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Summary Cytosolic proteins as components of the physiological mitochondrial environment were substituted by dextrans added to media normally used for incubation of isolated mitochondria. Under these conditions the volume of the intermembrane space decreases and the contact sites between the both mitochondrial membranes increase drastically. These morphological changes are accompanied by a reduced permeability of the mitochondrial outer compartment for adenine nucleotides as it was shown by extensive kinetic studies of mitochondrial enzymes (oxidative phosphorylation, mi-creatine kinase, mi-adenylate kinase). The decreased permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane causes increased rate dependent concentration gradients in the micromolar range for adenine nucleotides between the intermembrane space and the extramitochondrial space. Although all metabolites crossing the outer membrane exhibit the same concentration gradients, considerable compartmentations are detectable for ADP only due to its low extramitochondrial concentration. The consequences of ADP-compartmentation in the mitochondrial intermembrane space for ADP-channelling into the mitochondria are discussed.  相似文献   
As previously reported, mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (MDH) binds to purified complex I of the electron transport system. With conditions used in previous reports, MDH binds even more extensively, but probably predominantly non-specifically, to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane of submitochodrial particles (SMP). Herein we report experimental conditions for highly specific binding of malate dehydrogenase to complex I within SMP. These conditions permit us to demonstrate NADH channelling from malate dehydrogenase to complex I using the completing reaction test. This test, though not ideal for all situations, has several advantages over the enzyme buffering test previously used. These advantages should facilitate further studies elucidating NADH channeling to complex I from MDH and other dehydrogenases. Independent evidence of NADH channelling to the electron transport chain and the potential advantages of substrate channelling in general are also discussed. Substrate channelling from MDH in particular may be especially beneficial because of the unfavourable equilibrium and kinetics of this enzyme reaction.  相似文献   
It was recently proposed that in rat pancreatic islets exposed to 8.3 mM D-glucose, alpha-D-glucose-6-phosphate undergoes enzyme-to-enzyme channelling between hexokinase isoenzyme(s) and phosphoglucoisomerase. To explore the identity of the hexokinase isoenzyme(s) involved in such a tunnelling process, the generation of 3HOH from the alpha- and beta-anomers of either D-[2-3H]glucose or D-[5-3H]glucose was now measured over 60 min incubation at 4 degrees C in pancreatic islets exposed only to 2.8 mM D-glucose, in order to decrease the relative contribution of glucokinase to the phosphorylation of the hexose. Under these experimental conditions, the ratio for 3HOH production from D-[2-3H]glucose/D-[5-3H]glucose at anomeric equilibrium (39.7 +/- 11.6%) and the beta/alpha ratios for the generation of 3HOH from either the D-[2-3H]glucose anomers (70.9 +/- 12.6%) or the D-[5-3H]glucose anomers (59.6 +/- 12.4%) indicated that a much greater fraction of alpha-D-glucose-6-phosphate escapes from the process of enzyme-to-enzyme channelling in the islets exposed to 2.8 mM, rather than 8.3 mM D-glucose. These findings suggest, therefore, that the postulated process of enzyme-to-enzyme channelling involves mainly glucokinase.  相似文献   
Rossi  A.  Kay  L.  Saks  V. 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1998,184(1-2):401-408
Our aim was to carefully analyse the time-dependent changes that affect the mitochondrial function of myocardial cells during and after an ischemic episode. To this end, variables characterizing mitochondrial function have been evaluated on myocardial samples from isolated rat hearts subjected to different conditions of ischemia. The technique of permeabilized fibers was used in order to evaluate the mitochondrial function whilst retaining intracellular structure.The earliest alteration that could be detected was a decrease in the stimulatory effect of creatine on mitochondrial respiration. This alteration became more pronounced as the severity (or duration) of the ischemia increased. Afterwards, a significant decrease in the apparent Km of mitochondrial respiration for ADP also appeared, followed by a diminution of the maximal respiration rate which was partly restored by adding cytochrome c. Finally, for the most severe conditions of ischemia, the basal respiratory rate also increased. These observations are indicative of a sequence of alterations affecting first the intermembrane space, then the outer mitochondrial membrane, and finally the inner membrane. The discussion is focused on the very early alterations, that could not be detected using the conventional techniques of isolated mitochondria. We postulate that these alterations to the intermembrane space and outer mitochondrial membrane can induce disturbances both in the channelling of energy from the mitochondria, and on the signalling towards the mitochondria. The potential consequences on the regulation of the production of energy (ATP, PC) by the mitochondria are evoked.  相似文献   
Some historical aspects of development of the concepts of functional coupling, metabolic channelling, compartmentation and energy transfer networks are reviewed. Different quantitative approaches, including kinetic and mathematical modeling of energy metabolism, intracellular energy transfer and metabolic regulation of energy production and fluxes in the cells in vivo are analyzed. As an example of the system with metabolic channelling, thermodynamic aspects of the functioning the mitochondrial creatine kinase functionally coupled to the oxidative phosphorylation are considered. The internal thermodynamics of the mitochondrial creatine kinase reaction is similar to that for other isoenzymes of creatine kinase, and the oxidative phosphorylation process specifically influences steps of association and dissociation of MgATP with the enzyme due to channelling of ATP from adenine nucleotide translocase. A new paradigm of muscle bioenergetics - the paradigm of energy transfer and feedback signaling networks based on analysis of compartmentation phenomena and structural and functional interactions in the cell is described. Analysis of the results of mathematical modeling of the compartmentalized energy transfer leads to conclusion that both calcium and ADP, which concentration changes synchronously in contraction cycle, may simultaneously activate oxidative phosphorylation in the muscle cells in vivo. The importance of the phosphocreatine circuit among other pathways of intracellular energy transfer network is discussed on the basis of the recent data published in the literature, with some experimental demonstration. The results of studies of perfused rat hearts with completely inhibited creatine kinase show significantly decreased work capacity and respectively, energy fluxes, in these hearts in spite of significant activation of adenylate kinase system (Dzeja et al. this volume). These results, combined with those of mathematical analysis of the energy metabolism of hearts of transgenic mice with switched off creatine kinase isoenzymes confirm the importance of phosphocreatine pathway for energy transfer for cell function and energetics in mature heart and many other types of cells, as one of major parts of intracellular energy transfer network and metabolic regulation.  相似文献   
Inositol‐containing phospholipids (phosphoinositides, PIs) control numerous cellular processes in eukaryotic cells. For plants, a key involvement of PIs has been demonstrated in the regulation of membrane trafficking, cytoskeletal dynamics and in processes mediating the adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Phosphatidylinositol‐4,5‐bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) mediates its cellular functions via binding to various alternative target proteins. Such downstream targets of PtdIns(4,5)P2 are characterised by the possession of specific lipid‐binding domains, and binding of the PtdIns(4,5)P2 ligand exerts effects on their activity or localisation. The large number of potential alternative binding partners – and associated cellular processes – raises the question how alternative or even contrapuntal effects of PtdIns(4,5)P2 are orchestrated to enable cellular function. This article aims to provide an overview of recent insights and new views on how distinct functional pools of PtdIns(4,5)P2 are generated and maintained. The emerging picture suggests that PtdIns(4,5)P2 species containing different fatty acids influence the lateral mobility of the lipids in the membrane, possibly enabling specific interactions of PtdIns(4,5)P2 pools with certain downstream targets. PtdIns(4,5)P2 pools with certain functions might also be defined by protein–protein interactions of PI4P 5‐kinases, which pass PtdIns(4,5)P2 only to certain downstream partners. Individually or in combination, PtdIns(4,5)P2 species and specific protein–protein interactions of PI4P 5‐kinases might contribute to the channelling of PtdIns(4,5)P2 signals towards specific functional effects. The dynamic nature of PI‐dependent signalling complexes with specific functions is an added challenge for future studies of plant PI signalling.  相似文献   
The synthesis of glycerate by isolated intact spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf peroxisomes upon the addition of glycolate, serine, and glutamate, with either NADH or malate as reductant, has been measured. Measurement of the concentration dependence of NADH-and malate-dependent glycerate synthesis, and the exclusion of various artefacts, clearly demonstrate that under in vivo conditions the transfer of reducing equivalents into the peroxisomes required for the reduction of hydroxypyruvate to glycerate, occurs exclusively via a malate shuttle. The results indicate that a direct uptake of NADH into the peroxisomes does not occur under invivo conditions to any appreciable extent. As these results have been observed with intact as well as with osmotically shocked peroxisomes, it is concluded that the specificity of redox transfer into the peroxisomes is not due to a selectivity of the peroxisomal boundary membrane, but to a multi-enzyme structure of the peroxisomal matrix.Abbreviations GDH glycerophosphate dehydrogenase - GOT glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase - HPR hydroxy-pyruvate reductase - MDH malate dehydrogenase The authors are indebted to Mr. Bernd Raufeisen for the art work. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
The atomic view of the active site coupling termed channelling is a major subject in molecular biology. We have determined two distinct crystal structures of the bacterial multienzyme complex that catalyzes the last three sequential reactions in the fatty acid beta-oxidation cycle. The alpha2beta2 heterotetrameric structure shows the uneven ring architecture, where all the catalytic centers of 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase (ECH), L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HACD) and 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (KACT) face a large inner solvent region. The substrate, anchored through the 3'-phosphate ADP moiety, allows the fatty acid tail to pivot from the ECH to HACD active sites, and finally to the KACT active site. Coupling with striking domain rearrangements, the incorporation of the tail into the KACT cavity and the relocation of 3'-phosphate ADP bring the reactive C2-C3 bond to the correct position for cleavage. The alpha-helical linker specific for the multienzyme contributes to the pivoting center formation and the substrate transfer through its deformation. This channelling mechanism could be applied to other beta-oxidation multienzymes, as revealed from the homology model of the human mitochondrial trifunctional enzyme complex.  相似文献   
We propose a simple mechanism which enables decrease of the free pool of channelled metabolite in static spatial channelling, when the concentration of the enzyme consuming the channelled metabolite is greater than the concentration of the enzyme producing this metabolite. Spatial channelling occurs between two enzymes when the common metabolite is released to a small space between these enzymes and does not form a ternary covalent complex with them, as is the case in covalent (dynamic or static) channelling. The mechanism proposed is qualitatively independent of rate constants, metabolite concentrations as well as other kinetic properties and is quantitatively significant for all physiologically relevant conditions. Calculations show that the free metabolite pool must decrease, when the concentration of the enzyme consuming the channelled metabolite is greater than the enzyme producing it. This mechanism is much more effective than increase in the concentration (or rate constant) of the enzyme consuming the metabolite in the absence of spatial channelling.  相似文献   
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