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The temperature-dependent, primary dormancy of cv. Florida 683 celery seeds in darkness was partially broken by a 30 min light exposure on the third day of incubation at 20–22°C, resulting in c 50 percent germination after 20 days. This light stimulation was negated by including different inhibitors of gibberellin biosynthesis in the incubation medium. Subsequent addition of a solution of the gibberellins A4 and A7 or of the gibberellin-active compound (1-3-chlorophthalimido)-cyclohexane carboxamide (AC94,377) overcame the inhibitory effects on germination of these GA-biosynthesis inhibitors. It is suggested that light stimulates the biosynthesis of gibberellins which are essential for dormancy-break in celery seeds and that this biosynthesis is either directly or indirectly controlled through phytochrome.Abbreviations AC94,377 1-(3-chlorophthalimido)-cyclohexane carboxamide; ancymidol, -cyclopropyl--(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-pyrimidinemethanol - AMO1618 N,N,N-2-tetramethyl-5-(1-methyl ethyl)-4-(1-piperidinylcarbonyl)oxy-benzenaminium chloride - BTS44584 S-2,5-dimethyl-4-pentamethylenecarbamoyloxyphenyl-SS-dimethyl sulphonium - P toluenesulphonate; chlormequat chloride, 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride; daminozide - N dimethylaminoscuccinamic acid; paclobutrazol, (2RS, 3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl pentan-3-ol)  相似文献   
Celery (Apium graveolens L. var Dulce) is a high value crop affected at different growth stages by a variety of nutrient disorders. Each nutrient concentration can be corrected for its dependence on concentrations of other nutrients by recognizing plant composition as a closed system whose components add up to one. New variables z i are computed as logratioed values of individual nutrients, where each nutrient concentration is corrected for the geometric mean of all nutrient concentrations. The z i are used together with principal component analysis (PCA) to relate celery composition to yield, deficiency symptoms and quality parameters. A survey of commercial celery fields suggested that (1) celery growth is most often limited by P and N deficiencies associated with Fe toxicity; (2) K uptake is most likely to become limiting when the crop reaches 15 cm in height; (3) blackheart incidence can be traced to low levels of K and Mg in external petioles, and (4) cracked stem incidence is related to low B when the crop is 30 cm in height.  相似文献   
The effect of inhibitors of polyamine biosynthesis on the development of embryogenic cell cultures of celery (Apium graveolus L.) was studied. Several developmental stages of somatic embryos were compared for differences in the content and biosynthesis of free polyamines and for cytokinin content. Cyclohexylamine and particularly methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), inhibited both cell division and the organization of polar embryos from globular embryos. Difluoromethylornithine slightly promoted embryo development, especially cell division.The free putrescine content of globular embryos was 6-fold that of fully differentiated plantlets, and that of spermidine 2-fold. Only a slight increase in the spermine content was found with embryo development. These differences were confirmed by data from polyamine biosynthesis. Incorporation of 14C-arginine into polyamines was slightly higher than that of 14C-ornithine. Over 96% of this incorporation was detected in the putrescine fraction. Incorporation of 14C into putrescine in globular embryos was 3 to 4-fold that in fully-differentiated plantlets. Incorporation into spermidine and spermine was, however, higher in plantlets than in globular embryos.Cytokinin analysis revealed considerable differences in the biological activity between the developmental stages of embryogenesis. This could be due to endogenous cytokinins and/or BA taken up from the maintenance medium. Cytokinin levels decreased with increased embryo development. Most of the detected cytokinin-like activity co-chromatographed with BA and its metabolites. Some as yet unidentified peaks of activity were recorded in the globular embryos.The results are considered with respect to the possible participation of polyamines and cytokinins in the development of embryogenic cell cultures of celery. It is suggested that the onset of embryogenesis is characterized by a high content of putrescine and cytokinins, while a decrease in putrescine synthesis and cytokinin content, and an increase in spermidine and spermine content, accompany further embryo development and plantlet formation.Abbreviation ADC arginine decarboxylase - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - 2,4-D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - DFMA difluoromethylarginine - DFMO difluoromethylornithine - MGBG methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) - CHA cyclohexylamine - BA benzyladenine - BAR benzyladenine riboside  相似文献   
细胞自噬是植物逆境应答过程中最常见的保护机制之一。动物中,自噬相关基因抵御镉(Cd)毒害的功能研究较清楚,但植物却知之甚少。文中以芹菜品种‘皇后’为试材,采用外源Cd(终浓度为0、2、4、8mg/L)添加营养液水培处理,利用转录组测序(RNA-seq)技术筛选细胞自噬相关差异基因并进行q RT-PCR验证。结果表明Cd胁迫对芹菜植株产生了明显的毒害作用,并与浓度间产生了量效关系。在筛选的8个差异表达的自噬相关基因中,ATG8a、ATG8f、ATG13、AMPK-1、AMPK-2基因随Cd浓度升高表达上调,ATG12、VPS30和VPS34则先上调后下降,说明自噬相关基因可能通过表达上调增加了自噬小体结构以抵御Cd毒性作用;而高浓度Cd(8mg/L)可能超出芹菜的耐受范围,导致多个自噬基因又出现表达下调趋势。以上结果有助于后期自噬相关基因的功能研究,为进一步探讨芹菜对Cd胁迫的耐性机制提供参考依据。  相似文献   
温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)和烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)是严重危害葫芦科、茄科和豆科等多种蔬菜的主要害虫,具有分布范围广、种群数量大、繁殖力强等特性。作者通过田间试验研究了蔬菜保护地内间作温室粉虱非嗜食植物芹菜(Apium graveliens L.)对其的防治效果。结果表明:与空白处理和常规化学防治相比,在番茄和黄瓜保护地内间作芹菜对温室粉虱均具有显著的防治效果,驱避效果分别达到98.0%和84.5%。这些结果是初步的,但其为进一步研究温室粉虱的寄主选择机制和非化学防治方法提供了依据。  相似文献   
锌肥对日光温室西芹硝酸盐及营养品质研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王艳  王景华  许福明 《生态学报》2001,21(4):681-683
利用日光温室西芹不同锌水平的试验,研究了以氮,钾肥作基肥时,不同锌水平对西芹的硝酸盐累积,营养品质及产量的影响,结果表明,当施用硫酸锌30kg/hm2,西芹的产量达到最高,而硝态氮含量与CK相比,叶片和叶柄分别降低28.6%和29.5%,施用锌肥可以提高Vc的含量,对可溶性糖的影响不大。  相似文献   
采用微波消解法处理旱芹根、茎、叶,并用火焰原子吸收法测定其中的Na、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu 8种金属元素的含量。结果表明:旱芹中富含人体必需的Na、K、Mg、Fe、Ca等元素,各元素在不同部位含量有一定差异。Fe元素在旱芹根中含量为883.57μg.g-1,明显高于茎和叶;Ca、Zn和Mn元素在旱芹叶中的含量分别为11 103.74,214.04,88.07μg.g-1,明显高于茎和根;K、Na和Mg元素在旱芹茎中的含量高于根和叶中,Cu元素含量在各部位差异不大。方法的加标回收率为96.8%~105.8%,相对标准偏差(RSD)≤3.36%。  相似文献   
We report on the development of 11 (from database expressed sequence tags) dbEST‐derived microsatellite markers in celery (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce). The sequences were obtained from DNA accessions available from GenBank and contained di‐, tri‐ and pentanucleotidic motifs. All the microsatellites were found in expressed sequence tags and they are expected to become useful tools for ecological, genetic and evolutionary studies, as well as for celery breeding. Polymorphism was explored in 16 celery commercial varieties, and marker transferability was tested on three accessions of celeriac (A. graveolens var. rapaceum). Primers and PCR conditions for microsatellite amplification are reported.  相似文献   
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) plants cv. Jason overwintered in a polythene tunnel flowered earlier and grew taller than similar plants given a 10-week cold-treatment at 5°C prior to transplanting in the same tunnel in mid-February. However, there was no significant difference in the yield of seeds obtained from both treatments, plants grown at a density of 4m-2 yielded less seeds than those at 2m-2, though the yield per unit area was slightly higher from the high density treatment. Treatment with 100 mgl-1 GA3 applied twice just prior to flowering and during anthesis increased flower stalk, flower pedicel and stamen length but delayed flower opening and seed ripening and decreased seed set and seed yield. Treatment with a mixture of 1000 mgl-1 GA4 and GA7 plus 1000 mgl-1 ethephon on three occasions during seed ripening decreased seed yield and reduced seed germination though those seeds capable of germinating were less dormant than seeds from untreated plants. The size distribution of seeds was unaffected by any treatment other than the preseeding spray with GA3 which reduced the percentage of medium-size seeds.  相似文献   
野芹菜体细胞胚胎发生早期变化的细胞学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过光学与电子显微镜观察研究了野芹菜(Angelica polymorpha Maxim.)叶柄外植体胚性细胞的起源与原胚状体的发生。叶柄切段植入 MS 2mg/L2,4-D 0.25 mg/L KT固体培养基后,以DNA合成和细胞分裂为指标,判明了胚状体发生与紧贴维管束的鞘细胞层密切相关;鞘细胞通过有丝分裂形成多层结构的细胞群,它们仍含大液泡及薄层胞质,成片被覆在维管束表面;胚性细胞团即不同步地发生在该多层组织较内层的局部位点上,细胞具大核,胞质稠密,经持续有丝分裂发展成大小不同呈瘤状突起的原胚状体。伴随着鞘细胞的剧烈变化,韧皮部薄壁细胞亦分裂增殖,原有筛管变形衰退,部分新增殖的细胞分化为新筛分子;木质部中,原导管束附近朝向韧皮部一侧的部分薄壁细胞亦进一步分化为孔纹导管。外植体中维管系统的再次分化,显然是与输导功能强化以适应原胚状体发生时对营养物质的大量需求有关。  相似文献   
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