降,PPO活性上升。  相似文献   
NAA处理桉树插条后IAAO活性与生根的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
尾叶桉MLA无性系(简称MLA)为难生根植物,尾叶桉U6无性系(简称U6)和刚果12号桉W5无性系(简称W5)为相对易生根植物。MLA插条内的吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)活性较U6、W5的高。用萘乙酸(NAA)处理桉树插条后,在扦插生根的不同阶段,插条内IAAO活性呈现规律性变化;可溶性蛋白质含量呈上升趋势。本文讨论了IAAO与桉树插条生根的关系。  相似文献   
The present paper reports results of experiments to develop a system for studying adventitious root initiation in cuttings derived from seedlings. Hypocotyl cuttings of 2-week-old eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings were treated for 5 min with 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 or 600 mg l?1 (0, 0.54, 1.07, 1.61, 2.15, 2.69 or 3.22 mM) 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) to determine the effect on root initiation. The number of root primordia per cutting was correlated with NAA concentration and the square of NAA concentration. Thus, the number increased from less than one per cutting in the 0 NAA treatment to approximately 40 per cutting at 300 mg l-1 NAA, above which no substantial further increase was observed. The larger number of root primordia formed in response to increasing concentrations of NAA was due to the formation of primordia over a larger proportion of the hypocotyls. Histological analysis of the timing of root primordium formation in hypocotyl cuttings revealed three discernible stages. Progression through these stages was relatively synchronous among NAA-treated hypocotyl cuttings and within a given cutting, but variation was observed in the portion of different cuttings undergoing root formation. Control-treated hypocotyl cuttings formed root primordia at lower frequencies and more slowly than NAA-treated cuttings, with fewer primordia per cutting. Epicotyl cuttings from 11-week-old seedlings also formed adventitious roots, but more slowly than hypocotyl cuttings. NAA treatment of epicotyl cuttings caused more rapid root initiation and also affected the origin of adventitious roots in comparison with nontreated cuttings. NAA-treated epicotyl cuttings formed roots in a manner analogous to that of the hypocotyl cuttings, directly from preformed vascular tissue, while control-treated epicotyl cuttings first formed a wound or callus tissue and subsequently differentiated root primordia within that tissue. This system of inducing adventitious roots in pine stem cuttings lends itself to studying the molecular and biochemical steps that occur during root initiation and development.  相似文献   
The influence of indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) on rooting of stem cuttings from bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) of different ages, cultivated at different temperatures (17°, 21° and 25°C) was studied and compared to that of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). At a concentration of 10–4 M, IAAsp only nonsignificantly stimulated adventitious root formation, approximately to the same level as IAA in all treatments. IAAsp at 5×10–4 M further enhanced rooting, by up 200% of control values, with little influence of temperature conditions and stock plant age. This concentration of IAA usually stimulated rooting more than the conjugate. The largest differences between the effects of IAAsp and IAA occured at the highest cultivation temperature of 25°C where stock plant age also influenced the response. The number of roots produced in comparison with the control, was enhanced from 350% on cuttings from the youngest plants to more than 600% on cuttings from the oldest. In contrast to the conjugate, 5×10–4 M IAA induced hypocotyl swelling and injury of the epidermis at the base of cuttings, in all treatments.  相似文献   
蕨藻红素促进大豆插条不定根的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对蕨藻红素影响大豆下胚轴插条不定根形成的研究表明:蕨藻红素促进大豆插条不定根的形成,其最适浓度为0.5μmol·L^-1,最适处理时间为2d。0.5μmol·L^-1蕨藻红素处理大豆插条后,不定根诱导阶段(0~24h)的POD、CAT、IAAox活性较低;而不定根形成生长阶段(24~72h)的CAT和IAAox活性较高,POD活性低于未作处理的。试验推测蕨藻红素促进大豆插条不定根形成的生理基础可能与其影响POD、CAT和IAAox活性有关。  相似文献   
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