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叶火香  崔林  何迅民  韩宝瑜 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6019-6026
为评价茶园间作几种常见经济作物对重要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉及其主要天敌蜘蛛类群数量和空间格局的影响,遂选乌牛早品种纯茶园、乌牛早分别与柑桔、杨梅和吊瓜的间作茶园、以及安吉白茶与吊瓜间作茶园,2007年9月上旬—2008年12月下旬,每旬1次调查茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉和各种蜘蛛的数量。结果表明:(1)与纯茶园相比,间作茶园叶蝉种群数量和蜘蛛类群个体数量显著地增加,间作茶园蜘蛛种数显著地增加;(2)间作茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布明显区别于纯茶园茶丛上、中、下层叶蝉、蜘蛛个体数量分布;(3)茶丛上层的嫩梢是制作高档茶的原料,而纯茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率为54.16%,间作茶园茶丛上层叶蝉虫口百分率皆减小,并且叶蝉高峰期间蜘蛛的跟随效应增强;(4)间作增加了经济收入并减少了防治次数。认为:(1)间作可在一定程度上调控叶蝉种群、蜘蛛类群的数量和空间格局;(2)间作可减轻叶蝉为害造成的产值损失,增强了茶园群落对于叶蝉的自然控制潜能。  相似文献   
以提高金针菇单瓶产量为目的,以常规生产为对照,通过单因素试验、Plackett-Burman试验、响应面优化法、验证试验分析培养基装瓶量、灭菌前pH、接种量、搔菌深度、搔菌补水量对金针菇单瓶平均产量的影响。单因素试验结果表明,单瓶平均产量分别在装瓶量1 000 g、灭菌前pH值 6.80、接种量35 mL、搔菌深度10 mm、搔菌补水量10 mL时达到最大值;Plackett-Burman试验表明装瓶量、灭菌前pH和搔菌补水量是影响金针菇单瓶平均产量的关键因素;响应面优化法预测的最优化条件为培养基装瓶量1 004.05 g、灭菌前pH值6.83、搔菌补水量11.41 mL,金针菇单瓶平均产量为473.81 g;结合单因素试验及响应面预测,将验证试验设置为培养基装瓶量(1 000±5) g、灭菌前pH值(6.80±0.10)、搔菌补水量(11±1) mL、搔菌深度(10±2) mm、接种量(35±5) mL,金针菇单瓶平均产量为466.36 g,比对照组提高11.63 g,与预测值接近,相对误差为1.57%,试验设计符合生产需求。  相似文献   
In this communication, the effects of trehalose and culture system on protocorm-like body (PLB) growth were investigated. PLB derived from Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis cultivars, which were grown on solidified trehalose amended NP medium showed higher proliferation rate than on NP medium containing sucrose. For P. ‘Hwa Feng Red Jewel’ and Dtp. ‘Mount Beauty×Su’s Red Lip’, the proliferation rates on solidified trehalose media were almost two times higher than those on sucrose media after 8-week culture. However, Knudson C (KC) medium did not reveal the similar results between trehalose and sucrose. In liquid culture system, both trehalose amended NP and KC media brought about better results than sucrose containing media for PLB proliferation. For culture system test, solidified media showed higher proliferation rate than liquid media under the same medium composition. Roller bottles were more suitable than flask-shaking cultures in liquid systems for PLB proliferation.  相似文献   
以苦瓜枯萎病菌为靶标菌,通过对峙培养试验和发酵滤液抑菌试验对分离自苦瓜根际土壤的放线菌进行筛选。候选菌株0250具有广谱抗真菌活性,根据培养特征、生理生化特性以及与同源性相近的菌株进行平均核苷酸一致性分析,被鉴定为Streptomyces rhizosphaericus,并评估了该菌株在温室和田间对苦瓜的促生长和防治枯萎病效果。结果表明: 链霉菌菌株0250对苦瓜枯萎病菌的平板抑制率为69.2%,对17种植物病原真菌的平板抑制率达64.3%~85.6%;该菌株的菌悬液处理能促进盆栽和田间苦瓜植株根、茎生长发育,提升产量,对苦瓜枯萎病的防病效果分别为66.9%和61.5%。预先用菌株0250菌悬液处理土壤再接种病原菌,对土壤尖镰孢菌数量抑制率达62.1%,显著提高了苦瓜幼苗苯丙氨酸解氨酶、过氧化物酶和β-1,3-葡聚糖酶活性以及根系活力。总之,菌株0250是一株对苦瓜枯萎病具有巨大生防潜力的放线菌资源。  相似文献   
Results of Northern blot and Dot blot analysis indicated that actin genes exhibit organ-specific expression in snake gourd (Luffa cylindrica L. ) and cucumber (Cucumis sativum L. ). Actin genes showed obvious developmental specificity during'the development of snake gourd seedlings, mRNA levels in stems of 30-day old seedlings were 4 ~ 6 times higher than that of roots and cotyledons of 8-day old seedlings and roots and hypocotyls of 15-day old seedlings, and were even 10~12 times higher than that of stems and leaves of flowering plants. Actin genes also showed organ-specific expression in young fruits (15 days after flowering) of cucumber.  相似文献   
A process of producing a receptor in HEK-293 cells used for the drug discovery program at Pfizer Inc. has been successfully developed with a novel BelloCell bioreactor to replace the conventional 2-D cell culturing devices including Cell Factories and roller bottles. A single BelloCell-500 has produced >1.4 × 109 HEK-293 cells, which are equivalent to those produced by 12 roller bottles, with substantially easier operation, single inoculation, less inoculum, less medium consumption and better space utilization. The receptor expression levels are better than those obtained by the traditional process. 3.7 pmoles of radioligandY mg−1 protein were attained in the bioreactor compared to 2.3 pmoles of radioligandY mg−1 protein in roller bottles. This may be attributed to the three dimensional attachment during cell growth. A 92% cell recovery from the bioreactor has been attained using Acutase or Trypsin treatment followed by four washes. It has been proven to be a viable and efficient device to produce adherent cells and express target components of interest for drug discovery applications.  相似文献   
张国荣  彭松庆  张秋 《中国微生态学杂志》2012,24(8):750+759-750,759
目的对手工法双相血培养瓶和BACTEC9120全自动血培养仪的阳性率作回顾性分析。方法将血液标本同时接种双相血培养基和BACTEC9120全自动血培养仪配套血瓶中,将阳性结果移种血平板,如为阴性再移种巧克力平板。结果370例血培养,双相血培养瓶阳性25例,阳性率为6.76%(25/370),树脂需氧(儿童)瓶BACTEC9120报警显示阳性59例,阳性率为15.9%(59/370),阳性标本移种到血平板及巧克力平板阳性54例,阳性率为14.6%(54/370),假阳性5例,假阳性率为1.4%(5/370),共有29例树脂需氧(儿童)瓶阳性,而双相血培养瓶为阴性,P〈0.001。结论BACTEC9120全自动血培养仪提高阳性率,缩短阳性的报告时间优于传统的双相血培养基。  相似文献   
In the tropical sea urchin Echinometra mathaei, pigment cells are just detectable before the onset of gastrulation, owing to an early accumulation of red pigment granules. Taking advantage of this feature, behavior of pigment cells was studied in relation to the processes of gastrulation. Before the initiation of primary invagination, pigment cells were arranged in a hemi-circle in the dorsal half of the vegetal plate. Inward bending of the vegetal plate first occurred at the position occupied by pigment cells, while the bending was not conspicuous in the ventral half of the blastopore. Rhodamine-phalloidin staining showed that actin filaments were abundant at the apical corticies of pigment cells. It was also found that the onset of gastrulation was considerably delayed in the NiCl2-treated embryos, in which pigment cells were drastically reduced in number. It is notable that the NiCl2-treated embryos began to gastrulate on schedule if they contained a number of pigment cells in spite of treatment. This shows that pigment cells are the bottle cells that trigger the onset of gastrulation. In the embryos devoid of pigment cells, a short stub-like gut rudiment formed in a delayed fashion, and several secondary mesenchyme cells (SMC) appeared at the tip of the rudiment and elongated gradually until its tip reached the apical plate. This observation suggests that the SMC that pull the gut rudiment upward are not pigment cells but blastocoelar cells, because pigment cells change their fate to blastocoelar cells upon NiCl2-treatment.  相似文献   
Diet is now one of the well established means in the management of diabetes. Bitter gourd and spent turmeric at 10% level were tested for their efficacy on glycosaminoglycan metabolism in various tissues viz., liver, spleen, lungs, heart and testis in control, diabetic and treated rats. The glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were isolated from defatted and dried tissues. The contents of sulfated GAGs decreased in all the tissues and the decrease was more prominent in heart and testis. In the isolated GAGs, contents of total sugar, amino sugar, uronic acid and sulfate were studied. Decrease in total sugar content was maximum in testis. Amino sugar content decreased considerably in testis (38%) and lungs (15%). The content of uronic acid also decreased in testis (33%) besides heart (29%) and liver (25%). Sulfate groups in GAGs perform pivotal functions in many biological events and decrease in sulfate content was significant in heart (40%), testis (37%) and liver (37%). GAGs profile on the cellulose acetate electrophoresis revealed that heparan sulfate (HS), hyaluronic acid (HA) and chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS) were present in liver, spleen and lungs. HS, CS were present in heart, DS/CS was observed in testis. The observed beneficial effects in GAGs metabolism during diabetes may be due to the presence of high amounts of dietary fibres present in bitter gourd and spent turmeric, besides, possible presence of bioactive compounds in one or both of them.  相似文献   
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