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To study the polymorphism of human cholinesterases (ChEs) at the levels of primary sequence and three-dimensional structure, a fragment of human butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) cDNA was subcloned into the pEX bacterial expression vector and its polypeptide product analyzed. Immunoblot analysis revealed that the clone-produced BuChE peptides interact specifically with antibodies against human and Torpedo acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Rabbit polyclonal antibodies prepared against the purified clone-produced BuChE polypeptides interacted in immunoblots with denatured serum BuChE as well as with purified and denatured erythrocyte AChE. In contrast, native BuChE tetramers from human serum, but not AChE dimers from erythrocytes, interacted with these antibodies in solution to produce antibody-enzyme complexes that could be precipitated by second antibodies and that sedimented faster than the native enzyme in sucrose gradient centrifugation. Furthermore, both AChE and BuChE dimers from muscle extracts, but not BuChE tetramers from muscle, interacted with these antibodies. To reveal further whether the anti-cloned BuChE antibodies would interact in situ with ChEs in the neuromuscular junction, bundles of muscle fibers were microscopically dissected from the region in fetal human diaphragm that is innervated by the phrenic nerve. Muscle fibers incubated with the antibodies and with 125I-Protein A were subjected to emulsion autoradiography, followed by cytochemical ChE staining. The anti-cloned BuChE antibodies, as well as anti-Torpedo AChE antibodies, created patches of silver grains in the muscle endplate region stained for ChE, under conditions where control sera did not. These findings demonstrate that the various forms of human AChE and BuChE in blood and in neuromuscular junctions share sequence homologies, but also display structural differences between distinct molecular forms within particular tissues, as well as between similarly sedimenting molecular forms from different tissues.  相似文献   
Summary Fusion proteins comprising the amino-terminal 99 amino acids of the bacteriophage MS2 replicase and various portions of OmpV a major outer membrane protein of Vibrio cholerae were expressed in Escherichia coli K12. These fusions were expressed under the control of the PL promoter of bacteriophage , and expression was controlled using a cIts repressor. Fusions occurring within the secretory signal sequence of OmpV gave rise to the production of mature OmpV. The efficiency, however, decreased with progressive deletion of the signal sequence within the fusions. The reactivity of various OmpV fusions with antisera raised against purified OmpV and whole bacteria demonstrated the existence of two antigenic domains: one present in the denatured form and another in the membrane-associated form of OmpV. These domains correspond to markedly hydrophilic regions of the protein as would be predicted for surface-exposed epitopes.  相似文献   
分析沙眼衣原体多形态膜蛋白D(PmpD)的基因序列并预测PmpD蛋白的B细胞抗原表位。在GenBank中检索沙眼衣原体不同血清型的PmpD基因序列,进行序列比对分析。以L2血清型PmpD基因序列为材料,采用Karplus-Schulz、Chou-Fasman和Gamier-Robson方案预测蛋白质的二级结构和柔性区;按Jamesonv-Wolf方案预测抗原指数,运用Kyte-Doolittle方案预测PmpD氨基酸的亲水性,利用Emini方案预测蛋白质的表面可及性。检索到20个沙眼衣原体不同菌株的PmpD基因序列,分析发现其核苷酸序列非常保守,一致性高达99.14%~100%;对预测结果综合分析,推测最有可能的B细胞表位位于PmpD N端的67~74、132~140、335~340、851~861、972~988及1091~1097。多参数方案综合预测PmpD蛋白的B细胞抗原表位,为进一步实验鉴定PmpD抗原表位及其多表位疫苗设计和研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
Du  Ruikun  Cui  Qinghua  Rong  Lijun 《中国病毒学》2021,36(1):13-24
Conventional influenza vaccines are based on predicting the circulating viruses year by year, conferring limited effectiveness since the antigenicity of vaccine strains does not always match the circulating viruses. This necessitates development of universal influenza vaccines that provide broader and lasting protection against pan-influenza viruses. The discovery of the highly conserved immunogens(epitopes) of influenza viruses provides attractive targets for universal vaccine design. Here we review the current understanding with broadly protective immunogens(epitopes) and discuss several important considerations to achieve the goal of universal influenza vaccines.  相似文献   
Immunization of mice or rats with a "non-self" protein is a commonly used method to obtain monoclonal antibodies, and relies on the immune system's ability to recognize the immunogen as foreign. Immunization of an antigen with 100% identity to the endogenous protein, however, will not elicit a robust immune response. To develop antibodies to mouse proteins, we focused on the potential for breaking such immune tolerance by genetically fusing two independent T-cell epitope-containing sequences (from tetanus toxin (TT) and diphtheria toxin fragment A (DTA)) to a mouse protein, mouse ST2 (mST2). Wild-type CD1 mice were immunized with three mST2 tagged proteins (Fc, TT and DTA) and the specific serum response was determined. Only in mice immunized with the T-cell epitope-containing antigens were specific mST2 serum responses detected; hybridomas generated from these mice secreted highly sequence-diverse IgGs that were capable of binding mST2 and inhibiting the interaction of mST2 with its ligand, mouse interleukin (IL)-33 (mIL-33). Of the hundreds of antibodies profiled, we identified five potent antibodies that were able to inhibit IL-33 induced IL-6 release in a mast cell assay; notably one such antibody was sufficiently potent to suppress IL-5 release and eosinophilia infiltration in an Alternaria alternata challenge mouse model of asthma. This study demonstrated, for the first time, that T-cell epitope-containing tags have the ability to break tolerance in wild-type mice to 100% conserved proteins, and it provides a compelling argument for the broader use of this approach to generate antibodies against any mouse protein or conserved ortholog.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The morphogenesis of lobed mesophyll cells (MCs) is highly controlled and coupled with intercellular space formation. Cortical microtubule rings define the number and the position of MC isthmi. This work investigated early events of MC morphogenesis, especially the mechanism defining the position of contacts between MCs. The distributions of plasmodesmata, the hemicelluloses callose and (1 → 3,1 → 4)-β-d-glucans (MLGs) and the pectin epitopes recognized by the 2F4, JIM5, JIM7 and LM6 antibodies were studied in the cell walls of Zea mays MCs.


Matrix cell wall polysaccharides were immunolocalized in hand-made sections and in sections of material embedded in LR White resin. Callose was also localized using aniline blue in hand-made sections. Plasmodesmata distribution was examined by transmission electron microscopy.


Before reorganization of the dispersed cortical microtubules into microtubule rings, particular bands of the longitudinal MC walls, where the MC contacts will form, locally differentiate by selective (1) deposition of callose and the pectin epitopes recognized by the 2F4, LM6, JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies, (2) degradation of MLGs and (3) formation of secondary plasmodesmata clusterings. This cell wall matrix differentiation persists in cell contacts of mature MCs. Simultaneously, the wall bands between those of future cell contacts differentiate with (1) deposition of local cell wall thickenings including cellulose microfibrils, (2) preferential presence of MLGs, (3) absence of callose and (4) transient presence of the pectins identified by the JIM5 and JIM7 antibodies. The wall areas between cell contacts expand determinately to form the cell isthmi and the cell lobes.


The morphogenesis of lobed MCs is characterized by the early patterned differentiation of two distinct cell wall subdomains, defining the sites of the future MC contacts and of the future MC isthmi respectively. This patterned cell wall differentiation precedes cortical microtubule reorganization and may define microtubule ring disposition.  相似文献   
We have developed liposome-based synthetic constructs incorporating peptide epitope(s) (ErbB2 p63-67 CTL which is overexpressed in many tumors and/or HA 307-319 T-helper) and lipopeptide adjuvants (Pam3CysSerSer, Pam3CysAlaGly) in order to elicit an anti-tumor immune response. The epitopes, derivatized with a linker containing a cysteine residue, were conjugated on preformed vesicles (dia. ~ 100 nm) containing lipopeptides functionalized with thiol reactive groups (maleimide or bromoacetyl). The therapeutic efficacy of these constructs was evaluated on a Balb/c mice tumor model inoculated with syngenic murine renal carcinoma (Renca) cells expressing human ErbB2 (Her2/neu) receptor. A successful therapeutic vaccination was obtained which was antigen specific. Furthermore, it appeared that the nature of the polar head group of the lipopeptide adjuvant and also its type of functionalization influence the efficacy of the construct. In our study, the best results were obtained with formulations containing a Pam3CSS anchor in association with the CTL and Th epitopes. Considering these promising results studies are in progress with a new generation of liposomes that incorporate a neutral lipid – lacking adjuvant properties – that serves as anchor of the peptide epitopes and new adjuvants synthesized in our laboratory, which are screened for their antitumour activity in a therapeutic setting.  相似文献   
Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs) are a hallmark of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and represent an important tool for the serological diagnosis of RA.In this study, we describe ACPA reactivity to overlapping citrullinated Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1)-derived peptides and analyze their potential as substrates for ACPA detection by streptavidin capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Using systematically overlapping peptides, containing a 10 amino acid overlap, labelled with biotin C-terminally or N-terminally, sera from 160 individuals (RA sera (n = 60), healthy controls (n = 40), systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 20), Sjögren’s syndrome (n = 40)) were screened for antibody reactivity.Antibodies to a panel of five citrullinated EBNA-1 peptides were found in 67% of RA sera, exclusively of the IgG isotype, while 53% of the patient sera reacted with a single peptide, ARGGSRERARGRGRG-Cit-GEKR, accounting for more than half of the ACPA reactivity alone. Moreover, these antibodies were detected in 10% of CCP2-negative RA sera. In addition, 47% of the RA sera reacted with two or three citrullinated EBNA-1 peptides from the selected peptide panel. Furthermore, a negative correlation between the biotin attachment site and the location of citrulline in the peptides was found, i.e. the closer the citrulline was located to biotin, the lower the antibody reactivity.Our data suggest that citrullinated EBNA-1 peptides may be considered a substrate for the detection of ACPAs and that the presence of Epstein-Barr virus may play a role in the induction of these autoantibodies.  相似文献   
B细胞表位研究有助于肽段疫苗研制,抗体研制以及疾病诊断和治疗研究.不同的B细胞表位诱导免疫系统产生不同的抗体种型,探索研究能够诱导特异性抗体产生的B细胞表位具有重要意义.基于二肽组成特征,利用深度最大输出网络算法训练构建三个二类分类器,分别对应诱导三种不同特异性抗体的B细胞表位,即IgA表位,IgE表位以及IgG表位.通过五折交叉验证训练和测试这三个分类器,获得AUC的值分别为0.78,0.93以及0.78.IgA表位和IgE表位分类器的预测能力优于其它IgA表位和IgE表位分类器,IgG表位分类器和其它IgG表位分类器的预测能力相当.  相似文献   
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