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In West Africa, rice is grown in three constrasting ecosystems, upland, phreatic, and lowland, which is characterized by differing water availability and soil properties. These ecosystems influence the predisposition of rice to disease problems, including the grain discoloration complex. Discoloration of the hull was found to be most severe in the upland, less in the phreatic, and least in the water-saturated lowland ecosystem. Caryopsis discoloration, however, showed no consistent pattern in relation to the three ecosystems and was not correlated with hull discoloration, indicating that other factors are involved.  相似文献   
单一空间尺度构建的最大熵(maximum entropy, MaxEnt)模型是否具有代表性, 是MaxEnt模型应用与发展中面临的重要问题。本研究基于有效的地理分布位点数据, 利用最小凸多边形法(the minimum convex polygon method)在三江并流、云南省及全国3个空间尺度下分别识别了红色木莲(Manglietia insignis)的建模区域, 并进一步建立MaxEnt模型: 使用ROC曲线分析法与遗漏率(omission rate, OR)检验评估MaxEnt模型预测精度; 基于ArcGIS分析分布概率及其热点区域的分布趋势, 并通过分区统计工具Zonal识别潜在适宜分布区域的质心位置; 采用刀切法检验环境因子贡献率。结果表明: (1)不同尺度下红色木莲的MaxEnt模型都有良好的预测效果, 三江并流、云南省及全国尺度下的AUC值分别为0.936、0.887和0.930, OR值分别为0.18、0.15和0.20; (2)各尺度红色木莲的适生区格局呈现一致性分布趋势, 集中在独龙江、怒江和澜沧江3个流域; (3) 3个空间尺度下红色木莲的地理分布受不同环境因子影响, 存在着尺度依赖效应。由此可见, 红色木莲在不同空间尺度下的预测模型有着稳定的性能表现与良好的预测效果。此外, 我们建议在野外实地调查与野生生物资源保护中加强对普通物种的关注, 在预测物种地理分布的研究中将MaxEnt模型与热点分析结合使用。  相似文献   
Elephant populations are in decline across the African continent, but recent aerial surveys show that populations in Uganda are increasing. However, threats such as poaching and habitat disturbance remain. Having a comprehensive knowledge of the ranging behaviour of Ugandan elephants is crucial to understanding where critical habitat for the species occurs. We investigated various aspects of ranging behaviour of 45 radio-collared elephants (Loxodonta africana) in three areas—Queen Elizabeth Protected Area (QEPA), Murchison Falls (MFPA) Protected Area and Kidepo Valley (KVCA) Conservation Area. We also set Ugandan analyses in a continental context by comparison with home ranges reported in published literature. Elephants within KVCA had larger core ranges than elephants in QEPA or MFPA. Wet season ranges in KVCA were much larger than dry season ranges. The most important core areas in all three national parks were centred around water resources. Home range size was negatively correlated with net primary productivity (NPP) at Ugandan (N = 39 individuals) and continental (N = 17 sites) scales. This study indicates that, at a local scale, factors such as water source location are important in shaping elephant ranging behaviour. At larger scales, factors such as NPP are good predictors of elephant home range size.  相似文献   
Optimized hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste biomass is essential to achieve the liberation of sugars to be used in fermentation process. Ionic liquids (ILs), a new class of solvents, have been tested in the pretreatment of cellulosic materials to improve the subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of the biomass. Optimized application of ILs on biomass is important to advance the use of this technology. In this research, we investigated the effects of using 1‐butyl‐3‐methylimidazolium acetate ([bmim][Ac]) on the decomposition of soybean hull, an abundant cellulosic industrial waste. Reaction aspects of temperature, incubation time, IL concentration, and solid load were optimized before carrying out the enzymatic hydrolysis of this residue to liberate fermentable glucose. Optimal conditions were found to be 75°C, 165 min incubation time, 57% (mass fraction) of [bmim][Ac], and 12.5% solid loading. Pretreated soybean hull lost its crystallinity, which eased enzymatic hydrolysis, confirmed by Fourier Transform Infrared analysis. The enzymatic hydrolysis of the biomass using an enzyme complex from Penicillium echinulatum liberated 92% of glucose from the cellulose matrix. The hydrolysate was free of any toxic compounds, such as hydroxymethylfurfural and furfural. The obtained hydrolysate was tested for fermentation using Candida shehatae HM 52.2, which was able to convert glucose to ethanol at yields of 0.31. These results suggest the possible use of ILs for the pretreatment of some lignocellulosic waste materials, avoiding the formation of toxic compounds, to be used in second‐generation ethanol production and other fermentation processes. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:312–320, 2016  相似文献   
豆皮水溶性多糖组分SHP-3的物化性质研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对豆皮采用热水浸提得到豆皮水溶性多糖,通过DEAE-cellulose离子交换柱洗脱,得到3个组分。本文主要研究了采用0.3 M NaOH溶液洗脱纯化得到的组分SHP-3的物化性质。对SHP-3进行凝胶渗透色谱、气相色谱分析、紫外光谱及高碘酸氧化-Smith降解分析,结果表明:SHP-3的分子量为45554,其糖醛酸含量为26.71%(wt.%),单糖组成摩尔比为Rah:Fuc:Ara:Xyl:Man:Gal:Glu=3.55:0.44:11.58:1:7.45:5.12:1.12,紫外光谱在260~280 nm没有吸收峰,表明没有蛋白质或核酸等物质;高碘酸氧化-Smith降解结果表明SHP-3的连接结构以为(1→4)糖苷键为主,其摩尔比例占68.9%,(1→2)糖苷键占11.4%,(1→6)糖苷键占19.7%。  相似文献   
Populations of Bachman's Sparrows (Peucaea aestivalis) have declined range‐wide since the late 1960s. Populations at the periphery of their range have exhibited some of the steepest declines, and these sparrows are now rare or extirpated over much of the northern extent of their historical range. To better understand the spatial ecology of Bachman's Sparrows in this region of decline, we examined microhabitat selection and determined the home range sizes of radio‐tagged male Bachman's Sparrows (= 37) in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina in 2014 and 2015. From April to July, we located males 1–2 times daily for 5–6 d per week. We measured vegetation structure in home ranges using 5‐m‐radius plots centered on a subset of 10 randomly selected telemetry locations as well as in available unused locations 50 m and in a random direction from each telemetry location. Mean size of home ranges (7.9 ha) was larger than estimates reported in most previous studies, with differences among studies possibly due, at least in part, to differences in the characteristics of habitats where studies were conducted. The home ranges of Bachman's Sparrows in our study had greater densities of woody and dead vegetation than unused areas. Although generally considered detrimental to the presence of Bachman's Sparrows, the presence of some woody vegetation in frequently burned (i.e., ≤ 3‐yr return interval) longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) communities like those in our study may be important in providing song perches for males and cover from attacking predators. Bachman's Sparrows in our study showed clear selection for several vegetation characteristics linked to frequent fire. Management strategies that approximate historical fire regimes in longleaf pine ecosystems should continue to be promoted as essential tools for the conservation of Bachman's Sparrows.  相似文献   
Zhang Y  Jamshidian M 《Biometrics》2003,59(4):1099-1106
In this article, we study nonparametric estimation of the mean function of a counting process with panel observations. We introduce the gamma frailty variable to account for the intracorrelation between the panel counts of the counting process and construct a maximum pseudo-likelihood estimate with the frailty variable. Three simulated examples are given to show that this estimation procedure, while preserving the robustness and simplicity of the computation, improves the efficiency of the nonparametric maximum pseudo-likelihood estimate studied in Wellner and Zhang (2000, Annals of Statistics 28, 779-814). A real example from a bladder tumor study is used to illustrate the method.  相似文献   
Trend test based on cross-classified data in dose-response has been a central problem in medicine. Most of existing test methods are known to only fit to binary response variables. However, the approaches for binary response tables may suffer from the lack of a clear choice for dichotomization. For multivariate response with ordered categories, some studies have been done for simple stochastic order, likelihood ratio order and so on. However, methods of statistical inference on increasing convex order for more than two multinomial populations have not been fully developed. For testing the increasing convex order alternative, this article provides a model-free test method which can be used in the case of two-way tables and stratified data. Two real examples will be used to illustrate how to apply our test method.  相似文献   
Aim Recreational boating is arguably the largest unregulated vector for the introduction and spread of marine invasive species. Hull fouling communities have been recognized to harbour non‐indigenous species (NIS), but presence should not be equated with transport. In this study, we characterize the presence of NIS in hull fouling communities, determine if host vessels transport these species and evaluate the importance of recreational boating as a vector for introduction and spread. Location Coastal British Columbia (BC), Canada. Methods Dive surveys in BC marinas were conducted to record the presence of NIS and to estimate their per cent cover. In addition, a boater questionnaire survey was used to determine common travel and maintenance practices. These results were combined to investigate the potential for recreational boats to transport NIS. Results Nine NIS, including the highly invasive ascidians Styela clava and Botrylloides violaceus, and the macroalga Sargassum muticum, were found in hull fouling communities on recreational boats. Overall, per cent cover was generally low; however, niche areas were commonly fouled, even on active and otherwise clean boats. Fouling of niche areas was not related to either antifouling paint age or travel frequency, and fouling levels were highly variable among individual boats both within marinas and across regions. Main conclusions Recreational boating is a major vector contributing to the spread of marine invasive species. Our results indicate that recreational boats represent a high‐risk vector both for primary introduction and secondary spread of marine NIS and should be subject to vector management regulations.  相似文献   
Human transport hubs, such as shipping ports, airports and mail centers are important foci for the spread of non-indigenous species. High relative abundance in a transport hub has been proposed as a correlate of invasion success, since abundant species are thought more likely to colonize vectors and to be transported more frequently. We here evaluate the relative importance of vector characteristics and local source assemblages in determining the pool of species that is transported by hull fouling on recreational boats. We compared the resident fouling communities of three recreational boat harbors in Australia with the assemblages on the hulls of boats that travel between them. We used data on the recent travel and maintenance history of the boats to evaluate correlates of transport probability and the potential for intra-coastal spread of fouling organisms. Invertebrate assemblages on heavily fouled vessels reflected the composition of biotic assemblages within the marina in which they were moored, but by itself, relative abundance in the source port was not a reliable predictor of transport probability. More important was the age of the antifouling paint on the vessels’ hulls, which acted selectively on some groups of organisms. Movements of vessels were characterized by “fidelity” (vessels remaining close to homeport) interspersed with “promiscuity” (vessels traveling to a diverse pool of destinations). In an infested harbor, measures taken to increase the resistance of vectors to colonization by the invader should be effective in slowing the rate of spread to other locations, by decreasing the overall frequency of transport.  相似文献   
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