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Several taxa of cryptomonads, including species of marineChroomonas, Cryptomonas and freshwaterRhodomonas were examined using transmission electron microscopy. They have cellular structures fundamentally in common: a single bilobed chlorplast, a single pyrenoid between the chloroplast lobes, and a nuclemorph embedded within a cleft of the pyrenoidal matrix. These features are in accordance with the taxonomic characteristics of the recently established genusPyrenomonas. The algae also have similar pigmentation to that ofRhodomonas andPyrenomonas which is red or reddish-brown. On the basis of these observations, the genusRhodomonas Karsten (1898) is redescribed in this paper and the genusPyrenomonas Santore is considered to be synonymous withRhodomonas.  相似文献   
Gymnodinium aeruginosum has the usual fine structure of a dinoflagellate but does not seem to contain a well elaborated peduncle or a microtubular basket. Naked cells are surrounded by a single large amphiesmal vesicle. It houses an endosymbiont with typical blue-green cryptophycean chloroplasts (generally only one), cryptophycean starch grains in the periplastidal cytoplasm without a nucleomorph, and two membranes separating the periplastidal cytoplasm from the cryptophycean cytoplasm which contains mitochondria, ER, vesicles and ribosomes, but no eukaryotic nucleus. The endosymbiont is surrounded by a single membrane. Possible ways of the acquisition of the endosymbiont and the problem of the existence of ribosomes within a compartment without nucleus are discussed.Devoted to Prof. Dr.L. Geitler, the Nestor of phycology and endosymbiosis research, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of his birthday.  相似文献   
The dielectric dispersion of isolated intact mitochondria in suspension has been measured between 10 kHz and 500 MHz. In isotonic KCI media at 4°C, the mitochondria maintained their characteristic ‘double membrane’ structure as examined by electron microscopy, and the observed dispersion curves were successfully simulated in terms of a superposition of two sub-dispersions having different characteristic frequencies and different permittivity magnitudes. Taking these observations into account we analyzed the dispersion data on the basis of a ‘double-shell’ model in which two concentric shells are meant to represent the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes. The analyses by a computerized curve-fitting method revealed that: (i) electric capacities for the outer and the inner membrane are 1.7 and 0.5 μF/cm2, respectively, (ii) relative permittivity for the inner compartment (or the equivalent homogeneous matrical space) = 50–60, (iii) outer compartment-to-external conductivity ratio = 0.4–0.6, and (iv) inner compartment-to-external conductivity ratio = 0.14. The implications of these parameter values are discussed with due attention paid to the limitations inherent in our ‘double-shell’ model approach.  相似文献   
高寒草甸生态系统氮素循环   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
张金霞  曹广民 《生态学报》1999,19(4):509-513
应用分室模型,研究了高寒草甸(矮嵩草草甸)生态系统中氮素的分布与循环。结果表明:系统中,土壤库氮素总储量为 1063t/hm 2,主要以有机态存在,土壤氮素全量养分丰富,而有效养分贫乏,仅能满足较低水平生产的供求关系;植物氮素主要储存于植物活根中,根系氮素储量为 19011±4962kg/hm 2·a,活根内氮素占 7926% 。通过对该系统氮素收支平衡计算结果表明,氮素输出为 15935kg/hm 2·a,大于系统的输入 8473kg/hm 2·a,系统中氮素亏缺,成为限制草场生产力提高的限制因子。  相似文献   
The primary cilium compartmentalizes a tiny fraction of the cell surface and volume, yet many proteins are highly enriched in this area and so efficient mechanisms are necessary to concentrate them in the ciliary compartment. Here we review mechanisms that are thought to deliver protein cargo to the base of cilia and are likely to interact with ciliary gating mechanisms. Given the immense variety of ciliary cytosolic and transmembrane proteins, it is almost certain that multiple, albeit frequently interconnected, pathways mediate this process. It is also clear that none of these pathways is fully understood at the present time. Mechanisms that are discussed below facilitate ciliary localization of structural and signaling molecules, which include receptors, G-proteins, ion channels, and enzymes. These mechanisms form a basis for every aspect of cilia function in early embryonic patterning, organ morphogenesis, sensory perception and elsewhere.  相似文献   
Bacterial assemblages, especially diazotroph assemblages residing in the rhizomes and the rhizosphere soil of Miscanthus × giganteus, contribute to plant growth and nitrogen use efficiency. However, the composition of these microbial communities has not been adequately explored nor have the potential ecological drivers for these communities been sufficiently studied. This knowledge is needed for understanding and potentially improving M× giganteus – microbe interactions, and further enhancing sustainability of M. × giganteus production. In this study, cultivated M× giganteus from four sites in Illinois, Kentucky, Nebraska, and New Jersey were collected to examine the relative influences of soil conditions and plant compartments on assembly of the M. × giganteus‐associated microbiome. Automated ribosomal intergenic spacer (ARISA) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP) targeting the nifH gene were applied to examine the total bacterial communities and diazotroph assemblages that reside in the rhizomes and the rhizosphere. Distinct microbial assemblages were detected in the endophytic and rhizosphere compartments. Site soil conditions had strong correlation with both total bacterial and diazotroph assemblages, but in different ways. Nitrogen treatments showed no significant effect on the composition of diazotroph assemblages in most sites. Endophytic compartments of different M. × giganteus plants tended to harbor similar microbial communities across all sites, whereas the rhizosphere soil of different plant tended to harbor diverse microbial assemblages that were distinct among sites. These observations offer insight into better understanding of the associative interactions between M× giganteus and diazotrophs, and how this relationship is influenced by agronomic and edaphic factors.  相似文献   
Accumulation of misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) activates the ER membrane kinases PERK and IRE1 leading to the unfolded protein response (UPR). We show here that UPR activation triggers PERK and IRE1 segregation from BiP and their sorting with misfolded proteins to the ER-derived quality control compartment (ERQC), a pericentriolar compartment that we had identified previously. PERK phosphorylates translation factor eIF2alpha, which then accumulates on the cytosolic side of the ERQC. Dominant negative PERK or eIF2alpha(S51A) mutants prevent the compartmentalization, whereas eIF2alpha(S51D) mutant, which mimics constitutive phosphorylation, promotes it. This suggests a feedback loop where eIF2alpha phosphorylation causes pericentriolar concentration at the ERQC, which in turn amplifies the UPR. ER-associated degradation (ERAD) is an UPR-dependent process; we also find that ERAD components (Sec61beta, HRD1, p97/VCP, ubiquitin) are recruited to the ERQC, making it a likely site for retrotranslocation. In addition, we show that autophagy, suggested to play a role in elimination of aggregated proteins, is unrelated to protein accumulation in the ERQC.  相似文献   
Hehnly H  Stamnes M 《FEBS letters》2007,581(11):2112-2118
During vesicular transport, the assembly of the coat complexes and the selection of cargo proteins must be coordinated with the subsequent translocation of vesicles from the donor to an acceptor compartment. Here, we review recent progress toward uncovering the molecular mechanisms that connect transport vesicles to the protein machinery responsible for cytoskeleton-mediated motility. An emerging theme is that vesicle cargo proteins, either directly or through binding interactions with coat proteins, are able to influence cytoskeletal dynamics and motor protein function. Hence, a vesicle's cargo composition may help direct its intracellular motility and targeting.  相似文献   
异胡豆苷合成酶(strictosidine synthase,STR)是吲哚生物碱生物合成的一种关键酶,将色胺(tryptamine)和裂环马钱子(secologanin)耦合成为吲哚生物碱的前体化合物异胡豆苷.将异胡豆苷合成酶标定在烟草植物不同的亚细胞区室--叶绿体、液泡和内质网中表达,通过蛋白免疫印迹分析和STR酶活性的测定,表明STR在叶绿体、液泡和内质网中有效表达.STR体外酶活性分析采用间接荧光法检测色胺在反应体系的消耗.STR的酶活性分析表明了STR在烟草中不同的亚细胞区室得以活性表达.分离纯化转基因烟草的叶绿体,通过对其分离的不同部分的蛋白免疫印迹分析,确定了将STR正确标定在烟草的叶绿体中表达.  相似文献   
Transposable element (TE) amplification has been recognized as a driving force mediating genome size expansion and evolution, but the consequences for shaping 3D genomic architecture remains largely unknown in plants. Here, we report reference-grade genome assemblies for three species of cotton ranging 3-fold in genome size, namely Gossypium rotundifolium (K2), G. arboreum (A2), and G. raimondii (D5), using Oxford Nanopore Technologies. Comparative genome analyses document the details of lineage-specific TE amplification contributing to the large genome size differences (K2, 2.44 Gb; A2, 1.62 Gb; D5, 750.19 Mb) and indicate relatively conserved gene content and synteny relationships among genomes. We found that approximately 17% of syntenic genes exhibit chromatin status change between active (“A”) and inactive (“B”) compartments, and TE amplification was associated with the increase of the proportion of A compartment in gene regions (∼7,000 genes) in K2 and A2 relative to D5. Only 42% of topologically associating domain (TAD) boundaries were conserved among the three genomes. Our data implicate recent amplification of TEs following the formation of lineage-specific TAD boundaries. This study sheds light on the role of transposon-mediated genome expansion in the evolution of higher-order chromatin structure in plants.  相似文献   
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