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The paper aims to evaluate the effects caused by a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSAS) treatment. This study is based on Finite Element Method (FEM) for evaluating the load distribution on temporomandibular joint, especially on the mandibular condyle and disc, and on periodontal ligaments. The stress values on condyle and periodontal ligaments lead authors to consider MAD a safe procedure even for a long period. The obtained results also show the relationship between MAD material and load distribution at the periodontal ligaments. The paper is a step toward future analyses for studying and comparing the effects of MAD features, such as material, shape and dimensions, in order to allow the clinician prescribing the most fitting device.  相似文献   
This study investigates the biomechanical interaction of different mini-plate fixation types (shapes/sizes and patterns) with segmental advancement levels on the Le Fort I osteotomy using the non-linear finite element (FE) approach. Nine models were generated under a standard 1-piece LeFort I osteotomy for advancement with 3, 6 and 9 mm distances and four mini-plates with three fixation patterns including LL, LI, and II patterns placed on the maxillae models by integrating computed tomography images and computer-aided design system. The axial and oblique occlusal forces were 250 N applied to each premolar/molar and 125 N applied at 30° inclination to the tooth long axis and from palatal to buccal, respectively. The relative micro-movement values between the two maxillary bone segments and maximum mini-plate stress increased obviously with maxilla advancement increment and the increasing trend can be fitted by exponential curve. The corresponding values in II mini-plate fixation presented apparently high values in all simulated cases. The mini-plate stress concentration locations were found at the bending regions to increase high fracture risk. The mini-plate yield strength can be mapped to a critical (limited) advancement for three types of fixations for safe consideration. This study concluded that L-shaped mini-plates with lateral fixation are recommended to provide better stability. The risk for mini-plate fracture and bone relapse increases when maxillary advancement is larger than a critical value of 5 mm in the Le Fort I osteotomy.  相似文献   
Seeds of cauliflower cv. Hipop and Brussels sprouts cv. Asmer Aries were aged at 20% moisture content for 24 h; all seeds retained a germination of over 70% after ageing although the mean germination time increased. Prolonged aerated hydration for up to 32 h at 20°C followed drying resulted in improved performance of both unaged and aged cauliflower seeds and aged Brussels sprouts. Thus, all seed showed reductions in the mean germination time to the extent that after 32 h hydration the aged cauliflower seeds performed as well as high quality unaged seed. The improvement of aged seeds was also revealed an increase in germination after the controlled deterioration test following up to 24 h (cauliflower) or 32 h (Brussels sprouts) aerated hydration. This increase was indicative of a decrease in the extent of deterioration present after aerated hydration. Deleterious effects of prolonged hydration were observed in Brussels sprouts after 32 h although these may be explained desiccation injury after treatment since radicle emergence had occurred during hydration. The improvements in seed performance may be explained the activation of metabolic repair occurring during the early part of the hydration period therereducing the extent of deterioration that has been sustained during ageing, with further improvements due to the advancement of the germination process.  相似文献   
几种新型生物芯片的研究进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
随着生物芯片技术的迅速发展,一些新型生物芯片,如生物电子芯片、凝胶元件微阵列芯片、药物控释芯片、毛细管电泳或层析芯片、PCR芯片及生物传感芯片等应运而生,这些芯片不同于常规的分子微阵列芯片,而是以各种结构微阵列为基础,用于分子杂交与扩增,以检测突变、分析多态性及测序,通过电泳及层析分离生物样品,控制药物释放以治疗疾病,作为生物传感器检测分子行为等,具有分析速度快、效率高、样品消耗少等特点,将成为生命科学与医学领域的新工具.  相似文献   
香根草系统在我国的应用与发展20年历程回顾   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐礼煜 《生态学杂志》2009,28(7):1406-1414
香根草系统是一种价格低廉、用于水土保持、基础设施保护、污染控制和治理、减轻自然灾害等的有效系统,自1988年引入我国已历经20年。本文回顾了香根草系统在我国农业、边坡防护、环境保护方面的研究和应用情况,介绍了香根草网络的发展和作用,并提出香根草系统在不毛之地造林、矿山植被恢复、生物燃料和缓解温室效应等方面的应用潜力。  相似文献   
繁殖保障和延迟自交的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阮成江  钦佩  尹增芳 《生态学报》2006,26(1):195-204
尽管植物在进化过程中面临不利自花授粉的选择,但许多植物仍维持混合的授粉机制。繁殖保障假说是解释自交进化的最重要因子之一,一直是植物生殖生态学和进化生物学关注的焦点之一。概述了近年来的主要研究热点及其进展,包括自交进化的遗传和生态机制及理论模型探讨、繁殖保障假说的提出、验证自交能否提供繁殖保障的例证、延迟自交的类型及延迟自交能否提供繁殖保障的例证等方面。介绍了我国在繁殖保障和延迟自交方面研究的现状和不足之处,结合国际上研究繁殖保障假说的发展趋势已由单季节、单种群、单因子的研究阶段过渡到多季节、多种群、多因子(自交方式及其所占比例、花粉折损、种子折损、自交率和近交衰退)的综合研究阶段,及由传统的、经典的研究方法过渡到应用现代实验手段(如SSR、SNP等分子标记)和先进仪器设备的研究阶段,提出今后研究中应注意的问题。有必要借用多学科(植物学、生态学和分子生物学)的方法及手段进行不同物种的对比和综合细致的研究。  相似文献   
食蚜蝇科的分类系统及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宏杰  霍科科 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):132-138
综述了食蚜蝇科的分类系统及其研究进展。林奈未能正确地区分出食蚜蝇类昆虫 ,将当时已知的大约 3 7种食蚜蝇归入家蝇属Musca中。Fabricius首次建立的食蚜蝇属Syrphus包括了当时已知的大部分食蚜蝇种类和一些非食蚜蝇种类 ,一些真正的食蚜蝇仍保留在家蝇属Musca及其它属中。MosesHarris是第 1位将食蚜蝇与双翅目其它类群分开的学者。Latreille首次建立食蚜蝇科Syrphiae。Fall啨n以“Syrphici”作为食蚜蝇科的科名 ,现代食蚜蝇科的名称“Syrphidae”由Leach提出。目前 ,多数学者认为食蚜蝇科隶属于双翅目的环裂亚目Cyclorrhapha、无缝组Aschiza ,头蝇科Pipunculidae是其姊妹群 ,二者构成食蚜蝇总科Syrphiodea。在分类系统方面 ,Rondani首次将食蚜蝇科分为 5个亚科。Lioy第 1次依据幼虫摄食习性将食蚜蝇划分为 5个群 (group) ,并对Eristaliti群进行了再划分。Schiner依据径中横脉 (r m)的位置将食蚜蝇科分为 2个类群 ,将食蚜蝇科分为 8个亚科。Williston将食蚜蝇科划分为 3个亚科 ,包括1 4个族。Verrall在Schiner和Williston系统的基础上 ,提出分 7个亚科的分类系统 ,这一系统得到其后学者的认可和引用 ,如Efflatoun、Brunetti、Ferguson等。Bezzi也引用Verrall的系统 ,但以齿腿蚜蝇亚科Merodontinae取代  相似文献   
With variation in rainfall patterns, evaporation, seedbed soil structure and depth of sowing, sugar-beet seed and seedlings can be subjected to damaging extremes of water availability. Under controlled conditions, seed given progressively longer pre-sowing treatments (steeped for 12 h at 25°C or advanced for 4 days at 25°C) was more tolerant of non-optimal conditions than seed given a brief steep (20 min at 15°C). The prolonged steep treatment accelerated emergence and increased establishment (3% on average) in the field, compared with the brief steep. Advanced seed consistently gave the quickest emergence, produced as many plants as the prolonged steep, and was less affected by depth of sowing so its introduction should improve the establishment phase of the sugar-beet crop.  相似文献   
农杆菌转化系统研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
农杆菌转化系统是一种优良的转化系统。作者综述了农杆菌转化系统的原理、菌株及载体系统的发展,并概括了植物农杆菌转化的发展历程及与转化效率有关的因素,最后指出了农杆菌转化系统的优点。  相似文献   
吴志革  邹方东 《四川动物》2006,25(3):653-657
基因表达系列分析(serial analysis of gene expression,SAGE)是一项强大的数字化分析基因组整体表达模式的技术。它的诞生为定量、全局性地分析特定细胞内的基因表达情况提供了可能。本文介绍了SAGE技术的基本原理、最新进展和应用。  相似文献   
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