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With the view of incorporating quaternary ammonium salts (QAs) in marine paints, nineteen of these were tested against a community of marine bacteria, at a temperature and salinity close to those of seawater. The concentration of QAs and the length of the main substituting chain are the main parameters affecting the growth and adhesion of bacteria, but the nature of (i) the other chains, (ii) the counter‐ion and (iii) the rings when inserted in the QA molecule also influenced the bacteria. Increasing the concentration of the QAs decreased the growth rate of the bacteria, the maximum cell density at the plateau and the rate of adhesion. The effect of increasing the length of the main chain depended on the range of carbon numbers. Below 7 carbon atoms, the growth rate was not significantly modified, but the numbers of cells at the plateau increased in contrast with the adhesion rate which decreased rapidly. Increasing the length of the chain to between 7 and 16 carbon atoms resulted in a decrease in the growth rate, a decrease and then a stabilisation in the numbers of cells at the plateau and no further change in the adhesion rate. Possibly an increase in growth rate, adhesion rate and in the numbers of cells at the plateau may occur above 16 carbon atoms. In contrast, the length of the other chains influenced positively the cell concentration at the plateau, and more generally the efficiency of QAs decreased substantially when these chains had the same numbers of carbon atoms. QAs with iodide as counter‐ion were more effective than those with chloride or bromide and phenyl was more effective than benzyl as rings inserted in QAs. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were often very high if compared to standard methods with laboratory strains, and this can be tentatively explained by the dominance of Gram— bacteria in the community assayed, the development of resistant strains in the cultures used with time and the presence of organic matter in the culture medium.  相似文献   
A mathematical model of photosystem II (PSII) events was used to analyze chlorophyll fluorescence transients in the time domain from 100 ns to 10 s after excitation with a saturating 10-ns flash, applied as a part of specialized illumination protocol, using preparations of a thermophilic strain of the unicellular green alga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (using both intact and diuron-treated cells). Analysis of simulation results has proven that particular attention should be given to flash-induced recombination processes, including nonradiative recombination in PSII, while subsequent charge transfer along the electron transport chain of thylakoid membrane can be adequately described by a single reaction of quinone reoxidation. The PSII model was extended by taking inhibition by diuron of the electron transport in the acceptor side of PSII into account, which allowed simulation of fluorescence induction curves observed in the presence of this inhibitor. The model parameters were determined (stromal pH, rate constants of nonradiative recombination, and the initial reduction state of the quinone pool) which provided adequate simulation of experimentally observed ratios of the maximal and initial fluorescence levels (F m/F 0).  相似文献   
P. lanceolata andP. major were grown in culture solutions with nitrate or ammonium as the nitrogen source. Dry matter accumulation in the shoot was faster with nitrate than with ammonium, whilst that of the roots was not affected by the nitrogen source. As a consequence, the shoot-to-root ratio was lower with ammonium than with nitrate. InP. lanceolata, dry matter percentage of shoot and root tissue was lower with nitrate nutrition, suggesting better elongation growth than with ammonium. However, in shoot tissue ofP. major the opposite was found. The rate of root respiration declined with time, and this was almost completely due to a declining activity of the alternative path, which amounted to about 30–60% of total root respiration. Respiration via the cytochrome path was for a part of time slightly increased by ammonium, whereas the activity of the alternative path was strongly enhanced. The concentration of ethanol-soluble carbohydrates (SC) in the roots of both species was higher when nitrate was used, but no difference in the concentration of starch was found. When the plants were transferred from one nitrogen source to the other, many parameters, including the concentration of nitrate and chloride, and the shoot to root ratio, adjusted to the new situation in both species. Grassland Species Research Group, Publication no. 116.  相似文献   
Growth of 2-month-old nonnodulatedHippophaë rhamnoides seedlings supplied with combined N was compared with that of nodulated seedlings grown on zero N. Plant growth was significantly better with combined N than with N2 fixation and, although not statistically significant for individual harvests, tended to be highest in the presence of NH 4 + , a mixture of NH 4 + and NO 3 ? producing the highest yields. Growth was severely reduced when solely dependent on N2 fixation and, unlike the combined-N plants, shoot to root ratios had only slightly increased after an initial decrease. An apparently insufficient nodule mass (nodule weight ratio <5 per cent) during the greater part of the experimental period is suggested as the main cause of the growth reduction in N2-fixing plants. Thein vivo nitrate reductase activity (NRA) of NO 3 ? dependent plants was almost entirely located in the roots. However, when grown with a combination of NO 3 ? and NH 4 + , root NRA was decreased by approximately 85 per cent.H. rhamnoides demonstrated in the mixed supply a strong preference for uptake of N as NH 4 + , NO 3 ? contributing only for approximately 20 per cent to the total N assimilation. Specific rates of N acquisition and ion uptake were generally highest in NO 3 ? +NH 4 + plants. The generation of organic anions per unit total plant dry weight was approximately 40 per cent less in the NH 4 + plants than in the NO 3 ? plants. Measured extrusions of H+ or OH? (HCO 3 ? ) were generally in good agreement with calculated values on the basis of plant composition, and the acidity generated with N2 fixation amounted to 0.45–0.55 meq H+. (mmol Norg)?1. Without acidity control and in the presence of NH 4 + , specific rates of ion uptake and carboxylate generation were strongly depressed and growth was reduced by 30–35 per cent. Growth of nonnodulatedH. rhamnoides plants ceased at the lower pH limit of 3.1–3.2 and deterioration set in; in the case of N2-fixing plants the nutrient solution pH stabilized at a value of 3.8–3.9 without any apparent adverse effects upon plant performance. The chemical composition of experimental and field-growing plants is being compared and some comments are made on the nitrogen supply characteristics of their natural sites.  相似文献   
Seedlings of 14 species were grown for 14–28 days on nutrient solution with 6 mmol.l−1 NH4 as the sole nitrogen source. Solutions acidity was were kept constant at pH 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 by continuous titration with diluted KOH. The following species were used: barley, maize, oats sorghum, yellow and white lupin, pea, soybean, carrot, flax, castor-oil, spinach, sugarbeet and sunflower. Most plant species grew optimally at pH 6.0 with slight reductions at pH 5.0. Growth of many species was severely inhibited at pH 4.0, but this inhibition was not observed with the legume and cereal species. Yield depressions at pH 4.0 relative to pH 6.0 were well correlated with the respective relative decreases of the K concentration in their roots (P<0.002). In the roots of two species (sunflower and flax) total N concentrations were also strongly reduced at pH 4.0. apparently, the interactions between uptake of K, NH4 and H ions become the prevalent problem at suboptimal pH. At pH 7.0, yields were also considerably decreased, with the exception of the lupines. At this pH, the roots of the growth inhibited plants were characterized by increased levels of total N and free NH4. It is thought that the binding capacity of the roots for NH4 is an important factor in preventing NH4/NH3 toxicity at supraoptimal pH.  相似文献   
Minesoils developed from lignite surface mining in Texas are nutrient-poor and have a high N retention capacity. A major concern of landowners and soil conservationists is the response of Coastal bermudagrass to the application of low rates of ammonium-N fertilizer on these nutrient-poor minesoils. A glasshouse study, using15N-labelled ammonium sulfate fertilizer and lignite minesoil, was conducted to measure Coastal bermudagrass biomass production and fertilizer recovery during establishment in response to clipping at 2, 4, and 8 week intervals. At N rates of 0, 40, and 80 kg N ha–1,increases in N fertilization increased Coastal bermudagrass aboveground biomass 5-fold, but showed only small increases in belowground biomass. Recovery of ammonium-N fertilizer ranged from 54 to 63%. Roots contained approximately the same N content across all fertilizer rates suggesting that young, estabilishing, Coatal bermudagrass roots reserve N until their N requirement is met. As more N is obtained above that which was needed to maintain roots, then additional N taken up by the plant was transported to aboveground plant parts for growth. Frequent clipping intensified N transport to aboveground tissues. Reduced amounts of N were contained in roots after clipping due to reductions in root growth, biomass, and resource demand. Fertilization of Coastal bermudagrass at low N rates with different N fertilizer forms influenced the distribution of N in the plant and affected N recovery by different parts of the plant.  相似文献   
Nitrogen dynamics in two antarctic streams   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The many glacier meltwater streams of southern Victoria Land flow through catchments where life forms are almost entirely microbial. Allochthonous inputs of nitrogen from two study streams near McMurdo Sound were derived mostly from the melting glaciers (ca. 100–200 mg N m–3) with some originating from N2-fixation by heterocystous cyanobacteria (max. 939 mg N m–2 year–1). Thirty to fifty per cent of the glacier derived N was dissolved organic N and a major proportion of this was identified as urea N which was utilised by the rich algal and cyanobacterial mats in the streams. A nutrient budget for Fryxell Stream was estimated, quantifying uptake of urea-N and dissolved inorganic N and the release of dissolved organic (non urea) and particulate N by the stream communities. An index of in-stream nitrogen processing, the Net Uptake Length Constant in these streams was compared with that from temperate climates and was found to be similar. Despite the influence of low temperatures on microbial activity (mean daily water temperature = 5 °C) nutrient removal rates from these antarctic streams are high because of the large standing stock of microbial biomass there.  相似文献   
A procedure which avoids the use of phenol-chloroform and RNAase for the isolation of total DNA fromA. tumefaciens is described. Specific precipitation of protein by 2.5 M ammonium acetate is employed and much of the RNA is removed by an isopropanol precipition step. The procedure yields easily restrictable, good quality DNA and is probably applicable to other Gramnegative bacteria.  相似文献   
The biology of mycorrhiza in the Ericaceae   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
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