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Net productivity of vegetation is determined by the product of the efficiencies with which it intercepts light (?i) and converts that intercepted energy into biomass (?c). Elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) increases photosynthesis and leaf area index (LAI) of soybeans and thus may increase ?i and ?c; elevated O3 may have the opposite effect. Knowing if elevated CO2 and O3 differentially affect physiological more than structural components of the ecosystem may reveal how these elements of global change will ultimately alter productivity. The effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on an intact soybean ecosystem were examined with Soybean Free Air Concentration Enrichment (SoyFACE) technology where large field plots (20‐m diameter) were exposed to elevated CO2 (~550 μmol mol?1) and elevated O3 (1.2 × ambient) in a factorial design. Aboveground biomass, LAI and light interception were measured during the growing seasons of 2002, 2003 and 2004 to calculate ?i and ?c. A 15% increase in yield (averaged over 3 years) under elevated CO2 was caused primarily by a 12% stimulation in ?c , as ?i increased by only 3%. Though accelerated canopy senescence under elevated O3 caused a 3% decrease in ?i, the primary effect of O3 on biomass was through an 11% reduction in ?c. When CO2 and O3 were elevated in combination, CO2 partially reduced the negative effects of elevated O3. Knowing that changes in productivity in elevated CO2 and O3 were influenced strongly by the efficiency of conversion of light energy into energy in plant biomass will aid in optimizing soybean yields in the future. Future modeling efforts that rely on ?c for calculating regional and global plant productivity will need to accommodate the effects of global change on this important ecosystem attribute.  相似文献   
Species richness in the alpine zone varies dramatically when communities are compared. We explored (i) which stress and disturbance factors were highly correlated with species richness, (ii) whether the intermediate stress hypothesis (ISH) and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) can be applied to alpine ecosystems, and (iii) whether standing crop can be used as an easily measurable surrogate for causal factors determining species richness in the alpine zone. Species numbers and standing crop were determined in 14 alpine plant communities in the Swiss Alps. To quantify the stress and disturbance factors in each community, air temperature, relative air humidity, wind speed, global radiation, UV-B radiation, length of the growing season, soil suction, pH, main soil nutrients, waterlogging, soil movement, number of avalanches, level of denudation, winter dieback, herbivory, wind damage, and days with frost were measured or observed. The present study revealed that 82% of the variance in␣vascular species richness among sites could be explained by just two abiotic factors, daily maximum temperature and soil pH. Daily maximum temperature and pH affect species richness both directly and via their effects on other environmental variables. Some stress and disturbance factors were related to species richness in a monotonic way, others in an unimodal way. Monotonic relationships suggest that the harsher the environment is, the fewer species can survive in such habitats. In cases of unimodal relationships (ISH and IDH) species richness decreases at both ends of the gradients due to the harsh environment and/or the interaction of other environmental factors. Competition and disturbance seemed only to play a secondary role in the form of fine-tuning species richness in specific communities. Thus, we concluded that neither the ISH nor the IDH can be considered useful conceptual models for the alpine zone. Furthermore, we found that standing crop can be used as an easily measurable surrogate for causal factors determining species richness in the alpine zone, even though there is no direct causality.  相似文献   
In the past great efforts have been made to gain a thorough understanding of the processes involved in carbon fixation but the fate of the acquired carbon has been somewhat neglected, although this aspect is crucial for improving yield performance without diminishing the quality of the harvested organs. To contribute to the crucial debate on that topic the aim of the present study was to propose some unbiased components concerning in particular grain legumes: ‘Is there any antagonism between high yield and increased nutritional quality, with a focus on protein content?’ An original approach has been used to study the impact of the modification of seed composition on the crop production, which combines theoretical calculations of energetic cost and field yield data. When applied to a wide range of species with varying seed composition, a plurispecific negative relationship between the theoretical carbon costs of seed production and the observed yields was demonstrated. The high-throughput of genetic markers could result in large-scale screening of seed quality parameters and such studies, while evaluating the impact of seed composition on crop yield, could also be used to provide data to forecast the economic impact of a new line with an original composition compared with its economically enhanced value.  相似文献   
Seedlings of 14 species were grown for 14–28 days on nutrient solution with 6 mmol.l−1 NH4 as the sole nitrogen source. Solutions acidity was were kept constant at pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 by continuous titration with diluted KOH. The following species were used: barley, maize, oats sorghum, yellow and white lupin, pea, soybean, carrot, flax, castor-oil, spinach, sugarbeet and sunflower. Most plant species grew optimally at pH 6.0 with slight reductions at pH 5.0. Growth of many species was severely inhibited at pH 4.0, but this inhibition was not observed with the legume and cereal species. Yield depressions at pH 4.0 relative to pH 6.0 were well correlated with the respective relative decreases of the K concentration in their roots (P<0.002). In the roots of two species (sunflower and flax) total N concentrations were also strongly reduced at pH 4.0. apparently, the interactions between uptake of K, NH4 and H ions become the prevalent problem at suboptimal pH. At pH 7.0, yields were also considerably decreased, with the exception of the lupines. At this pH, the roots of the growth inhibited plants were characterized by increased levels of total N and free NH4. It is thought that the binding capacity of the roots for NH4 is an important factor in preventing NH4/NH3 toxicity at supraoptimal pH.  相似文献   
Grain sorghum can substitute for corn as a full season crop and replace soybeans in double cropping systems with wheat in the southeastern United States. Relatively few studies have been conducted to measure the response of grain sorghum to tillage, weed control method, and row spacing. These experiments were designed to determine the effects of weed control method and row spacing on no-till planted grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench G1516-BR) after wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Coker 68–15) and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L. Bigbee) grown for winter forage in comparison to sorghum planted on a conventionally prepared seedbed. The experiment included 45, 60, and 90 cm row spacings and three weed control regimes: none, mechanical, and chemical. Grain sorghum planted no-till in crimson clover or wheat sod yielded considerably more grain than conventionally planted sorghum. Grain sorghum produced significantly higher yields in 45-cm rows than in 60-and 90-cm row spacings with all three planting methods. Effects of chemical weed control on weed population with all tillage methods and on grain yield with conventional tillage were significant. There were no significant differences in grain protein content due to row spacing or weed control method.  相似文献   
Instantaneous rates of (soil + root) respiration were measured periodically during grain filling in sunflower crops that were i) irrigated at weekly intervals and ii) subjected to water stress for the last 25 days of the 40-day grain filling period. Daily (soil + root) respiration was calculated using instantaneous respiration rates, an empirically determined temperature response function, and diurnal records of soil temperature. Daily soil respiration was estimated using empirically determined functions linking soil respiration to soil temperature and water content. Between anthesis and maturity, daily root respiration of the irrigated crop dropped by about one half from ca. 1.8 g C m-2 d-1, exhibiting a strong association with daily crop gross photosynthesis. Water stress brought about a rapid decrease in root respiration, which fell to about 0.1 g C m-2 d-1 at maturity. Root respiration during grain filling was 46 and 30 g C m-2 for irrigated and stressed crops, respectively.  相似文献   
旱地作物生态工程的设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旱地作物生态工程是运用生态学和系统科学的原理和方法而设计和组建的旱地作物生产工艺体系。它把作物及其环境作为一个系统,统筹兼顾,相互协调,全面安排,综合利用。其最终目标是建立高效的,相对平衡的旱地作物生态系统。工程的最大特点在于它的整体性和综合性。它是作物先进生产技术的科学组装  相似文献   
The binding of zinc,but not cadmium,by phytic acid in roots of crop plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant species adapted to soils enriched with heavy metals often accumulate these metals in their above or below ground organs. In this study, electron probe microanalysis of fractured, quench-frozen root specimens of common crop species shows that an appreciable quantity of Zn can be bound as Zn phytate (myo-inositolkis-hexaphosphate) within small vacuoles of cells in the root elongation zone of lucerne, soybean, lupins, tomato, rapeseed, cabbage, radish, maize and wheat exposed to high levels of Zn (80–300 M). Globular deposits of Zn phytate are most frequently observed in the endodermis of dicotyledonous species and in the pericycle of monocotyledonous species, but may also occur in the stele and inner cortex after prolonged exposure to toxic levels of Zn. The deposits could not be found in Zn-treated sunflower, field peas and Italian ryegrass. In three crop species, lucerne, soybean and maize, Zn-induced phytate globules were frequent, but exposure of roots to 30 M Cd did not induce the formation of Cd-containing globular deposits as observed inLemna minor (Van Steveninck et al., 1990a, 1992). Simultaneous Zn and Cd treatment induced the formation of Zn phytate globules as effectively as Zn alone, and Cd was not detected in the deposits.  相似文献   
Soil samples from forest and agricultural sites in three areas of southwest France were collected to determine the effect of forest conversion to continuous intensive corn cropping with no organic matter management on soil organic carbon (C) content. Soils were humic loamy soils and site characteristics that may affect soil C were as uniform as possible (slope, elevation, texture, soil type, vegetation). Three areas were selected, with adjacent sites of various ages of cultivation (3 to 35 yr), and paired control forest sites. The ploughed horizon (0-Dt cm) and the Dt-50 cm layer were collected at each agricultural site. In forest sites, each 10 cm layer was collected systematically down to 1 meter depth. Carbon concentrations were converted to total content to a given depth as the product of concentration, depth of sample and bulk density, and expressed in units of kg m-2. For each site and each sampled layer, the mineral mass of soil was calculated, in order to base comparisons on the same soil mass rather than the same depth. The pattern of C accumulation in forest soils showed an exponential decrease with depth. Results suggested that soil organic carbon declined rapidly during the first years of cultivation, and at a slower rate thereafter. This pattern of decrease can be fitted by a bi-exponential model assuming that initial soil organic carbon can be separated into two parts, a very labile pool reduced during the first rapid decline and more refractory fractions oxidizing at a slower rate. Sampling to shallow depths (0-Dt cm) resulted in over-estimation of the rate of carbon release in proportion to the initial amount of C, and in under-estimation of the total loss of C with age. The results for the 0–50 cm horizon indicated that losses of total carbon average about 50% in these soils, ranging in initial carbon content from 19 to 32.5 kg m-2. Carbon release to the atmosphere averaged 0.8 kg m-2 yr-1 to 50 cm depth during the first 10 years of cultivation. The results demonstrate that temperate soils may also be an important source of atmospheric carbon, when they are initially high in carbon content and then cultivated intensively with no organic matter management.  相似文献   
Van de Geijn  S. C.  Vos  J.  Groenwold  J.  Goudriaan  J.  Leffelaar  P. A. 《Plant and Soil》1994,161(2):275-287
A research facility is described for the integrated study of soil-root-shoot-atmosphere relationships in crops. The Wageningen Rhizolab has been in use since 1990, and consists of two rows, each with eight below-ground compartments aligned along a corridor. A rain shelter automatically covers the experimental area at the start of rainfall. Compartments are 125 cm × 125 cm and 200 cm deep. Each compartment has a separate drip irrigation system. Crop canopy photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration can be measured simultaneously and continuously on four out of eight compartments at a time. Each compartment can be filled with a selected soil material (repacked soil) and is accessible from the corridor over its full depth. Multiple sensors for measuring soil moisture status, electrical conductivity, temperature, soil respiration, trace gases and oxygen are installed in spatial patterns in accordance with the requirements of the experiments. Sensors are connected to control and data-acquisition devices. Likewise, provisions have been made to sample manually the soil solution and soil atmosphere. Root observation tubes (minirhizotrons) are installed horizontally at depth intervals ranging from 5 cm (upper soil layers) to 25 cm (below 1 m). The facility is at present in use to study growth and development of vegetation (crops) in relation to drought, nutrient status, soil-borne diseases, and underground root competition. One important application is the study of elevated CO2 concentration and climate change and the way they affect crops and their carbon economy. Growth and development of field grown vegetables and winter cover crops are also evaluated. The common aspect of those studies is to gain a better understanding of crop growth under varying environmental conditions, and to collect datasets that may help to improve mechanistic crop growth simulation models that can address suboptimal growth conditions.  相似文献   
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