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Summary A study of the inorganic amendments (N, P and K) to soil, and their effect on the rhizosphere microflora, as well as their relation to the control of wilt of antirrhinum plants caused byVerticillium dahliae Kleb. was done. Ammonium sulphate was the only chemical found to be significantly inhibitory toV. dahliae in vitro. Soil amendments (NPK) affected the rhizosphere microorganisms of the antirrhinum plants. Higher concentration of the chemicals were phytotoxic. It was further observed that ammonium sulphate, and the combined chemicals (NPK 25%) in soil delayed the senescence in healthy plants, suggests that chemical fertilisers affected the host plants directly. Addition of ammonium sulphate (0.25%), calcium nitrate (0.25%, 0.5%) combined NPK (0.25%) to soil caused considerable reduction in disease severity. It is assumed that this reduction may be caused by the (1) fungitoxic nature of the chemicali.e. ammonium sulphate, (2) antagonistic environment for the pathogen in the rhizosphere was boostedi.e. where calcium nitrate was added as soil amendments and (3) reduction in disease severity in soil-amended with combined NPK, may be due to the fact that antagonistic actinomycete population was boosted in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
Little of the historical extent of tallgrass prairie ecosystems remains in North America, and therefore there is strong interest in restoring prairies. However, slow‐growing prairie plants are initially weak competitors with the fast‐growing yet short‐lived weedy plant species that are typically abundant in recently established prairie restorations. One way to aid establishment of slow‐growing plant species is through adding soil amendments to prairie restorations before planting. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form mutualisms with the roots of most terrestrial plants and are particularly important for the growth of slow‐growing prairie plant species. As prairie ecosystems are adapted to fires that leave biochar (charred organic material) in the soil, adding biochar as well as AM fungal strains from undisturbed remnant prairies into the soil of prairie restorations may improve restoration outcomes. Here, we test this prediction during the first four growing seasons of a prairie restoration. When prairie plant seedlings were inoculated prior to planting into the field with AM fungi derived from remnant prairies, that one‐time inoculation significantly increased growth of five of the nine tested plant species through at least two growing seasons. This long‐term benefit of AM fungal inoculation was unaffected by biochar addition to the soil. Biochar application rates of at least 10 tons/ha significantly decreased Coreopsis tripteris growth but acted synergistically with AM fungal inoculation to significantly improve survival of Schizachyrium scoparium. Overall, inoculation with native AM fungi can help promote prairie plant establishment, but concomitant use of biochar soil amendments had relatively little effect.  相似文献   
Decline in soil health is a serious worldwide problem that decreases complexity and stability of agricultural ecosystems, commonly making them more prone to outbreaks of herbivorous insect pests. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L., Solanaceae) and onion (Allium cepa L., Amaryllidaceae) production is currently characterized by high soil disturbance and heavy reliance on synthetic inputs, including insecticides. Evidence suggests that adopting soil conservation techniques often (but not always) increases mortality and decreases reproductive output for the major insect pests of these important vegetable crops. Known mechanisms responsible for such an effect include increases in density and activity of natural enemy populations, enhanced plant defenses, and modified physical characteristics of respective agricultural habitats. However, most research efforts focused on mulches and organic soil amendments, with additional research needed on elucidating effects and their mechanisms for conservation tillage, cover crops, and arbuscular mycorrhizae.  相似文献   
Application of external organic inputs to soils can be considered as one of the most ancient strategies in agriculture, and it has been commonly used since the very beginning of human-based agricultural practices. During all this time, application of several organic matters to agricultural soils has demonstrated their benefit to plants and soils. Organic amendments have proved to be useful in recovering soil properties, improving soil quality and, in some cases, can be directly involved in providing beneficial effects to plants. All these obtained effects finally lead to an increase in crop protection and sustainability. One most expected effect caused by the application of organic amendments, is the suppression of a wide range of soilborne pathogens (mainly bacterial and fungal pathogens) due to the induction of physicochemical and biological changes in soils. In order to get insight into the nature of the induced soil suppression of soilborne plant pathogens, the analysis of the physical, chemical and the microbial changes, pointed to the key role of beneficial activities produced by soil microorganisms finally adapted to the environmental changes produced by the influence of organic amendments. As shown in the case studies reported here, participation of soil microbes specifically selected after organic amendment is crucial in the control of fungal soilborne diseases. Moreover, the development of “omics” approaches allowed these recent studies to go one step further, revealing the main actors involved in the induced soil suppressiveness and their activities. Thus “omics” techniques will help to understand the soil and its microbiome as a whole system, and to assign the important roles of its biological components.  相似文献   
Abstract A comparison of a composted organic amendment, a controlled‐release fertilizer, and induced mycorrhizal inoculation as affecting the establishment and nutrition of bareroot Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. & Balf.) was conducted on a Sierra Nevada surface mine. The soil amendments were applied at outplanting to the backfill of augered planting holes, with a low rate of 8 g and a high rate of 16 g per seedling for the fertilizer, Gromax 21‐6‐2 + Minors, whereas a single rate of 2.0 L was used for organic matter. Colonization by Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch was induced by coating the root systems with basidiospores suspended in a gel carrier. The organic amendment especially, but also mycorrhizal inoculation, caused substantial seedling mortality, whereas survival was unaffected by controlled‐release fertilization. Gromax applied at the high rate produced a 74% increase in shoot volume after three growing seasons, whereas the organic amendment reduced volume by 28%. Growth was unaffected by mycorrhizal treatment. The growth response to the 16‐g Gromax application probably reflected enhanced N, P, and K nutrition and decreased concentrations of potentially toxic metallic elements, including Mn and Al among others, as revealed through foliar analysis. Because they were accompanied by growth reduction, nutritional responses to the organic amendment, which involved both macronutrients and trace elements, were of little consequence. Impaired water relations may account for the poor response to this amendment. Likewise, nutritional responses to mycorrhizal inoculation produced no discernible benefit in terms of seedling performance. An inoculation procedure that failed to induce substantially greater P. tinctorius colonization in inoculated than uninoculated seedlings, and that may have also impaired water relations, likely explains this result. Overall, these findings indicate that further research is needed before either the organic amendment or the mycorrhizal inoculation procedure used here can be used in forest restoration efforts on dry sites.  相似文献   
Forty species of fungi, representing a range of ecological and taxonomic groups, were tested for their ability to grow on agar media amended with lithium chloride (LiCl) at 1.5, 3 and 6 g l−1. Species of Trichoderma varied considerably in their sensitivity to LiCl; at one week on 6 g l−1 LiCl medium, the growth of seven species of Trichoderma was considerably inhibited; however, by three weeks at this level, four of the species tested were able to attain ≥30 % of control growth. Of the seven species tested, an isolate of T. viride was the most sensitive to LiCl in agar. Eleven other imperfect fungi also showed a range of ability to grow on agar amended with LiCl, from total inhibition to complete lack of inhibition. Six ascomycete fungi were greatly inhibited by LiCl at all levels; however, an isolate of Chaetomium globosum was highly tolerant of LiCl. Seven basidiomycete wood-decay fungi were quite sensitive to LiCl in agar, showing total to nearly total inhibition even at the lowest level; however, after three weeks, an isolate of Postia placenta was nearly uninhibited except at 6 g l−1. Five ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete fungi were totally inhibited by all levels of LiCl; however, one ectomycorrhizal imperfect fungus (Cenococcum graniforme) was able to grow at 3 g l−1 and was uninhibited at 1.5 g l−1. Four zygomycete fungus isolates were nearly unaffected in their growth by all levels of LiCl.  相似文献   
Compatibility of Soil Amendments with Entomopathogenic Nematodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of inorganic and organic fertilizers on the infectivity, reproduction, and population dynamics of entomopathogenic nematodes was investigated. Prolonged (10- to 20-day) laboratory exposure to high inorganic fertilizer concentrations inhibited nematode infectivity and reproduction, whereas short (1-day) exposures increased infectivity. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was more sensitive to adverse effects than were two species of Steinernema. In field studies, organic manure resulted in increased densities of a native population of Steinernema feltiae, whereas NPK fertilizer suppressed nematode densities regardless of manure applications. Inorganic fertilizers are likely to be compatible with nematodes in tank mixes and should not reduce the effectiveness of nematodes used for short-term control as biological insecticides, but may interfere with attempts to use nematodes as inoculative agents for long-term control. Organic manure used as fertilizer may encourage nematode establishment and recycling.  相似文献   
Evaluation of enzyme activities in combination with taxonomic analyses may help define the mechanisms involved in microbial decomposition of orgaic amendments and biological control of soilborne pathogens. In this study, powdered pine bark was added to nematode-infested soil at rates of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 g kg–1. Total fungal populations did not differ among treatments immediately after application of pine bark. After 7 days, fungal populations were positively correlated with increasing levels of pine bark. This increase was sustained through 14 and 21 days.Penicillium chrysogenum andPaecilomves variotii were the predominant fungal species isolated from soil amended with pine bark. Total bacterial populations did not change with addition of pine bark at 0, 7, and 14 days after treatment. At 21 and 63 days, total bacterial populations declined in soil receiving the highest rates of pine bark. Addition of pine bark powder to soil caused a shift in predominant bacterial genera fromBacillus spp. in nonamended soil, toPseudomonas spp. in amended soil. Soil enzyme activities were positively correlated with pine bark rate at all sampling times. Trehalase activity was positively correlated with total fungal populations and with predominant fungal species, but was not related to bacterial populations. The number of non-parasitic (non-stylet bearing) nematodes andMeloidogyne arenaria in soil and roots were not correlated with pine bark rate. However,Heterodera glycines juveniles in roots, and the number of cysts g–1 root, declined with increasing levels of pine bark.Journal Series Series No. 18-933598 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   
Rhizosphere microbial community is important for the acquisition of soil nutrients and closely related to plant species. Fertilisation practice changed soil quality. With the hypothesis of stronger rhizosphere effect of plant on rhizosphere microbial community than fertilisation management, we designed this research based on a long‐term field experiment (1982–present). This study consists of no fertilisation (NF), mineral fertilisers (NPK), mineral fertilisers plus 7,500 kg/ha of wheat straw addition (WS) and mineral fertilisers plus 30,000 kg/ha of cow manure (CM). After analysing, we found that fertilisation management not only elevated crop yield but also affected crop rhizosphere microbial community structure. The influence of fertilisation practice on wheat rhizosphere microbial structure was stronger than that of wheat. For wheat rhizosphere bacterial community, it was significantly affected by soil water content (SWC), nitrogen (TN), phosphorus (TP), pH, available phosphorus (AVP) and nitrogen (AVN), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and carbon (DOC). Besides SWC, pH, AVP, AVN, TN, TP and DOC, the wheat rhizosphere fungi community was also significantly affected by soil organic matter (SOM) and available potassium (AVK). Moreover, compared to rhizosphere bacterial community, the influences of soil physiochemical properties on rhizosphere fungal community was stronger. In conclusion, fertilisation practice was the primary factor structuring rhizosphere microbial community by changing soil nutrients availabilities in the agroecosystem.  相似文献   
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