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Bioaccessibility measurements have the potential to improve the accuracy of risk assessments and reduce the potential costs of remediation when they reveal that the solubility of chemicals in a matrix (e.g., soil) differs markedly from that in the critical toxicity study (i.e., the key study from which a toxicological or toxicity reference value is derived). We aimed to apply this approach to a brownfield site contaminated with chromium, and found that the speciation was CrIII, using a combination of alkaline digestion/diphenylcarbazide complexation and X-ray absorption near edge structure analysis. The bioaccessibility of Cr2O3, the compound on which a reference dose for CrIII is based, was substantially lower (<0.1%) than that of the CrIII in the soils, which was a maximum of 9%, giving relative bioaccessibility values of 13,000% in soil. This shows that the reference dose is based on essentially an insoluble compound, and thus we suggest that other compounds be considered for toxicity testing and derivation of reference dose. Two possibilities are CrCl3·6H2O and KCr(SO4)2·12H2O, which have been used for derivation of ecological toxicity reference values and are soluble at a range of dosing levels in our bioaccessibility tests.  相似文献   
Dose responses of gibberellins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To determine the response type, published data for the most widely used bioassays for gibberellins have been analyzed by means of a computer program for estimating sensitivity parameters, or by interpolation. The dose response data are almost uniformly subsensitive, i. e. more than an 81-fold increase in external gibberellin concentration is required for a change from 10 to 90% of maximal response (S90/S10). Data for the interaction of gibberellins with artificial membranes are, in contrast, markedly ultrasensitive (S90/S10± 10). This difference further strengthens the view that lipid structures do not function as receptors for gibberellins. Most of the subsensitive dose responses for gibberellins can be quite precisely represented by cooperative isotherms. However, available data are insufficiently detailed for an unequivocal choice among cooperative, multiphasic or more complex kinetics.  相似文献   
Experiments were conducted using twin-well calorimetry to determine the averaged whole-body specific absorption rate (SAR) for rat carcasses exposed to 360, 700, 915, and 2,450 MHz CW radiation in an anechoic chamber. All exposures were done with the long axis of the rat in an E-polarization. Additional experiments were conducted using a fiber optical temperature probe to determine local SAR in the brain, esophagus, colon, rectum, and tail during microwave exposure. The whole-body averaged SAR for the radiation frequencies examined follows a nonmonotonic function with 700 MHz as the resonant frequency. This result agrees with previous analytical estimates. Local SARs within the body and tail are nonuniform with significant frequency-specific hotspots in the colon, rectum, and tail.  相似文献   
The production of Nosema algerae spores was examined in Pieris brassicae. Spore replication in the insect host followed a logistic pattern of development. The factors studied which affected spore production and replication were dose level (5 × 102, 5 × 103, and 5 × 104 spores per insect), larval instar (fourth and fifth), and cool pretreatment of the insects at 20°C prior to inoculation compared with a constant temperature of 26°C. A three-way analysis showed the interactions between these factors. The logistic pattern of spore replication was used to explain the results.  相似文献   
Chenopodium album L. seedlings at the 4- and 8-leaf stage were exposed to low concentrations metribuzin [4-amino-6-(l, l-dimethyl)-3-(methylthio)-l,2,4-triazin (4 H )-one] in nutrient solution to study herbicide uptake and the effects of low-dose rates. Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured to relate the inhibition of photosynthesis to herbicide dose. The minimum rate at which metribuzin fully inhibited photosynthesis was less than 1 μM for seedlings at the 4-leaf stage of development, and between 1 and 5 μM for the 8-leaf stage seedlings. With isolated chloroplasts, experiments were conducted to establish the relationship between the amount of herbicide molecules bound to each chloroplast and the inhibition of photosynthesis. From the dose-response curves obtained it was calculated that photosynthesis was fully inhibited when 7.5 105 molecules metribuzin were bound to each chloroplast. This amount of binding was used to estimate minimum-lethal dose rates of metribuzin required for seedlings differing in fresh weight of leaves and amounts of chloroplasts present. It is suggested that prediction of a low dose herbicide effect from studies on binding of photosystem-II inhibitors in combination with chlorophyll fluorescence measurements may lead to the development of a new weed management strategy.  相似文献   
In 1976, Crump, Hoel, Langley, and Peto described how almost any dose‐response relationship for carcinogens becomes linear at low doses when background cancers are taken into account. This has been used, by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA, as partial justification for a regulatory posture that assumes low‐dose linearity, as is illustrated by a discussion of regulation of benzene as a carcinogen. The argument depends critically on the assumption that the pollutant and the background proceed by the same biological mechanism. In this paper we show that the same argument applies to noncancer end points also. We discuss the application to a number of situations: reduction in lung function and consequent increase in death rate due to (particulate) air pollution; reduction in IQ and hence (in extreme cases) mental deficiency due to radiation in utero; reduction of sperm count and hence increase in male infertility due to DBCP exposure. We conclude that, although the biological basis for the health effect response is different, in each case low‐dose linearity might arise from the same mathematical effect discussed by Crump et al. (1976). We then examine other situations and toxic end points where low‐dose linearity might apply by the same argument. We urge that biologists and chemists should concentrate efforts on comparing the biological and pharmacokinetic processes that apply to the pollutant and the background. Finally, we discuss some public policy implications of the possibility that low dose linearity may be the rule rather than the exception for environmental exposures.  相似文献   
Based on imperfect data and theory, agencies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) currently derive “reference doses” (RfDs) to guide risk managers charged with ensuring that human exposures to chemicals are below population thresholds. The RfD for a chemical is typically reported as a single number, even though it is widely acknowledged that there are significant uncertainties inherent in the derivation of this number.

In this article, the authors propose a probabilistic alternative to the EPA's method that expresses the human population threshold as a probability distribution of values (rather than a single RfD value), taking into account the major sources of scientific uncertainty in such estimates. The approach is illustrated using much of the same data that USEPA uses to justify their current RfD procedure.

Like the EPA's approach, our approach recognizes the four key extrapolations that are necessary to define the human population threshold based on animal data: animal to human, human heterogeneity, LOAEL to NOAEL, and subchronic to chronic. Rather than using available data to define point estimates of “uncertainty factors” for these extrapolations, the proposed approach uses available data to define a probability distribution of adjustment factors. These initial characterizations of uncertainty can then be refined when more robust or specific data become available for a particular chemical or class of chemicals.

Quantitative characterization of uncertainty in noncancer risk assessment will be useful to risk managers who face complex trade-offs between control costs and protection of public health. The new approach can help decision-makers understand how much extra control cost must be expended to achieve a specified increase in confidence that the human population threshold is not being exceeded.  相似文献   

We have shown that 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic fields within the 5-10 micro Tesla (μT) rms range cause an intensity-dependent reduction in nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulation of neurite outgrowth (NO) in PC-12 cells. Here we report on the frequency dependence of this response over the 15-70 Hz range at 5 Hz intervals. Primed PC-12 cells were plated in collagen-coated, 60 mm plastic petri dishes with or without 5 ng/ml NGF and were exposed to sinusoidal magnetic fields for 22 h in a CO2 incubator at 37 °C. One 1,000-turn coil, 20 cm in diameter, generated vertically oriented magnetic fields. The dishes were stacked on the center axis of the coil to provide a range of intensities between 3.5 and 9.0 μT rms. The flux density of the ambient DC magnetic field was 37 μT vertical and 19 μT horizontal. The assay consisted of counting over 100 cells in the central portion (radius ≤0.3 cm) of each dish and scoring cells positive for NO. Sham exposure of cells treated identically with NGF demonstrated no difference in the percentage of cells with NO between exposed and magnetically shielded locations within the incubator. Analysis of variance demonstrated flux density-dependent reductions in NGF-stimulated NO over the 35-70 Hz frequency range, whereas frequencies between 15 Hz and 30 Hz produced no obvious reduction. The results also demonstrated a relative maximal sensitivity of cells at 40 Hz with a possible additional sensitivity region at or above 70 Hz. These findings suggest a biological influence of perpendicular AC/DC magnetic fields different from those identified by the ion parametric resonance model, which uses strictly parallel AC/DC fields. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This report describes the effect of different dose levels of infection upon worm burdens and development and fecundity of the parasites. Three groups each of 40, 9-week-old, helminth naïve pigs were inoculated once with either 2000 (group A), 20,000 (group B), or 200,000 (group C) infective third stage larvae of Oesophagostomum dentatum. Subgroups of 5 pigs from each major group were killed 3, 6, 11, 14, 18, 25, 34 and 47 days post inoculation (p.i.) and the large intestinal worm burdens were determined. Faecal egg counts were determined at frequent intervals after day 13 p.i. There were no overt clinical signs of gastrointestinal helminthosis during the experiment. Faecal egg counts became positive in groups A and B at around day 19 p.i., whereas most pigs in the high dose group C did not have positive egg counts until day 27–33 p.i. and some pigs remained with zero egg counts until the end of the study. Throughout the experiment the worm populations in group C consisted mainly of immature larval stages, while those in groups A and B were predominantly adult stages after days 14–18. Adult worms from the low dose group A were significantly longer than those from group C. At high population densities, stunted development of worms and reduced fecundity among female worms were found. Furthermore, there was a tendency for the distribution of the worms within the intestine to be altered with increasing population size.  相似文献   
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