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1. Although many studies have focussed on the effects of catchment land use on lotic systems, the importance of broad (catchment) and fine (segment/reach) scale effects on stream assemblages remain poorly understood. 2. Nine biological metrics for macrophytes (498 sites), benthic macroinvertebrates (491) and fish (478) of lowland and mountain streams in four ecoregions of France and Germany were related to catchment and riparian buffer land use using partial Redundancy Analysis and Boosted Regression Trees (BRTs). 3. Lotic fauna was better correlated (mean max., r = 0.450) than flora (r = 0.277) to both scales of land use: the strongest correlations were noted for mountain streams. BRTs revealed strong non‐linear relationships between mountain assemblage metrics and land use. Correlations increased with increasing buffer lengths, suggesting the importance of near‐stream land use on biotic assemblages. 4. Several metrics changed markedly between 10–20% (mountain ecoregions) and 40–45% (lowland) of arable land use, irrespective of the buffer size. At mountain sites with >10% catchment arable land use, metric values differed between sites with <30% and sites with >30% forest in the near‐stream riparian area. 5. These findings support the role of riparian land use in catchment management; however, differences between mountain and lowland ecoregions support the need for ecoregion‐specific management.  相似文献   
1. Ship‐induced waves can affect the physical characteristics of lake and river shorelines, and laboratory studies have shown effects on littoral invertebrates. Here, we explored whether these effects could be observed under field conditions along a natural lake shore affected by wave sequences (trains) produced by boats. 2. Individuals of five invertebrate species (Bithynia tentaculata, Calopteryx splendens, Dikerogammarus villosus, Gammarus roeselii, Laccophilus hyalinus) were exposed to waves with increasing shear stress in five habitats differing in structural complexity. 3. Detachment of invertebrates increased with increasing shear stress and was best modelled using sigmoid response curves. Habitat structural complexity mitigated the effects of shear stress, and detachment rate was influenced more by habitat type than by species. A threshold (90% of the individual invertebrates unaffected) stress level of 0.64 N m?2 was found for a structurally complex reed habitat, compared to 0.37 N m?2 for a simple sand habitat. 4. Shear stress associated with wave trains created by recreational boating at a distance of 35 m from the shore and at a speed of 11 km h?1 resulted in 45% detachment of littoral invertebrates. Decreasing the boat‐to‐shore distance to 20 m increased wave shear stress by 30% and invertebrate detachments up to 75%. 5. Disturbance of littoral habitats and invertebrate assemblages are widespread in inland waters used for recreational and/or commercial navigation. Our findings show that the integrity of littoral zones of navigable surface waters could be much improved by implementing management measures such as physically protecting complex habitats with dense reed belts and tree roots, and reducing boat speeds and increasing their minimum shoreline distance.  相似文献   
Among the 19 non-native species of marine invertebrates which have invaded the Venice Lagoon and have established populations, Ruditapes philippinarum, deliberately introduced in 1983, is surely the most successful species. According to the hypothesis that alien species invasion could be favoured by an altered ecological, chemical or physical state of the system induced by anthropogenic disturbance, R. philippinarum turned out to be ‘the right species at the right moment’. By comparing historical data (1968, 1985, 1990) with 1999 data, changes in macrobenthic community, in particular bivalve molluscs, of the lagoon induced by R. philippinarum introduction and subsequent clam exploiting activity were assessed. It has been possible to describe a sharp reduction, both in terms of distribution area and density, of all other filter feeder bivalves. Moreover, by using the clearance rate of the most abundant bivalve species in 1990 and 1999 (Cerastoderma glaucum and R. philippinarum, respectively), it was possible to estimate that the filtration capacity, expressed as l h−1 m−2, has more than doubled. This has altered the functioning of the ecosystem, resulting in a stronger benthic–pelagic coupling. In this context, R. philippinarum attains control of the system. Considering all this, it is possible to state that the Venice Lagoon ecosystem has entered into a new state, probably more resistant but less resilient, with implications for future management choices.  相似文献   
Densities of red mullet Mullus surmuletus have declined since 1996 at Cap Martin, Alpes‐Maritimes, France, following colonization by Caulerpa taxifolia . Foraging M. surmuletus were rarely observed over C. taxifolia or the seagrass Posidonia oceanica , but were observed over bare sand and endemic macroalgae. Within colonized sites (where the mean cover of C. taxifolia was 30–100%), fish were concentrated on areas with low cover of C. taxifolia (<21%). A difference in the frequency of observations of foraging groups (17%) was observed between sites with and without C. taxifolia . The observed patterns were probably due to a physical barrier to foraging that is presented by meadows of C. taxifolia . Changes to habitat structure that occur when the substratum is colonized by C. taxifolia influence the accessibility to benthic food resources, and consequently the foraging activities of fish that feed on benthic invertebrates. The decline in density of M. surmuletus at Cap Martin could be the result of fish emigration from colonized sites (unfavourable to the species) to uncolonized sites.  相似文献   
Pedersen  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):267-275
Studies were undertaken with the aim of developing a standardized method for assessing environmental pollution in sediments by utilization of life-history data of freshwater tubificids. Similar bioassay methods have long been used for Daphnia magna, species of Ceriodaphnia and Nitocra, etc. in accordance with guidelines from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Tubifex tubifex was found to be the most likely candidate for such bioassays, since the species is readily kept in culture and reproduces more or less consistantly.The culturing method is slightly modified from Kosiorek (1974). This paper provides an example of the particular sensitivity of this kind of bioassay method in the detection of heavy metal contamination of lake sediments. Sediments from the oligotrophic Lake Runn were considered suitable for the purpose, since the lake receives waste water from a major mining industry in Sweden. Metal analyses of the sediments had revealed the agents likely to be causing the decreased biological activity measured in the lake; rough amplitudes for mercury: 800–3600 ng · g-1 dw, copper: 800–1800 g · g-1 dw, zinc: 3.3 – 8.1 mg · g g-1 dw have been estimated for surficial sediments.Young tubificids exposed to Lake Runn sediments did not grow much and died off within a short period of time. No reproduction occurred. Sediments from Lake Runn, when mixed with sediments from the eutrophic Lake Hjälmaren, made reproduction of T. tubifex occur only in mixtures containing less than 50% L. Runn sediments. The growth rate, reproductive success and the very timing of consecutive reproductive events of cohort individuals were found to be highly indicative of toxic effects. When additional food sources were available, however, these effects were largely masked. Therefore, extra food rations were excluded from the original method.  相似文献   
A total of 133 benthic macroinvertebrate species was recorded in four permanent freshwater lagoons (billabongs) and a stream riffle in the Magela Creek catchment, Northern Territory, Australia. 101 species were lentic in occurrence. Each billabong supported at least as many species as larger tropical and Australian temperate lakes, and was an exception to the species-poor status of Australian lentic macrobenthic communities. > 98% of the total benthic biomass was contributed by a mussel species; the remaining species' combined standing crop was an order of magnitude lower than in other lentic systems, further highlighting the diversity of the Magela benthos. Rarefaction (removal of organisms) and predictable environmental heterogeneity, both related to monsoonal variations in flow and water quality, were probably important determinants of the high diversity of these communities.  相似文献   
Summary Two pairs of ganglia are found in the propodial region of the veliger of Onchidoris bilamellata: the anterolateral pair is located at the foremost corners of the propodium, and the frontal pair is located beside the propodial midline. Both sets of ganglia are positioned below the epidermis, and they are joined to the cerebral ganglia by large, common connectives. Each ganglion possesses sensory cells, nerve cells and sheath cells, and the frontal pair contains a complement of secretory cells. Externally, the propodial ganglia are manifested as sensory fields. The fields of the anterolateral pair are elliptical in shape, and each appears as a band of cilia bordering an unciliated zone. The region devoid of cilia is composed of ordinary epidermal cells, whereas the ciliated portion is comprised of dendritic endings originating from cells in the ganglion. Dendrites arise from one type of sensory cell and pass through the epidermis in bundles. Each dendrite terminates as a single cilium at the epidermal surface. Sensory fields of the frontal ganglia are key-shaped and oppose one another on the anterior end of the foot. Each field appears as a flat, circular, unciliated region which extends into a ciliated groove that runs dorsally toward the mouth. The groove contains the terminals of secretory cells, ciliated sensory cells, and the cell bodies of nonciliated sensory cells. The nonciliated sensory cells, characterized by a microvillous apex, are the dominant cells in the flattened circular zone. The space between the frontal ganglia and the epidermis is bridged by bundles of processes which are similar to those of the anterolateral ganglia. However, these tracts contain collections of the apical processes of secretory cells, the dendrites of ciliated sensory cells, and the axons of nonciliated sensory cells. Morphological and behavioral evidence indicates that the propodial ganglia serve a chemosensory function during settlement and metamorphosis.  相似文献   
Benthic algal response to N and P enrichment along a pH gradient   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Nutrient enrichment and its effect on benthic algal growth, community composition, and average cell size was assessed across two sites of differing pH within a single habitat. Nutrients were added using in situ substrata, which released either N, P, or no additional nutrients (controls) at each site for 21 days. Upon collection, chlorophyll and biovolume standing stocks of the attached algal microflora were measured. Chlorophyll concentration was different among all treatments, accumulating greatest on P, followed by N, and the least on C substrata (P < 0.001) and was highest at site-2 (P < 0.001), while total algal biovolume was highest on P compared to both N and C substrata (P < 0.05) and did not vary between sites. Increased growth on P substrata was due to the enhanced biovolume of filamentous green algae, although the affected taxa varied between sites. Biovolume to cell density ratios (as a measure of average cell size) were highest on P substrata over both N-enriched and control substrata (P < 0.05) and this pattern was similar between sites. Progression towards a community composed of larger cells following P enrichment observed along this pH gradient, seems to be related to the dominance of larger celled filamentous green algae. Thus, nutrients exhibited greater control on benthic algal growth than did changes in hydrogen ion concentration.Contribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research LaboratoryContribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory  相似文献   
We monitored an intertidal mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) population between June 1981 and June 1982 in the Eastern Scheldt estuary (S.W. Netherlands). Density and biomass of the population remained relatively constant over the study period. The shell length growth was described by a Gompertz growth curve. The parameters of this equation were estimated from a log-log-modified Ford-Walford plot of the growth-ring data. The slope of the relationship between animal weight and shell length is season-dependent, mainly due to the spawning cycle in larger mussels.Secondary production is estimated with the growth rate method. In the calculated growth rates the change in slope of the length-weight relationship is incorporated, as well as differences in length growth rates between summer and winter. Secondary production amounts to 156 g AFDW m–2a –1 (expressed per m2 of mussel bank). P:B is 0.50 a–1. The mussel productivity is probably a limiting factor for the density of overwintering Oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegus).  相似文献   
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