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The 24-hr patterns of plasma thyrotropin have been observed in 12 endogenous depressed patients in both depressed and recovered states and in 13 normal subjects. A clear circadian rhythm was detected in controls with high values at night. In depression, the circadian rhythm was altered with amplitude reduction and blunted nocturnal secretion, abnormalities particularly relevant in bipolar patients. This flattened profile could be linked to the blunted response of TSH to TRH administration reported in depressed patients. Normal nyctohemeral patterns have been restored after recovery. These chronobiological abnormalities as well as their normalization under antidepressant drugs seem to be similar to those reported for various parameters (e.g. temperature, Cortisol, etc) in depression which could support the chronobiological hypothesis for affective disorders.  相似文献   
细胞因子假说是关于抑郁症发病机理的重要假说,为探讨抑郁症的发病机理和临床治疗方法提供了新方向.细胞因子分为前炎性细胞因子和抗炎性细胞因子.前炎性细胞因子与抑郁症的发病密切相关,而抗炎性细胞因子可能具有抗抑郁的作用.本文着重综述抗炎性细胞因子与抑郁症的关系.抗炎性细胞因子如白介素10、白介素1受体拮抗剂、白介素4、白介素13、转化生长因子β和脂联素等,在抑郁症中表达下降;补充外源抗炎性细胞因子则具有一定的抗抑郁作用.抗炎性细胞因子可通过拮抗前炎性细胞因子的作用,并与MAPK信号通路、神经递质和糖皮质激素相互作用而参与到抑郁症中.抗抑郁药能使抗炎性细胞因子的表达上升,这可能是药物起效的机制之一.抗炎策略在抑郁症的治疗中有重要应用前景.  相似文献   
运用分层随机抽样的方法,在哈尔滨市抽取5家三级和5家二级综合医院作为研究对象,在药品监管组织与规制、药品储存与养护、医嘱管理、药品的调配和分发、给药、用药安全监测、安全文化建设等7个方面进行了病人用药安全管理现状调查研究。发现了病人用药安全管理存在的薄弱环节,分析了问题产生的原因并且提出相应的改进措施,为提高医院药品安全管理水平,保障病人用药安全提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
【背景】耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,MRSA)能以生物被膜的状态存在,从而产生多重耐药性和持续性感染。【目的】通过研究百里香酚和苯唑西林单用和联用对耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌生物被膜的形成抑制和清除作用,探究联合用药对MRSA生物被膜的影响,为临床联合应用抗MRSA药物提供理论依据。【方法】采用微量肉汤稀释法测定苯唑西林对MRSA标准菌株USA300的最低抑菌浓度;采用结晶紫染色法和菌落计数法评估百里香酚和苯唑西林单用和联用对USA300生物被膜形成抑制和清除作用。【结果】百里香酚和苯唑西林在亚抑菌浓度下对USA300生物被膜的形成具有一定的抑制作用。在较高浓度下,百里香酚对其24 h和72 h形成的生物被膜有良好的清除作用,而苯唑西林无清除作用。两药联用对生物被膜的抑制和清除作用进一步增强,在较低浓度下有较好的抑制和清除效果。【结论】百里香酚和苯唑西林联合用药与单独用药相比,对USA300的生物被膜的抑制和清除作用增强,两药联合有协同抗菌作用。  相似文献   
In a large, prospective, 8-week open study of 721 outpatients receiving agomelatine treatment for a current major depressive episode (MDE), morningness–eveningness (Composite Scale of Morningness) was assessed before and after treatment to investigate possible changes in morningness–eveningness after treatment and evaluate whether morningness–eveningness at baseline predicted treatment response. A change towards morningness was observed after treatment. This change was greater in responders than non-responders. Moreover, being a morning type at baseline was an independent predictor of response to treatment. Once thought to be a trait variable, morningness–eveningness is a potential treatment target that should be systematically assessed in MDE patients.  相似文献   
目的 以静脉药物配置中心为平台,对用药医嘱进行分析和干预,提高用药医嘱的合理性,促进临床合理用药。方法 对静脉药物配置中心服务的6个病区用药医嘱中的不合理医嘱进行统计分析。结果 不合理医嘱明显减少,用药医嘱合理性大幅度提高差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论 通过对用药医嘱干预,能促进临床合理用药,保证患者用药安全。  相似文献   
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