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Although it is generally assumed that among mammals and within mammal groups, those species that rely on diets consisting of greater amounts of plant fiber have larger gastrointestinal tracts (GIT), statistical evidence for this simple claim is largely lacking. We compiled a dataset on the length of the small intestine, caecum, and colon in 42 strepsirrhine, platyrrhine, and catarrhine primate species, using specimens with known body mass (BM). We tested the scaling of intestine length with BM, and whether dietary proxies (percentage of leaves and a diet quality index) were significant covariates in these scaling relationships, using two sets of models: one that did not account for the phylogenetic structure of the data, and one that did. Intestine length mainly scaled geometrically at exponents that included 0.33 in the confidence interval; Strepsirrhini exhibited particularly long caeca, while those of Catarrhini were comparatively short. Diet proxies were only significant for the colon and the total large intestine (but not for the small intestine or the caecum), and only in conventional statistics (but not when accounting for phylogeny), indicating the pattern occurred across but not within clades. Compared to terrestrial Carnivora, primates have similar small intestine lengths, but longer large intestines. The data on intestine lengths presented here corroborate recent results on GIT complexity, suggesting that diet, as currently described, does not exhaustively explain GIT anatomy within primate clades.  相似文献   
Details of the cuticular, epidermal and anatomical features of the leaves of Cathaya argyrophylla Chun & Kuang, are described and compared with those of three species of Keteleeria (K. davidiana (Bertrand) Beissner, K. fortunei (Murray) Carriere, and K. chien-peii Flous). The study supports the creation of Cathaya Chun & Kuang as a new genus of the Pinaceae.  相似文献   
Remains of two large sarcopterygians are described from Famennian deposits in Belgium. One of them is referred to Eusthenodon wängsjöi Jarvik; it is the first occurrence of this genus in Belgium. The other, much larger one, appears to be a tristichopterid. It has a postspiracular; size and shape of the mandible similar to those of Platycephalichthys skuenicus and P. bischoffi ; snout and cheek patterns close to those of Eusthenodon ; unusual shape of the supratemporal resembling that of Hyneria , Mandageria and Platycephalichthys skuenicus ; and tooth histology quite similar to that of Eusthenodon and Platycephalichthys .  相似文献   
In view of their propositional content (i.e. they can be right or wrong), character statements (i.e. statements that predicate characters of organisms) are treated as low-level hypotheses. The thesis of the present study is that such character statements, as do more complex scientific theories, come with variable scope. The scope of a hypothesis, or theory, is the domain of discourse over which the hypothesis, or theory, ranges. A character statement is initially introduced within the context of a certain domain of discourse that is defined by the scale of the initial phylogenetic analysis. The doctrine of 'total evidence' requires the inclusion of previously introduced characters in subsequent studies. As a consequence, the initial scope of character statements is widened to the extent that the scale of subsequent analyses is broadened. Scope expansion for character statements may result in incomplete characters, in the subdivision of characters, or in ambiguity of reference (indeterminacy of the extension of anatomical terms). Character statements with a wide scope are desirable because they refer to characters with the potential to resolve deep nodes in phylogenetic analyses. Care must be taken to preserve referential unambiguity of anatomical terms if the originally restricted scope of a character statement is expanded to match a broad-scale phylogenetic analysis.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 297–308.  相似文献   
Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-ethanol (IEt) were identified in immature seeds of Pinus sylvestris L. by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Indole-3-methanol was tentatively identified using multiple ion monitoring. Anatomical investigations of seeds, as well as measurements of free and alkali-hydrolysable IAA and IEt, were made during seed development and germination. Levels of free IAA and IEt decreased during seed development. In the later stages of seed maturation most IAA and IEt were present in alkali-hydrolysable forms. Bound IAA and bound IEt rapidly decreased during germination, while levels of free IAA and IEt increased dramatically for a short period.  相似文献   
Summary Leaf water potentials, osmotic properties and structural characteristics were examined in the Australian tropical rainforest tree species, Castanospermum australe. These features were compared for individuals growing in the understorey and canopy of the undisturbed forest and in an open pasture from which the forest had been cleared. Leaf water potentials during the day declined to significantly lower values in the open-grown and canopy trees than in the understorey trees. During most of the day the opengrown tree experienced the lowest water potentials. These differences were paralleled by significant differences in tissue osmotic properties. The tissue osmotic potential at full hydration was lowest in the open-grown tree (-1.80 MPa), intermediate in the canopy trees (-1.38 MPa), and highest in the understorey trees (-0.80 MPa). As a result, the degree to which high and positive turgor pressures were maintained as water potentials declined was highest in the open-grown tree, intermediate in the canopy trees, and lowest in the understorey trees. The differences in tissue osmotic properties between individuals in the three crown positions were paralleled, in turn, by differences in leaf structual characteristics. Relative to leaves of the canopy and open-grown trees, leaves of the understorey trees had significantly larger epidermal cells with thinner cell walls, larger specific leaf areas and turgid weight: dry weight ratios, and a higher proportion of intercellular air space.Abbreviations 1 Leaf tissue water potential - min Lowest value of 1 during the day ( noon) - P=0 1 zero turgor - R Relative water content - P Tissue turgor pressure - Tissue osmotic potential - 0 at full hydration  相似文献   
The floral vascular anatomy of 12 species representing each ofAsarum s. str.,Asiasarum, Geotaenium, Heterotropa andHexastylis are compared to clarify intergeneric relationships. The five genera have basically similar structures in floral morphology and vasculature, and consistently have a six-carpelled compound ovary and the associated similar placental vasculature. They show, however, a significant difference in the position and the constituent of the “ventral” carpellary bundles in the placental axis betweenAsiasarum-Heterotropa-Hexastylis andAsarum-Geotaenium. InAsiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis the ventral bundles of each carpel are basically free and antilocular as expected in the least specialized compound ovary of angiosperms; in contrast, inAsarum andGeotaenium the ventral carpellary bundles are antiseptal and heterogenous (i.e., formed by the lateral fusion of ventral bundles of adjacent carpels). Shared probable apomorphic floral vasculature, as well as shared single style-column, suggests the closest mutual relationships betweenAsarum andGeotaenium. In terms of floral morphology and anatomy,Asiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis retain plesiomorphies. Possible chromosomal evolution in the related genera is also discussed.  相似文献   
Shape variations in the dentition and the cranium were analyzed for sevenSaguinus forms of the hairy-face tamarin by applying the factor analysis method. The results obtained for the dental and cranial measurements were almost consistent with each other. The magnitude of the difference in shape factors between theS. nigricollis group and theS. midas group is appreciably larger than that between the former group and theS. mystax group. If the ancestral geographic centre of origin is postulated as being within the region which is inhabited by the livingS. nigricollis group, the morphological distances between any pairs of groups correlate well with the geographic distances between them. Concerning the dental and cranial morphologies, the physical changes in the three species group probably took place in two directions; that is, from theS. nigricollis group to theS. mystax group, and from theS. nigricollis group to theS. midas group. The forms belonging to each species group are more closely related to each other, with the exception ofS. imperator in theS. mystax group. The uniqueness ofS. imperator was clearly demonstrated by factor analysis and distance analysis. In theS. mystax group, although still hypothetical,S. imperator may have been related only through the basic ancestral stock toS. labiatus andS. mystax.  相似文献   
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