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In order to isolate new pathogens (viruses, microsporidia, etc.) or to evaluate the efficiency of some pathogens (serovarieties and mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis, fungi, etc.) in the control of Colorado potato beetle, an economically important pest, we established four cell lines from tissues of this insect. One was initiated from embryonated egg fragments in the M3 medium supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and then transferred after several passages to the Ex-Cell 400 medium with 20% FBS. Another was initiated from larval hemocytes in Ex-Cell 400 with 5% FBS. Finally, two other cell lines were initiated from adult hemocytes: one in the Ex-Cell 400 with 20% FBS and 1% of lipid mixture and the other in the Ex-Cell 400 with 5% FBS only. These cell lines have been characterized by their morphology with light and electron microscopy, their karyotypes, cell growth, and isozyme analysis. Each cell line differed in morphologic, karyologic, growth, and isozyme patterns. The cell line initiated from embryonated eggs was growing slower than the three initiated from hemocytes. The cytotoxicity of solubilized crystal delta-endotoxins from different B. thuringiensis formulations (M-One, Trident, MYX-1806, Teknar-HPD, and Thuricide) and of destruxins, mycotoxins from Metarhizium anisopliae, was tested on these cell lines. They are sensitive to the solubilized toxins of some strains of B. thuringiensis (serovar. San Diego and serovar. tenebrionis) and to destruxins, and they can be used for the bioassay and detection of toxins and for the study of the mechanism of their action on coleopteran cells.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2021,24(3):584-587
A new fossil genus of Silphidae, Cretosaja gen. nov., is described, based on a new fossil species, Cretosaja jinjuensis sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous Jinju Formation in South Korea. The association of Cretosaja with Nicrophorinae is discussed on the basis of morphological evidence. Diagnostic differences of the fossil and extant genera of Nicrophorinae are provided. Primitive characteristics presented in Mesozoic silphids are discussed.  相似文献   
Beetles (Coleoptera) are the most diverse and species‐rich insect group, representing an impressive explosive radiation in the evolutionary history of insects, and their evolutionary relationships are often difficult to resolve. The amount of ‘traditional markers’ (e.g. mitochondrial genes and nuclear rDNAs) for beetle phylogenetics is small, and these markers often lack sufficient signals in resolving relationships for such a rapidly radiating lineage. Here, based on the available genome data of beetles and other related insect species, we performed a genome‐wide survey to search nuclear protein‐coding (NPC) genes suitable for research on beetle phylogenetics. As a result, we identified 1470 candidate loci, which provided a valuable data resource to the beetle evolutionary research community for NPC marker development. We randomly chose 180 candidate loci from the database to design primers and successfully developed 95 NPC markers which can be PCR amplified from standard genomic DNA extracts. These new nuclear markers are universally applicable across Coleoptera, with an average amplification success rate of 90%. To test the phylogenetic utility, we used them to investigate the backbone phylogeny of Coleoptera (18 families sampled) and the family Coccinellidae (39 species sampled). Both phylogenies are well resolved (average bootstrap support >95%), showing that our markers can be used to address phylogenetic questions of various evolutionary depth (from species level to family level). In general, the newly developed nuclear markers are much easier to use and more phylogenetically informative than the ‘traditional markers’, and show great potential to expedite resolution of many parts in the Beetle Tree of Life.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the restoration of chalk grasslands over a 6‐year period and tests the efficacy of two management practices, hay spreading and soil disturbance, in promoting this process for phytophagous beetles. Restoration success for the beetles, measured as similarity to target species–rich chalk grassland, was not found to be influenced by either management practice. In contrast, restoration success for the plants did increase in response to hay spreading management. Although the presence of suitable host plants was considered to dictate the earliest point at which phytophagous beetles could successfully colonized, few beetle species colonized as soon as their host plants became established. Morphological characteristics and feeding habits of 27 phytophagous beetle species were therefore tested to identify factors that limited their colonization and persistence. The lag time between host plant establishment and colonization was greatest for flightless beetles. Beetles with foliage‐feeding larvae both colonized at slower rates than seed‐, stem‐, or root‐feeding species and persisted within the swards for shorter periods. Although the use of hay spreading may benefit plant communities during chalk grassland restoration, it did not directly benefit phytophagous beetles. Without techniques for overcoming colonization limitation for invertebrate taxa, short‐term success of restoration may be limited to the plants only.  相似文献   
Acanthoscelides Schilsky is a large genus of neotropical bruchid beetles, in which most species show host plant specialization. Acanthoscelides obtectus and Acanthoscelides obvelatus are two sibling species specialized on Phaseolus beans, and are therefore considered pests. Up to now, the status of these two taxa has remained unclear, the few studies conducted having failed to elucidate whether these are two differentiated species or a single morphologically variable species. In addition, A. obvelatus has not been taken into account in the great majority of studies of bean bruchids. In this morphological and genetic study, we show that A. obtectus and A. obvelatus are two 'true' non-hybridizing species, which diverged about 22 Mya. Although the two species demonstrate only few morphological differences, we point out some diagnostic characters that enable their identification in the field. We also address a genetic method of differentiation of the two species, based on species-specific microsatellite loci. The strong morphological resemblance of these two species, despite their ancient divergence, may be the result of evolutionary stasis, which could be the consequence of stabilizing selection. Niche differentiation could enable the two species to coexist indefinitely.  相似文献   
Ancient trees are considered one of the most important habitats for biodiversity in Europe and North America. They support exceptional numbers of specialized species, including a range of rare and endangered wood‐living insects. In this study, we use a dataset of 105 sites spanning a climatic gradient along the oak range of Norway and Sweden to investigate the importance of temperature and precipitation on beetle species richness in ancient, hollow oak trees. We expected that increased summer temperature would positively influence all wood‐living beetle species whereas precipitation would be less important with a negligible or negative impact. Surprisingly, only oak‐specialist beetles with a northern distribution increased in species richness with temperature. Few specialist beetles and no generalist beetles responded to the rise of 4°C in summer as covered by our climatic gradient. The negative effect of precipitation affected more specialist species than did temperature, whereas the generalists remained unaffected. In summary, we suggest that increased summer temperature is likely to benefit a few specialist beetles within this dead wood community, but a larger number of specialists are likely to decline due to increased precipitation. In addition, generalist species will remain unaffected. To minimize adverse impacts of climate change on this important community, long‐term management plans for ancient trees are important.  相似文献   
In SE Asian rain forests, general flowering, a community-wide synchronous flowering, occurs at irregular and supra-annual intervals. During general flowering periods (GFP), most Dipterocarpaceae and many other trees flower profusely, while flowering plants are scant between GFP. During flowerless periods, anthophilous animals that depend on floral resources for food may suffer food shortages and subsequently decrease in abundance. Flower-visiting chrysomelid adults are major pollinators for some canopy tree species that flower during GFP. Although such chrysomelids feed on flower petals, the means by which they survive flowerless periods remains unknown. We determined the abundance of flower-visiting chrysomelids in GFP and non-GFP through light trap samples and examined the effects of the presence of young leaves and flowers of dipterocarps on local abundance, and feeding preferences of flower-visiting chrysomelids. We found no clear tendency that the chrysomelid species number and the abundance during GFP were consistently higher than those during non-GFP. Chrysomelid adults were more abundant on trees with many young leaves or flowers than on trees lacking young leaves and flowers. At least a few flower-visiting chrysomelids were observed feeding on young dipterocarp leaves and visiting young leaves and flowers of non-dipterocarps in the canopy during non-GFP. All results consistently suggest that chrysomelids are able to survive flowerless periods by feeding on the young leaves of dipterocarps and on the young leaves and flowers of non-dipterocarps; through this alternate feeding, chrysomelid populations are maintained at sufficient levels to function as effective pollinators of trees that flower during GFP.  相似文献   
The vapour pressure of the haemolymph of a supercooled insect is higher than the vapour pressure of the haemolymph of a frozen insect at the same temperature. The aim of the study was to see whether this may affect the water loss of freeze-avoiding and freezetolerant, over-wintering beetles. The rates of water loss were determined on freeze-tolerant Pytho depressus larvae and Upis ceramboides adults. Within each species one group was kept supercooled whereas another group was frozen. All groups were incubated at-5°C. Both species displayed significantly lower rates of water loss when they were frozen than when they were supercooled. Values of respiratory rate and water loss of freeze-avoiding and freeze-tolerant species were compared to corresponding values of desert beetles. The results indicate that the freeze-avoiding species have lower rates of cuticular water loss than freeze-tolerant species. This indicates that the freeze-avoiding species have developed more efficient water-saving mechanisms than freeze-tolerant species. The reason for this may be that the haemolymph in frozen animals will be in vapour pressure equlibrium with the ice in the hibernaculum and thus there is no danger of desiccation during winter. The supercooled insects will have a vapour pressure of the haemolymph that is higher than the vapour pressure of water in the surrounding air and will thus lose water.Abbreviations BW body weight - BWi initial body weight - BWt body weight at time t - P vapour pressure difference between the water in the haemolymph and the water in the air - DWLt dry weight loss at time t - M w rate of metabolic water production - MFw mol fraction of water, in the haemolymph - MO2 rate of oxygen consumption - Osm osmolality of the haemolymph - P a vapour pressure of water in the air - P h vapour pressure of water in the haemolymph - P w vapour pressure of pure water - Q a constant (2,02 1 oxygen per g fat metabolized) relating oxygen consumption to dry weight loss when fat is metabolized - R a constant (1,89 1 oxygen per g water produced) relating metabolic water production to oxygen consumption when fat is metabolized - R dwl rate of dry weight loss - RH relative humidity of the air - RWCi initial relative water content measured by weighing - RWCt relative water content at time t - STP standard temperature and pressure  相似文献   
The Pliocene continental formations of the paleo-lake Chad system are known because of the recent discovery of the first australopithecine known west of the Rift Valley. The structures under study are found in sandstone levels associated with a rich fauna, including mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes. Analysis of the depositional environment and fauna indicates a mosaic landscape of gallery forest, savannah, grassland and ephemeral rivers interrupted by lacustrine episodes. This sandstone facies contains bioturbation in the form of sandstone balls 4-12 cm in diameter, slightly flattened at the poles. These structures are characterized by an external husk or crust and by a decimetric cavity in the upper part of the ball. Between the husk and the cavity are a number of concave laminae similar to those of a bulb, whose concavity is directed toward the upper cavity. The comparison between these structures and the brood balls of modern Scarabaeidae shows great similarity, especially in the external husk, the concave internal laminae and the chamber of the grub in the upper part of the structures. This bioturbation is interpreted as fossil brood balls of dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Fossil dung beetle brood balls are generally rare, but have been known since the 1940s. They can be very abundant in any series, as described by several authors in South America. The first fossil dung balls were described in this area in 1938 by Frenguelli and by Roselli. These authors describe elementary spherical forms of 35 mm in diameter on average, flattened at the poles and with an upper cavity. The fossil dung beetle brood balls discovered in Chad are the first in which all the internal characteristic structures are preserved. Many of them are connected by a remarkably large net of tunnels which has no parallel in the past or the present.  相似文献   
Understanding the movement of invading organisms is critical to predicting invasion dynamics. The Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), is an invasive species on multiple spatial and temporal scales, and can serve as a model for studies of invasion dynamics. It is the major insect defoliator of potato in North America, and successful management requires an understanding of CPB invasions of individual fields. Its origin, spread, and biology, especially the cycle of annual invasions of agricultural potato fields, are described. Approaches to reducing the size of colonizing populations include rotation, delay of planting, and treatments of field margins. Rotation and sub-lethal insecticide treatments can slow the establishment of invasions within fields. These approaches interact with a late season diapause switch away from reproduction to reduce the impact of CPB. The refuge approach to delaying the fixation of resistance alleles is designed to encourage alleles for susceptibility to invade treated areas. We present data from an experimental refuge crop planted adjacent to a field treated with imidacloprid, an insecticide for which there is high variation in resistance. The treated field was four times as resistant as the untreated side, and a cline in resistance was formed from the untreated to the treated portion of the field. The cline width of about 100m provides an empirical basis for designing refuges to enhance the spread of alleles for susceptibility into treated areas and prevent fixation of resistance in the summer generation.  相似文献   
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