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Analysis of genetic variation between the banana and the citrus races of Radopholus similis by starch gel eleclrophoresis demonstrated that 7 of 16 enzyme-encoding loci could be used for their diagnostic separation. The two races are closely related arid share approximately 75% of the enzymes evaluated. The level of dissimilarities o1 inherited bands indicates that no gene flow occurs between the races. Aldolase, α + β esterase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, and phosphoglucose isomerase are diagnostic markers of the races.  相似文献   
Many morphologically similar, but chemically distinct, populations have been found in the marine red alga Laurencia nipponica Yamada (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) growing in Japan. Each chemical type is characterized by a specific end-product of halogenated secondaly metabolite synthesis: chamigrane-type sesquiterpenoids such as prepacifenol and halochamigrene epoxide and C15 bromoethers such as laurencin, laureatin, isoprelaurefucin, epilaurallene, and kumausallene. These seven types of secondary metabolite syntheses remained the same in the wild and under various culture conditions. Because bromoethers and terpenoids are probably synthesized by different metabolic pathways, it is virtually certain that different sets of enzymes participate in their synthesis. Prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing populations were selected as representatives of terpenoid and bromoether groups, respectively. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between reciprocal, female and male gametophytes of prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains bore both types of metabolites, suggesting that the genes Producing these enzyme systems are encoded by nuclear genomes. The F1 gametophytes resulting from the reciprocal crosses produced either prepacifenol or laureatin, and the four individuals derived from spore tetrads (a set of tetraspores derived from a single tetrasporangium) produced either prepacifenol or laureatin in a 1:1 ratio, indicating that genes participating in terpenoid synthsis and those participating in bromoether synthesis are on different loci of homologous chromosomes and are segregated at meiosis (tetrasporogenesis). One individual of this interpopulational F1 gamtophyte produced both parental types of metabolite, perhaps indicating the occurrence of a recombination type. Natural hybrid individuals, including such recombination-type gametophytes, were found in a sympatric locality at which these two chemical types occur. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between respective prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains and their F1 gametohytes produced only parental-type metabolite-producing plants. These results indicate that the diverse chemical types can be referred to as races (chemical races).  相似文献   
In order to clarify the taxonomy and the interrelationships among Asiatic cultivated rice, Oryza sativa , and its related wild species ( O. rufipogon, O. nivara and O . barthii ), 41 morphological characters were examined. Numerical taxonomic methods were used to analyse the data and to illustrate species relationships.
Distinctive differences among the materials studied suggest the retention of O. rufipogoon, O. nivara and O . sativa as three distinct species. The origin of O. sativa from O. nivara through domestication is discussed. An annual wild taxon from Australia, which had been classified as a form of O. nivara , is shown to be distinct from typical O. nivnra and is raised to specific rank. This species has been named O. meridionalis Ng.  相似文献   
大劣按蚊(广义)是东南亚和我国南方的高效传疟媒介,其复合体不同成员种的传疟作用尚未清楚阐明,探索近缘种的正确鉴别为蚊虫生物分类的重要基础。本文报道对我国大劣按蚊复合体(Anophelesdiruscomplex)生物分类的研究结果,应用染色体核型、卵的扫描结构、核糖体DNA间隔2区序列及PCR鉴别检测等方法,确认该复合体A种分布于海南省,D种分布于云南省。文内并对蚊虫生物分类的发展方向及其对疟疾防治的重要性作了讨论。  相似文献   
Genetic variation in the synthesis of halogenated secondary metabolites in the Japanese marine red alga Laurencia nipponica Yamada (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) has been investigated in laboratory crossing experiments and chemical analyses, F1 tetrasporophytes and F1 gametophytes resulting from crosses within chemical races produced major metabolites characteristic of these races. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from reciprocal interracial crosses produced: (i) both parental types of secondary metabolites; (ii) either of the parental types; or (iii) a further major compound in addition to both parental types or in addition to either of the parental types. The latter cases suggest that hybrid-specific products were formed by the combined enzymatic complements of the parents, as F1 gametophytes derived from these interracial F1 tetrasporophytes yielded one or other of their parental products in an approximate 1:1 ratio. The population structure was analyzed at localities in Hokkaido, where two of the chemical races occur sympatrically. At Usujiri (Minami-kayabe), where the prepacifenol race and the laureatin race were sym-patric, hybrid gametophytes (recombination type) were found in high frequency in addition to hybrid tetra sporophytes, which strongly suggests that a new, pre-pacifenol/laureatm race is beginning to be produced by natural hybridization and recombination. By contrast, at Oshoro Bay, where the laurencin race and the epi-lauraliene race grew together, the interracial hybrids were rare: only a few tetrasporophytes (probably F1 generation) were found, suggesting that racial integrity may be retained by habitat segregation and/or the absence of recombination-type gametophytes.  相似文献   
Abstract Adenophora is an extremely variable genus, and its taxonomy is very controversial. Of the genus, Adenophora potaninii complex, including A. potaninii, A. bockiana, A. wawreana, A. lobophylla, A. biformifolia, A. polydentata, and A. wawreana var. lanceifolia, is a typical group with different taxonomical treatments due to high level of morphological diversity. We carried out extensive biosystematic studies based on population sampling, transplantation experiments and offspring tests, cluster analysis, and a crossing experiment. The results reveal four main findings. (i) Leaf forms of the A. potaninii complex were extremely polymorphic; the leaf form of A. potaninii and A. bockiana, and that of A. wawreana and A. biformifolia could be found, respectively, on a single population or among the offsprings of a single plant. (ii) Cluster analysis and a crossing experiment indicated that A. bockiana and A. polydentata could not be separated from A. potaninii, nor A. biformifolia from A. wawreana. (iii) Adenophora potaninii and A. wawreana were gradational in morphology and their compatibility value was slightly reduced compared to that within each entity. (iv) Adenophora lobophylla was distinct from the other members of the complex in shape and size of corolla, relative length of style, and shape of capsule. This species was incompatible reproductively with the other members of the complex, but partly compatible with A. stenanthina, a species in another section. Therefore, we recognized only one species with two subspecies in the complex, A. potaninii subsp. potaninii and subsp. wawreana, moved A. lobophylla out of the complex, and reduced all the other names as new synonyms.  相似文献   
Phenetic analyses of 218 OTUs belonging toVaccinium sectionMyrtillus and scored for 13 characters generated five robust clusters.Vaccinium parvifolium is the most distinct cluster, followed by the “myrtillus-scoparium” complex, thenV. membranaceum, V. caespitosum, and the “ovalifolium-deliciosum” complex. Biosystematic studies suggest that the five clusters comprise seven taxa that possess many of the properties that define biological species. Indeed, the recognition of the seven taxa as species is supported by cytological, phenological, biogeographical and ecological as well as chemical data. A detailed taxonomic treatment for all these taxa is presented.  相似文献   
本文对于长白山南坡高山半寒漠植被中大面积匍匐生长在地表的粗皮松萝群体从形态学、生态学、化学及分类学方面进行了初步研究。在分类学上将这一地生群体命名为匍匐变种;在种群落结构方面进行了样方调查;从生物系统学角度进行了初步分析。  相似文献   
The host plant relationships of the aphid genusCryptomyzus were studied by field sampling and laboratory experiments. Host plant suitability and host plant preference were assessed in the laboratory using parthenogenetic females of the summer generations (exules). Differences in reproductive performance and host plant preference were found between closely related taxa ofC. galeopsidis. Host plant preference was correlated with reproductive performance in these forms ofC. galeopsidis. This indicated that evolutionary divergence has occurred and this justifies their status as separate species. It did not prove possible to induce an improvement in the performance of theC. galeopsidis fromLamium galeobdolon onGaleopsis tetrahit, the host plant of a closely related taxon. The life cycles and host plant relationships ofCryptomyzus are defined, including the previously unknown life cycles ofC. heinzei, C. ballotae and two forms ofC. galeopsidis. The results are discussed in relation to host use and their significance for differentiation between closely related aphid taxa.
Résumé Les relations des pucerons du genreCryptomyzus avec leurs plantes hôtes ont été étudiées dans la nature et au laboratoire. L'adéquation de la plante et le choix de l'insecte ont été examinés au laboratoire sur des femelles parthénogétiques des générations estivales (exules). Les différences de performances reproductives et de choix des hôtes étaient liées étroitement à la position taxonomique deC. galeopsidis; chez ces formes deC. galeopsidis les choix entre hôtes étaient liés aux performances reproductives. Ceci indique qu'il y a eu une divergence évolutive et justifie leur statut d'espèces distinctes. Ceci ne prouve pas qu'il soit possible d'induire une amélioration des performances deC. galeopsidis deLamium galeobdolon surGaleopsis tetrahit, plante hôte d'un taxon voisin. Les cycles et les relations avec les plantes hôtes de tous les taxa deCryptomyzus ont été précisés, y compris pour les cycles jusqu'alors inconnus deC. heinzei, C. ballotae et de 2 formes deC. galeopsidis. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de l'utilisation de l'hôte et de leur signification pour la différenciation de taxa très voisins de pucerons.
Gene frequency data from 42 isoenzyme loci were used to assess the phylogeny of taxa in the genus Pinus, subsection Contortae. The classification inferred from a phenogram based on Nei's genetic distance measure (DN) was generally in good agreement with the current taxonomic treatment of the subsection. Pinus contorta appears to most closely resemble the ancestral taxon from which all other taxa in the subsection are derived. An alternative classification based upon Mahalonobis squared distances (DR) obtained from seed and cone measurements differed from the isoenzyme treatment by placing P. contorta subsp. murrayana in close association with P. virginiana.  相似文献   
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