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The need to integratein situ conservation into the planning process is outlined, and the importance of vegetation survey to determine conservation priorities and to identify areas suitable forin situ conservation is stressed. A case is presented, drawing on experience gained in Zimbabwe, of how a botanical institute can become an integral part of biological conservation. The institute should consist of a herbarium, a botanical garden, a gene bank and a vegetation survey unit. The function of each section, how they interlink, and how they can be integrated are discussed.  相似文献   
黑龙江省三江平原丹顶鹤的数量分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在地面调查的基础上,我们使用Y-11轻型飞机对黑龙江省三江平原地区的丹顶鹤的数量分布近行了调查,调查时飞行高度80米,航速140公里/小时,续航里程共3748公里。调查结果表明,丹顶鹤在三江平原主要分布在8个地区,其中嘟噜河下游、洪河自然保护区、七星河流域和兴凯湖低地是主要繁殖地,总数量共309只。  相似文献   
本文继前文后,按照设计的线性回归程序在“IBM—PC/XT”微型计算机上,进一步检测了断片率、微核率与细胞畸变率之间的相关性,肯定了微核测定法,断片测定法可以替代染色体畸变分析法。  相似文献   
A phylogenetic survey of proteins immunologically related to Synapsin I, a major synaptic vesicle-associated phosphoprotein in mammals was carried out. Proteins antigenically related to Synapsin I were found by use of radioimmunoassay and other radioimmunochemical techniques in the nervous systems of several vertebrate and invertebrate species, which included birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, echinoderms, arthropods, and mollusks. Four proteins present in fish brain, antigenically related to Synapsin I, were further studied and found to resemble mammalian Synapsin I in several respects. Like Synapsin I, the fish proteins were present in high amounts in nervous tissue, were enriched in synaptosomal fractions of brain where they were substrates for endogenous protein kinases, were acid extractable, and were sensitive to digestion by collagenase. In addition, two-dimensional peptide-mapping analysis revealed some homology between major phosphopeptide fragments of Synapsin I and the fish proteins. The results indicate that proteins related to Synapsin I are wide-spread in the animal kingdom.  相似文献   
Abstract. A generalized research strategy is presented for identifying the ecological effects of the physical environment and management in a poorly known region of subtropical, semiarid thornscrub in northeastern Mexico. Vegetation samples were stratified across a small number of climatic subregions, substrate types and topographic situations. Classification analysis and PCo A of the species x site matrix of incidence data after application of the Information Statistic were used. The analyses suggested that the regional variation in climate, substrates and topography was responsible for the major floristic differences in the vegetation. The distributions of most plant species were related to the variation in the physical environment. PCo A of the species x site cover data after application of the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity metric revealed evidence of vegetation change due to overgrazing in each major floristic group, but not to selective cutting for timber and firewood.  相似文献   
We surveyed the howling monkey population at La Pacifica in Costa Rica over a 1-month period in July and August 1991. The survey method consisted of an initial 6-day survey, directly comparable to a 1984 survey, and at least two repeat surveys of all areas to locate all groups and to identify all animals. The initial survey indicated an increase in the number of groups and a decrease in the size of groups from earlier surveys, though the group composition was unchanged. We used the results of initial and repeat surveys to determine population size and composition. We located 30 groups with a total of 370 animals. Twenty-one groups contained animals marked with collars and/or legbands, and four additional groups contained animals with clearly identifiable white markings. Although the population structure has changed over 7 years, it is still within the species-typical range for Alouatta palliata.  相似文献   
To isolate potential insect biocontrol agents, entomogenous nematodes were surveyed in Tennessee plant nurseries in 1991. Soil samples from 113 nursery sites were baited with greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella) larvae, house cricket (Acheta domesticus) adults, lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperings) adults, and house fly (Musca domestica) larvae. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae were each recovered from 17 soil samples. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was more common in habitats with crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) and Chinese juniper (Juniperus chinensis) than other nursery plants, and S. carpocapsae was more frequently recovered from habitats with juniper and Southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora). Bulk density, electrical conductivity, organic matter, pH, temperature, and moisture content of the entomogenous-nematode positive soil samples were compared. Other nematode genera recovered with insect baits included Rhabditis sp., Pelodera sp., Cryptaphelenchoides sp., and Mesodiplogaster sp., which was recovered from a greater percentage of soil samples than the other five genera.  相似文献   
Web surveys have replaced Face-to-Face and computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) as the main mode of data collection in most countries. This trend was reinforced as a consequence of COVID-19 pandemic-related restrictions. However, this mode still faces significant limitations in obtaining probability-based samples of the general population. For this reason, most web surveys rely on nonprobability survey designs. Whereas probability-based designs continue to be the gold standard in survey sampling, nonprobability web surveys may still prove useful in some situations. For instance, when small subpopulations are the group under study and probability sampling is unlikely to meet sample size requirements, complementing a small probability sample with a larger nonprobability one may improve the efficiency of the estimates. Nonprobability samples may also be designed as a mean for compensating for known biases in probability-based web survey samples by purposely targeting respondent profiles that tend to be underrepresented in these surveys. This is the case in the Survey on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain (ESPACOV) that motivates this paper. In this paper, we propose a methodology for combining probability and nonprobability web-based survey samples with the help of machine-learning techniques. We then assess the efficiency of the resulting estimates by comparing them with other strategies that have been used before. Our simulation study and the application of the proposed estimation method to the second wave of the ESPACOV Survey allow us to conclude that this is the best option for reducing the biases observed in our data.  相似文献   
Fungal spores are an important component of library air   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The airborne fungal spore types were studied in different libraries in Delhi, using an Andersen sampler and a Burkard personal sampler, for culturable and non-culturable fungi respectively. The concentration inside the libraries, before and after the agitation of books, were compared with outside air. The major contributors to the library air areCladosporium, aspergilli/penicillia, smuts andAlternaria, varying from 50 to 14%. Some fungi (Cladosporium, Alternaria, smut,Penicillium chrysogenum andnigricans) showed seasonal occurrence, corresponding to their occurrence in the extramural environment. Aspergilli/penicillia,Drechslera, Curvularia andAspergillus flavus had a significantly higher concentration (P<0.01) inside the library, and recorded a significant increase in concentration after agitation of books. Air-conditioned libraries have low fungal spore concentrations, as compared to naturally ventilated libraries.  相似文献   
Conserving biological diversity requires a major effort in conducting survey and inventories, establishing priorities, selecting protected areas, managing resources and monitoring the effects of management. Systematics has an important contribution to make to each of these five major activities. Further, the new Convention on Biological Diversity requires systematics information to support action under virtually all of its substantive conservation and sustainable use articles. It seems apparent that large reference collections contribute directly to development, and development assistance agencies should recognize that investing in maintaining these collections is a legitimate form of development assistance.  相似文献   
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