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A faster rate of nuclear DNA evolution has recently been found for plants occupying warmer low latitudes relative to those in cooler high latitudes. That earlier study by our research group compared substitution rates within the variable internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal gene complex amongst 45 congeneric species pairs, each member of which differed in their latitudinal distributions. To determine whether this rate differential might also occur within highly conserved DNA, we sequenced the 18S ribosomal gene in the same 45 pairs of plants. We found that the rate of evolution in 18S was 51% faster in the tropical plant species relative to their temperate sisters and that the substitution rate in 18S correlated positively with that in the more variable ITS. This result, with a gene coding for ribosomal structure, suggests that climatic influences on evolution extend to functionally important regions of the genome.  相似文献   
The loss of flight ability has occurred thousands of times independently during insect evolution. Flight loss may be linked to higher molecular evolutionary rates because of reductions in effective population sizes (Ne) and relaxed selective constraints. Reduced dispersal ability increases population subdivision, may decrease geographical range size and increases (sub)population extinction risk, thus leading to an expected reduction in Ne. Additionally, flight loss in birds has been linked to higher molecular rates of energy-related genes, probably owing to relaxed selective constraints on energy metabolism. We tested for an association between insect flight loss and molecular rates through comparative analysis in 49 phylogenetically independent transitions spanning multiple taxa, including moths, flies, beetles, mayflies, stick insects, stoneflies, scorpionflies and caddisflies, using available nuclear and mitochondrial protein-coding DNA sequences. We estimated the rate of molecular evolution of flightless (FL) and related flight-capable lineages by ratios of non-synonymous-to-synonymous substitutions (dN/dS) and overall substitution rates (OSRs). Across multiple instances of flight loss, we show a significant pattern of higher dN/dS ratios and OSRs in FL lineages in mitochondrial but not nuclear genes. These patterns may be explained by relaxed selective constraints in FL ectotherms relating to energy metabolism, possibly in combination with reduced Ne.  相似文献   
Aim Species capable of vigorous growth under a wide range of environmental conditions should have a higher chance of becoming invasive after introduction into new regions. High performance across environments can be achieved either by constitutively expressed traits that allow for high resource uptake under different environmental conditions or by adaptive plasticity of traits. Here we test whether invasive and non‐invasive species differ in presumably adaptive plasticity. Location Europe (for native species); the rest of the world and North America in particular (for alien species). Methods We selected 14 congeneric pairs of European herbaceous species that have all been introduced elsewhere. One species of each pair is highly invasive elsewhere in the world, particularly so in North America, whereas the other species has not become invasive or has spread only to a limited degree. We grew native plant material of the 28 species under shaded and non‐shaded conditions in a common garden experiment, and measured biomass production and morphological traits that are frequently related to shade tolerance and avoidance. Results Invasive species had higher shoot–root ratios, tended to have longer leaf‐blades, and produced more biomass than congeneric non‐invasive species both under shaded and non‐shaded conditions. Plants responded to shading by increasing shoot–root ratios and specific leaf area. Surprisingly, these shade‐induced responses, which are widely considered to be adaptive, did not differ between invasive and non‐invasive species. Main conclusions We conclude that high biomass production across different light environments pre‐adapts species to become invasive, and that this is not mediated by plasticities of the morphological traits that we measured.  相似文献   
The African American Langston Hughes (1902–1967) and the Nigerian Nnamdi Azikiwe (1904–1996) were alumni of Lincoln University, transatlantic culture warriors, and literary collaborators. In their friendship of thirty years, the two leaders of twentieth century black discourse shared more in common than there had ever been in relationships between African and African American elites. Surprisingly, very little attention has been paid to the meeting of two great minds who individually and collectively stirred the imagination of their successors across Africa and the black Diaspora. By excavating the influences and unusual similarities in their childhood and adult experiences and by a close reading of their poetry, this paper examines the cultural kinship as well as the shared vision of social justice between Hughes and Zik. Obiwu is a writer, literary historian, and comparative theorist. His publications include Rituals of the Sun (poetry collection), Igbos of Northern Nigeria (Diasporaic studies), and the seminal essay “The History of Nigerian literature, 1772–2006.” He is director of the writing center at Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio.  相似文献   
Seedlings of 14 species were grown for 14–28 days on nutrient solution with 6 mmol.l−1 NH4 as the sole nitrogen source. Solutions acidity was were kept constant at pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 by continuous titration with diluted KOH. The following species were used: barley, maize, oats sorghum, yellow and white lupin, pea, soybean, carrot, flax, castor-oil, spinach, sugarbeet and sunflower. Most plant species grew optimally at pH 6.0 with slight reductions at pH 5.0. Growth of many species was severely inhibited at pH 4.0, but this inhibition was not observed with the legume and cereal species. Yield depressions at pH 4.0 relative to pH 6.0 were well correlated with the respective relative decreases of the K concentration in their roots (P<0.002). In the roots of two species (sunflower and flax) total N concentrations were also strongly reduced at pH 4.0. apparently, the interactions between uptake of K, NH4 and H ions become the prevalent problem at suboptimal pH. At pH 7.0, yields were also considerably decreased, with the exception of the lupines. At this pH, the roots of the growth inhibited plants were characterized by increased levels of total N and free NH4. It is thought that the binding capacity of the roots for NH4 is an important factor in preventing NH4/NH3 toxicity at supraoptimal pH.  相似文献   
The ability to learn is common to most animal species: the need to exploit past experience being obviously extremely important for survival, many animals have evolved ways of coping with it. Although the complexity of learning needed for optimal survival may be different in different species, the basic mechanisms appear to be fairly constant even in phylogenetically distant ones. This homogeneity across species in learning mechanisms is in some ways surprising in view of the large phylogenetic differences and of the considerable variability not only in the general plan of their bodily structures, but also, more specifically, in their neural organization and in their behavioral adaptations. One possible explanation is that animals have acquired learning very precociously, and that the original and basic mechanisms have proved so efficient and faultproof as to be preserved from then on without any significant modification. Most researchers of the subject seem to accept the equation «intelligence=learning capability», operationally very useful because it leads to a variety of formal tests. Some researchers, stressing that behavior is subject to the same evolutionary principles as any other character of the organism and acknowledging some problems in the accepted laws of learning, have tried to find a satisfactory answer to the question of animal intelligence by attempting a synthesis between the concepts of animal learning psychology and those of ethology. To some extent, dissatisfaction with established learning theories originated within the theories themselves: the study of phenomena such as autoshaping, selective attention, preferential learning of some responses amongst the many possible, conditioned learning of taste aversions, etc. Further difficulties for conditioning theories arose from the discovery of ethological phenomena. Other researchers have attempted to check the hypothesis that animals possess cognition. A number of complex experimental situtations have been devised to this purpose, but the results still are far from conclusive.  相似文献   
Allometric methods can be used to test quantitative theories of the relationship between brain size and body size across species, and to search for ecological, behavioural, life history, and ontogenetic correlates of brain size. Brain size scales with an allometric exponent of around 0.75 against body size across mammals, but is closer to 0.56 for birds and for reptiles. The slope of the allometric line often varies depending upon the taxonomic level of analysis. However, this phenomenon, at least in mammals, may be a statistical artifact. Brain size for a given body size (relative brain size) varies among orders in birds and mammals, and some dietary associations with relative brain size have been found in particular taxa. Developmental status at birth is the most consistent correlate of relative brain size: precocial neonates have larger brains for a given maternal size than altricial neonates in both birds and mammals. Altricial neonates, however, have more brain growth following birth, and in birds also have larger relative adult brain sizes. Energetic explanations for differences in neonatal brain growth, although attractive on theoretical grounds, have largely failed to stand up to empirical tests.  相似文献   
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