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The vertical distribution of nematodes up to 20 cm sediment depth was studied over a one-year period in the alpine, oligotrophic lake Königssee. Ten water depths were examined, four of which correspond to the littoral (1 m, 2 m, 5 m, 10 m), three to the littoriprofundal (15 m, 20 m, 30 m) and three to the profundal (60 m, 120 m, 190 m). The sediment was devided into four layers (0–2 cm, 2–5 cm, 5–10 cm and 10–20 cm). (1) The highest proportion of nematodes was found in the top layer. Out of 45 263 nematodes, 89% were found in the first 5 cm of the sediment and only 1 % deeper than 10 cm. (2) The proportion of nematodes in the top layer increased along with water depth. Water depth was a better predictor of percentage of nematodes in the top layer than particle size or content of organic carbon in the sediment. (3) There were considerable differences among species in their vertical distribution in the sediment. (4) There was a significant trend for juveniles to occupy more superficial layers than adults across various species. (5) There are time related vertical preferences among adults and juveniles of several nematode species across the year, suggesting vertical migration in the sediment (e.g. Aphanolaimus aquaticus Daday, Eumonhystera longicaudatula Gerlach & Riemann, Tobrilus gracilis Bastian, Monhystera paludicola de Man, Ethmolaimus pratensis de Man and Ironus tenuicaudatus de Man). The factors determining the vertical variation in nematode abundance in freshwater systems across space and time are still unknown.  相似文献   
The contribution of Pleistocene sea level changes to diversification patterns in archipelagos around the world, and specifically whether the repeated cycles of island connectivity and isolation acted as a ‘species pump’ is debated. The debate has been perpetuated in part because of the type of evidence used to evaluate the species‐pump hypothesis. Specifically, existing tests of the ‘Pleistocene Aggregate Island Complex’ (PAIC) model of diversification interpret the lack of concordant divergence times among multiple codistributed taxa as a rejection of the PAIC model. However, the null expectation of concordance disregards taxon‐specific ecological traits and geographic characteristics that may affect population persistence and gene flow among islands. Here, we study the factors affecting population divergence in thirteen flightless darkling beetle species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) across the PAIC system of the Cycladic plateau in the Aegean archipelago. Based on isolation‐by‐resistance analyses, hierarchical amova and the degree of genealogical sorting on individual islands, we identify a major effect of bathymetry and habitat stability on the levels of genetic divergence across the PAIC, with island size and body size playing a secondary role as well. We subsequently use bathymetric maps and habitat association to generate predictions about the set of islands and group of taxa expected to show phylogeographic concordance. We test these predictions using hierarchical approximate Bayesian computation and show how our interpretations regarding the role of PAICs as drivers of divergence change when relying on a null expectation of concordance compared to a refined model that takes geography and ecological traits into account.  相似文献   

Measurements on modern coral reefs at Lee Stocking Island (Bahamas) illustrate that boring cyanobacteria species make a major contribution to microboring bioerosion rates. Borings attributed to cyanobacteria also occur in fossil environments. Bioerosional studies on Permian and Triassic reefs show similar intensities to those observed on modern equivalents. The importance of borings assigned to cyanobacterial activity is even more apparent in paleobathymetry. Comparison of the bathymétrie ranges known from modern and fossil microborings demonstrates a preference of boring cyanobacteria for shallow marine environments. Furthermore, some traces are linked to distinct portions of the shallow euphotic zone. They significantly contribute to characterize typical microboring assemblages, which are used for paleodepth reconstructions. In contrast to these stenobathic species, one cyanobacterial species turned out to be eurybathic. It has been recorded as deep as the dysphotic zone but may even extend to the aphotic zone.  相似文献   
A region of the pelagic Subbetic basin within the Southern Iberian Continental Margin is studied in lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical detail. Jurassic radiolarites (Jarropa Radiolarite Formation, Bathonian–Oxfordian) interbedded with shallow-water marine limestones have been recognized. Underlying the radiolarites (Camarena Formation, Bajocian) are oolitic limestones showing shallowing-upward cycles with karstic surfaces on the top, corresponding to deposition on an isolated carbonate platform on volcanic edifices. The Milanos Formation (upper Kimmeridgian–Tithonian), overlying the radiolarites, contains calciclastic strata with hummocky cross-stratification, which indicate outer carbonate ramp deposition. In the Jarropa Radiolarite Formation some calcisiltite strata with hummocky cross-stratification have been found. The bathymetry of the Subbetic Jurassic pelagic sediments, including the radiolarites, is considered as moderate or shallow in depth. We suggest that the pelagic character of the Jurassic sediments in this margin and their equivalents in other Alpine domains is a consequence of distance from the continent (beyond the pericontinental platform) but not necessarily of depositional depth.  相似文献   
Seafloor characteristics can help in the prediction of fish distribution, which is required for fisheries and conservation management. Despite this, only 5%–10% of the world''s seafloor has been mapped at high resolution, as it is a time‐consuming and expensive process. Multibeam echo‐sounders (MBES) can produce high‐resolution bathymetry and a broad swath coverage of the seafloor, but require greater financial and technical resources for operation and data analysis than singlebeam echo‐sounders (SBES). In contrast, SBES provide comparatively limited spatial coverage, as only a single measurement is made from directly under the vessel. Thus, producing a continuous map requires interpolation to fill gaps between transects. This study assesses the performance of demersal fish species distribution models by comparing those derived from interpolated SBES data with full‐coverage MBES distribution models. A Random Forest classifier was used to model the distribution of Abalistes stellatus, Gymnocranius grandoculis, Lagocephalus sceleratus, Loxodon macrorhinus, Pristipomoides multidens, and Pristipomoides typus, with depth and depth derivatives (slope, aspect, standard deviation of depth, terrain ruggedness index, mean curvature, and topographic position index) as explanatory variables. The results indicated that distribution models for A. stellatus, G. grandoculis, L. sceleratus, and L. macrorhinus performed poorly for MBES and SBES data with area under the receiver operator curves (AUC) below 0.7. Consequently, the distribution of these species could not be predicted by seafloor characteristics produced from either echo‐sounder type. Distribution models for P. multidens and P. typus performed well for MBES and the SBES data with an AUC above 0.8. Depth was the most important variable explaining the distribution of P. multidens and P. typus in both MBES and SBES models. While further research is needed, this study shows that in resource‐limited scenarios, SBES can produce comparable results to MBES for use in demersal fish management and conservation.  相似文献   
Using a shore-based station we monitored the position of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) within the Kaikoura submarine canyon from 2010 to 2012. We tracked sperm whales using a theodolite station for a total of 290 days. We extracted the distance from the nearest coast, the depth and the bathymetric slope using ArcGIS 10.1. We estimated the seasonal spatial distribution of sperm whales using general additive models. The distribution varied significantly between seasons; individuals were found in deeper water and further offshore in the spring than in winter. This study improved our understanding of the variability of sperm whale distribution patterns off Kaikoura. We determined that the distribution was linked to the bathymetric features and we hypothesized that whales adapted their use of the submarine canyon in relation to food aggregation. We would encourage further studies to evaluate the sperm whale relationship with oceanographic variables off Kaikoura.  相似文献   
This, the second in the series of virtual issues of Palaeontology, charts the development of concepts in ammonoid palaeobiology, with reference to nine selected papers published in this journal from 1965 onwards. These cover a broad range of topics: goniatite bed palaeoecology, systematics and evolution in Scaphites, flow dynamics of cephalopod shells, shell growth and differential geometry, septal function, ammonoid assemblage analysis, evolutionary trends, stratocladistics, and soft part preservation. Despite the growth and success of palaeobiological interpretations of ammonoid evolution, life, morphology and environments over the last 50 years, ammonoid research retains a great potential for the future.  相似文献   
The at-sea movement of marine mammals is an important component of their foraging ecology, but has been difficult to study. Geolocation timed-data recorders (GLTDRs) estimate positions using measured light level to calculate day length and local noon. It is well known that these location estimates are imprecise (mean error of > 1°). Satellite telemetry generally provides a more accurate, but also more expensive means of monitoring movement. We evaluated the accuracy and precision of geolocation positions by comparing these locations with satellite data from Service Argos for eight free-ranging gray seals ( Halichoerns grypus ) equipped with both a satellite-linked data recorder (SDR) and a GLTDR. Geolocation positions differed by 1,026.0 ± 292.28 km from the corresponding Argos locations. We developed an algorithm to correct geolocation positions by comparing surface water temperature (ST) and dive depth collected by GLTDRs with existing sea-surface temperature and bathymetry databases. The corrected positions were significantly closer (P < 0.025) to the Argos locations of these seals (94.2 ± 8.22 km). The original geolocation positions would have led to incorrect conclusions about the use of space by gray seals; however, the corrected positions can be reliably used to study the large-scale spatial distribution of individuals.  相似文献   
An approach based on a digital elevation model (DEM) was used to untangle the confounding effects of long-term water-level fluctuations and increasing human population on the cover of emergent vegetation in Cootes Paradise Marsh, a degraded coastal wetland in Lake Ontario, Canada. Data for 20 observations between 1934 and 1993 were used in the analysis. First, we calculated the inundated area based on the DEM, a derived measurement that reflected the bathymetry of the marsh and the mean water level for a particular year. Then Mantel correlations and regression analyses were used to analyze the relationships between emergent cover and corresponding water level, inundated area, and human population, respectively. Results of the simple and partial correlations indicated that areal change of emergent plants was significantly correlated with inundated area after controlling for the effect of water level fluctuation; however, there was no significant correlation between emergent cover and water level after controlling for inundated area. This is an important consideration when multiple sites from the same Great Lake are compared since the same water level may correspond to vastly different inundated areas for different marshes. Changes in emergent cover were also significantly correlated with human population after controlling for water level effects. Altogether, inundated area explained 83.1% of the variation, human population explained 4.2%, and the interaction between population and inundated area explained an additional 4.3% of the remaining variation in areal emergent cover. This indicates that the synergistic effect of high water level (expressed as inundated area) and increased human population induced greater detrimental impact on the emergent plants than did either stressor alone.  相似文献   
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