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Mast cells play important roles in allergic disease and immune defense against parasites. Once activated (e.g. by an allergen), they degranulate, a process that results in the exocytosis of allergic mediators. Modulation of mast cell degranulation by drugs and toxicants may have positive or adverse effects on human health. Mast cell function has been dissected in detail with the use of rat basophilic leukemia mast cells (RBL-2H3), a widely accepted model of human mucosal mast cells3-5. Mast cell granule component and the allergic mediator β-hexosaminidase, which is released linearly in tandem with histamine from mast cells6, can easily and reliably be measured through reaction with a fluorogenic substrate, yielding measurable fluorescence intensity in a microplate assay that is amenable to high-throughput studies1. Originally published by Naal et al.1, we have adapted this degranulation assay for the screening of drugs and toxicants and demonstrate its use here.Triclosan is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent that is present in many consumer products and has been found to be a therapeutic aid in human allergic skin disease7-11, although the mechanism for this effect is unknown. Here we demonstrate an assay for the effect of triclosan on mast cell degranulation. We recently showed that triclosan strongly affects mast cell function2. In an effort to avoid use of an organic solvent, triclosan is dissolved directly into aqueous buffer with heat and stirring, and resultant concentration is confirmed using UV-Vis spectrophotometry (using ε280 = 4,200 L/M/cm)12. This protocol has the potential to be used with a variety of chemicals to determine their effects on mast cell degranulation, and more broadly, their allergic potential.  相似文献   
The IL-4-inducing principle from Schistosoma mansoni eggs (IPSE/α-1), the major secretory product of eggs from the parasitic worm S. mansoni, efficiently triggers basophils to release the immunomodulatory key cytokine interleukin-4. Activation by IPSE/α-1 requires the presence of IgE on the basophils, but the detailed molecular mechanism underlying activation is unknown. NMR and crystallographic analysis of IPSEΔNLS, a monomeric IPSE/α-1 mutant, revealed that IPSE/α-1 is a new member of the βγ-crystallin superfamily. We demonstrate that this molecule is a general immunoglobulin-binding factor with highest affinity for IgE. NMR binding studies of IPSEΔNLS with the 180-kDa molecule IgE identified a large positively charged binding surface that includes a flexible loop, which is unique to the IPSE/α-1 crystallin fold. Mutational analysis of amino acids in the binding interface showed that residues contributing to IgE binding are important for IgE-dependent activation of basophils. As IPSE/α-1 is unable to cross-link IgE, we propose that this molecule, by taking advantage of its unique IgE-binding crystallin fold, activates basophils by a novel, cross-linking-independent mechanism.  相似文献   
Summary The adenohypophysis of the newt Triturus cristatus carnifex Laur. shows three types of cells: 1) cells with granules of about 350–550 m in diameter, 2) cells with small granules of 200–250 m in diameter and globules with a cristal-like arrangement containing cylinders with a diameter of about 960 Å and 3) cells containing small granules only.The AA. discuss the ultrastructural changes of the gland and the modifications of sexual secondary characters (S.S.C.) in animals given Cyproterone acetate (1/2 mg every three days). The animals have been treated for a period of time varying between 3 and 5 months, starting in October-November, when S.S.C. begin to develop again.At the end of the treatment the newths showed a loss of S.S.C., and the ultrastructure of the adenohypophysis resembled that of castrated animals, i.e.: great swelling of R.E.R. and partial degranulation of glycoprotein secreting cells which contain the 200 m granules and the globules. The S.E.R. showed also swelling and hyperactivity.A preliminary communication of this paper has been presented at the Sixth conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists (Montpellier, August 8, 1971).This work has been supported by the Italian National Research Council (grant n° 115–1121). The E. M. observations have been performed in the Centro di Studio di Microscopia Elettronica of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Naples, directed by Prof. G. Ghiara.We thank Schering AG, Berlin, and in particular Drs. Brunnemann and Merz, for the generous donation of Cyproterone-acetate.  相似文献   
Erythematous skin lesions occurred in rabbits 2 days after being fed upon by larvae or nymphs of the tick, Ixodes dammini. Similar lesions occurred in guinea pigs 7 days after a primary infestation with either larvae or nymphs. Host resistance to secondary feeding by larvae was demonstrated in guinea pigs and rabbits. Host resistance to secondary feeding by nymphs was seen in guinea pigs, but not in rabbits. Guinea pigs developed resistance to nymphs after being previously fed upon twice by larvae. All skin lesions in resistant guinea pigs contained large accumulations of basophils (49–76% of cells) with smaller (20–33%), but significant, numbers of eosinophils. These responses were characteristic of strong cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity reactions. Primary and secondary lesions in rabbits fed upon by larvae contained mostly mononuclear cells (46–52%) and moderate numbers (16–30%) of basophils and eosinophils. Primary and secondary lesions in rabbits fed upon by nymphs had few (3–11%) basophils and eosinophils and were dominated by mononuclear cells (73–86%). Thus, acquired resistance in guinea pigs and rabbits was associated with cutaneous basophil and eosinophil responses and the lack of resistance of rabbits to nymphs was associated with erythematous lesions dominated by mononuclear cells. The mononuclear nature of rabbit lesions induced by nymphal feeding was similar to that seen in erythema chronicum migrans in Lyme arthritis patients who are thought to have been fed upon by I. dammini nymphs. This study confirms the cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity characteristics of lesions in guinea pigs resistant to ticks and demonstrates a relationship between the mononuclear cell response of rabbits to nymphal I. dammini and the cellular response seen in patients with erythema chronicum migrans and Lyme arthritis.  相似文献   
The oxidation process is one of the most important natural processes. Oxidative change in hypersensitivity is believed to be an important process in the pathogenesis. However, the clear explanation on the transmembrane flux change ofbasophil and its correlation to hypersensitivity pathogenesis has never been reported. Here, the author determines the transmembrane oxidation flux in basophil. The simulation test to determine the oxidation flux change based on nanomedicine technique is used. Of interest, no change of flux can be detected. Therefore, this work can support the finding that the oxidation flux change is not an important part in the pathogenesis of basophil-related hypersensitivity.  相似文献   
Nowadays, the pathogenesis of minimal change disease (MCD) is still not well‐known, and the current understanding on MCD is mainly based on data derived from children, and very few adults. Here, we comprehensively analysed the correlation between the changes of peripheral basophils and the incidence rate and relapse of adult‐onset MCD. The results showed that in patients at the onset of MCD, the ratio and activation of basophils were all higher than those of healthy controls (all P < .05). In vitro test results showed that basophils from healthy controls can be activated by the serum taken from patients with MCD. Among 62 patients at the onset of MCD, with complete remission after treatment and 1 year of follow‐up, the relative and absolute basophil counts before treatment were higher in the long‐term remission group (n = 33) than that of the relapse group (n = 29). The basophil counts were significantly higher in the infrequent relapse group (n = 13) than that of the frequent relapse group (n = 16; P < .05). These findings suggested that basophil may play a pathogenic role in adult‐onset MCD, and the increased number and activation of peripheral basophils could predict recurrence in adult MCD.  相似文献   
Ghosts prepared from rat basophilic leukemia cells (RBL cell ghosts) and permeabilized with -toxin fromS. aureus are a simplified system for the study of FcRI-mediated activation of phospholipase C (PLC). This activity is dependent upon ATP and magnesium, and is enhanced by the addition of another compound containing an energetic phosphate group, either phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) or phosphocreatine (PCr). This effect appears to be specific for PEP and PCr in that other compounds with energetic phosphate bonds including fructose 1,6-bisphosphate and additional ATP are not effective. On the contrary, GTP--S, an activator of G proteins, activates PLC in the presence of ATP alone and this is not further enhanced by the addition of PEP. In addition to FcRI and GTP--S, two other stimuli lead to enhanced activity of PLC in permeabilized RBL cell ghosts: 1) an inhibitor of tyrosine phosphatases (Na3VO4) and 2) an analog of adenosine (NECA). Data presented here extend previous results to show that activation of PLC by GTP--S is not enhanced either by the addition of PCr or by the addition of a more MgATP. Further new findings include the observations that activation of PLC by Na3VO4 is augmented by PEP and PCr in a fashion similar to that observed for FcRI-mediated activation of PLC and that activation of PLC by NECA shows even more marked dependency on PEP than does activation by FcRI or Na3VO4. Together, these experiments demonstrate that antigen, Na3VO4, GTP--S, and NECA can all activate PLC in permeabilized RBL cell ghosts in the presence of ATP and that these activities are differentially affected by the addition of a second compound with an energetic phosphate bond.Abbreviations DNP25BSA bovine serum albumin derivitized with 25 dinitrophenyl groups per mole of BSA - FcRI high affinity receptor for IgE - GTP--S guanosine-5-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) - IPs inositol phosphate(s) - K2 Pipes dipotassium Pipes - Na3VO4 sodium vanadate - NECA 5-(N-Ethyl)carboxamidoadenosine - PCr phosphocreatine - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PLC phospholipase C specific for phosphoinositides - RBL rat basophilic leukemia  相似文献   
Carolyn M. Johnston and Stephen J. Brown 1985. Cutaneous and systemic cellular responses induced by the feeding of the argasid tick Ornithodoros parkeri. International Journal for Parasitology15: 621–628. Initial feeding by Ornithodoros parkeri ticks induced a significant blood basophilia in guinea pigs, with a minimal cutaneous basophil response. Hosts challenged 14 days later, however, exhibited significantly depressed blood basophil levels associated with a marked accumulation of these cells at tick feeding sites in the tissue. Blood eosinophil levels in primary and secondary hosts were comparable, but eosinophil levels at tick feeding sites in challenged animals were significantly greater than levels in primary hosts. Furthermore, challenge tick feeding resulted in the activation of primary tick feeding sites on the opposite flank that became erythematous 90 min after challenge and indurated within 24 h. Histologically, these activated primary feeding sites 90 min after challenge on the opposite flank were marked by a dominant eosinophil response (314 ± 128 cells, 59% of the infiltrate) with a marked basophil component (145 ± 67 cells, 28% of the infiltrate) that resembled the active challenge feeding sites 24 h after infestation (24 ± 52 cells, 76% of the infiltrate); 90 min after challenge active feeding sites had a weak basophil response (2 ± 1 cells) similar to uninfested controls. These results suggest the chronic nature of tick bites with an apparent continual recruitment of basophils that is probably a result of slow antigen release over time by appropriately sensitized antigen presenting cells. Primary tick feeding sites in guinea pigs previously exposed to Xenopsylla cheopis fleas, on the opposite flank, contained a marked eosinophilia (63 ± 25 cells) compared to primary tick feeding sites in naive guinea pigs (2 ± 0 cells); suggesting the possibility of cross reactivity between flea and tick antigens  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONBasophils and mast cells are important effector cells ofinflammatory reactions [1-3]. In contrast to eosinophilsand neutrophils, they possess high-affinity immunoglo-bulin (Ig) E receptors (FcεRI) that are cross-linked uponengagement of recep…  相似文献   
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