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Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) monitored redox titrations are a powerful method to determine the midpoint potential of cofactors in proteins and to identify and quantify the cofactors in their detectable redox state.The technique is complementary to direct electrochemistry (voltammetry) approaches, as it does not offer information on electron transfer rates, but does establish the identity and redox state of the cofactors in the protein under study. The technique is widely applicable to any protein containing an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) detectable cofactor.A typical titration requires 2 ml protein with a cofactor concentration in the range of 1-100 µM. The protein is titrated with a chemical reductant (sodium dithionite) or oxidant (potassium ferricyanide) in order to poise the sample at a certain potential. A platinum wire and a Ag/AgCl reference electrode are connected to a voltmeter to measure the potential of the protein solution. A set of 13 different redox mediators is used to equilibrate between the redox cofactors of the protein and the electrodes. Samples are drawn at different potentials and the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectra, characteristic for the different redox cofactors in the protein, are measured. The plot of the signal intensity versus the sample potential is analyzed using the Nernst equation in order to determine the midpoint potential of the cofactor.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional structure of the quinoprotein methylamine dehydrogenase from Paracoccus dentrificans (PD-MADH) has been determined at 2.8 A resolution by the molecular replacement method combined with map averaging procedures, using data collected from an area detector. The structure of methylamine dehydrogenase from Thio-bacillus versutus, which contains an "X-ray" sequence, was used as the starting search model. MADH consists of 2 heavy (H) and 2 light (L) subunits related by a molecular 2-fold axis. The H subunit is folded into seven four-stranded beta segments, forming a disk-shaped structure, arranged with pseudo-7-fold symmetry. A 31-residue elongated tail exists at the N-terminus of the H subunit in MADH from T. versutus but is partially digested in this crystal form of MADH from P. denitrificans, leaving the H subunit about 18 residues shorter. Each L subunit contains 127 residues arranged into 10 beta-strands connected by turns. The active site of the enzyme is located in the L subunit and is accessible via a hydrophobic channel between the H and L subunits. The redox cofactor of MADH, tryptophan tryptophylquinone is highly unusual. It is formed from two covalently linked tryptophan side chains at positions 57 and 107 of the L subunit, one of which contains an orthoquinone.  相似文献   
 本文提出一种测定FeMo-co催化活力的反应体系,用此反应体系,在测定FeMo-co催化活力的过程中,FeMo-co与变种UW45抽提液的重组活性始终保持不变。讨论了水含量、还原剂对FeMo-co催化活力和重组活力的影响。  相似文献   
The association between enzymatic and electrochemical reactions, enzymatic electrocatalysis, had proven to be a very powerful tooth in both analytical and synthetic fields. However, most of the combinations studied have involved enzymatic catalysis of irreversible or quasi-irreversible reaction. In the present work, we have investigated the possibility of applying enzymatic electrocatalysis to a case where the electrochemical reaction drives a thermodynamically unfavorable reversible reaction. Such thermodynamically unfavorable reactions include most of the oxidations catalyzed by dehydrogenases. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (E.C. was chosen as a model enzyme because the oxidation of ethanol is thermodynamically very unfavorable and because its kinetics are well known. The electrochemical reaction was the oxidation of NADH which is particularly attractive as a method of cofactor regeneration. Both the electrochemical and enzymatic reactions occur in the same batch reactor in such a way that electrical energy is the only external driving force. Two cases were experimentally and theoretically developed with the enzyme either in solution or immobilized onto the electrode's surface. In both cases, the electrochemical reaction could drive the enzymatic reaction by NADH consumption in solution or directly in the enzyme's microenvironment. However even for a high efficiency of NADH consumption, the rate of enzymatic catalysis was limited by product (acetaldedehyde) inhibition. Extending this observation to the subject of organic synthesis catalyzed by dehydrogenases, we concluded that thermodynamically unfavorable reaction and can only be used in a process if efficient NAD regeneration and product elimination are simultaneously carried out within the reactor.  相似文献   
化学修饰--提高酶催化性能的重要工具   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了化学修饰对酶的稳定性、有机溶剂溶解性、特殊条件下的活性和选择性的影响。对常见的和近期出现的酶修饰技术,包括交联酶晶体、酶蛋白侧链功能基共价修饰、酶蛋白表面修饰、结合定点突变的化学修饰、通过酶活性位点氨基酸原子置换进行化学突变等方法作了重点阐述。  相似文献   
氨基酸衍生维生素是以氨基酸为前体合成的维生素,主要为维生素B和E家族的维生素,其生物合成方式主要为氨基酸整合和转氨作用。氨基酸衍生维生素在大多数真核生物中主要是作为辅被用物和辅因子,缺乏某些维生素会使动植物患病。本文主要对氨基酸衍生维生素中的维生素B家族的生物合成及功能进行综述,概述了氨基酸在B族维生素生物合成中的作用、不同物种中B族维生素的含量水平以及B族维生素的作用。  相似文献   
对拟干酪乳杆菌发酵产乳酸的过程进行研究,通过改变不同的通气量(不通气、0.1vvm、0.2 vvm、0.5 vvm)确定0.1vvm的通气量最有利于产生乳酸;再通过优化通气策略,在发酵0~15 h不通空气,15~50 h通0.1 vvm空气使得乳酸的产量比全程通0.1 vvm空气又提高了11.7%,同时乳酸产率也提高了16.2%。最后通过对胞内NAD~+、NADH、乳酸脱氢酶和NADH氧化酶活性、以及发酵过程氧化还原电位(Oxidation-reduction potential,ORP)变化进行分析,阐述了通气影响乳酸发酵过程的机理。  相似文献   
A novel thermostable NAD(P)H oxidase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis KOD1 (TkNOX) catalyzes oxidation of NADH and NADPH with oxygen from atmospheric air as an electron acceptor. Although the optimal temperature of TkNOX is >90°C, it also shows activity at 30°C. This enzyme was used for the regeneration of both NADP(+) and NAD(+) in alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)-catalyzed enantioselective oxidation of racemic 1-phenylethanol. NADP(+) regeneration at 30°C was performed by TkNOX coupled with (R)-specific ADH from Lactobacillus kefir, resulting in successful acquisition of optically pure (S)-1-phenylethanol. The use of TkNOX with moderately thermostable (S)-specific ADH from Rhodococcus erythropolis enabled us to operate the enantioselective bioconversion accompanying NAD(+) regeneration at high temperatures. Optically pure (R)-1-phenylethanol was successfully obtained by this system after a shorter reaction time at 45-60°C than that at 30°C, demonstrating an advantage of the combination of thermostable enzymes. The ability of TkNOX to oxidize both NADH and NADPH with remarkable thermostability renders this enzyme a versatile tool for regeneration of the oxidized nicotinamide cofactors without the need for extra substrates other than dissolved oxygen from air.  相似文献   
Flavodoxins in combination with the flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor play important roles for electron transport in prokaryotes. Here, novel insights into the FMN‐binding mechanism to flavodoxins‐4 were obtained from the NMR structures of the apo‐protein from Lactobacillus acidophilus (YP_193882.1) and comparison of its complex with FMN. Extensive reversible conformational changes were observed upon FMN binding and release. The NMR structure of the FMN complex is in agreement with the crystal structure (PDB ID: 3EDO ) and exhibits the characteristic flavodoxin fold, with a central five‐stranded parallel β–sheet and five α‐helices forming an α/β‐sandwich architecture. The structure differs from other flavoproteins in that helix α2 is oriented perpendicular to the β‐sheet and covers the FMN‐binding site. This helix reversibly unfolds upon removal of the FMN ligand, which represents a unique structural rearrangement among flavodoxins.  相似文献   
2,5-二甲基吡嗪(2,5-dimethylpyrazine,2,5-DMP)在食品香料与医药方面具有重要的经济价值,工业上普遍采用环境不友好且反应条件苛刻的化学合成法来生产.文中结合代谢工程和辅因子工程策略设计高效催化L-苏氨酸合成2,5-DMP的全细胞催化剂,实现微生物转化法合成2,5-DMP.本研究首先分析了不同...  相似文献   
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