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Improving the survey of mosquito populations is of the utmost importance to further enhance mitigation techniques that protect human populations from mosquito‐borne diseases. While mosquito populations are generally studied using physical traps, stand‐off optical sensors allow to study insect ecosystems with potentially better spatial and temporal resolution. This can be greatly beneficial to eco‐epidemiological models and various mosquito control programs. In this contribution, we demonstrate that the gravidity of female mosquitoes can be identified from changes in their spectral and polarimetric backscatter cross sections. Among other predictive variables, the wing beat frequency and the depolarization ratio of the mosquito body allows for the identification of gravid females with a precision and recall of 86% and 87%, respectively. Since female mosquitoes need a blood meal to become gravid, statistics on gravidity is of prime importance as only females that have been gravid might carry infectious diseases. In addition, it allows to detect possible breeding habitat, predict a potential increase in the mosquito population and provide a better overall understanding of the ecosystem dynamics. As a result, targeted and localized mitigation techniques can be used, reducing the cost and improving the efficiency of mosquito population control.  相似文献   
A synthetic mixture of an oviposition‐stimulating kairomone for the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, comprising of 83% tetradecanoic acid, 16% nonanoic acid and 1% tetradecanoic acid methyl ester (NTT, in short) was tested in a dengue endemic area in Recife, Brazil. Gravid female mosquitoes confined to a cage under semi‐field conditions deposited significantly higher numbers of eggs in traps baited with NTT at doses ranging from 0.6 to 600 ng/μl than in control (water) traps. When tested in homes, egg‐laying in traps baited with 60 ng NTT/μl (final concentration in trap, ≈3.33 ng/ml) and in control traps was not significantly different, but egg deposited in traps with lower dosage (6 ng NTT/μl; final concentration in trap, ≈0.33 ng/ml) was significantly higher than in control traps. In subsequent trials, the numbers of eggs laid in traps baited with 0.6 ng NTT/μl (final concentration in trap, ≈0.033 ng/ml) were not significantly different from the numbers deposited in trap loaded with 6 ng NTT/μl. Egg‐laying was significantly higher in these treatments than in control traps.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is a key pest of citrus in Spain because of significant yield losses and to quarantine restrictions. Biologically based control methods, such as the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT), which relies on the sterilization by irradiation of large numbers of insects, is gaining an increasing role in the control of medfly in Mediterranean areas. However, gamma-irradiation might damage the midgut epithelium cells, causing a lowering of nutritive assimilation that can negatively affect adult performance. Irradiation effects on digestive physiology are well established for a number of insect pests, but there is no information on medfly. Our aim was to determine the effects of gamma-irradiation on C. capitata digestive protease activity. Both larvae and adults were found to use a similar proteolytic system based on aspartyl-, trypsin-, chymotrypsin-, amino peptidase-, and carboxypeptidase A- and B-like activities. Pupae of the Vienna-7 (tsl) strain were irradiated at 70 or 140 Gy, two days before emergence, and the adults fed during 5 days on sugar-protein (4:1) diets. Protease activity was measured in midgut extracts and compared with males non-irradiated reared in the same conditions. The results showed that the irradiation doses tested had no effect on the digestive proteolytic activities of medfly adults. Moreover, the longevity of irradiated medflies at the highest dose (140 Gy) was similar to that of controls.  相似文献   
Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) were surveyed using ovitraps in residential areas in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand. Egg populations (both species inclusive) remained low in the dry season, but increased/decreased exponentially during the first/latter half of the rainy season, respectively. This seasonal pattern was similar to the seasonal distribution of dengue haemorrhagic fever cases in the area. During the dry season (November-March) Ae.aegypti was dominant in urban and indoor ovitraps. With onset of the rainy season in April, relative abundance of Ae.albopictus increased in rural and outdoor ovitraps. Ae.albopictus displaced Ae.aegypti in the latter half of the rainy season in the rural area. Possible mechanisms to account for this seasonal decline of Ae.aegypti and reciprocal fluctuations in relative abundance of Ae.albopictus are discussed in relation to food availability for larvae in container habitats.  相似文献   
Oviposition is an important phenomenon of mosquitoes and has recently become the focus in the concept of integrated vector control management. In the present study, we evaluated oviposition deterrent, ovicidal and mortality effects of ethanolic extract of Andrographis paniculata Nees against gravid and oviposited females of Anopheles stephensi Liston. Water treated with the ethanolic extract had a high deterrent activity in ovipositing females: oviposition activity index values for the test species were –0.28, –0.45, –0.49 and –0.59 for extract concentrations of 29, 35, 41 and 46 p.p.m., respectively. High degrees of mortality were observed with various concentrations of extract: 1.12 (control) to 11.70 for gravid females, and 0.65 (control) to 10.25 for oviposited females. The highest mortality in both gravid and oviposited females was observed soon after they came in contact with oviposition medium treated with the extract, and this was found to be significant at doses higher than 35 p.p.m., suggesting possible contact toxicity of the extract. The extract caused moderate ovicidal activity against various age groups of A. stephensi, but it inflicted delayed effects such as high larval, pupal and adult mortality. The age of the eggs and the duration of the extract treatment influenced the ovicidal activity observed. It is clear that ethanolic extract of A. paniculata Nees can affect the oviposition cycle of A. stephensi Liston, thereby suppressing the vector population and adversely influencing transmission of the disease pathogen.  相似文献   
We investigated spatial autocorrelation of female Aedes aegypti L. mosquito abundance from BG‐Sentinel trap and sticky ovitrap collections in Cairns, north Queensland, Australia. BG‐Sentinel trap collections in 2010 show a significant spatial autocorrelation across the study site and over a smaller spatial extent, while sticky ovitrap collections only indicate a non‐significant, weak spatial autocorrelation. The BG‐Sentinel trap collections were suitable for spatial interpolation using ordinary kriging and cokriging techniques. The uses of Premise Condition Index and potential breeding container data have helped improve our prediction of vector abundance. Semiovariograms and prediction maps indicate that the spatial autocorrelation of mosquito abundance determined by BG‐Sentinel traps extends farther compared to sticky ovitrap collections. Based on our data, fewer BG‐Sentinel traps are required to represent vector abundance at a series of houses compared to sticky ovitraps. A lack of spatial structure was observed following vector control treatment in the area. This finding has implications for the design and costs of dengue vector surveillance programs.  相似文献   
In the past decade, new strategies have been developed to control the Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquito vector, as well as a broad range of arboviral agents. Vector control surveillance programmes in Puerto Rico and Australia have implemented the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention autocidal gravid ovitrap (AGO), which has had an impact on vector density and, consequently, the epidemiology of arboviral infections. Colombia intends to establish the AGO as a new tool for the surveillance and control of the A. aegypti vector. AGOs were evaluated in a hyperendemic area for dengue virus during an 8-week period in Villavicencio city, eastern Colombia. The results indicated that the AGOs detect a high density of A. aegypti, with positive results for these traps of over 80% and an average catch of six individuals per trap per week. Acceptance of AGOs in the community exceeded 95%, and adherence was around 89%. This study's results demonstrate, for the first time in Colombia, that traps are a useful tool for the surveillance of A. aegypti. Future studies must consider the implementation of AGOs in the region.  相似文献   
Abstract. Ovitraps were exposed outdoors during wet and dry seasons in Trinidad to determine the proportions of eggs laid on three substrates: the widely-used hardboard 'paddle' (P), the water surface (W) and the inside surface of the ovitrap wall (S) in three types of blackened ovitrap: round, glass (RG), round, plastic (RP) and rectangular, plastic (SP). Of the 3556 eggs obtained, most (86.4%) were laid during the wet season when statistically significant differences were detected between substrates but not between ovitrap types. Most eggs (>80%) were laid on P, significantly fewer ( P < 0.005) on W, on S and on W + S, thus confirming the superiority of the paddle as a device for monitoring oviposition activity. Implications of these findings for the interpretation of Aedes studies using ovitraps are discussed.  相似文献   
Oviposition site choice by female mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti (L) (Diptera: Culicidae), was affected by rearing them in water treated with 0.016% of the repellent Mozaway trade mark containing citronella and neem. Given a choice between a bowl of repellent-treated and a bowl of untreated water, Ae. aegypti reared in untreated water strongly preferred to oviposit on the clean water (93-98%) instead of repellent-treated water. This demonstrates effective deterrence of oviposition by dilute Mozaway trade mark. Those reared in repellent-treated water were less deterred: 38-46% of their eggs were laid on the repellent-treated water and 54-62% on the clean water. Evidently the female mosquitoes reared in repellent-treated water were conditioned against oviposition site deterrence, as shown when choice tests were conducted 6 days post-emergence from the treated water. This demonstrates learning and memory in the mosquito Ae. aegypti, with implications for dengue vector surveillance and control.  相似文献   
Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is considered to be the most important dengue vector worldwide. Studies were conducted to design and evaluate a chemically‐based baited ovitrap for monitoring Ae. aegypti under laboratory conditions. Several known chemical attractants and three types of ovitraps (ovitraps A, B, and C) were evaluated throughout the oviposition bioassays. Oviposition responses of gravid female Ae. aegypti were evaluated to n‐heneicosane, 3‐methylindole (skatole), 4‐methylphenol (p‐cresol), and phenol. Female Ae. aegypti were attracted to all the evaluated compounds. Among them, n‐heneicosane at a concentration of 10 ppm (mg/l), skatole from 50 to 1000 ppm, p‐cresol at 100 ppm, and phenol at 50 ppm showed a significant positive oviposition response. A blend of the four chemical attractants increased the oviposition response; 67% of the eggs were deposited in the treatment compared to the control. Female Ae. aegypti were signi?cantly more attracted to ovitrap A loaded with the four‐component synthetic blend compared to the standard ovitrap in the oviposition bioassays. The compound used in ovitrap A retained its attractant property for up to three days. The chemically‐based baited ovitrap may be considered as an option to be integrated during the monitoring of dengue virus vectors in México.  相似文献   
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