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Peng  Chang-Lian  Duan  Jun  Lin  Guizhu  Gilmore  A.M. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(4):503-508
We compared photoinhibition sensitivity to high irradiance (HI) in wild-type barley (wt) and both its chlorina f 104-nuclear gene mutant, that restricts chlorophyll (Chl) a and Chl b synthesis, and its f 2-nuclear gene mutant, that inhibits all Chl b synthesis. Both Fv/Fm and PS2 decreased more significantly in f 2 than f 104 and wt with duration of HI exposure. Chl degraded more rapidly in the f 2 than in either f 104 or wt. Most sensitivity to photoinhibition was exhibited for f 2, whereas there was little difference in response to HI between the f 104 and wt. The highest de-epoxidation (DES) value at every time point of exposure to HI was measured for f 2, whereas the wt had the lowest value among the three strains. There were two lifetime components resolved for the conversion of violaxanthin (V) to zeaxanthin plus antheraxanthin (Z + A). The most rapid lifetime was around 6 min and the slower lifetime was >140 min, in both the mutants and wt. However, the wt and f 104 both displayed larger amplitudes of both de-epoxidation lifetimes than f 2. The difference between the final de-epoxidation state (DES = [Z + A]/[V + A + Z]) in the light compared to the dark expressed as DES for wt, f 104, and f 2 was 0.630, 0.623, and 0.420, respectively. The slow lifetime component and overall larger DES in the wt and f 104 correlated with more photoprotection, as indicated by relatively higher Fv/Fm and PS2, compared to the f 2. Hence the photoprotection against photoinhibition has no relationship with the absolute DES value, but there is a strong relationship with de-epoxidation rate and relative extent or DES.  相似文献   
Pandey  D.M.  Kim  K.H.  Kang  K.H.  Yeo  U.D. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(1):153-156
High irradiance (HI) effects on xanthophyll cycle pigments (XCP) and activity of violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) in terms of de-epoxidation index (DEI) were studied in soybean calli. The calli from the hypocotyl segments of 5-d seedlings were induced on a solid (1.1 % agar) MS medium (pH 5.8) supplemented with 4.52 M 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid, 2.32 M kinetin, and 3 % sucrose. After a 30 d cultivation, the green calli were irradiated for 24 h with white light (HI, 1 300 mol m–2 s–1) and VDE was isolated from the photosystem 2 (PS2) particles. In the control (0 h irradiation) callus, the reaction of PS2 particles with VDE in the presence or absence of Tween 20 resulted in the decrease of VIO content and the increase of ZEA content. In the 24 h HI-callus, the reaction of PS2 particles in the absence of VDE led to the decrease of VIO and ANT contents and increase of ZEA content. In the control, DEIs in the presence of VDE with or without 0.1 %Tween 20 (1.04 and 1.06, respectively) were significantly higher than the DEI (0.76) in the absence of VDE. In the HI-callus, DEIs in the presence of VDE with or without 0.1 %Tween 20 (0.98 and 0.96, respectively) were similar to that (1.03) in the absence of VDE.  相似文献   
The effects of kinetin (Kn) on pigment content and electron transport activities (ETA) in wheat leavesin vivo and chloroplastsin vitro aging in light was investigated. Excised wheat leaves were infiltrated with Kn for 3 h under irradiation. The treatment increased zeaxanthin (Zx) content by 40% and also increased chlorophyll (Chia, Chib) and major carotenoid (Car) contents in the leaves (per fresh mass unit). Chloroplasts isolated from Kn treated leaves, when incubated in light for 4 h showed relatively lower pigment loss and slower loss of ETA compared to the chloroplasts of untreated leaves. These observations suggest photoprotective action of Kn. The photoprotection was more prominent when Kn was applied directly to the irradiated chloroplastsin vitro. Moreover, chloroplasts agingin vitro under irradiation without Kn treatment lost pigments and ETA. Within 3 h of irradiation, both whole chain (H2O to methylviologen) electron transport as well as photosystem (PS) 2 activity were completely lost. However, in the chloroplasts treated with Kn, the loss of pigments was slow and even after 4 h of irradiation the chloroplasts retained 15 % of PS 2 and 9 % of whole chain ETA. In the untreated chloroplasts, the loss of Zx after 4 h of irradiation was 49 % whereas in Kn treated samples its level was 1.3 times higher than that of control. Since a higher level of Zx was maintained in Kn treated chloroplasts, photoprotective action of Kn is possibly mediated through Zx. One of us (NKC) thanks Sambalpur University for study leave and Department of Biological Sciences, Mankato State University, Mankato for labortory facilities.  相似文献   
Photosynthetic organisms possess carotenoids that function either as accessory, photoprotective, or structural pigments. Therefore, the carotenoid profile provides information about certain photoacclimation and photoprotection responses. Carotenoids are also important chemosystematic markers because specific enzymes mediate each step of carotenoid biosynthesis. For red algae, diverse and often contradictory carotenoid compositions have been reported. As a consequence, it is difficult to infer the physiological importance of carotenoids in Rhodophyta. To characterize the relationship between carotenoid composition, rhodophycean phylogeny, and the presence of potentially photoprotective pigments, we analyzed the carotenoid composition of 65 subtropical species from 12 orders and 18 rhodophyte families. Our results showed that red algae do not present a unique carotenoid profile. However, a common profile was observed up to the level of order, with exception of the Ceramiales and the Corallinales. The main difference between profiles is related to the xanthophyll that represents the major carotenoid. In some species lutein is the major carotenoid while in others it is substituted by zeaxanthin or antheraxanthin. The presence of this epoxy carotenoid together with the presence of violaxanthin that are xanthophyll cycle (XC)‐related pigments was found in four of the 12 analyzed orders. The carotenoid pigment profiles are discussed in relation to Rhodophyta phylogeny, and it is suggested that the xanthophyll cycle‐related pigments appeared early in the evolution of eukaryotic phototrophs.  相似文献   
An optode device for net-photosynthesis measurements, based on oxygen-depending quenching of fluorescence from O2-specific sensors, and PAM fluorometry have been used to study diurnal courses of net-photosynthesis and the Fv/Fm ratio of the submerged plant Lagarosiphon major. Plants were pre-cultivated and studied in large mesocosm flow-through outdoor tanks under 50% and 80% shade cloth, respectively. Growth under the different shade cloths resulted in similar light compensation points (∼20 μmol photons m−2 s−1), but strongly different light saturation levels, with about 150 μmol m−2 s−1 for plants grown under 80% shade cloth and about 350 μmol m−2 s−1 for plants grown under 50% shade cloth. Plants under both growth conditions showed a transient reduction of the maximum Fv/Fm value in the afternoon (down to 70% of the morning control values under 80% shade cloth and down to 85% under 50% shade cloth), which was not accompanied by a reduction of the net photosynthetic rate. This indicated that the fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm must not be a reliable indicator of the rate of photosynthesis under all conditions. The new photo-optical device became evidenced as a valuable tool not only for laboratory experiments, but also for field studies of gas exchange of submerged plants.  相似文献   
植物叶黄素循环的组成、功能和调节(综述)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对近几年来植物体内叶黄素循环的组成、功能、堇菜黄素脱环氧化酶和玉米黄素环氧化酶的结构、生化性质和调节,以及叶黄素的可转变性、定位等方面的研究进展作了综述。  相似文献   
Functional aspects of water soluble chlorophyll-binding protein (WSCP) in plants were investigated during the courses of leaf senescence, chlorophyll biogenesis, stress response and photoprotection. The cDNA sequence encoding WSCP from cauliflower was cloned into a binary vector to facilitate Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of Nicotiana tabacum. The resultant transgenic tobacco plants overexpressed the CauWSCP gene under the control of a 35S-promoter. Analyses of protein and pigment contents indicate that WSCP overexpression does not enhance chlorophyll catabolism in vivo, thus rendering a role of WSCP in Chl degradation unlikely. Accumulation of higher levels of protochlorophyllide in WSCP overexpressor plants corroborates a proposed temporary storage and carrier function of WSCP for chlorophyll and late precursors. Although WSCP overexpressor plants did not show significant differences in non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence, they are characterized by significantly lower zeaxanthin accumulation and peroxidase activity at different light intensities, even at high light intensities of 700-900 μmol photons m−2 s−1. These results suggest a photoprotective function of the functional chlorophyll binding-WSCP tetramer by shielding of chlorophylls from molecular oxygen.  相似文献   
Soil cadmium (Cd) contamination is becoming a matter of great global concern. The identification of plants differentially sensitive to Cd excess is of interest for the selection of genotype adaptive to grow and develop in polluted areas and capable of ameliorating or reducing the negative environmental effects of this toxic metal. The two poplar clones I-214 (Populus × canadensis) and Eridano (Populus deltoides × maximowiczii) are, respectively, tolerant and sensitive to ozone (O3) exposure. Because stress tolerance is mediated by an array of overlapping defence mechanisms, we tested the hypothesis that these two clones differently sensitive to O3 stress factor also exhibit different tolerance to Cd. With this purpose, an outdoor pot experiment was designed to study the responses of I-214 and Eridano to the distribution of different Cd solutions enriched with CdCl2 (0, 50 and 150 μM) for 35 days. Changes in leaf area, biomass allocation and Cd uptake, photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf concentration of nutrients and pigments, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) production and thiol compounds were investigated. The two poplar clones showed similar sensitivity to excess Cd in terms of biomass production, photosynthesis activity and Cd accumulation, though physiological and biochemical traits revealed different defence strategies. In particular, Eridano maintained in any Cd treatment the number of its constitutively wider blade leaves, while the number of I-214 leaves (with lower size) was reduced. H2O2 increased 4.5- and 13-fold in I-214 leaves after the lowest (L) and highest (H) Cd treatments, respectively, revealing the induction of oxidative burst. NO, constitutively higher in I-214 than Eridano, progressively increased in both clones with the enhancement of Cd concentration in the substrate. I-214 showed a more elevated antioxidative capacity (GSH/GSSG) and higher photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and de-epoxidation degree of xantophylls-cycle (DEPS). The glutathione pool was not affected by Cd treatment in both clones, while non-protein thiols and phytochelatins were reduced at L Cd treatment in I-214. Overall, these two clones presented high adaptability to Cd stress and are both suitable to develop and growth in environments contaminated with this metal, thus being promising for their potential use in phytoremediation programmes.  相似文献   
Gartia  S.  Pradhan  M.K.  Joshi  P.N.  Biswal  U.C.  Biswal  B. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(4):545-549
In clusterbean leaves UV-B radiation caused a reduction in contents of chlorophylls and carotenoids and in the efficiency of photosystem 2 photochemistry. The degree of damage was reduced when UV-A accompanied the UV-B radiation. This indicates the counteracting effect of UV-A radiation against UV-B-induced impairment.  相似文献   
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