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For diurnal nonhuman primates, shifting among different sleeping sites may provide multiple benefits such as better protection from predators, reduced risk of parasitic infection, and closer proximity to spatially and temporally heterogeneous food and water. This last benefit may be particularly important in sleeping site selection by primates living in savanna‐woodlands where rainfall is more limited and more seasonally pronounced than in rainforests. Here, we examined the influence of rainfall, a factor that affects food and water availability, on the use of sleeping sites by anubis baboons (Papio anubis) over two 13‐month study periods that differed in rainfall patterns. We predicted that during wet periods, when food and water availability should be higher, the study group would limit the number of sleeping sites and would stay at each one for more consecutive nights than during dry periods. Conversely, we predicted that during dry periods the group would increase the number of sleeping sites and stay at each one for fewer consecutive nights as they searched more widely for food and water. We also predicted that the group would more often choose sleeping sites closer to the center of the area used during daytime (between 07:00 and 19:00) during wet months than during dry months. Using Global Positioning System data from collared individuals, we found that our first prediction was not supported on either monthly or yearly timescales, although past monthly rainfall predicted the use of the main sleeping site in the second study period. Our second prediction was supported only on a yearly timescale. This study suggests that baboons’ choice of sleeping sites is fluid over time while being sensitive to local environmental conditions, one of which may be rainfall.  相似文献   
Bloodsmears from 119 yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) in six groups in Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, and from 189 olive (P.h. anubis) hamadryas (P.h. hamadryas) and hybrid baboons in three groups in Awash National park, Ethiopia showed differing levels of infection with Hepatocystis simiae. 0% to 42% in the Tanzanian groups were carriers of the parasite but none of the Ethiopian baboons was positive. The remarkable absence of H. simiae in the Ethiopian baboons is believed to be related to environmental factors that exclude transmission in the absence of the Culicoides vector.  相似文献   
Sera from a total of 564 olive baboons collected at six different localities in west central Kenya were examined for the presence of cross-reactive immunoglobulin allotypes with reagents used for human sera. Serum samples were tested for Km (1 and 3), Glm (1–3 and 17), andG3m (5, 6, 10, 11, 13–16, 21, 24, and 26). Polymorphism was found for Glm (1 and 17) and G3m (10, 13, and 15). These findings on antigen presence, absence, and polymorphism show broad similarities to, along with some differences from, previous studies of baboons. Our data support the view that there are variations in allotype frequencies between troops at single localities, as well as differences among geographically separated areas. Linkage disequilibria for Gm allotypes differ in strength and direction among the various local Kenya olive baboon populations.  相似文献   
Tail raising by baboon mothers toward immigrant males   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavioral responses of adult females to recently immigrated adult males were examined in two groups of chacma baboons in the Moremi Wildlife Reserve, Botswana. Mothers carrying infants respond negatively by raising their tails, avoiding, and screaming when in proximity to immigrant males. These responses are not given by mothers when their infants are away from them or by females who do not have infants. Also, the negative responses by mothers carrying infants are given only to immigrant males and not to long-term resident males. These observations are in concordance with the growing evidence of infanticide in savanna baboon societies: mothers would be expected to show negative responses to potentially aggressive males, particularly immigrants. There was evidence to suggest that mothers respond negatively to immigrants only insofar as these males could not have sired their infants. If confirmed by subsequent observations, this result would lend support to the sexual selection model of infanticide.  相似文献   
The frequencies and types of adult male aggressive behavior of confined Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata)and free-ranging olive baboons (Papio anubis)were compared. The baboons, which do not have a mating season, were more aggressive to conspecific males than were the macaques during their nonmating season. The baboons also solicited aid during aggressive encounters more frequently than the macaques. However, during their mating season, the macaques were more aggressive to conspecific females than were the baboons. The macaques were also involved in more triadic sequences of aggression, and the frequency of occurrence of these patterns supported Chase’s theory of dominance hierarchy formation and maintenance. The differences in aggressive behavior appeared to be related to the seasonal reproductive cycle of the macaques.  相似文献   
A number of studies have shown that primates monitor and select plant species in their diet as a function of their secondary compound composition. The possibility also exists that secondary compounds, when used in appropriate concentrations, may have a beneficial, medicinal aspect. In this regard, synthesis of a variety of data suggested a connection between selection of Balanites by Ethiopian baboons, and the distribution of schistosomiasis. To test the hypothesis that the secondary compounds in Balanites might be selected for ‘medicinal purposes’, we conducted an experiment on the effect of adding the active principle, diosgenin, to the food of schistosome-infected mice. The hypothesis was that this steroidal saponin might alter the host's hormonal milieu, making a less hospitable environment for the adult schistosomes. Sacrifice of the mice showed diosgenin-fed animals to have an augmented rather than decreased response to the disease. However, the data support the developing literature that shows that the host's hormonal environment has a major effect on the parasitic diseases they are subject to, and that the hormonal environment can be dramatically influenced by the secondary compounds in the diet.  相似文献   
Changes in unit structures and infanticide observed in Arsi geladas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1989 a new gelada baboon (Theropithecus gelada) population was found in Arsi, on the opposite side of the Rift Valley to that of the known gelada populations of Semien and Showa. Previous comparisons of units of the band at Gado Goro, Arsi, in the same season in consecutive years, indicated that unit structure is less stable among Arsi geladas as compared to the Semien population. Gelada units of the band at Gado-Goro were studied for 7 months in order to investigate the processes of social changes. Changes in unit structure were observed. Provisioning was carried out for 1.5 months at the beginning of the 7-month study period, in order to capture and obtain blood samples from the geladas. Following this, changes in male leadership of some units were observed, presumably as a consequence of the capture. However, natural changes also occurred. One change in unit structure occurred after a female gave birth, and changes in another unit occurred after the disappearance of the leader male. These changes involved female desertion of a unit, her subsequent transfer to a male unit, and culminated in the formation of a unit consisting of one female and one male. One successful and one attempted case of unification of units, and one case of change of a unit leader male are reported. These changes occurred among eight resident units in a period of 7 months (196 female months). Though the types of social changes were not much different from previous observations in Semien National Park, their frequencies seemed to be much higher. The characteristics of Arsi gelada social changes are proposed to be related to the small size of the units. We also describe a new confirmed case and one suspected case of infanticide, as well as one case of abortion at the time of male leader change.  相似文献   
In this work we report the first observational evidence of infanticide in wild hamadryas baboons. The study group inhabits the lowlands of the northern Rift Valley in Ethiopia and has been under observation for over 1,200 hr, on and off, since October 1996. Here we report observations from August and September 2002 of the consequences of two takeovers of known females with black infants. After the first takeover, the respective infant disappeared and was presumed dead within 11 days of the takeover. After the second takeover, the infant incurred repeated severe aggression from its mother's new leader male and eventually died 4 days after the takeover. We interpret these findings as support for the sexual selection hypothesis regarding male infanticide. We suggest that hamadryas leader males usually protect infants born into their units, but may withhold this protection-or even directly attack and kill infants-after takeovers.  相似文献   
Hamadryas baboons are known for their complex, multi‐level social structure consisting of troops, bands, and one‐male units (OMUs) [Kummer, 1968. Social organization of hamadryas baboons. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 189p]. Abegglen [1984. On socialization in hamadryas baboons: a field study. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press. 207p.] observed a fourth level of social structure comprising several OMUs that rested near one another on sleeping cliffs, traveled most closely together during daily foraging, and sometimes traveled as subgroups independently from the rest of the band. Abegglen called these associations “clans” and suggested that they consisted of related males. Here we confirm the existence of clans in a second wild hamadryas population, a band of about 200 baboons at the Filoha site in lowland Ethiopia. During all‐day follows from December 1997 through September 1998 and March 2005 through February 2006, data were collected on activity patterns, social interactions, nearest neighbors, band fissions, and takeovers. Association indices were computed for each dyad of leader males, and results of cluster analyses indicated that in each of the two observation periods this band comprised two large clans ranging in size from 7 to 13 OMUs. All band fissions occurred along clan lines, and most takeovers involved the transfer of females within the same clan. Our results support the notion that clans provide an additional level of flexibility to deal with the sparse distribution of resources in hamadryas habitats. The large clan sizes at Filoha may simply be the largest size that the band can split into and still obtain enough food during periods of food scarcity. Our results also suggest that both male and female relationships play a role in the social cohesion of clans and that males exchange females within clans but not between them. Am. J. Primatol. 71:948–955, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Infant handling has been documented in numerous species. Among cercopithecines, interaction motivations are reported to range from aunting to kidnapping; these interactions are often distressful for both mother and infant. Here we examine handling by adult female yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus) at the Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya, using a relatively new, computer-intensive statistical approach of permutation/randomization tests to deal with repeated measures effects and a skewed sample. We hypothesized 1) a tendency for handlers to handle the infants of females ranked similarly or lower than themselves, and 2) more successful infant handling by higher-ranked females, particularly with very young infants. We collected focal data on 23 females (11 mother-infant pairs) over an 11-mo period, with a total of 303 attempted and/or successful "handles" utilized in the permutation analyses. The general patterns apparent in the data seemed to support our hypotheses. However, the permutation tests showed that while females are somewhat more likely to attempt to handle the infants of females ranked "same or lower" than themselves, lower-ranked females are able to prevent more than three-fourths of the attempted interactions, and there is no statistically significant trend for females to successfully handle these infants. Further refinement of the analyses showed no significant tendencies for females to handle those infants ranked "lower" or "immediately lower" than themselves, casting doubt on the significant finding for "same or lower" attempts. Further, there was no significant effect for higher-ranked females to successfully handle an infant during its first month. Thus, rank does not seem to offer any privileges in terms of handling an infant in this population. We believe the permutation tests are an effective way to analyze repeated measures data and offer a more sensitive analysis tool for determining true significance.  相似文献   
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