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Improving our knowledge of the links between ecology and evolution is especially critical in the actual context of global rapid environmental changes. A critical step in that direction is to quantify how variation in ecological factors linked to habitat modifications might shape observed levels of genetic variability in wild populations. Still, little is known on the factors affecting levels and distribution of genetic diversity at the individual level, despite its vital underlying role in evolutionary processes. In this study, we assessed the effects of habitat quality on population structure and individual genetic diversity of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) breeding along a gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Québec, Canada. Using a landscape genetics approach, we found that individual genetic diversity was greater in poorer quality habitats. This counter-intuitive result was partly explained by the settlement patterns of tree swallows across the landscape. Individuals of higher genetic diversity arrived earlier on their breeding grounds and settled in the first available habitats, which correspond to intensive cultures. Our results highlight the importance of investigating the effects of environmental variability on individual genetic diversity, and of integrating information on landscape structure when conducting such studies.  相似文献   
This article attempts to conceptualize the dynamics of resource allocation by colonist farmers under the unique conditions of land abundance and labor scarcity which characterize frontier environments, such as the smallholder agricultural settlement areas in the Amazon basin. In contrast, most previous theoretical literature on household agricultural decision making and land-use change in rural areas considers conditions of high population density and land scarcity, and is not, therefore, adequate for understanding critical land-use changes which may be occurring in frontier regions. This article first discusses the appropriateness and inadequacies of the analytical frameworks commonly used to explain the expansion of settler agriculture into remote forest regions and the unsustainable land-use practices observed in these areas. This review serves as the basis for characterizing resource allocation under the particular conditions of frontier environments. A conceptual advance in the analysis is its consideration of the way institutional/policy factors and farm-level characteristics can interact to produce land-use outcomes. This knowledge is essential to understand not only the social and economic factors affecting present land use and choice of technology, but also those factors influencing farmers' demand for more optimal systems of land use which are consistent with varying agro-ecological potentials, demographic situations, and their own management capacity.  相似文献   
Maximum protein accumulation (71%, w/w) and nutrient removal by a mutant strain of Spirulina maxima growing on sea water supplemented with anaerobically treated pig slurry was achieved at 30°C with constant illumination (60 to 70 Em-2s-1), using a flow rate of 14.5 cm s-1 (20 rev. min-1 of a paddle wheel). Total phosphates were decreased by 99% and all ammonia-N was removed under these conditions.The authors are with the Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Institute of Ecology, Aptd Postal 63, Xalapa, Ver., Mexico  相似文献   
Understanding the relationships between indigenous people and their threatened economic plants can aid the conservation effort on many levels. Understanding ethnic perceptions of the taxon is critical toin situ andex situ conservation projects and enhances the accompanying educational effort. Examples are discussed from the experience of a grassroots conservation group in southwestern United States, Native Seed/SEARCH. Four levels of economic plant vulnerability are examined among 1) wild-harvested plants, 2) husbanded wild plants, 3) domesticates, and 4) wild relatives of domesticates. Legal interpretations of endangered husbanded and domestic plants are discussed, and further documentation encouraged. Genetic dynamism of threatened indigenous crops is examined and the concept of Systems Conservation (i.e. the plant/human interactive systems) is introduced. Guidelines are offered for incorporating better cultural responsibility intoex situ conservation strategies. The concept of Biocultural Restoration is introduced with an example from an O'odham community. Examples are given of ways indigenous peoples and their knowledge can assist in the conservation effort.  相似文献   
The contribution of agriculture to the sustainable development goals requires climate-smart and profitable farm innovations. Increasing the ammonia fertilizer applications to meet the global food demands results in high agricultural costs, environmental quality deterioration, and global warming, without a significant increase in crop yield. Here, we reported that a third microbial ammonia oxidation process, complete ammonia oxidation (comammox), is contributing to a significant ammonia fertilizer loss (41.9 ± 4.8%) at the rate of 3.53 ± 0.55 mg N kg−1 day−1 in agricultural soils around the world. The contribution of comammox to ammonia fertilizer loss, occurring mainly in surface agricultural soil profiles (0–0.2 m), was equivalent to that of bacterial ammonia oxidation (48.6 ± 4.5%); both processes were significantly more important than archaeal ammonia oxidation (9.5 ± 3.6%). In contrast, comammox produced less N2O (0.98 ± 0.44 μg N kg−1 day−1, 11.7 ± 3.1%), comparable to that produced by archaeal ammonia oxidation (16.4 ± 4.4%) but significantly lower than that of bacterial ammonia oxidation (72.0 ± 5.1%). The efficiency of ammonia conversion to N2O by comammox (0.02 ± 0.01%) was evidently lower than that of bacterial (0.24 ± 0.06%) and archaeal (0.16 ± 0.04%) ammonia oxidation. The comammox rate increased with increasing soil pH values, which is the only physicochemical characteristic that significantly influenced both comammox bacterial abundance and rates. Ammonia fertilizer loss, dominated by comammox and bacterial ammonia oxidation, was more intense in soils with pH >6.5 than in soils with pH <6.5. Our results revealed that comammox plays a vital role in ammonia fertilizer loss and sustainable development in agroecosystems that have been previously overlooked for a long term.  相似文献   
A central composite design was used to investigate the influence of the cooking conditions (time, temperature and phenol concentration) for wheat straw with phenol-water mixtures on the properties of the pulp obtained (yield and holocellulose, -cellulose, lignin and ethanol-benzene extractable contents) and the pH of the resulting wastewater. A second-order polynomial model consisting of three independent process variables was found to accurately describe the organosolv pulping of wheat straw. The equations derived predict the yield, the holocellulose, -cellulose, lignin and ethanol-benzene extractable contents of the pulp, and the pH of the wastewater with multiple-R, R2 and adjusted-R2 high values. The process variables must be set at low variables in order to ensure a high yield and pH. Conversely, if high holocellulose and -cellulose contents, and low lignin and ethanol-benzene extractable contents are desired, then a high temperature (200°C), long cooking time (120 min), and intermediate phenol concentration (65%) must be used.  相似文献   
The present study describes a defined culturetechnique for the fairy shrimp, Streptocephalusdichotomus. It emphasizes reclamation of low-cost organiclive-stock waste(cow-dung), lime powder, and urea. These compounds wereused to enrich algal and diatom populations in themedium. These algae and diatoms were fed to filter feedingfairy shrimps to yield anostracanbiomass. A production of 262 ± 6 animals l–1was obtained in an experimental tank compared to 36 ± 4animals l–1 in the controls. Interestingly,the total number of clutches in experimentalfemales (12 ± 2), relative to the control (7 ± 1),increased too.  相似文献   
甘蔗细平象的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
廖贻昌  李文凤 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):317-323
甘蔗细平象Trockorhopalus humeralis Chevrolat是云南甘蔗上的一种毁灭性地下害虫,以幼虫和成虫在地下蔗头内为害,为害期8-10个月。据1989年调查,受害蔗每亩损失500-3000kg,严重的无收。此虫1年发生1代,以成虫在蔗头内越冬,有喜湿性,不能飞翔,主要通过沟河流水传播。在河川坝地,沙壤土中虫口较多;宿根年限越长的甘蔗受害越重。建议蔗稻轮作;缩短甘蔗宿根年限;早春翻挖有虫蔗蔸烧毁;结合新植蔗下种,宿根蔗松蔸培土施用甲基异柳磷或铁灭克等颗粒杀虫剂进行防治。  相似文献   
Andean cultural ecologists have made two claims in recent years: ecological decomposition is absent due to effective indigenous management of communal resources, and agricultural intensification is inversely related to altitude. Drawing on material from the Jukumani Indians of Northern Potosi, Bolivia, these assertions are challenged. First, there is little evidence to prove or disprove ecological degradation. Second, the location of agricultural intensification, as the Jukumani data suggests, is influenced by altitude as well as by the presence of market.Fieldwork in Bolivia was carried out between January 1979 and May 1981. This essay was originally presented at a conference entitled, How Communities Resolve Common Property Problems, sponsored by the Harvard Institute for International Development and the Center for Population Studies of Harvard University in the spring semester of 1983.  相似文献   
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