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Changes are reported of Crataegus-Betula dune woodlands between 1950–1980 from Meijendel, a calcareous coastal dune system near the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, which is used as a water catchment area. It concerns both woodlands in degradation stage and, more common, woodlands on the increase. Changes were recorded with help of successive vegetation maps, air photos and permanent plot observations. Woodland increase usually occurs on places with groundwater at or near the surface, either because of natural circumstances or as a result of artificial groundwater recharge through infiltration as part of the water catchment activities. The management of both types of woodland is discussed.Nomenclature follows Heukels-van der Meijden (1983), Flora van Nederland, 20th ed. Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen. Nomenclature of mosses follows Margadant & During (1982), Beknopte Flora van Nederlandse Blad- en Levermossen, Thieme, Zutphen.The authors have pleasure in thanking their colleagues from the Dune Water Works who supplied data on hydrology.  相似文献   
《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):227-241
Background: Although forest floor forms a large biomass pool in forested peatlands, little is known about its role in ecosystem carbon (C) dynamics.

Aim: We aimed to quantify forest floor photosynthesis (P FF) and respiration (R FF) as a part of overall C dynamics in a drained peatland forest in southern Finland.

Methods: We measured net forest floor CO2 exchange with closed chambers and reconstructed seasonal CO2 exchange in the prevailing plant communities.

Results: The vegetation was a mosaic of plant communities that differed in CO2 exchange dynamics. The reconstructed growing season P FF was highest in the Sphagnum community and lowest in the feather moss communities. On the contrary, R FF was highest in the feather moss communities and lowest in the Sphagnum community. CO2 assimilated by the forest floor was 20–30% of the total CO2 assimilated by the forest. The forest floor was a net CO2 source to the atmosphere, because respiration from ground vegetation, tree roots and decomposition of soil organic matter exceeded the photosynthesis of ground vegetation.

Conclusions: Tree stand dominates C fluxes in drained peatland forests. However, forest floor vegetation can have a noticeable role in the C cycle of peatlands drained for forestry. Similarly to natural mires, Sphagnum moss-dominated communities were the most efficient assimilators of C.  相似文献   
1. We studied chironomid communities of four rivers in south‐eastern Finland, differing in their water quality, during summer 2004 using the Chironomid Pupal Exuvial Technique, CPET. The aims of the study were to (i) test the adequacy of the generic‐level identification in the CPET method, (ii) define the emergence patterns of chironomid taxa classified as intolerant to organic pollution, (iii) assess the tolerance levels of intolerant chironomids and (iv) identify taxa most indicative of good water quality. 2. Procrustean rotation analysis indicated very strong concordance between the ordinations using either species or genus‐level data, suggesting that generic‐level identification of chironomids is adequate for biomonitoring based on CPET. However, when only a few taxa occur in great numbers, it may be advisable to identify these to the species level, especially if these taxa are important indicators of the impact in question. 3. The detection of a particular species may require accurate timing of sampling, whereas a species‐rich genus might be detected throughout a season. Given that the emergence of chironomid species may vary from year‐to‐year and between sampling sites, community differences detected at the species level may be related to between‐site variation in species’ emergence patterns rather than true differences in species composition. 4. Indicator species analysis (IndVal) showed that the distribution and abundance of intolerant chironomid taxa differed strongly among the studied rivers. Some of the intolerant taxa were restricted to unimpacted conditions, whereas others occurred mainly in impacted rivers. Thus, the indicator status of some genera (e.g. Eukiefferiella, Parametriocnemus, Stempellinella and Tvetenia) needs reassessment.  相似文献   
A model of boreal forest dynamics was adapted to examine the factors controlling carbon and nitrogen cycling in the boreal forests of interior Alaska. Empirical relationships were used to simulate decomposition and nitrogen availability as a function of either substrate quality, the soil thermal regime, or their interactive effects. Test comparisons included black spruce forests growing on permafrost soils and black spruce, birch, and white spruce forests growing on permafrost-free soils. For each forest, simulated above-ground tree biomass, basal area, density, litterfall, moss biomass, and forest floor mass, turnover, thickness, and nitrogen concentration were compared to observed data. No one decay equation simulated forests entirely consistent with observed data, but over the range of upland forest types in interior Alaska, the equation that combined the effects of litter quality and the soil thermal regime simulated forests that were most consistent with observed data. For black spruce growing on permafrost soils, long-term simulated forest dynamics in the absence of fire resulted in unproductive forests with a thick forest floor and low nitrogen mineralization. Fires were an important means to interrupt this sequence and to restart forest succession.  相似文献   
川中丘陵人工幼草本层动态研究初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
 川中丘陵为长江中上游防护林体系建设重点区域。本文对荒山荒坡种植柏木、桤木及补播牧草后的植被动态进行了研究。结果表明:在幼林期,随树木郁闭度的增加,林下草本植物的盖度也随之提高,生物量增大,林草之间具良好的共生效益;补播草种可大大加快幼林地植被覆盖。  相似文献   
A range of approaches was used to investigate how species within a fire-prone Banksia woodland in South West Australia exploited inorganic soil nitrogen sources and how this changes through the development of the fire chronosequence. Nitrate and ammonium were present in soil solution throughout the chronosequence but nitrate predominated in recently burnt sites. Mean shoot nitrate reductase activities were high for all species in recently burnt sites and showed little increase when nitrate was supplied via the transpiration stream. Nitrate reductase of shoots of most species was low at sites not burnt for several years, but following transpirational induction with nitrate, developed activities similar to those at recently burnt sites. The principal amino compounds transported in the xylem were species specific, including asparagine, glutamine and citrulline-dominated species, and changed little in relative composition across the chronosequence. Species most active in leaf nitrate reduction transported the largest amounts of nitrate in their xylem sap and proportional amounts of nitrate in xylem tended to be greatest in recently burnt sites. Most of the species examined appeared to be shoot rather than root nitrate assimilators, but marked differences were recorded in potential of leafy shoots of different species to reduce nitrate. As a general rule, shallow-rooted herbaceous, non-mycorrhizal or VAM-positive species had the highest capacity to reduce nitrate, whereas woody species with ericoid mycorrhizae or combined vesicular arbuscular/ectomycorrhizal associations exhibited little capacity to reduce nitrate in roots or shoots. It seems likely that this latter group utilize ammonium or even organic forms of nitrogen rather than nitrate. Some putative nitrogen-fixing species were active in reducing and transporting nitrate, others were virtually inactive in these respects.  相似文献   
Globally, climate is changing rapidly, which causes shifts in many species' distributions, stressing the need to understand their response to changing environmental conditions to inform conservation and management. Northern latitudes are expected to experience strongest changes in climate, with milder winters and decreasing snow cover. The wolverine (Gulo gulo) is a circumpolar, threatened carnivore distributed in northern tundra, boreal, and subboreal habitats. Previous studies have suggested that wolverine distribution and reproduction are constrained by a strong association with persistent spring snow cover. We assess this hypothesis by relating spatial distribution of 1589 reproductive events, a fitness-related proxy for female reproduction and survival, to snow cover over two decades. Wolverine distribution has increased and number of reproductive events increased 20 times in areas lacking spring snow cover during our study period, despite low monitoring effort where snow is sparse. Thus, the relationship between reproductive events and persistent spring snow cover weakened during this period. These findings show that wolverine reproductive success and hence distribution are less dependent on spring snow cover than expected. This has important implications for projections of future habitat availability, and thus distribution, of this threatened species. Our study also illustrates how past persecution, or other factors, that have restricted species distribution to remote areas can mask actual effects of environmental parameters, whose importance reveals when populations expand beyond previously restricted ranges. Overwhelming evidence shows that climate change is affecting many species and ecological processes, but forecasting potential consequences on a given species requires longitudinal data to revisit hypotheses and reassess the direction and magnitude of climate effects with new data. This is especially important for conservation-oriented management of species inhabiting dynamic systems where environmental factors and human activities interact, a common scenario for many species in different ecosystems around the globe.  相似文献   
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