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Three species of Diophrys, D. peculiaris nov. spec., D. cf. scutum and D. oligothrix, isolated from the New Nagasaki Fishing Port, Nagasaki, Japan, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Diophrys peculiaris nov. spec. can be recognized by having two characteristic clusters of rod-like structures and two groups of dikinetids located on anterior dorsal portion of cell. Morphogenetic data show that this part of the life cycle basically proceeds as in congeners, except for the formation of dikinetids under the rod-like structures. In the opisthe, the origin of dikinetids under the rod-like structures is still unknown, but the old dikinetids under the rod-like structures may be retained by the proter. The Japanese population of Diophrys cf. scutum resembles other populations of D. scutum well except for moniliform macronuclear segments. Our populations of D. oligothrix correspond well with other populations in terms of general morphology and ciliary pattern, in particular the continuous dorsal kineties with loosely arranged cilia.  相似文献   
The Cultivation of Symbiote-free Marine Ciliates in Axenic Medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SYNOPSIS. Media have been developed for axenic cultivation of 10 strains belonging to 7 species of small marine ciliates. A medium containing cerophyl extract, proteose peptone, trypticase, yeast nucleic acid, biotin, calcium pantothenate folic acid, nicotinamide, pyridoxal HCl, riboflavin, thiamine HCl, and DL-thioctic acid in sea water supports the growth of Uronema nigricans strains Pc and 34/2, Parauronema virginiatum strains 2/1 and 19/1, Miamiensis avidus strains Ma and 19/3, Miamiensis sp. strain 1/1, a strain of "G" ciliate, and strains 33/8 and 34/7 of 2 unidentified species. By substituting a mixture of asolecithin, cephalin, and Tween 80 for cerophyl in the medium, luxurious growth of all except the strains of the 2 unidentified species can be obtained. A defined medium consisting of 18 amino acids, 5 purine derivatives, 8 vitamins, asolecithin, cephalin, and Tween 80 in synthetic sea water also has been developed for 6 of the strains: M. avidus Ma and 19/3, Miamiensis sp. 1/1, P. virginiatum 2/1 and 19/1, and U. nigricans Pc. In general the ciliates grow best at pH 7.2 in the dark at 27 C in media containing sea water of density = 1.015. Under these conditions maximum populations are reached in 4–5 days and range from several hundred thousand to 3 or 4 × 106 depending upon the strain. Electronmicroscopic observations for the presence of endosymbiotes gave negative results.  相似文献   
We have generated a transformation marker for Paramecium using a Paramecium expression vector (pPXV) and the open reading frame (ORF) of the bacterial antibiotic resistance gene aminoglycoside 3'-phosphotransferase-II (APH-3'-II or neor) from the transposon Tn5. The expression vector contained a small multiple cloning site between the 5' and 3' non-coding regions of the calmodulin gene, and Tetrahymena telomere sequences for the stability of the plasmid in Paramecium. After the neor ORF was inserted, the plasmid was referred to as pPXV-NEO. Delivery of approximately 10–20 picoliters of linearized PXV-NEO at > 2000 copies/pl into the macronucleus effected 100% transformation. Southern and Northern blot hybridization showed the presence of neor-specific DNA and RNA, respectively, in all of the transformed clones but not in the untransformed clones. The degree of resistance to G-418, and the concentrations of neor-specific DNA and neor-specific RNA in the clones were proportional to the concentration of the vector injected. We have demonstrated that when the linearized plasmid was injected into the macronucleus, the prokaryotic sequence conferred an antibiotic resistance to Paramecium despite codon-usage differences.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This work provides the first study of North Pacific planktonic ciliates by quantitative protargol staining. Triplicate water bottle samples were collected at a depth of 2 m (above the shallow pycnocline) at six stations in Indian Arm, British Columbia, on February 15, 1990, and February 26, 1991. Thirty-six ciliate species were observed. Six new species are described from protargolstained specimens: Strombidium lynni n. sp., Strombidium taylori n. sp., Strombidium basimorphum n. sp., Slrombidiurn ventropinnum n. sp., Strobilidium undinum n. sp., and Urotricha cyrtonucleata n. sp.
Ciliate abundance varied significantly (ANOVA, α= 0.05) between sampling sites, ranging from 550 to 6,800 cells/liter in 1990 and from 1,800 to 7,900 cells/liter in 1991. Biomass also varied significantly (ANOVA, α= 0.05) ranging from 3.7 × 105 to 3.3 × 106 pg carbon/liter in 1990 and 3.04 × 106− 6.97 × 106 pg carbon/liter in 1991. Putative prey were enumerated in three size fractions (1.5–5 μm, 5–10 μm and 10–25 μm). The source of variation in ciliate abundance and biomass was not identified. Parameters of salinity, temperature, putative prey, chlorophyll a and pycnocline depth did not significantly correlate with ciliate biomass or abundance (α= 0.05).  相似文献   
Bouvier  T.  Becquevort  S.  Lancelot  C. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):289-301
Biomass and activities of planktonicmicroorganisms (bacteria, nanoplankton andmicroplankton) were measured in the northwestern BlackSea during summer 1995. The method based on theuptake of fluorescently labeled prey was chosen todetermine the ingestion rate of bacteria andnanoplankton by phagotrophic microorganisms. Thismethod revealed the presence of mixotrophic organismssuch as ’plastid-retaining ciliates‘ in the wholecoastal area. Mixotrophic ciliates were dominated bymicro-sized forms and maximum biomasses were recorded inthe water masses characterised by low nutrientconcentrations but high food particle concentrations. Mixotrophic nanoflagellates were absentand mixotrophic dinoflagellates were observed at onestation only. Mixotrophic ciliates were shown to ingestpreferably bacteria while mixotrophic dinoflagellateswere grazing almost exclusively on nanoflagellates.Although the biomass of mixotrophic organisms weresignificantly lower than those of aplastidic protozoa,their feeding activity contributed to 14 and 24% ofthe ingestion of bacteria and nanoplankton, respectively.This is due to the high specificingestion rate of mixotrophic micro-sized ciliates anddinoflagellates, which were two and three times higher,respectively, than the specific ingestion rate ofbacteria and nanoplankton by aplastidic protozoa. Thissuggests a significant contribution of phagotrophicmixotrophs to the microbial network of thenorthwestern Black Sea. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary The macronuclear chromatin of Oxytrichia nova consists of chromatin fragments which are fully soluble in 0.2 mM EDTA and whose DNA length varies from 500–25 000 bp. The DNA migrates electrophoretically as a series of discrete bands, with specific genes present in only one or a few bands. The chromatin fragments are composed of nucleosomes and migrate electrophoretically in proportion to their DNA length. These results suggest schemes for the fractionation of undigested chromatin in order to enrich for specific genes, facilitating analysis of changes in chromatin structure associated with changes in gene expression.  相似文献   
The locomotory response to cell surface compounds extracted from two prey species,Vibrio natriegens andVibrio neries, was tested for a bacterivorous ciliate,Pseudochnilembus marinus Thompson 1966. Chemoattraction of the ciliate to the surface compounds stabilized in agarose baits was not equal for the two prey species. Fractionation of the extracts suggested the attractive substance was a high molecular weight compound. The expression of the differential response was dependant on the physiological condition and prior prey species exposure of the ciliate test population. The recognition and response to material normally found on the surface of prey cells supports evidence for the involvement of chemical sensing of gradients of prey particles and dissolved compounds of prey origin in the natural swimming behavior of bacterivorous ciliates. The prey species-specific reactions and influence of ciliate physiological state on chemosensory response suggest ciliate-bacteria interactions may be more complex than preciously assumed.  相似文献   
Euplotes raikovi, like other ciliates, passes through a postconjugal immaturity, operatively identified by an apparent cell inability to form mating pairs under experimental conditions that are the same as those used for inducing mating at maturity. In cells homozygous for the gene mat-2, which controls the pheromone Er-2, Er-2 mRNA synthesis and mature Er-2 secretion were shown to start from the very beginning of the life cycle and continue throughout immaturity, although to extents estimated to be 5- to 10-fold lower than at maturity. In addition, experiments of 125 I-Er-2 binding and crosslinking provided evidence that autocrine pheromone-binding sites, showing values of the dissociation constant of the order of 10?9 M, are on the surface of immature cells. The number of these sites per cell was estimated to increase from less than 106 per cell of 5–7 fissions of age, to about 16 × 106 at maturity. These results were taken to suggest that a pheromone-receptor production is stimulated during immaturity by autocrine pheromone binding to cells and that this production might be essential for the development of a pheromone-receptor density high enough to transform the cell from “immature” to “adult,” that is competent to respond as well to pheromones of conspecific, genetically different cells. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The hypolimnetic protozoan plankton of a eutrophic lake   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The seasonal distribution of benthic species in the water column above and below the thermocline in a small eutrophic lake is described. During summer stratification populations of Spirostomum spp, Loxodes spp., Plagiopyla and Deltopylum become established in the plankton on or below the oxycline/thermocline. At shallow sites no migration occurred and populations of the migratory species in the benthos were sparse, with the exception of Plagiopyla which occurred in high densities in the sediment. Two distinct planktonic populations are established during stratification: an epilimnetic community of obligate planktonic ciliates and a hypolimnetic community of benthic migrants.  相似文献   
2006年3月至2007年2月, 用活体观察法和直接计数法对刘家峡水库网箱养鱼场纤毛虫群落进行了研究.共鉴定到77种纤毛虫, 其中包括4个未定名种, 隶属于3纲11目34科43属.下毛目为优势类群, 前口目为次优势类群, 异毛目为偶见类群.善变膜袋虫、长圆膜袋虫、珍珠映毛虫、钩刺斜管虫和大口瞬目虫为春季群落优势种; 善变膜袋虫、颗粒膜袋虫和珍珠映毛虫为夏季群落优势种; 颗粒膜袋虫和善变膜袋虫为秋季群落优势种; 冬季无明显优势种.纤毛虫物种数的周年动态呈单峰型, 8、9月份物种数最多, 有52种, 3月份最少, 只有18种; 物种数的季节动态为: 夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.纤毛虫丰度的周年动态呈三峰型, 高峰分别出现在4月、6月和9月份, 5月份采样前夕水库调水导致丰度骤降是造成三峰型的主要原因; 纤毛虫丰度的季节动态为: 夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.纤毛虫物种多样性指数的周年动态为: 8月份最大, 3月份最小.相关性分析结果表明, 对网箱养鱼场纤毛虫物种数影响最大的因子是水温, 其次是透明度和pH值, 投放饲料量的影响最小; 对网箱养鱼场纤毛虫丰度影响最大的是投放饲料量, 其次是水温和pH值, 透明度的影响最小.  相似文献   
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