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Abstract. A technique for fine-scale vegetation mapping with the aid of low-altitude aerial photography was developed. The procedure is as follows: 1. The site is divided into a lattice pattern - in case the site is too large to fit into a single photograph with satisfactory resolution. The coordinates of every lattice point are surveyed to be used as control points for geometric correction. A photograph of each block of the lattice is taken using a remote-controlled camera system lifted by a captive helium balloon. 2. The vegetation is classified on the basis of a phytosociological survey. 3. The shapes and locations of vegetation patches appearing in the photographs are entered into a computer, using a digitizer. A geometric correction is carried out through coordinate transformation referring to the coordinates of the control points and subsequently a draft vegetation map is produced. Finally, discrepancies are corrected and the map is coloured to produce the final version of the vegetation map. This technique was applied to vegetation mapping at a bar, 500 m wide and 2 km long, in the river Yoshino in Shikoku, Japan. A fine-scale vegetation map was obtained and used to analyse the influence of plants on geomorphic processes and community-specific hydrogeomorphic conditions on the bar.  相似文献   
Counts of Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pups and non-pups (adults and juveniles) from aerial photographs of rookeries at Año Nuevo Island between 1990 and 1993 were significantly higher than those made on the ground. Based on regression of natural logs of photographic counts versus year, the number of pups declined at a rate of −0.099yr while non-pup numbers declined at −0.315/yr. Examination of ground count data for the same period revealed a significant decline in non-pups (−0.139/yr), but no trend was detected in the ground counts of pups. The regression coefficients from photographic and ground counts of non-pups did not differ significantly. Power analyses using the program TRENDS indicated that detectable rates of change in abundance from four annual surveys were much lower for counts of pups than counts of non-pups where sampling precision was based on fits to linear models.  相似文献   
Aerial dispersal of the phytoseiid Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) was evaluated as a component in managing pesticide-resistant populations established in California almond orchards. Peak dispersal occurred in late July and early August during 1982 and 1983. Most predators (and spider mites) left the orchards on the prevailing winds from the northwest. Within the orchard, the prevailing winds had less influence, and dispersal was usually random. Both spider mites and predators dispersed randomly with regard to height from the almond trees, but data obtained during one 24-h interval suggest they do not disperse randomly throughout the day. Most aerial movements occurred between 16–22 h when relative humidity and wind speeds increased and temperatures decreased. Spider mites and predators were trapped on panels located 200 m from the orchard. A survey of carbaryl resistance levels in M. occidentalis collected from almond orchards surrounding the release sites indicates that carbaryl-resistant M. occidentalis dispersed at least 800 m between 1981–83. However, growers wishing to use the resistant strains should release them in their orchards as natural dispersal appears to be too slow. Migration of native M. occidentalis into the release sites appeared to be sufficiently rare that dilution of carbaryl-resistant populations was minimal during a 2–4 year period.
Résumé La dispersion aérienne du phytoseïdae, M. occidentalis (Nesbitt), a été estimée comme élément de la lutte contre les populations résistantes aux insecticides établies dans les vergers de Californie. La dispersion maximale s'est produite fin juillet et début a oût en 1982 et 1983. La plupart des prédateurs (et des acariens) quittent les vergers avec les vents dominants du nordouest. Dans le verger, les vents dominants sont moins importants et la dispersion est généralement au hasard. Tant les acariens que les prédateurs se dispersaient au hasard par rapport à la taille des amandiers, mais les relevés sur 24 heures laissent supposer qu'il n'y a pas une distribution aléatoire pendant la journée. La plupart des mouvements aériens se produisirent entre 16 et 22 heures quand HR et vitesse du vent augmentaient et température diminuait. Les acariens et prédateurs ont été piégés sur des panneaux à 200 m du verger.
Abstract Efficient and accurate vegetation sampling techniques are essential for the assessment of wetland restoration success. Remotely acquired data, used extensively in many locations, have not been widely used to monitor restored wetlands. We compared three different vegetation sampling techniques to determine the accuracy associated with each method when used to determine species composition and cover in restored Pacific coast wetlands dominated by Salicornia virginica (perennial pickleweed). Two ground‐based techniques, using quadrat and line intercept sampling, and a remote sensing technique, using low altitude, high resolution, color and color infrared photographs, were applied to estimate cover in three small restoration sites. The remote technique provided an accurate and efficient means of sampling vegetation cover, but individual species could not be identified, precluding estimates of species density and distribution. Aerial photography was determined to be an effective tool for vegetation monitoring of simple (i.e., single‐species) habitat types or when species identities are not important (e.g., when vegetation is developing on a new restoration site). The efficiency associated with these vegetation sampling techniques was dependent on the scale of the assessment, with aerial photography more efficient than ground‐based sampling methods for assessing large areas. However, the inability of aerial photography to identify individual species, especially mixed‐species stands common in southern California salt marshes, limits its usefulness for monitoring restoration success. A combination of aerial photography and ground‐based methods may be the most effective means of monitoring the success of large wetland restoration projects.  相似文献   
We monitored the haul-out behavior of 68 radio-tagged harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina ) during the molt season at two Alaskan haul-out sites (Grand Island, August-September 1994; Nanvak Bay, August-September 2000). For each site, we created a statistical model of the proportion of seals hauled out as a function of date, time of day, tide, and weather covariates. Using these models, we identified the conditions that would result in the greatest proportion of seals hauled out. Although those "ideal conditions" differed between sites, the proportion of seals predicted to be hauled out under those conditions was very similar (81.3% for Grand Island and 85.7% for Nanvak Bay). The similar estimates for both sites suggest that haul-out proportions under locally ideal conditions may be constant between years and geographic regions, at least during the molt season.  相似文献   
Dispersal of adult Viburnum whitefly,Aleurotrachelus jelinekii (Frauenf.) was assessed over a period of 6 years, both in the field and in the laboratory. Flight activity did not appear to be strongly affected by normal variation in either temperature or windspeed. The aerial density of flying adults decreased rapidly with distance from the host plant. Movement up to 5 m from the host plant was found to be density dependent, although there is no suggestion that longer flights become more frequent at higher population densities. More males were caught at the beginning of the season and the number of males flying increased as the population density rose. Insects were flight mature after about 3 h, but flew readily only after 2 days. Longer flights were observed from younger females at a time when they would move from old to young leaves. Landing site preference was not recorded, which contrasts with the behaviour of the cabbage whitefly. Flight in the Viburnum whitefly appears to redistribute the population within the immediate habitat, but migration did not appear to be a significant demographic factor in the isolated populations studied.
Etude de l'activité de vold d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii peu enclin au vol
Résumé La dispersion des adultes d'Aleurotrachelus jelinekii Frauenf, tant dans la nature qu'au laboratoire, a été estimée sur une période de 6 ans. L'activité de vol n'a pas paru être fortement modifiée par les variations de la température et de la vitesse du vent. Le nombre d'adultes en vol a diminué rapidement jusqu'à 5 m de la plante hôte, et il était density-dependent, bien que rien ne prouve que les vols les plus longs deviennent plus fréquents à des densités de population plus élevées. Plus de mâles ont été capturés au début de la saison et le nombre de mâles en vol s'est accru avec la densité de la population. Les insectes étaient aptes au vol 3 heures après la mue imaginale, mais ne volaient normalement que 2 jours après. Les vols les plus longs ont été observés chez les plus jeunes femelles au moment où elles devaient migrer de feuilles âgées à des feuilles jeunes. Les lieux d'atterrissage préférés n'ont pas été décelés. Le vol chezA. jelinekii semble redistribuer la population dans l'habitat immédiat et la migration n'apparaît pas être un paramètre démographique significantif dans les populations isolées étudiées.
Fifty-two male elephant seals were weighed and photographed at Año Nuevo State Reserve, California, to establish a predictive relationship between photographically measured morphological variables (length, side area, and girth area) and body mass. Regression of mass on these variables revealed that side area, roughly equivalent to a longitudinal cross-section, was the most useful single variable for predicting mass, and that adding the other two variables to side area slightly improved the accuracy of the photogrammetric technique. Curvilinear regressions based on a power model provided the best predictive relationships. This technique may prove useful for estimating body mass of other pinnipeds.  相似文献   
The relative dependence on branchial and pulmonary organs was studied in the African lungfish P. annectens and in the catfish Clarias lazera. The frequency of pulmonary ventilation varied, in the normal state, with the activity and age of the fish and followed a circadian rhythm. Small specimens of both species exhibited a higher branchial ventilatory rate than older specimens and depended largely on aquatic O2 uptake (over 85% and 90% in Clarias and Protopterus respectively). The dependence on aerial respiration appeared to develop gradually with age in Clarias but occurred over a limited age-range (200–300 g) in Protopterus. In mature fish (over 400 g), pulmonary respiration constituted 50–60% of the total in Clarias and 80–85% in Protopterus. Partitioning of O2 uptake between air and water depended on the O2 content of the water and that of O2 and CO2 in the pulmonary organs. Protopterus and Clarias surfaced for air when the O2 content of the respiratory organs was reduced to 90% and 85% (of that immediately following an air-breath) respectively. An increase in the pulmonary O2 content lengthened the apnoeic period and reduced pulmonary respiration more markedly in Protopterus than in Clarias whereas an increase of that of CO2 produced the reverse effects.  相似文献   
自然产卵场是维持物种延续最关键的栖息地,青海湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris przewalskii)的自然繁殖栖息地状况和生境特征尚缺乏详细的定量研究。以青海湖入湖河流泉吉河为例,在平水期采用现场调查和无人机遥测的方法对青海湖裸鲤的自然产卵场分布及生境状况进行调查,确定其产卵场生境特征参数,建立基于无人机遥测识别产卵场的方法并进行复核验证。结果表明:泉吉河河道形态可分为弯曲型、分汊型和顺直型等三种典型河型,青海湖裸鲤自然产卵场主要分布在弯曲型和分汊型河道中,分汊型河道几乎100%都有产卵场分布,弯曲型河道有70%为产卵场;产卵场河道平均长度(135.13±61.13) m,平均宽度(30.01±17.51) m,平均曲折度1.09±0.07;平均面积(4586.6±4201.61) m2;产卵场常位于缓水浅滩处,平均水深(0.19±0.10) m (范围:0.03-0.44m),平均流速(0.24±0.20) m/s (范围:0.01-0.81m/s),河床质为含有沙粒的卵石(粒径:163-256mm)底质。河道形态、沙洲分布、水深特征等特征参数可作为无人机遥测识别产卵场的判断条件,并实现验证成功。研究结果可为开展整个流域的青海湖裸鲤自然产卵场现状评估及保护对策制定提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
靳专  胥焘  黄应平  肖敏  张家璇  周爽爽  席颖  熊彪 《生态学报》2024,44(6):2464-2478
三峡库区蓄水后,其生态效应受到广泛关注。消落带植被固碳量作为衡量库区生态系统健康状态的重要指标,对库区碳循环与生态净化具有重要意义。针对消落带不同高程植被接受光照的时间有所差异,且受河流水位变化影响,传统的CASA模型在计算消落带植被固碳量时,存在对植物的光能利用率计算不够精确等问题。以三峡库区香溪河陡坡消落带为研究区域,提出了一种耦合RBFNN模型(Radial Basis Function Neural Network)与CASA模型(Carnegie-Ames-Stanford approach)的新方法(RBF-CASA)。基于RBFNN建立环境影响因子模型,借助高程数据及植被指数等特征计算适合消落带区域的环境影响因子。结合CASA模型中温度和水分胁迫因子,提高植被在像元尺度上的净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)的估算精度,并对反演结果进行验证。模型验证结果显示:RBF-CASA模型估算值与观测值的决定系数(Coefficient of determination, R2)为0.730(P<0.01, n=32)。对比原始CASA模型,平均绝对误差(Mean absolute error, MAE)降低10.991,均方根误差(Root mean square error, RMSE)降低了23.861,相对均方根误差(Relative root mean square error, RRMSE)降低5.10%,平均绝对百分误差(Mean absolute percentage error, MAPE)降低1.12%。使用提出的RBF-CASA模型在库区水位落干期(7-8月份)进行固碳量估算,结果表明:NPP月均值在66.234-134.144g C/m2之间,NPP随着高程的增加呈现起伏变化,其总量在150-155m之间达到峰值,均值在170m以上区域最高。在2021年9月植被NPP均值为35.883g C/m2,2022年9月植被NPP均值为25.964g C/m2,由于降雨量减少、长江水位下降,在2021-2022年间植被恢复情况较差。研究结果可为库区碳循环、生态净化及生态修复等决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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