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Helicopters can be used to collect water samples from many lakes over a wide geographic area within a relatively short time period. Here we report the results from an experiment in which sequential water samples from a lake were collected first from a nonmotorized boat and then immediately afterward from a helicopter. No significant differences were found between the means of the measurement of 20 chemical parameters for the two methods of collection. When compared to obtaining samples from a boat, collection of samples from a helicopter platform had no effect on the content of the water samples.  相似文献   
Abstract: This paper presents an estimate of the total number of sea otters that died as a direct consequence of the oil spill that occurred when the T/V Exxon Valdez grounded in Prince William Sound, Alaska on 24 March 1989. We compared sea otter counts conducted from small boats throughout the Sound during the summers of 1984 and 1985 to counts made after the spill during the summer of 1989. We used ratio estimators, corrected for sighting probability, to calculate otter densities and population estimates for portions of the Sound affected by the oil spill. We estimated the otter population in the portion of Prince William Sound affected by the oil was 6,546 at the time of the spill and that the post-spill population in the summer of 1989 was 3,898, yielding a loss estimate of approximately 2,650. Bootstrapping techniques were used to approximate confidence limits on the loss estimate of about 500–5,000 otters. The wide confidence limits are a result of the complex scheme required to estimate losses and limitations of the data. Despite the uncertainty of the loss estimate it is clear that a significant fraction of the otters in the spill zone survived. We observed otters persisting in relatively clean embayments throughout the oil spill zone suggesting that the highly convoluted coastline of Prince William Sound produced refuges that allowed some sea otters in the oil spill area to survive.  相似文献   
Globally, increasing coastal development requires construction and maintenance of transportation infrastructure that affects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Construction of bridges as part of transportation networks introduces a series of risks to aquatic species near construction zones. We reviewed relevant literature and obtained exemplary case studies to synthesize potential effects of bridge construction on the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), a nearshore megafauna species vulnerable to human activities. Stages of bridge construction including dredging, pile driving, and installation and assembly of bridge components each involve potential direct and indirect effects on manatees. Direct effects such as vessel interactions, entanglement or ingestion, and entrainment may result in acute physical injury or mortality. Indirect effects from construction such as habitat obstruction or degradation and increased noise from construction activities can alter behavior and intraspecies communication and reduce access to essential resources. Some effects of construction may be immediately difficult to quantify, but cumulative effects through time can result in major habitat and species loss. To prevent large-scale negative effects of construction on manatees and other aquatic species, use and evaluation of mitigation strategies should be implemented pre-, during, and post-construction. As the global human population increasingly occupies coastal zones, effective planning of coastal development, including bridge and other in-water construction, will be essential to support conservation and recovery efforts for manatees and other species at risk in these areas. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Aim Recreational boating is arguably the largest unregulated vector for the introduction and spread of marine invasive species. Hull fouling communities have been recognized to harbour non‐indigenous species (NIS), but presence should not be equated with transport. In this study, we characterize the presence of NIS in hull fouling communities, determine if host vessels transport these species and evaluate the importance of recreational boating as a vector for introduction and spread. Location Coastal British Columbia (BC), Canada. Methods Dive surveys in BC marinas were conducted to record the presence of NIS and to estimate their per cent cover. In addition, a boater questionnaire survey was used to determine common travel and maintenance practices. These results were combined to investigate the potential for recreational boats to transport NIS. Results Nine NIS, including the highly invasive ascidians Styela clava and Botrylloides violaceus, and the macroalga Sargassum muticum, were found in hull fouling communities on recreational boats. Overall, per cent cover was generally low; however, niche areas were commonly fouled, even on active and otherwise clean boats. Fouling of niche areas was not related to either antifouling paint age or travel frequency, and fouling levels were highly variable among individual boats both within marinas and across regions. Main conclusions Recreational boating is a major vector contributing to the spread of marine invasive species. Our results indicate that recreational boats represent a high‐risk vector both for primary introduction and secondary spread of marine NIS and should be subject to vector management regulations.  相似文献   
Abstract The laborious process of manual seagrass transplanting has often limited the size of seagrass restoration efforts. This study tested the efficiency of a mechanized planting boat, previously used for transplanting Halodule wrightii, relative to manual transplanting methods for establishing Zostera marina in Chesapeake Bay. Eelgrass planting was conducted at two sites, one each in the Rappahannock and James rivers, in October 2001. The methods were evaluated by three criteria: (1) initial planting success = proportion of attempted planting units (PUs) initially established (number confirmed in sediment by divers/number attempted); (2) survival = proportion of the initially established PUs persisting over 1, 4, and 24 weeks; and (3) efficiency = labor (in person·seconds) invested in each surviving PU. Initial planting success was significantly lower for the planting boat (24 and 56% at the Rappahannock and James sites, respectively) than for manual transplanting (100% at both sites). At the Rappahannock site, survival of initially established PUs declined over time for both methods, but while mean survival was always higher for manually planted rows, differences in survival between methods were not statistically significant. At the James site, survival to 1 and 4 weeks was significantly lower for the machine than for the manual method, but survival to 24 weeks was not significantly different. While the machine was able to attempt PUs faster than the manual method (2.2 s/PU vs. 5.8 s/PU, respectively), this speed was offset by poorer planting success rates, resulting in a much greater total labor investment for each machine‐planted PU that persisted to 24 weeks than for each similarly persisting manually planted PU (40.6 person·seconds/PU and 22.4 person·seconds/PU, respectively, averaged across sites). In summary, those PUs successfully planted by the machine survived similarly to PUs planted by hand, but as a result of poorer initial planting success, the machine required a greater investment of labor and plant donor stock for each PU surviving to 24 weeks. Therefore, in its tested configuration this planting boat is not a significant improvement over the manual method for transplanting eelgrass.  相似文献   
Boat-based surveys have been commonly used to monitor sea otter populations, but there has been little quantitative work to evaluate detection biases that may affect these surveys. We used ground-based observers to investigate sea otter detection probabilities in a boat-based survey of Prince William Sound, Alaska. We estimated that 30% of the otters present on surveyed transects were not detected by boat crews. Approximately half (53%) of the undetected otters were missed because the otters left the transects, apparently in response to the approaching boat. Unbiased estimates of detection probabilities will be required for obtaining unbiased population estimates from boat-based surveys of sea otters. Therefore, boat-based surveys should include methods to estimate sea otter detection probabilities under the conditions specific to each survey. Unbiased estimation of detection probabilities with ground-based observers requires either that the ground crews detect all of the otters in observed subunits, or that there are no errors in determining which crews saw each detected otter. Ground-based observer methods may be appropriate in areas where nearly all of the sea otter habitat is potentially visible from ground-based vantage points.  相似文献   
Abstract Hull fouling is a major cost for owners of small vessels and an important pathway for the spread of non‐indigenous aquatic species. The extent of fouling depends on a hull's susceptibility to recruitment by aquatic organisms and the local availability of competent planktonic propagules (‘propagule pressure’). Management strategies have typically been concerned with increasing resistance of the hull to recruitment through the use of toxic paints. Here we tested the hypothesis that fouling is influenced by the design of the harbour in which the boat is moored. We compared recruitment of sessile invertebrates to available surfaces in two types of recreational boat harbours: marinas that were partially enclosed by a permanent breakwall, and marinas that lacked breakwalls. Recruitment in the marinas was compared to coastal reference sites that were not used for mooring. At each location, recruitment tiles were deployed for 4 weeks on four separate occasions over a period of 2 years. Measurements of current velocities and spatial patterns of water flow at each location showed that permanent breakwalls created complex patterns of circulation that retained water within the marina basin for up to 12 h d?1. Despite large regional and temporal variability in fouling over time, most organisms recruited in greatest numbers to surfaces in partially enclosed marinas, and were often several orders of magnitude more abundant in the enclosed marinas than in unenclosed marinas or coastal reference locations. Harbour design has an important influence on the rate at which fouling organisms recruit to available surfaces within marinas. Entrainment of water in enclosed marinas may limit the dispersal of planktonic propagules by advective currents but effectively increases propagule pressure to available surfaces, including resident boat hulls. This is likely to accelerate the development of hull‐fouling assemblages and increase the chances of transport of non‐indigenous species that establish populations in the harbour basin.  相似文献   
Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) are endangered in the Laurentian Great Lakes with increasing binational efforts to establish spawning grounds to aid restoration. While SCUBA surveys can document spawning activity, these are labour-intensive and may disrupt spawning. We used passive acoustic monitoring to quantify spawning sounds of lake sturgeon as a first step to developing remote sensing of sturgeon spawning grounds. Acipenser sp. are known to make a variety of sounds including, “thunders” (aka drums), which have been documented in A. fulvescens during spawning. We quantified drums from a known spawning bed. We recorded 5 different potential sturgeon sounds but only quantified drums as a marker for spawning activity. Drums were low frequency with average frequency peaks at 40 and 92 Hz and a rapid drop-off thereafter. There was no relationship between calling activity and water temperature but calling activity increased as the summer progressed. Call production was most active from 0600 to 1500 h with little calling activity during nighttime recordings. The presence of low frequency boat sounds did correlate with a reduction in maximum calling rate so it is possible that commercial shipping may disrupt sturgeon communication, but more research is necessary to separate correlational from causative effects. These recordings represent a promising approach to map sturgeon spawning activity and show the potential effect of human activity on communication in this threatened species.  相似文献   
  • 1 Dolphins and porpoises in coastal and/or riverine habitats face serious conservation threats, yet surveys of their abundance are often especially difficult due to the challenges imposed by the habitats. Because many of these species occur in developing countries, lack of resources imposes a further set of challenges.
  • 2 We offer advice on designing and conducting line‐transect surveys with a focus on sound, practical, design rather than analytical sophistication, and we attempt, where possible, to offer simple, inexpensive solutions.
  • 3 We guide the reader through the questions of what kind of survey should be done, whether by boat or aircraft, and we discuss ways to avoid bias and increase precision.
  • 4 Our treatment of field methods focuses especially on robust, but low‐cost, approaches. We provide two case studies to illustrate the implementation of these ideas.
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