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1. Although many studies have focussed on the effects of catchment land use on lotic systems, the importance of broad (catchment) and fine (segment/reach) scale effects on stream assemblages remain poorly understood. 2. Nine biological metrics for macrophytes (498 sites), benthic macroinvertebrates (491) and fish (478) of lowland and mountain streams in four ecoregions of France and Germany were related to catchment and riparian buffer land use using partial Redundancy Analysis and Boosted Regression Trees (BRTs). 3. Lotic fauna was better correlated (mean max., r = 0.450) than flora (r = 0.277) to both scales of land use: the strongest correlations were noted for mountain streams. BRTs revealed strong non‐linear relationships between mountain assemblage metrics and land use. Correlations increased with increasing buffer lengths, suggesting the importance of near‐stream land use on biotic assemblages. 4. Several metrics changed markedly between 10–20% (mountain ecoregions) and 40–45% (lowland) of arable land use, irrespective of the buffer size. At mountain sites with >10% catchment arable land use, metric values differed between sites with <30% and sites with >30% forest in the near‐stream riparian area. 5. These findings support the role of riparian land use in catchment management; however, differences between mountain and lowland ecoregions support the need for ecoregion‐specific management.  相似文献   
Among the 19 non-native species of marine invertebrates which have invaded the Venice Lagoon and have established populations, Ruditapes philippinarum, deliberately introduced in 1983, is surely the most successful species. According to the hypothesis that alien species invasion could be favoured by an altered ecological, chemical or physical state of the system induced by anthropogenic disturbance, R. philippinarum turned out to be ‘the right species at the right moment’. By comparing historical data (1968, 1985, 1990) with 1999 data, changes in macrobenthic community, in particular bivalve molluscs, of the lagoon induced by R. philippinarum introduction and subsequent clam exploiting activity were assessed. It has been possible to describe a sharp reduction, both in terms of distribution area and density, of all other filter feeder bivalves. Moreover, by using the clearance rate of the most abundant bivalve species in 1990 and 1999 (Cerastoderma glaucum and R. philippinarum, respectively), it was possible to estimate that the filtration capacity, expressed as l h−1 m−2, has more than doubled. This has altered the functioning of the ecosystem, resulting in a stronger benthic–pelagic coupling. In this context, R. philippinarum attains control of the system. Considering all this, it is possible to state that the Venice Lagoon ecosystem has entered into a new state, probably more resistant but less resilient, with implications for future management choices.  相似文献   
Densities of red mullet Mullus surmuletus have declined since 1996 at Cap Martin, Alpes‐Maritimes, France, following colonization by Caulerpa taxifolia . Foraging M. surmuletus were rarely observed over C. taxifolia or the seagrass Posidonia oceanica , but were observed over bare sand and endemic macroalgae. Within colonized sites (where the mean cover of C. taxifolia was 30–100%), fish were concentrated on areas with low cover of C. taxifolia (<21%). A difference in the frequency of observations of foraging groups (17%) was observed between sites with and without C. taxifolia . The observed patterns were probably due to a physical barrier to foraging that is presented by meadows of C. taxifolia . Changes to habitat structure that occur when the substratum is colonized by C. taxifolia influence the accessibility to benthic food resources, and consequently the foraging activities of fish that feed on benthic invertebrates. The decline in density of M. surmuletus at Cap Martin could be the result of fish emigration from colonized sites (unfavourable to the species) to uncolonized sites.  相似文献   
Pedersen  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):267-275
Studies were undertaken with the aim of developing a standardized method for assessing environmental pollution in sediments by utilization of life-history data of freshwater tubificids. Similar bioassay methods have long been used for Daphnia magna, species of Ceriodaphnia and Nitocra, etc. in accordance with guidelines from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Tubifex tubifex was found to be the most likely candidate for such bioassays, since the species is readily kept in culture and reproduces more or less consistantly.The culturing method is slightly modified from Kosiorek (1974). This paper provides an example of the particular sensitivity of this kind of bioassay method in the detection of heavy metal contamination of lake sediments. Sediments from the oligotrophic Lake Runn were considered suitable for the purpose, since the lake receives waste water from a major mining industry in Sweden. Metal analyses of the sediments had revealed the agents likely to be causing the decreased biological activity measured in the lake; rough amplitudes for mercury: 800–3600 ng · g-1 dw, copper: 800–1800 g · g-1 dw, zinc: 3.3 – 8.1 mg · g g-1 dw have been estimated for surficial sediments.Young tubificids exposed to Lake Runn sediments did not grow much and died off within a short period of time. No reproduction occurred. Sediments from Lake Runn, when mixed with sediments from the eutrophic Lake Hjälmaren, made reproduction of T. tubifex occur only in mixtures containing less than 50% L. Runn sediments. The growth rate, reproductive success and the very timing of consecutive reproductive events of cohort individuals were found to be highly indicative of toxic effects. When additional food sources were available, however, these effects were largely masked. Therefore, extra food rations were excluded from the original method.  相似文献   
A total of 133 benthic macroinvertebrate species was recorded in four permanent freshwater lagoons (billabongs) and a stream riffle in the Magela Creek catchment, Northern Territory, Australia. 101 species were lentic in occurrence. Each billabong supported at least as many species as larger tropical and Australian temperate lakes, and was an exception to the species-poor status of Australian lentic macrobenthic communities. > 98% of the total benthic biomass was contributed by a mussel species; the remaining species' combined standing crop was an order of magnitude lower than in other lentic systems, further highlighting the diversity of the Magela benthos. Rarefaction (removal of organisms) and predictable environmental heterogeneity, both related to monsoonal variations in flow and water quality, were probably important determinants of the high diversity of these communities.  相似文献   
Why are there so many species of bumble bees at Dungeness?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
WILLIAMS, P. H., 1989. Why are there so many species of bumble bees at Dungeness? Dungeness is unique in the British Isles in that it has more species of bumble bees than any other locality. Three ideas about what governs the number of species at a locality are examined by locking at patterns of flower visits at Dungeness in comparison with those at Shoreham, a species-poor locality also in Kent. The species of bumble bees that are present at Dungeness but absent from Shoreham show no association in their distributions among 2 km grid-squares in Kent with the species of food-plants that they prefer at Dungeness, nor is there any correlation between the diversity of bees and diversity of food-plants at Dungeness and Shoreham. From the information available, Dungeness is most likely to have more species of bumble bees because it has a particularly high density of the more nectar-rich flowers that bumble bees can use. Bumble bees feed most profitably from deep flowers because these contain more nectar than shallow flowers, although direct access to deeper flowers is ultimately limited by the length of each bee's proboscis. The distribution of worker proboscis lengths among species in the species-pool in Kent is clumped about a median of 7.9 mm. The best foraging conditions for the maximum number of species should be provided when flowers of similar depths are present in sufficiently large numbers for all foragers to make near-optimal flower choices. Although there is no difference in median between the distributions of the bees' proboscis lengths and the depths of the flowers they use at Dungeness, at Shoreham the flower depths used are shorter than the proboscis lengths. Among the food-plants at Dungeness, high densities of Teucrium scorodonia and Echium vulgare are likely to be especially important.  相似文献   
Benthic algal biomass and productivity in high subarctic streams,Alaska   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Year-round measurements of the standing crop of epilithic algae (as chlorophyll a concentration) in two streams — one second and one fourth order (map scale 1:63 360) — in interior Alaska (64°–65° N) were only about one tenth that reported from streams of temperate North America. Cell densities in these streams, however, were similar to those in comparable temperate streams. Year-round domination of the benthic flora by very tiny diatoms (Achnanthes spp.) may explain the apparent disparity between low chlorophyll a content and nearly average cell densities. Chlorophyll a standing crop in a more alkaline groundwater-fed stream, however, was higher and within the range of similarly sized temperate streams. Maximum chlorophyll a standing crop varied positively with alkalinity in 5 clear-water streams where standing crop was measured on natural or artificial substrates. Seasonal mean concentrations of sestonic chlorophyll a (used as estimates of benthic algal chlorophyll a standing crop) varied directly and significantly with alkalinity among ten clear-water streams; and, with total phosphorus among 8 of 10 clear-water and 5 brown-water streams studied. During the summer, when there is little darkness, gross primary productivity (as estimated by the diurnal dissolved-oxygen method) was similar to that of northern temperate streams. Gross primary productivity was also seen to vary directly with alkalinity in 5 clear-water streams of this region.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  相似文献   
Luoma  Samuel N. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):379-396
It is clear from available data that the susceptibility of biological communities to trace element contamination differs among aquatic environments. One important reason is that the bioavailability of metals in sediments appears to be altered by variations in sediment geochemistry. However, methods for explaining or predicting the effect of sediment geochemistry upon metal bioavailability are poorly developed. Experimental studies demonstrate that ingestion of sediments and uptake from solution may both be important pathways of metal bioaccumulation in deposit/detritus feeding species. Relative importance between the two is geochemistry dependent. Geochemical characteristics of sediments also affect metal concentrations in the tissues of organisms collected from nature, but the specific mechanisms by which these characteristics influence metal bioavailability have not been rigorously demonstrated. Several prerequisites are necessary to better understand the processes that control metal bioavailability from sediments. 1) improved computational or analytical methods for analyzing distribution of metals among components of the sediments; 2) improved computational methods for assessing the influences of metal form in sediments on sediment-water metal exchange; and 3) a better understanding of the processes controlling bioaccumulation of metals from solution and food by metazoan species directly exposed to the sediments. Such capabilities would allow mechanistic explanations essential to the development of practical tools sought for determining sediment quality criteria for metals.  相似文献   
Benthic algal response to N and P enrichment along a pH gradient   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Nutrient enrichment and its effect on benthic algal growth, community composition, and average cell size was assessed across two sites of differing pH within a single habitat. Nutrients were added using in situ substrata, which released either N, P, or no additional nutrients (controls) at each site for 21 days. Upon collection, chlorophyll and biovolume standing stocks of the attached algal microflora were measured. Chlorophyll concentration was different among all treatments, accumulating greatest on P, followed by N, and the least on C substrata (P < 0.001) and was highest at site-2 (P < 0.001), while total algal biovolume was highest on P compared to both N and C substrata (P < 0.05) and did not vary between sites. Increased growth on P substrata was due to the enhanced biovolume of filamentous green algae, although the affected taxa varied between sites. Biovolume to cell density ratios (as a measure of average cell size) were highest on P substrata over both N-enriched and control substrata (P < 0.05) and this pattern was similar between sites. Progression towards a community composed of larger cells following P enrichment observed along this pH gradient, seems to be related to the dominance of larger celled filamentous green algae. Thus, nutrients exhibited greater control on benthic algal growth than did changes in hydrogen ion concentration.Contribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research LaboratoryContribution number 581, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory  相似文献   
Salinity of Pyramid Lake increased from 3.7 to 5.5 between 1933 and 1980. Concern over future reductions in overall species richness prompted experiments to assess responses of dominant lake organisms to elevated salinity. Salinity tolerances of three important benthic invertebrates, Hyalella aztecta, Chironomus utahensis, and Heterocypris sp., were tested in controlled laboratory bioassays and also in a semi-natural environment consisting of large (47 m3) mesocosms.Densities of H. azteca in mesocosms were significantly lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 compared with 5.6 controls in year one, but not in 8.5 salinity mesocosms in year two. The 96-h LC50 for H. azteca was high at 19.5. Short-term mortalities of C. utahensis were 100% at salinities of 13.3 and greater. Fifty-seven percent fewer larvae matured from third to fourth instar at 8.9 than at 5.5 salinity in 17 day subacute bioassays. Furthermore, larval chironomid densities and emergence of adults from mesocosms were significantly reduced at salinities of 8.0 and higher compared with controls. Mortality of Heterocypris sp. was 50% at a salinity of 18.6 in laboratory bioassays and populations in mesocosms ranged between 40 and 100% lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 than in controls.Multiple generation mesocosm experiments indicated all three invertebrates were more sensitive to elevated salinity than results of short-term bioassays. Our studies suggest populations of these invertebrates may be reduced from present levels if Pyramid Lake's salinity were to double, although none are expected to be extirpated. Food habit shifts and reduced production of lake fishes are likely consequences of salinity-induced disruption in the benthic invertebrate forage base.  相似文献   
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