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Byssus thread production ofD. polymorpha under different conditions of temperature, salinity and agitation were studied in the laboratory. The acclimation to salinity and temperature greatly affects the byssus production ofD. polymorpha. Byssus production of mussels was significantly reduced when temperature increased beyond 20°C and decreased below 10°C. Mussels with cut threads (for counting), produced a substantially increased number of threads. However, mussels with uncut byssus threads were comparatively more mobile. Byssus production of mussels did not vary significantly at salinities up to 3. Beyond this salinity byssus production was reduced significantly. Mussels increased their byssus production with increasing frequency of agitation.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate byssal thread production by the intertidal mytilid mussel Hormomya mutabilis in response to effluent from the predatory crab Eriphia smithii and the starfish Coscinasterias acutispina. During the early period of the experiment, large H. mutabilis exposed to crab effluent produced a significantly smaller number of functional byssal threads than mussels in crab-free water. No significant difference in the diameter of threads produced in the two treatments was detected. The number of functional byssal threads produced by small H. mutabilis exposed to crab effluent did not differ significantly from that of mussels in crab-free water. However, small H. mutabilis exposed to crab effluent tended to discard fewer byssal bundles, that is, they shifted their attaching sites less frequently than similar mussels in crab-free water. In the presence of waterborne cues from the crab, H. mutabilis tended to reduce both the secretion of byssal threads and movement across the substratum. No significant differences in behaviour were observed between large mussels exposed to effluent from the starfish and those unexposed. The adaptive significance of the responses shown by H. mutabilis is discussed in terms of protection against predators differing in foraging behaviour. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
1. The replacement of dry, fuzzy cribellar prey capture thread by viscous, adhesive capture thread was a major event in the evolution of orb-weaving spiders. Over 95% of all orb-weaving species now produce adhesive threads.
2. Adhesive thread achieves its stickiness with a much greater material economy than does cribellar thread.
3. Transformational analyses show that, relative to spider mass, adhesive orb-weavers invest less material per mm of capture thread and produce stickier capture threads than do cribellate orb-weavers.
4. The total cost of producing an orb-web that contains cribellar thread is reduced by 32% when a spider recycles its silk and another 34% when these capture threads are replaced by adhesive threads of equal stickiness.
5. The increased economy with which adhesive capture thread achieves its stickiness may have been an important factor that favoured the origin and success of modern orb-weaving spiders that produce adhesive capture threads.  相似文献   
Abstract. Blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) prey on hooked mussels (Ischadium recurvum) growing epizoically on oyster clumps in estuaries along the Louisiana coast. In prey size‐selection experiments, blue crabs preferred small mussels (<30‐mm shell length) to larger mussels, possibly because handling time increased with mussel size. When crabs were given a choice of solitary mussels versus mussels in clumps on oysters in the laboratory, mortality was lower by 86% in clumped mussels. However, no size selection by crabs occurred with mussels in clumps, likely because smaller mussels escaped predation in crevices between larger mussels or oysters. When individuals of two size classes of mussels were exposed to water containing the scent of crabs and of mussels consumed by blue crabs, an increase in byssal thread production was induced in all mussels, but byssal thread production rate was higher for small mussels than for large mussels. We conclude that increased predation risk for small mussels has resulted in higher size‐specific production of byssal threads, and that predator‐induced production of byssal threads, which may increase clumping behavior, may reduce their risk of mortality to predatory blue crabs.  相似文献   
论晚二叠世的“克氏蛤”   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
方宗杰 《古生物学报》1993,32(6):653-661
系统评述目前世界上出现的晚二叠世克氏蛤类标本,并描述采自贵州,云南藏东的有关化石1属3种。其中1新属1新种,右壳足丝凹口特征在克氏蛤类研究中具有重要意义。晚二叠世的Claraioides gen.nov.以足丝凹口内端明显向腹方或后腹方扩展膨大成足丝凹湾而不同于早三叠世的Claraia.后者似由前者演化而来,它们在二叠-三叠系界线附近发生替代,可能与古生代末的绝灭事件相关。  相似文献   
Summary The cultivar specific interaction ofTrifolium subterranean cv. Woogenellup andRhizobium leguminosarum bv.trifolii strain ANU 794 was examined to establish the basis for nodulation failure on this cultivar. Infections were initiated by strain ANU 794 on cv. Woogenellup. Root hair curling, the initiation of infection threads, and cortical cell divisions were evident on the tap root and appeared normal after microscopic observation. However, in most cases, the infection threads stayed confined to the root hairs. No evidence was found for a hypersensitive response by the plant. The progress of infections on the tap roots was different from that on the lateral roots. This was confirmed by the differential tap and lateral root nodulation patterns of the mutants derived from strain ANU 794, which show enhanced nodulation on cv. Woogenellup. On the lateral roots, cortical cell divisions progressed further than those on the tap root and formed macroscopically visible swellings, which could be divided into two morphological classes. In some cases infection threads developed into these primordia but successful nodules were not established. The inhibition of infection appeared to be manifested at two levels: first, on the tap roots in the root hairs, where many of the infection threads are contained and secondly, in the primordia induced on the lateral roots, where the infection threads sometimes penetrate further than the root hair cell but stop in the primordial cells. It appears that an essential factor or trigger in the communication between plant and bacteria is missing or altered, resulting in an array of primordia-structures, which cease to develop.Abbreviations bv biovar - cv cultivar - Fix+ nitrogen fixing - GUS -glucuronidase - Nod+ nodulating - HR hypersensitive response - Km kanamycin - LOSs lipo-oligosaccharides - Sm streptomycin - Sp spectinomycin - X-Gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indonyl--glucuronic acid  相似文献   
Diadromus pulchellus is a solitary ichneumonid parasitoid. Its only known host is the pupa of Acrolepiopsis assectella, a specialist herbivore of Allium species. D. pulchellus females parasitize A. assectella pupae within 48 h after the caterpillars spin their cocoon and begin to pupate. Having observed that the cocoon produced by the leek moth caterpillar stimulates parasitoid egg-laying and that caterpillar leaves a silk thread, we studied the hypothesis that silk thread might be involved in host-finding by the parasitoid. Behavioral tests showed that when D. pulchellus females encounter a host silk thread, they change directions, follow the thread, and quickly locate the host. These findings show that pupal parasitoids can use signals produced by their hosts at the developmental instar preceding the one that they parasitize.  相似文献   
Plant and bacterial antigens contributing to nodule development and symbiosis in pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots were identified after isolation of a set of monoclonal antibody (McAb)-producing hybridoma lines. Rats were immunised with the peribacteriod material released by mild osmotic shock treatment from membrane-enclosed bacteroids of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viceae. In order to diversify the range of McAb specificities, this material was either used as immunogen directly (method 1), or after immunodepletion of a set of glycoprotein and lipopolysaccharide antigens (method 2), or after deglycosylation (method 3). After fusion and screening of cloned hybridoma lines, these three immunisation methods gave respectively 4, 2 and 1 classes of McAb with unique antigen specificities. Ultrastructural immunogold localisation studies showed four different antigens to be present on peribacteriod and plasma membranes (identified by MAC 64, 202, 206 or 209); in addition, a glycoprotein of plant origin but present in the infection-thread matrix was identified by MAC 204. Although none of the epitopes recognised by these McAb was nodule-specific, several were found to be more abundant in extracts of nodule tissue than in uninfected roots (MAC 64, 202, 204, 206). Two McAb reacted with new bacterial antigens: MAC 203 identified a bacterial antigen expressed upon infection but not in free-living cultures of Rhizobium, and MAC 115 identified a bacterial polypeptide (55 kdaltons) that was present in both free-living and bacteroid forms. There were also some McAb of broader specificity that react with antigens present in both plant and bacterial cytoplasms.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - Ig inmunoglobulin - kDa kilodalton - LPS lipopolysaccharide - McAb monoclonal antibody - PBM peribacteroid membrane - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis - TFMS trifluoromethane sulfonic acid  相似文献   
箭舌豌豆根瘤液泡中细菌周膜来源的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩善华 《微生物学报》1995,35(5):381-385
电镜观察结果表明,幼龄箭舌豌豆根瘤侵染细胞的细胞质较少,中央是一些体积较大的液泡。细胞质中侵入线经常可见,由侵入线释放出来的细菌均有细菌周膜。这些细菌只位于细胞质中,不出现在液泡里面。成熟根瘤中的侵染细胞与此不同,它们中有大量的成熟侵染细胞,细胞质丰富,里面充满大量细菌,中央常有一个大液泡。当中央液泡发育到一定程度时,位于其附近的细菌可通过液泡膜内吞、液泡膜与细菌周膜融合及液泡膜破裂3种途径进入液泡,后一种途径常伴有寄主细胞质。液泡中的细菌绝大部分裸露在外,只有个别细菌具有细菌周膜且多位于液泡膜的破损处附近,因此细菌周膜可能是原来就有的。  相似文献   
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