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An easy, reproducible and fast procedure to isolate DNA from cotton leaves is described. The addition of 0.5 M glucose in the extraction buffer avoids browning by polyphenolic compounds and improves the quality of DNA for molecular analysis. The DNA yield ranged between 150–400 mg per gram of fresh tissue. The DNA was suitable for digestion by restriction enzymes and amplificatiion by Taq DNA polymerase.  相似文献   
Tree size, survival, and coppicing of micropropagated plantlets, macropropagated cuttings, and seedlings of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden were monitored through 57 months in a study in southern Florida to assess propagation options. Two plantlet lines developed by direct micropropagation and orchard open-pollinated seedlings from three ortets were compared in the main study. Rooted cuttings from up to four ramets of each of the three ortets and another ortet were examined in an adjacent supplemental study. Freezes at six and 16 months killed most initial and first-coppice stems to the ground. Most developmental differences in the main study were consistent from ages 2 to 57 months. Propagation by ortet interactions were observed beginning at 21 months, due to the poor performance of seedlings of one ortet after the second freeze. At 57 months, no differences in tree height, DBH, volume, or survival were detected between plantlet lines and between rooted cuttings and plantlets, but seedlings were inferior to plantlets and cuttings. Vegetative propagules had more uniform tree size at every age, with typically less than one-half the variability observed among seedlings. Even though plantlets and cuttings may be more expensive to produce, they have numerous advantages over seedlings for E. grandis plantation establishment in Florida.  相似文献   
Summary Cucumber seedlings were grown in a Portsmouth soil-sand system to study how varying soil clay and organic matter content might modify cucumber seedling response to ferulic acid, a reported allelopathic agent. Leaf area expansion of cucumber seedlings, soil respiration, and soil solution concentrations of ferulic acid were monitored. Leaf area, mean absolute rates of leaf expansion, and shoot dry weight of cucumber seedlings were significantly reduced by ferulic acid concentrations ranging from 10 to 70 μg/g dry soil. Ferulic acid was applied every other day, since it rapidly disappeared from soil solution as a result of retention by soil particles, utilization by microbes and/or uptake by roots. The amount of ferulic acid retained (i.e., adsorbed, polymerized,etc.) by soil particles appeared to be secondary to microbial utilization and/or uptake by roots. Varying clay (5.3 to 9.8 g/cup) and organic matter (2.0 to 0.04g/cup) contents of the soil appeared to have little impact on the disappearance of ferulic acid from soil solution under “ideal” growth conditions for cucumber seedlings unless larger amounts of ferulic acid were added to the soil; in this case 200 μg/g. The addition of ferulic acid to the soil materials substantially increased the activity of the soil microbes. This latter conclusion is based on recovery of ferulic acid from soil solution and soil respiration measurements. Paper No. 10347 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, N C 27695-7601. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   
Six compounds were identified from gland extracts of the cotton bollworm, Heliothis armigera(Hubner): (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), (Z)-9-hexa-decenal (Z9-16:Ald), hexadecanal, (Z)-11-hexadecenol (Z11-16:OH), (Z)-7-hexadecenal (Z7-16:Ald), and (Z)-9-tetradecenal (Z9-14:Ald). Each of the compounds that were identified was examined for its ability to elicit sexual responses from male moths in a flight tunnel. Males flew upwind to Z11-16:Ald alone, but greater levels of copulatory responses were evoked with the addition of 2.5% Z9-16:Ald to the Z11-16:Ald. Addition of hexadecanal to the binary mixture had no effect in raising the behavioral response of the males in the flight tunnel. The effect of Z7-16:Ald on male flight depended on the loading. The addition of 1% of this component to 2 mg of the binary mixture reduced levels of copulatory response, but the same addition (1 %) to 10 g of the binary mixture increased copulatory response. The addition of 79-14:Ald or Z11-16:OH to the binary mixture reduced behavioral responses of males. High loadings of the binary mixture (200–2000 g) were better than a low loading (10 g) in eliciting response of males.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 2455-E, 1988 series.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of monensin on polysaccharide slime secretion by root tips of corn (Zea mays) was studied. Various treatment times and ionophore concentrations were tested: none resulted in inhibition of slime secretion. Because monensin changes the pH of the medium, its effect was also monitored in strongly buffered media and at different pH's. Even in such media, monensin did not inhibit slime secretion. We also measured the effect of the drug after a pulse with [3H]fucose or a pulse followed by a chase. The amount of labeled slimed secreted was not altered by the ionophore. However, 10M monensin affected the development of root tips and drastically reduced their growth. We showed that monensin inhibits the secretion of -amylase by the scutellum of the same plantlet. The importance of the nature of the secretory compound in relation to monensin inhibition of its secretion is discussed.Abbrevations Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sul-fonic acid - Mes 2-(N-morpholino)ethane-sulfonic acid  相似文献   
Predation by third instar larvae of Chrysoperla (=Chrysopa) carnea (Stephens) (Chrysopidae) did not alter the ratio of unparasitized Heliothis virescens (F.) (Noctuidae) larvae to H. virescens larvae parasitized by Microplitis croceipes (Cresson) (Braconidae) when these second instar larvae were exposed together to the predator on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., Malvaceae) in field cages. This indicates that C. carnea larvae did not prefer either parasitized or unparasitized larvae.
Prédation par Chrysopa carnea des chenilles d'Heliothis virescens parasitées par Microplitis croceipes
Résumé Les prédations de chenilles d'Heliothis virescens, parasitées ou saines, élevées sur coton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), de la variété Stoneville 213, ont été comparées, dans des cages de 10 m2 chacune placées dans la nature. Des chenilles du second stade ont été placées sur des pieds de coton dans 10 cages, à raison de 160 chenilles préalablement exposées à M. croceipes pendant leur premier stade et 40 chenilles saines par cage. Des larves du troisième stade de Chrysopa carnea ont été ajoutées dans 6 cages, à raison de 500/cage, et 4 cages ont servi de témoins pour évaluer les autres causes de mortalité. L'expérience a été répétée 2 fois. Les chenilles d'H. virescens ont été retirées au bout d'un jour dans une expérience et au bout de 2 jours dans l'autre. C. carnea n'a fait aucun choix entre chenilles parasitées ou non; la fréquence moyenne de chenilles parasitées n'a pas présenté de différence significative entre les cages avec ou sans C. carnea. Qui qu'il en soit, C. carnea a réduit significativement la survie des chenilles d'H. virescens parasitées ou non.
The influence of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices (Gi) and superphosphate (P) on penetration, development, and reproduction of Meloidogyne incognita (Mi) was studied on the Mi-susceptible cotton cultivar Stoneville 213 in an environmental chamber at 28 C. Plants were inoculated with Mi eggs at planting or after 28 days and destructively sampled 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after nematode inoculation. Mi penetration after 7 days was similar in all treatments at either inoculation interval. At 28 days, however, nematode numbers were least in mycorrhizal root systems and greatest in root systems grown with supplemental P. The rate of development of second-stage juveniles to ovipositing females was unaffected by Gi or P when Mi was added at planting, but was delayed in mycorrhizal root systems when Mi was added 28 days after planting. Nematode reproduction was lower in mycorrhizal than in nonmycorrhizal root systems at both Mi inoculation intervals. Nematode reproduction was stimulated by P when Mi was added at planting, but was similar to reproduction in the low P nonmycorrhizal treatment when Mi was added 28 days after planting. Eggs per female were increased by P fertility when Mi was added at planting.  相似文献   
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