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Numerous studies have shown that providing straw to pigs can reduce undesirable behaviours such as aggression, tail biting and stereotypy. The measurement of various neuromodulators can be helpful in assessing the development of positive behaviours and overall animal welfare. The oxytocin release is frequently linked to positive emotions and positive welfare. It has been suggested that oxytocin modulates the serotoninergic system. This study aims to investigate the potential effect of straw provision in pigs on peripheral levels of oxytocin and serotonin. In total, 18 mini-pigs were involved in an exploratory study conducted in two parallel groups, Enriched (n=10) and Control (n=8) groups. Pigs were divided by group and housed in pens of two individuals. Straw was provided continuously only in Enriched group and renewed each day for 2 weeks. Two blood samples were drawn from each animal 5 to 10 min before providing the straw, and 15 min after providing straw, during the 1st week, to analyse peripheral changes in oxytocin and serotonin before and after straw provision, and determine the existence of a putative short-term effect. The same procedure was carried out for Control group, without straw provision. Long-term effects of straw provision were also examined using blood samples drawn at the same hour from each animal in the 2nd and 3rd weeks. During this time, animals had the permanent possibility to explore the straw in Enriched group but not in Control group. At the end of each week, one animal-keeper completed two visual analogue scales for each mini-pig regarding the difficulty/ease to work with and handle it and its trust in humans. Results showed peripheral oxytocin increases in both groups after 2 weeks (P=0.02). Results did not demonstrate any effect of providing straw to allow exploratory behaviour on peripheral serotonin. Other results were not significant. This preliminary study explored the relationship between peripheral oxytocin and serotonin and the presence of straw that allow pigs to perform exploratory behaviour, suggesting that there was no relationship between them. Some future studies may include crossing oxytocin and serotonin with other parameters, such as behavioural measures, to obtain more information about the true state of the animal and any possible relationship with pig welfare.  相似文献   
Significant differences in activity-site patterning and artifact composition at Middle Pleistocene localities in Ethiopia's high plains and Afar Rift are indications of both single-episode, small-site residues from small groups and multi-purpose, multiple occupation sites from which larger, temporary groupings might be inferred. Reconstructions of palaeo-environments and geography show that large assemblages relate to relatively stable topography, such as stream channels or lake margins, while small assemblages are more common in deltaic situations of rapid sedimentation and burial in the Rift that preclude possibility of reoccupation. A model for Acheulian socio-economic behaviour within the drier African savanna, based (in part) on chimpanzee behaviour in open savanna habitats, is proposed. This takes the form of organization into relatively extensive territories, each with several more closed-vegetation core areas, of limited extent close to permanent water, surrounded by more extensive areas of drier, open savanna, regularly exploited and patrolled by small groups. Movement from one core area to another was rapid and made together as a group, to minimize danger from large predators and competition from other hominid groups.  相似文献   
Previous work has shown that male flesh flies (Sarcophaga crassipalpis Macquart) exhibit an ontogeny of behaviour from eclosion through sexual maturity that includes extensive changes in the expression of aggressive, non‐aggressive interactive and non‐interactive behaviours. To determine how the presence of a female flesh fly influences the manifestation of these behaviours, male flesh flies of different ages post‐eclosion are paired with same‐age females and their behaviours are monitored in a simple arena during a 50‐min observation period. All flies are socially isolated until pairing. Although the levels of expression of aggressive and non‐aggressive interactive behaviours are depressed relative to previous findings in male‐opponent pairs, the ontogeny of aggression still occurs as indicated by a significant increase, with age, in the agonistic behaviour ‘hold’. Similar to male‐opponent pairs and individual males, the performance by males of the non‐interactive behaviours ‘walking’ and ‘standing’ diminishes, whereas ‘upside‐down’ increases with age. By contrast, ‘grooming’ shows a significant age‐related decline. No courtship behaviours are observed in the males, although the aggressive behaviour ‘hold’ is a significant transition to mating. Females show no obvious courtship or rejection behaviours, although the significant increase in ‘upside‐down’ with age could possibly be a behavioural gateway to mating. The results of this study indicate that extensive age‐related changes encompassing the entire behavioural repertoire are intrinsic to male flesh flies and persist under a variety of different social contexts.  相似文献   
Seed dispersal by animals is a complex phenomenon, characterized by multiple mechanisms and variable outcomes. Most researchers approach this complexity by analysing context‐dependency in seed dispersal and investigating extrinsic factors that might influence interactions between plants and seed dispersers. Intrinsic traits of seed dispersers provide an alternative way of making sense of the enormous variation in seed fates. I review causes of intraspecific variability in frugivorous and granivorous animals, discuss their effects on seed dispersal, and outline likely consequences for plant populations and communities. Sources of individual variation in seed‐dispersing animals include sexual dimorphism, changes associated with growth and ageing, individual specialization, and animal personalities. Sexual dimorphism of seed‐dispersing animals influences seed fate through diverse mechanisms that range from effects caused by sex‐specific differences in body size, to influences of male versus female cognitive functions. These differences affect the type of seed treatment (e.g. dispersal versus predation), the number of dispersed seeds, distance of seed dispersal, and likelihood that seeds are left in favourable sites for seeds or seedlings. The best‐documented consequences of individual differences associated with growth and ageing involve quantity of dispersed seeds and the quality of seed treatment in the mouth and gut. Individual specialization on different resources affects the number of dispersed plant species, and therefore the connectivity and architecture of seed‐dispersal networks. Animal personalities might play an important role in shaping interactions between plants and dispersers of their seeds, yet their potential in this regard remains overlooked. In general, intraspecific variation in seed‐dispersing animals often influences plants through effects of these individual differences on the movement ecology of the dispersers. Two conditions are necessary for individual variation to exert a strong influence on seed dispersal. First, the individual differences in traits should translate into differences in crucial characteristics of seed dispersal. Second, individual variation is more likely to be important when the proportions of particular types of individuals fluctuate strongly in a population or vary across space; when proportions are static, it is less likely that intraspecific differences will be responsible for changes in the dynamics and outcomes of plant–animal interactions. In conclusion, focusing on variation among foraging animals rather than on species averages might bring new, mechanistic insights to the phenomenon of seed dispersal. While this shift in perspective is unlikely to replace the traditional approach (based on the assumption that all important variation occurs among species), it provides a complementary alternative to decipher the enormous variation observed in animal‐mediated seed dispersal.  相似文献   
The physiological relationships between Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner and its tachinid parasitoid Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata Walker are described under abiotic conditions which induce development of the host without diapause. The parasitoid lowers the larval growth of the host: the maximal weight attained by the parasitized larvae represented only 78% of that of healthy ones. The duration of the last larval host instar increased to 10.4 days in parasitized O. nubilalis compared to 8.0 days in unparasitized ones. The influence of the host on the parasitoid development was studied experimentally after parasitization of O. nubilalis larvae of instars 2 to 5. When the second larval instar of the host is parasitized, the overall duration of parasitoid larval development lasts twice as long as when the fifth instar is parasitized. The best yield of parasitoid pupariae (50%) is obtained when parasitization occurs in instar 3. We show that good synchronisation exists between the larval development of the host and its parasitoid. There are four phases of parasitoid development which would appear to require a signal from the host: the start of the growth of newly hatched parasitoid larvae and the 3rd to 4th instar ecdysis of the host; the first moulting of the parasitoid and the 4th to 5th instar ecdysis of the host; the growth resumption of the parasitoid instar II (weight about 1 mg) and the small rise of the ecdysteroid level in the middle of host instar 5; and in all probability, the second parasitoid moulting and the larval-pupal apolysis of the host.
Résumé Les relations physiologiques entre O. nubilalis et le tachinidae P. nigrolineata ont été étudiées dans des conditions abiotiques telles que l'hôte présente un développement sans diapause. Le parasitoïde ralentit la prise de poids de l'hôte: le poids maximal des chenilles parasitées ne représente que 78% de celui des chenilles saines. Seule la durée du 5ème stade est significativement plus longue chez les chenilles parasitées que chez les saines (10,4 contre 8,0 jours). L'influence de l'hôte sur le développement du parasitoïde à été expérimentée en parasitant des stades 2 à 5 d'O. nubilalis. Lorsque l'infestation a lieu au stade 2, le développement larvaire complet du parasitoî de dure deux fois plus longtemps que lorsque l'infestation a lieu au stade 5. Le meilleur rendement en pupes (50%) est obtenu lorsque l'infestation a lieu au stade 3. Il a été montré qu'il existe une bonne synchronisation entre le développement de l'hôte et de son parasitoî de. Il y a 4 phases physiologiques du développement larvaire de P. nigrolineata qui semblent nécessiter un signal provenant de l'hôte pour être dépassées. Ainsi peuvent être mis en relation: — le début de la croissance de la larve néonate du parasitoî de et l'ecdysis 3/4 de l'hôte; — la première mue du parasitoïde et l'ecdysis 4/5 de l'hôte; — la reprise de la croissance du stade II du parasitoïde, vers un poids de 1 mg et la remontée des taux d'ecdystéroïdes au milieu du stade 5 de l'hôte. et probablement, — la seconde mue du parasitoïde et l'apolyse nymphale de l'hôte. Les expérimentations vont se poursuivre pour déterminer les facteurs en cause. Ces phénomènes de synchronisation seront aussi étudiés dans le cas de la diapause de l'hôte.
Asynchronous and synchronized cultures of A549 and HTC cells were used to detect possible, cell cycle or cell density specific variations in the intracellular pools of dinucleoside tetraphosphates (Ap4X). No important variations of the nucleotide pools were observed during cell growth. When HTC cells were released from mitotic arrest, a decrease by a factor of N3 Ap4X and ATP levels was observed when the cells entered the G1 phase. This decrease is essentially due to cell doubling. When A549 cells were released from an arrest at the G1/S boundary, the nucleotide pool size increased slightly during the G2 phase just before mitosis. This result is in agreement with both earlier data from our laboratory and the observed decrease in Ap4X pool after release from mitotic-arrested HTC cells. These results suggest that the Ap4X and ATP pools are only subjected to very small variations during the cell cycle, essentially in the G2 phase and after mitosis.  相似文献   
The aim of the experiments was to investigate the effect of air velocity on the temperature preferred by growing pigs 12–14 weeks old. Pigs displayed a temperature preference by means of operant supplemental heating. They pushed a button connected to heating lamps. Six experiments of three weeks each and with two treatments with a group of 8 pigs each were made. Animals were housed in groups and weighed 14–20 kg at the start of the experiments. Air velocity was 0.08, 0.25 and 0.40 m/s. At each air velocity four replicates were made. Mean temperatures preferred were 17.9°C at 0.08 m/s, 20.5°C at 0.25 m/s and 21.7°C at 0.40 m/s. Within a day temperature preference fluctuated with 5.7 K at 0.08 m/s, 4.3 K at 0.25 m/s and 4.2 K at 0.4 m/s. Temperatures preferred were highest during day time.  相似文献   
Summary Chromosomes were isolated in a preparative scale by synchronisation of CHO cells with a double Thymidine block followed by an arrest in the metaphase by addition of Colcemid. Under proper cultivation conditions a mitotic index of 77% total cells could be routinely achieved. Bulk chromosome preparations free of nuclei and other subcellular particles have been obtained by low speed centrifugation followed by a 60 transfer countercurrent distribution using aqueous two phase systems composed of polyethylenglycol and dextran. The partition of CHO chromosomes previously purified in aqueous two phase systems were studied further to develop a protocol for the separation and isolation of individual chromosomes. Partition experiments with chromosomes changing the electrostatic phase potential by addition of charged PEG-derivatives suggest the existence of relatively highly charged chromosome groups. Most promising results with regard to separation were obtained using two PEG-derivatives, which interact specifically with the bases in DNA. For this affinity partitioning a GC- and AT-specific macroligand were employed. Comparing CCD's using each of these ligands information on the GC and AT content of exposed DNA in the chromosomes groups could be derived, demonstrating that specific sequences of DNA are accessible at the surface of metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   
A method is proposed that extracts a set of phrases, or “melodies”, from a behavioural sequence, using a technique for extracting and compressing chains based on Information Theory. These melodies are validated by reference to a statistical criterion. An application of this method to the analysis of the behavioural sequences of two groups of mice, the first observed during the day, the second during the night, is described. The advantages and the limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   
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