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Autoantibodies to SS-A/Ro are among the most common found in sera of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases. These autoimmune diseases can affect various organ systems of the body and are variable in their manifestations and presentation. One of the autoimmune targets is the 60 kDa SS-A/Ro protein known to be associated with small cytoplasmic Y RNAs. To study systematically the expression of the protein, we have cloned the mouse full length 60 kDa SS-A/Ro cDNA using 5′ RACE based on a cDNA sequence reported in the mouse genome project. The recombinant protein derived from the putative full-length construct was shown to react with human prototype anti-SS-A/Ro serum Ge in western blot and immunoprecipitation and comigrated with cellular 60 kDa SS-A/Ro protein in 3T3 cells. Cellular expression, measured by RT-PCR, was highest in mouse brain, followed by lung, muscle, kindney and heart. Lower levels were found in testis, liver and spleen. Like the human 60 kDa SS-A/Ro protein, the deduced mouse homolog has 538 amino acids. Sequence analysis showed 89.9% identity and 95.0% similarity between the mouse and human proteins.  相似文献   
Identification of autoantigens and the detection of autoantibody reactivity are useful in biomarker discovery and for explaining the role of important biochemical pathways in disease. Despite all of their potential advantages, the main challenge to working with autoantibodies is their sensitivity. Nevertheless, proteomics may hold the key to overcoming this limitation by providing the means to multiplex. Clearly, the ability to detect multiple autoantigens using a platform such as a high-density antigen microarray would improve sensitivity and specificity of detection for autoantibody profiling. The aims of this review are to: briefly describe the current status of antigen–autoantibody microarrays; provide examples of their use in biomarker discoveries; address current limitations; and provide examples and strategies to facilitate their implementation in the clinical setting.  相似文献   
自身免疫疾病治疗的常规方法 (如免疫抑制剂和血浆置换等)缺乏足够的安全性和有效性,因此,寻找新的治疗方法十分必要。免疫吸附(immunoadsorption,IA)是一种通过选择性或非选择性去除自身致病抗体,从而实现对自身免疫疾病治疗的方法。本文介绍了免疫吸附在扩张型心肌病、特发性膜性肾病、系统性红斑狼疮、重症肌无力4种自身免疫疾病中的研究和临床应用,讨论了该治疗方法的有效性和安全性;同时指出,免疫吸附要在更多的疾病中实现临床应用,还需要在可信度、地域性、样本量等方面做更加深入的临床前试验。  相似文献   
We analyzed the gene and protein expression of serologically defined colon cancer antigen 8. Gene expression was upregulated in the maturing rat testis, and was localized to the spermatocytes. Protein was detected in the spermatids and at the sites of mRNA expression. Specific expression of colon cancer antigen 8 was observed in the maturing rat testis.  相似文献   
狼疮La蛋白,又叫La核糖核蛋白、La自身抗原或干燥综合征B型抗原,是原发性干燥综合征的特异性自身抗原之一。La蛋白拥有多种结构和运输元件,可定位于不同的亚细胞部位与RNA相互作用。通常I丑蛋白主要存在于细胞核内,作为RNA聚合酶Ⅲ的转录因子,与RNA聚合酶Ⅲ转录新生产物结合,调节其转录终止,在转录后发挥分子伴侣作用,稳定RNA前体并促进其正确折叠,帮助其进行加工处理。La蛋白还可以与一类拥有内部核糖体进入位点的细胞内mRNA和病毒RNA结合,调节这类RNA的表达翻译;也可在细胞凋亡时被颗粒酶B酶解,产生特异性酶解片段,诱导特异性抗La自身抗体和干燥综合征的生成。我们就I丑蛋白的分子生物学方面的近期研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   
Autoantibodies to IgE and beta2-adrenergic receptor have been reported in patients with allergic rhinitis. To investigate whether autoimmunity in allergic rhinitis is directed to such limited molecules or directed to a wide range of self proteins, we here attempted to survey autoantigens/autoantibodies comprehensively, using proteomics. Specifically, we separated proteins extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells by 2-dimensional electrophoresis and then detected autoantigens by subsequent western blotting with sera from patients with allergic rhinitis. As a result, we detected multiple autoantigens, some of which were further identified by mass fingerprinting. Next, we confirmed antigenicity of one of the identified autoantigens, beta-tubulin isoform V (beta-tubV), using a recombinant protein and then measured prevalence of the anti-beta-tubV autoantibodies. As a result, 52% of the tested patients with allergic rhinitis were found to possess anti-beta-tubV autoantibodies. Our study indicates that autoimmunity is a common phenomena and beta-tubV is one of the major autoantigens in allergic rhinitis.  相似文献   
Conclusions It can be concluded that the precise localization of the epitopes on autoantigens associated with scleroderma has not been determined yet, and further subcloning experiments will be required to map the epitopes more precisely. However, the fact that the antigenicities of the C-terminal ends of topo I as well as of CENP-B are highly affected by the length of the fusion segments suggest that most, if not all, antigenic determinants on these parts of the autoantigens are conformational epitopes. Studies based upon molecular modelling of antibodies reacting with antigens suggest that over 90% of B-cell epitopes are conformational [50]. This implies that the most successful approach to allocate B-cell epitopes on autoantigens in the near future may be the use of techniques for mapping conformational epitopes. Such techniques are currently being developed [reviewed in 51]. Until now, the limited data available indicate that the B-cell epitopes on the scleroderma-associated autoantigens are distributed over the entire proteins. The C-terminal parts of the antigens seem to be good candidates for harboring the major autoimmune epitopes, but more experimental data will be necessary to confirm this suggestion.  相似文献   
Li YC  Hu XQ  Zhang KY  Guo J  Hu ZY  Tao SX  Xiao LJ  Wang QZ  Han CS  Liu YX 《FEBS letters》2006,580(17):4266-4273
As a cell-specific organelle, acrosome (Acr) and its formation are an important event for spermiogenesis. However, the Acr formation is far more complicated than has been proposed. In this study, we have cloned a novel membrane protein Afaf (Acr formation associated factor) that was expressed abundantly in the round spermatids, localized in the inner and outer membrane of forming Acrs, and declined in the maturing Acrs. In the transfected Hela cells, Afaf protein was localized in the plasma membrane, EEA1-positive early endosomes (EEs) and occasionally in the nuclei. Therefore, we propose that EEs and plasma membrane may be also directly involved in the Acr biogenesis.  相似文献   
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