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银杏萜内酯的分布与矮壮素对其生物合成的调节   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
银杏萜内酯分为银杏内酯A、B、C、J、M(ginkgolide A、B、C、J、M)和白果内酯(bilobalide),主要存在于银杏叶与根内,近年的研究指出银杏萜内酯分别在银杏叶和根中生物合成[1],Cartayrade等人[2]通过叶片生根实验发现生根叶片的银杏萜内酯含量显著高于未生根叶,因而认为银杏萜内酯是在根部合成,然后运输到叶中积累,目前对此还缺乏进一步的研究报道.  相似文献   
CCC浸种对小麦生长性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CCC浸种的效应与其浓度密切相关。10%的浓度明显降低出苗率;浓度低于5%对出苗率无影响。在0.1%-10%之间,随浓度增高,茎叶干重降低,而根系干重增加。增加根系总长度的效果以0.1%-3%的浓度最好。浓度在5%范围内,叶绿素含量随浸种浓度的的升高而增加。浓度高于1%时叶面积减小。全面权衡,旱地小麦CCC浸种最适宜的浓度为1%。  相似文献   
为了解矮壮素(CCC)配合氮肥基施对夏玉米氮代谢及氮素利用率的调控效应,本研究以‘京农科728’(简称JNK728)和‘中单909’(简称ZD909)为材料,于2018和2019年在中国农业科学院新乡试验基地开展大田试验。试验设置常规氮肥处理(CN)和常规氮肥配合CCC处理(CN-CCC),包含0、62.5、125、187.0 kg·hm-2 4个施氮水平。结果表明: 与常规氮肥处理相比,矮壮素配合氮肥全基施处理在施氮量为62.5和125 kg·hm-2时,JNK728和ZD909产量在2018和2019年试验中平均分别增加了7.7%和5.0%。CCC处理提高了玉米生育期内功能叶硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶、谷氨酸合成酶和可溶性蛋白含量,促进了玉米氮素代谢。CCC配合低中施氮量(62.5和125 kg·hm-2)条件下,JNK728和ZD909植株的含氮量平均分别增加17.6%和30.3%,籽粒含氮量分别增加10.3%和17.4%,氮肥偏生产力、氮肥农学效率、氮肥表观利用率和氮肥利用率分别较常规氮肥处理平均提高10.0%、15.7%、23.3%、24.8%和5.7%、15.0%、49.9%、71.7%。CCC配合适量氮肥全基施可以增强玉米氮素代谢,提高玉米氮素利用率和产量。在本研究中,CCC配合125 kg·hm-2施氮量处理的夏玉米增产效果最佳。  相似文献   
The possibility to assess the growth-retarding activity of triazole compounds, such as paclobutrazole, uniconazole, and azovite, by an express bioassay based on the evaluation of the -amylase activity, which hydrolyzes starch into soluble sugars in the aleurone layer of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), was investigated. The retarding effects of triazoles, when evaluated by the inhibition of amylase activity, decreased in the following order: uniconazole > azovite > paclobutrazole chlorocholine chloride. Among barley cultivars, cv. No-sovskii 9 was the most sensitive to the tested triazole compounds. At the concentrations of 10–7 to 10–3 M, these chemicals manifested notable growth-retarding activity in the bioassays with the seedlings of long stemmed pea cv. Torsdag and spring barley, cvs. Nosovskii 9, Moskovskii 2, and Zazerskii 85. All these express bioassays were validated for assessing the triazole growth-retarding activity.  相似文献   
Chlorocholine chloride (CCC) was sprayed on a potato crop 25 days after sowing (DAS) at 5 day intervals for a total of 7 sprays. Activity of sucrose synthase (SS) in the sucrose cleavage direction was many fold higher than that of acid invertase in all the tissues. The activity of alkaline invertase was negligible. A sharp decline in the starch content of stolons of the CCC-sprayed crop was observed between 60 DAS and 70 DAS. This could divert the carbon towards tubers and thus enhancing its availability for starch synthesis. The CCC-treated crop, in general, had higher SS (cleavage) activity in stem, stolons and tubers. A higher sucrose content in the stem of the CCC-treated crop could be due to the high sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity observed in this plant part. In tubers of CCC-treated crops a higher SS (cleavage) activity along with a high sucrose content in tubers during the active tuber filling stage could lead to better availability of UDP-glucose for its conversion to glucose-1-phosphate, which could enter into the amyloplast leading to higher starch content. High SPS activity in tubers of CCC-treated plants ensures that reducing sugars formed are reconverted efficiently to sucrose. The efficiency of developing tubers from CCC-sprayed plants to convert 14C sucrose fed through stolons into starch was about 2.5 times more than in the control.  相似文献   
Anthocyanin synthesis in radish ( Raphanus sativus L. cv. Scarlet Globe) seedlings after treatment with chlorocholine chloride (CCC) and gibberellic acid (GA) has been investigated. CCC promotes and GA3 inhibits the synthesis. When both substances are given together, CCC reverses the inhibition caused by GA3. Simultaneous external feeding of anthocyanin precursors (sucrose and phenylalanine) reverses the GA3 inhibition. A higher amount of total free amino acids, in particular phenylalanine, was present in CCC-treated seedlings compared to controls grown on distilled water. The amount of phenylalanine was lower in seedlings treated with both CCC and GA3 as compared to seedlings treated with CCC alone, and total free sugars (reducing plus non-reducing) was lower in CCC treated seedlings than in controls grown on distilled water. We conclude that CCC and GA3 control the anthocyanin synthesis at the level of precursors.  相似文献   
代谢调节剂对紫杉醇及其相关化合物生物合成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在诱导子添加的基础上研究了氯化氯代胆碱(CCC)和肉桂酸(CA)的浓度和时间因互对红豆杉悬浮培养细胞活力、三尖杉宁碱(Cephlomannine)和紫杉醇(Taxol)生物合成的影响,并进一步探讨了两者与前体的协同作用。实验表明:(1)氯化氯代胆碱、内桂酸对 细胞活力的影响均为:延滞期>稳定期>对数期;(2)d18加入氯化氯代胆碱10mg/L,肉桂酸20mg/L可使紫杉醇含量分别提高10,14倍;d18加入乞肥乞采抻填20mg/L可使三尖杉宁碱含量提高2倍,d12加入肉桂酸20mg/L可提高10倍;(3)40mg/L氯化氯代胆碱,20mg/L肉桂酸,5mg/L苯异丝氨酸,40mg/L甲瓦龙酸(MVA)内酯对提高紫杉醇产量较优;而10mg/L氯化氯代胆碱,20mg/L肉桂酸,10mg/L苯异丝氨酸,20mg/L 龙酸(MVA)内酯对三尖杉宁碱合成剂。  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to compare hormone-free medium with media with regulator substances (activated charcoal, cytokinins, polyamine biosynthesis inhibitor and chlorocholine chloride) used for microtuber induction and development. Explants of cvs Monalisa, Primura and Spunta were multiplied subculturing nodal segments on plant growth regulator-free Murashige & Skoog (1962) (MS) medium. When the plantlets had 6–8 nodes, single-node stem segments were excised and transferred to eight tuberisation media, each consisting of MS basal components supplemented with sucrose (8% w/v) and various regulator substances. The control was a regulator-free medium including only sucrose. Results were expressed as the number and weight of microtubers per nodal explant.
The cultivars showed wide variations in the mean weight of microtubers, ranging from 44.6 mg (Primura) to 77.5 mg (Spunta), and nearly all plants produced tubers. Medium containing activated charcoal gave the highest rate of tuberisation and the largest microtubers. It thus played a role in optimising conditions for rapid, mass tuberisation of these cultivars, and produced large microtubers for field planting.  相似文献   
Potassium promotes growth in several plant tissues. Elongation growth of the hypocotyls of Amaranthus caudatus L. ev. Lalsag is mainly controlled by gibberellins, but K+ also promotes growth. In the present study the interaction of K+ with gibberellin (GA3) and chlorocholine chloride (CCC) has been investigated. When K+ was applied externally in the dark, hypocotyl growth was promoted in the seedlings. External application of GA3 did not promote growth in the dark. GA3 was effective in the light and K+ was synergistic with GA3 in promoting elongation. Application of CCC in the dark makes the seedlings sensitive to GA3. The inhibition of growth by CCC was also reversed by K+. The results indicate a possible role of K+ in GA3 induced elongation of hypocotyls.  相似文献   
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