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In traditional medical practice, the larvae of some Diptera: Calliphoridae, notably Lucilia illustris (Meigen), L.sericata (Meigen) and Phormia regina (Meigen), have been employed for maggot therapy, i.e. to help clean lesions antiseptically, especially for treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. This mode of treatment remains appropriate for cases where antibiotics are ineffective and surgery impracticable.  相似文献   
Summary Maternally inherited microorganisms that kill male (but not female) progeny are widespread in nature. Three hypotheses have been proposed for the evolution of male-killing microorganisms: inbreeding reduction, release of resources to remaining females and inoculum for horizontal transmission. The sonkiller bacterium,Arsenophonus nasoniae, is a maternally inherited bacterium that causes lethality of male embryos of infected females in the parasitoid wasp,Nasonia vitripennis. In this paper we describe the geographical distribution and frequency of the son-killer bacterium in North American populations ofN. vitripennis andNasonia longicornis. We tested the resource release hypothesis using the body size measurements of infected and uninfected females from natural populations. No evidence was found for a fitness increase of females infected with the bacterium compared to uninfected females. We propose a modification of the existing models, termed the incremental gain hypothesis. According to this model, the bacteria are maintained in host populations due to horizontal transmission and male killing provides an incremental gain in the fitness of infected females relative to females infected with non-male-killing bacteria.  相似文献   
应用噬菌体控制工业循环冷却水中有害微生物的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用噬菌体控制工业循环冷却水系统中有害微生物的研究表明,分离出的9株噬菌体在冷却水培养液中,其杀菌率为85.4%,而在动态模拟培养液中和挂片上,其杀菌率分别为83.3%和70%.  相似文献   
离子转运蛋白在维持细胞内pH稳态、离子动态平衡等方面发挥着重要作用。钠离子转运体和钾离子转运体在嗜盐耐盐微生物中广泛存在,其"保钾排钠"机制是微生物抗盐胁迫的两大策略之一。近年来,嗜盐耐盐微生物中许多新型钠、钾离子转运体被陆续发现,如RDD蛋白、UPF0118蛋白、DUF蛋白和KimA蛋白等;Fe3+、Mg2+等其他金属离子的转运蛋白也被证实可通过影响微生物胞内相容性溶质的合成起到渗透调节的作用。本文综述了嗜盐耐盐微生物中抗盐胁迫相关的各类离子转运蛋白,分析其分子结构和工作机理,并对这些蛋白在农业方面的应用进行了展望。继续发现新的离子转运蛋白,探究抗盐胁迫相关离子转运蛋白的结构和机理,解析各转运系统的协同作用及分子调控机制,将进一步加深对嗜盐耐盐微生物抗盐胁迫调控的认识,并为盐碱地农作物的改良等提供新的思路。  相似文献   
A synthetic aromatic polymer has been used for preparing replicas of different microorganisms. This method of preparing highly concentrated (9.6 k) microbiological samples for scanning electron microscopy was compared with a standard method. The micrographs of the replicated samples are satisfactory. This method is rapid, cost effective and produces good results, especially in the case of spore-forming mycelial microorganisms.  相似文献   
【背景】垫状点地梅作为青藏高原最具代表性的垫状植物,其叶际和内生微生物对适应极端环境有重要意义,同时也是一种独特的资源。【目的】探究垫状点地梅叶际和叶内可培养微生物多样性,以及不同生存状态个体之间的微生物差异。【方法】采用纯培养方法分离和纯化3个不同地区垫状点地梅叶际和叶内的细菌、酵母菌和丝状真菌,并用16S rRNA基因和ITS区域序列进行分析鉴定。【结果】最终得到叶际微生物350株,鉴定为22属49种,优势种为Penicillium sajarovii;内生微生物274株,鉴定为19属45种,优势种为Bacillusmycoides;两者的优势属均为Penicillium。垫状点地梅叶际和叶内之间及不同生存状态个体之间微生物的α多样性大多无显著差异,各群落间的成员也有重叠,但物种组成存在显著的空间异质性。【结论】垫状点地梅叶际和叶内有着丰富的可培养微生物资源,来源于不同生存状态的个体或不同部位的微生物物种组成差别较大,微生物对不同环境的选择偏好形成了不同的群落模式。但这些不同来源的微生物群落之间同样存在高比例的共有菌株,这些共有菌株的异养方式和生态位并不固定,可兼共生和腐生生存,生...  相似文献   
Abstract: Quantification of the size of epiphytic bacterial populations and characterization of their composition involves definition of a sampling strategy in time and space, the choice of methods for liberating the bacteria from the leaf surface and for recovering them for subsequent determination of the number of viable or culturable cells. This literature review focuses on some of the issues related to these choices. After briefly reviewing the different types of epiphytic colonizers we consider the biological, methodological, and statistical consequences of the choice of the sampling unit and of the spatial and temporal variability of population size and composition for epiphytic bacteria. The different methods available for the detection and enumeration of naturally occurring microorganisms in the phyllosphere are discussed. Advantages and drawbacks of each are described in this review designed as a 'hands-on' guide.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of Pantoea agglomerans, a plant growth-promoting bacterium, to colonize various regions and tissues of the wheat plant (Triticum aestivum L.) by using different inoculation methods and inoculum concentrations. In addition, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to determine: (a) the ability of the bacterial cells to grow and survive both on the surface and within internal tissue of the plant and (b) the response of the plant to bacterial infection. After inoculation, cells of the diazotrophic bacterial strain P. agglomerans were found to be located in roots, stems and leaves. Colony development of bacterial cells was only detected within intercellular spaces of the root and on the root surface. However, single bacterial cells were observed in leaves and stems on the surface of the epidermis, in the vicinity to stomatal cells, within intercellular spaces of the mesophyll and within xylem vessels. Inoculated bacterial cells were found to be able to enter host tissues, to multiply in the plant and to maintain a delicate relationship between endophyte and host. The density of bacterial settlement in the plant in all experiments was about 106 to 107 cells per mL root or shoot sap. Establishment was confirmed by a low coefficient of variation of ELISA means at these concentrations.  相似文献   
【背景】肠道微生物在宿主肠道微环境稳态中起着至关重要的作用。众多因子,如抗生素、饮食和年龄等会干扰这种微平衡,引起菌群平衡发生改变,进而影响到机体健康状况。太子参具有心肌保护、增加免疫、抗氧化、抗糖尿病、抗应激、抗疲劳等药理活性,而太子参内生菌代谢物对肠道微生物的调控作用以及可能对机体健康的影响目前还未见报道。【目的】研究太子参内生菌RPB-32分类地位及其代谢提取物对小鼠肠道微生物的调节作用,以探讨其对机体健康的影响。【方法】对RPB-32进行传统方法和分子鉴定。将120只KM小鼠随机分为溶剂对照组(3%乙醇)及石油醚提取物、正丁醇提取物和乙酸乙酯提取物低、中、高剂量组(n=12)。小鼠灌胃处理14 d后采集粪便,通过选择性培养基培养及宏基因组测序[溶剂对照(S.F.1为3%乙醇溶液)、乙酸乙酯提取物高剂量组(S.F.2)]检测灌胃前后小鼠肠道微生物的变化。【结果】常规传统方法与分子鉴定结果表明RPB-32为芽孢杆菌(Bacillus sp.)。与空白对照组相比,给予内生菌代谢提取物的乙酸乙酯中剂量组、乙酸乙酯高剂量组、正丁醇低剂量组、正丁醇中剂量组及正丁醇高剂量组乳酸菌数量明显增加...  相似文献   
近年来,由于一些新疾病的发生和细菌耐药性的出现,微生物来源次级代谢产物的筛选重复率越来越高,微生物一些代谢基因在现有实验室条件下无法表达,所以需要发现新的微生物资源,同时找到激活微生物代谢产物基因的方法.海洋动物体内蕴含着大量的共附生微生物资源,可以产生很多具有生物活性的化合物,是潜在的药用资源.本文综述了近年来海洋动...  相似文献   
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